blob: d96b4362c1181bf45a458d565caef59ca597792f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.api.BlockMasterApi;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.api.BlockWorkerSendApi;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.api.CreateReducersApi;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.global_comm.ReduceUtilsObject;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.global_comm.ReducerHandle;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.global_comm.internal.CreateReducersApiWrapper;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.global_comm.internal.ReducersForPieceHandler;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.interfaces.VertexPostprocessor;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.interfaces.VertexSender;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.messages.ObjectMessageClasses;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.messages.SupplierFromConf;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.messages.SupplierFromConf.DefaultMessageFactorySupplierFromConf;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.messages.SupplierFromConf.SupplierFromConfByCopy;
import org.apache.giraph.combiner.MessageCombiner;
import org.apache.giraph.comm.messages.MessageEncodeAndStoreType;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.EnumConfOption;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConfigurationSettable;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.MessageClasses;
import org.apache.giraph.factories.MessageValueFactory;
import org.apache.giraph.graph.Vertex;
import org.apache.giraph.types.NoMessage;
* Additional abstract implementations for all pieces to be used.
* Code here is not in AbstractPiece only to allow for non-standard
* non-user-defined pieces. <br>
* Only logic used by the underlying framework directly is in AbstractPiece
* itself.
* @param <I> Vertex id type
* @param <V> Vertex value type
* @param <E> Edge value type
* @param <M> Message type
* @param <WV> Worker value type
* @param <WM> Worker message type
* @param <S> Execution stage type
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public abstract class DefaultParentPiece<I extends WritableComparable,
V extends Writable, E extends Writable, M extends Writable, WV,
WM extends Writable, S> extends AbstractPiece<I, V, E, M, WV, WM, S> {
// TODO move to GiraphConstants
* This option will tell which message encode &amp; store enum to force,
* when combining is not enabled.
* MESSAGE_ENCODE_AND_STORE_TYPE and this property are basically upper
* and lower bound on message store type, when looking them in order from
* not doing anything special, to most advanced type:
* resulting encode type is going to be:
* pieceEncodingType = piece.allowOneMessageToManyIdsEncoding() ?
* Math.max(index(minForce), Math.min(index(maxAllowed), index(pieceType);
* This is useful to force all pieces onto particular message store, even
* if they do not overrideallowOneMessageToManyIdsEncoding, though that might
* be rarely needed.
* This option might be more useful for fully local computation,
* where overall job behavior is quite different.
public static final EnumConfOption<MessageEncodeAndStoreType>
"Select the message_encode_and_store_type min force to use");
private final ReduceUtilsObject reduceUtils = new ReduceUtilsObject();
private ReducersForPieceHandler reducersHandler;
// Overridable functions
* Override to register any potential reducers used by this piece,
* through calls to {@code reduceApi}, which will return reducer handles
* for simple.
* Tip: Without defining a field, first write here name of the field and what
* you want to reduce, like:
* {@code totalSum = reduceApi.createLocalReducer(SumReduce.DOUBLE); }
* and then use tools your IDE provides to generate field signature itself,
* which might be slightly complex:
* {@code ReducerHandle<DoubleWritable, DoubleWritable> totalSum; }
public void registerReducers(CreateReducersApi reduceApi, S executionStage) {
* Override to do vertex send processing.
* Creates handler that defines what should be executed on worker
* during send phase.
* This logic gets executed first.
* This function is called once on each worker on each thread, in parallel,
* on their copy of Piece object to create functions handler.
* If returned object implements Postprocessor interface, then corresponding
* postprocess() function is going to be called once, after all vertices
* corresponding thread needed to process are done.
public VertexSender<I, V, E> getVertexSender(
BlockWorkerSendApi<I, V, E, M> workerApi, S executionStage) {
return null;
* Override to specify type of the message this Piece sends, if it does
* send messages.
* If not overwritten, no messages can be sent.
protected Class<M> getMessageClass() {
return null;
* Override to specify message value factory to be used,
* which creates objects into which messages will be deserialized.
* If not overwritten, or null is returned, DefaultMessageValueFactory
* will be used.
protected MessageValueFactory<M> getMessageFactory(
ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf) {
return null;
* Override to specify message combiner to be used, if any.
* Message combiner itself should be immutable
* (i.e. it will be call simultanously from multiple threads)
protected MessageCombiner<? super I, M> getMessageCombiner(
ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf) {
return null;
* Override to specify that this Piece allows one to many ids encoding to be
* used for messages.
