blob: fbd380b14519dcca3cd85d60e13a77409aa67afa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.giraph.block_app.library.algo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.BlockUtils;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.test_setup.NumericTestGraph;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.test_setup.TestGraphModifier;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.test_setup.TestGraphUtils;
import org.apache.giraph.edge.Edge;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestDistributedIndependentSet {
private void runTest(
TestGraphModifier<LongWritable, DistributedIndependentSetVertexValue, NullWritable>
graphLoader) throws Exception {
TestGraphUtils.runTest(graphLoader, (graph) -> {
}, (conf) -> {
BlockUtils.setBlockFactoryClass(conf, DistributedIndependentSetBlockFactory.class);
private static void checkDecomposition(
NumericTestGraph<LongWritable, DistributedIndependentSetVertexValue, NullWritable> graph) {
final int UNASSIGNED = -1;
final int HAS_EDGE_TO_IND_SET = -2;
// Hold (id -> List of vertices) for each independent set id
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> indSets = new HashMap<>();
int numVertices = graph.getVertexCount();
int numIndSets = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) {
int indSetID = graph.getVertex(i).getValue().getIndependentSetID().get();
// Number of independent sets are less than or equal to the number of vertices in the input
// graph.
Assert.assertTrue(indSetID >= 0 && indSetID < numVertices);
// All tests assign (0, 1, ...) as independent set ids. The vertex assigned to the max id
// is a specifier for the total number of independent sets the input graph is decomposed
// into.
if (indSetID > numIndSets)
numIndSets = indSetID;
ArrayList<Integer> mapValue = indSets.get(indSetID);
if (mapValue == null) {
mapValue = new ArrayList<>();
indSets.put(indSetID, mapValue);
int[] label = new int[numVertices];
for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
label[i] = UNASSIGNED;
for (int i = 0; i < numIndSets; ++i) {
ArrayList<Integer> indSet = indSets.get(i);
// All independent set ids are assigned consecutively starting from 0. There should be at
// least one vertex per assigned independent set.
Assert.assertTrue(indSet != null && indSet.size() > 0);
for (int v : indSet) {
// Check if vertices in this independent set is not assigned to any of the previous
// independent sets.
Assert.assertTrue(label[v] == UNASSIGNED);
label[v] = i;
for (int v : indSet) {
for (Edge<LongWritable, NullWritable> edge : graph.getVertex(v).getEdges()) {
int u = (int) edge.getTargetVertexId().get();
// Check all vertices in the current independent set do not have edge to each other.
Assert.assertTrue(label[u] != label[v]);
// Mark unassigned vertices neighboring this independent set. This is necessary to check
// if this independent set is 'maximal'.
if (label[u] == UNASSIGNED)
label[u] = HAS_EDGE_TO_IND_SET;
// Check if the independent set is maximal.
for (int j = 0; j < numVertices; ++j) {
Assert.assertTrue(label[j] != UNASSIGNED);
// Reset marked vertices neighboring to this independent set.
if (label[j] == HAS_EDGE_TO_IND_SET)
label[j] = UNASSIGNED;
private static void createVertices(
NumericTestGraph<LongWritable, DistributedIndependentSetVertexValue, NullWritable> graph,
int numVertices) {
for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
public void testSmallGraph() throws Exception {
* 1 5
* / \ / \ 6
* 0---2--3---4
final int NUM_VERTICES = 7;
runTest((graph) -> {
createVertices(graph, NUM_VERTICES);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(0, 1);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(0, 2);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(1, 2);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(2, 3);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(3, 4);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(3, 5);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(4, 5);
public void testSmallGraphOrderingEffect() throws Exception {
* 4 5
* / \ / \ 6
* 0---2--1---3
final int NUM_VERTICES = 7;
runTest((graph) -> {
createVertices(graph, NUM_VERTICES);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(0, 4);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(0, 2);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(2, 4);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(1, 2);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(1, 5);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(1, 3);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(3, 5);
public void testRingOdd() throws Exception {
final int NUM_VERTICES = 13;
runTest((graph) -> {
createVertices(graph, NUM_VERTICES);
for (int i = 1; i < NUM_VERTICES; ++i)
graph.addSymmetricEdge(i - 1, i);
graph.addSymmetricEdge(0, NUM_VERTICES - 1);
public void testStarGraph() throws Exception {
final int NUM_VERTICES = 15;
runTest((graph) -> {
createVertices(graph, NUM_VERTICES);
for (int i = 1; i < NUM_VERTICES; ++i)
graph.addSymmetricEdge(0, i);
public void testMultipleStarGraphs() throws Exception {
final int NUM_VERTICES1 = 15;
final int NUM_VERTICES2 = 21;
runTest((graph) -> {
createVertices(graph, NUM_VERTICES1 + NUM_VERTICES2);
for (int i = 1; i < NUM_VERTICES1; ++i)
graph.addSymmetricEdge(0, i);
for (int i = 1 + NUM_VERTICES1; i < NUM_VERTICES1 + NUM_VERTICES2; ++i)
graph.addSymmetricEdge(NUM_VERTICES1, i);
public void testMeshGraph() throws Exception {
final int M = 11;
final int N = 13;
runTest((graph) -> {
createVertices(graph, M * N);
for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
if (i != M - 1)
graph.addSymmetricEdge(i * N + j, (i + 1) * N + j);
if (j != N - 1)
graph.addSymmetricEdge(i * N + j, i * N + (j + 1));
public void testCompleteGraph() throws Exception {
final int NUM_VERTICES = 17;
runTest((graph) -> {
createVertices(graph, NUM_VERTICES);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTICES; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < NUM_VERTICES; ++j)
graph.addSymmetricEdge(i, j);