* You should override this function, if you are sending identical message to
* all targets, and message itself is not extremely small.
protected boolean allowOneMessageToManyIdsEncoding() {
return false;
* Override to specify that receive of this Piece (and send of next Piece)
* ignore existing vertices, and just process received messages.
* Useful when distributed processing on groups that are not vertices is
* needed. This flag allows you not to worry whether a destination vertex
* exist, and removes need to clean it up when finished.
* One example is if each vertex is in a cluster, and we need to process
* something per cluster.
* Alternative are reducers, which have distributed reduction, but mostly
* master still does the processing afterwards, and amount of data needs to
* fit single machine (master).
protected boolean receiveIgnoreExistingVertices() {
return false;
public MessageClasses<I, M> getMessageClasses(
ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf) {
Class<M> messageClass = null;
MessageValueFactory<M> messageFactory = getMessageFactory(conf);
MessageCombiner<? super I, M> messageCombiner = getMessageCombiner(conf);
if (messageFactory != null) {
messageClass = (Class) messageFactory.newInstance().getClass();
} else if (messageCombiner != null) {
messageClass = (Class) messageCombiner.createInitialMessage().getClass();
if (messageClass != null) {
Preconditions.checkState(getMessageClass() == null,
"Piece %s defines getMessageFactory or getMessageCombiner, " +
"so it doesn't need to define getMessageClass.",
} else {
messageClass = getMessageClass();
if (messageClass == null) {
messageClass = (Class) NoMessage.class;
SupplierFromConf<MessageValueFactory<M>> messageFactorySupplier;
if (messageFactory != null) {
messageFactorySupplier =
new SupplierFromConfByCopy<MessageValueFactory<M>>(messageFactory);
} else {
messageFactorySupplier =
new DefaultMessageFactorySupplierFromConf<>(messageClass);
SupplierFromConf<? extends MessageCombiner<? super I, M>>
if (messageCombiner != null) {
messageCombinerSupplier = new SupplierFromConfByCopy<>(messageCombiner);
} else {
messageCombinerSupplier = null;
int maxAllowed =
int minForce = MESSAGE_ENCODE_AND_STORE_TYPE_MIN_FORCE.get(conf).ordinal();
Preconditions.checkState(maxAllowed >= minForce);
int pieceEncodeType = (allowOneMessageToManyIdsEncoding() ?
MessageEncodeAndStoreType.POINTER_LIST_PER_VERTEX :
// bound piece type with boundaries:
pieceEncodeType = Math.max(minForce, Math.min(maxAllowed, pieceEncodeType));
MessageEncodeAndStoreType messageEncodeAndStoreType =
if (messageFactory instanceof GiraphConfigurationSettable) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
messageFactory.getClass() + " MessageFactory in " + this +
" Piece implements GiraphConfigurationSettable");
if (messageCombiner instanceof GiraphConfigurationSettable) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
messageCombiner.getClass() + " MessageCombiner in " + this +
" Piece implements GiraphConfigurationSettable");
return new ObjectMessageClasses<>(
messageClass, messageFactorySupplier,
messageCombinerSupplier, messageEncodeAndStoreType,
// Internal implementation
public final InnerVertexSender getWrappedVertexSender(
final BlockWorkerSendApi<I, V, E, M> workerApi, S executionStage) {
final VertexSender<I, V, E> functions =
getVertexSender(workerApi, executionStage);
return new InnerVertexSender() {
public void vertexSend(Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) {
if (functions != null) {
public void postprocess() {
if (functions instanceof VertexPostprocessor) {
((VertexPostprocessor) functions).postprocess();
public final void wrappedRegisterReducers(
BlockMasterApi masterApi, S executionStage) {
reducersHandler = new ReducersForPieceHandler();
registerReducers(new CreateReducersApiWrapper(
masterApi, reducersHandler), executionStage);
// utility functions:
// TODO Java8 - move these as default functions to VertexSender interface
protected final void reduceDouble(
ReducerHandle<DoubleWritable, ?> reduceHandle, double value) {
reduceUtils.reduceDouble(reduceHandle, value);
protected final void reduceFloat(
ReducerHandle<FloatWritable, ?> reduceHandle, float value) {
reduceUtils.reduceFloat(reduceHandle, value);
protected final void reduceLong(
ReducerHandle<LongWritable, ?> reduceHandle, long value) {
reduceUtils.reduceLong(reduceHandle, value);
protected final void reduceInt(
ReducerHandle<IntWritable, ?> reduceHandle, int value) {
reduceUtils.reduceInt(reduceHandle, value);