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Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 3.0.0
Geronimo URLs
Home Page:
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Bug Tracking:
Please see for the
latest documentation on this release.
System Requirements
You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 6.0+ (J2SE 1.6.0+) or greater.
Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Certification Status
Apache Geronimo v3.0.0 has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0
Full Profile Certification Test Suite. See "Distributions" for further details.
Apache Geronimo v3.0.0 is available in 6 distributions so you can pick
the one that best fits your environment.
The available distributions are as follows:
Certified distributions:
- Apache Geronimo server using Tomcat as the Web container and Axis2 as the Web
Services engine. (Java EE 6 Full Profile Certificated)
- Apache Geronimo server assembly using Tomcat as the Web container. (Java EE 6
Web Profile Certified)
Non-Certified distributions:
- A minimal Geronimo server (Little-G) assembly using the Tomcat web-container.
Supported features
Support SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile specification:
- Servlet 3.0
- JSP 2.2
- JSTL 1.2
- JSF 2.0
- EL 2.2
- EJB 3.1
- JPA 2.0
- JTA 1.1
- JTS 1.0
- JDBC 3.0
- JNDI 1.2
- JMS 1.1
- JMX 1.2
- JACC 1.4
- JASS 1.0
- JASPIC 1.0
- JAX-WS 2.2
- JAX-RPC 1.1
- JAXR 1.0
- JAXB 2.2
- JAXP 1.3
- SAAJ 1.3
- Java Mail 1.4
- DI 1.0
- Bean Validation 1.0
- Common Annotations 1.0
- CDI and DI 1.0
- Debugging support for other languages 1.0
- Managed Beans 1.0
- Interceptors 1.1
For details about Full Profile specifications, please visit Java EE specifications website.
Support Apache Aries programming model, including support for
- Enterprise Bundle Application (EBA)
- OSGi Web Application Bundle (WAB)
- OSGi Blueprint Container service
Geronimo v3.0.0 Issues Resolved
** Bug
GERONIMO-6364 jaxws-catalog-tests test failed for UnknownHostException
GERONIMO-6363 jaxrpc-jaxws-tests failed for IllegalAnnotationsException when doing wsgen
GERONIMO-6358 Server can't be started if the build home contains space
GERONIMO-6356 RollBack tests failured for jms-test testsuite
GERONIMO-6355 No LoginModules configured for test-cms-realm happened for jca-cms-tests testsuite
GERONIMO-6346 19 failures in BV tck when upgrading to 1.0.6.GA level
GERONIMO-6343 geronimo-jaspi does not claim private package for impl subpackage
GERONIMO-6340 Can not open "Edit" link of Datasources in admin console when using IE
GERONIMO-6339 customize connector's maxParameterCount failed.
GERONIMO-6338 jaspic requirements on CallbackHandler processing of CallerPrincipalCallback not implemented
GERONIMO-6337 jaspic requirements on CallbackHandler processing of GroupPrincipalCallback not implemented
GERONIMO-6335 incomplete NLS versions of dijit criple console
GERONIMO-6332 Web context root allow to be duplicated
GERONIMO-6327 Server crash on SLES 10.x with 32-bit Java 6
GERONIMO-6325 Unable to build daytrader oracle plugin
GERONIMO-6316 Couldn't start web-forward-ear from test case we-forward sucessfully after deployed it.
GERONIMO-6314 Add monitor role to protect the JMX access
GERONIMO-6311 Deadlock while performing OSGi application update
GERONIMO-6306 Keep the same behavior with hidden-classes between Geronimo 2.* and 3.*
GERONIMO-6302 bad ejb-ref code in EjbRefBuilder
GERONIMO-6298 Geronimo won't start in command line
GERONIMO-6295 Jsp is recompiled on each access
GERONIMO-6289 war of sendmail application can't be deployed
GERONIMO-6282 NPE when running a new server instance if not creating "repository" folder for the instance
GERONIMO-6278 Feature install command can't be executed successfully for the disaplayed karaf version is not right
GERONIMO-6277 Server cannot start if the installation path includes parenthesis character "(" or ")"
GERONIMO-6276 NPE exception related with JIoEndpoint when trying to modify the default web connector
GERONIMO-6274 Cannot save some of tomcat web connector parameters via admin console
GERONIMO-6270 Re-enable multiple instances support in one installation
GERONIMO-6268 JCDI tck case "InjectionIntoWebServiceEndPointTest.testInjectionIntoWebServiceEndpoint" failed
GERONIMO-6266 The jndi prefix URL could not work before the web application is totally started
GERONIMO-6264 Can't access geronimo Java:com jndi tree from javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener.requestInitialized(ServletRequestEvent)
GERONIMO-6260 Could not redeploy EJB module
GERONIMO-6256 SortUtils does not behavior correctly while both after/before others and before/after are configured
GERONIMO-6254 Shared library does not work in the deployment process
GERONIMO-6245 javax.el.ELException when testing login in creating SQL-based Security Realm
GERONIMO-6244 JACC manager gbean already present" issue in trunk and 3.0-beta as well
GERONIMO-6236 Component name doesn't displayed right for test suit : ejb-tests
GERONIMO-6233 --offline option does not work when server is started
GERONIMO-6231 Aries testsuite applications are not cleaned after execution
GERONIMO-6230 FileNotFoundException when executing testsuite "corba-testsuite/corba-marshal/corba-marshal-ear"
GERONIMO-6229 Configuration not found Exception is thrown while accessing EBA portlet page
GERONIMO-6228 Jar resource and getRealPath cache should not be cleaned while uninstalling embedded WAB in EBA
GERONIMO-6225 IllegalArgumentException when deploying a web 2.0 sample app with space in the dojox libraries
GERONIMO-6212 -Xhealthcenter does not work on IBM JDK
GERONIMO-6210 IllegalArgumentException when creating a SQL-based security realm
GERONIMO-6205 karaf features.core need a org.apache.karaf.features.cfg in etc
GERONIMO-6194 Sort gbeans while stopping the configuration
GERONIMO-6193 NPE exception in org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service
GERONIMO-6191 can not query the persistence unit gbean when ejb is in a war
GERONIMO-6180 Persistence ref info should not processed by EJBBuilder
GERONIMO-6174 Environment variables being set in bin/geronimo does not account for named server instances
GERONIMO-6171 Grails applications do not works correctly when deployed to ROOT folder
GERONIMO-6169 Recursive lookup while the default comp entry is configured
GERONIMO-6168 Got IllegalArgumentException when redirect undeploy output to a file on windows if server folder name is very long
GERONIMO-6163 The changed values on EJB portlet are not persistent to config.xml
GERONIMO-6162 Enable Datasource Connection Pool Parameters Setting
GERONIMO-6159 bundle-classPath setting in the deployment plan of EAR doesn't work
GERONIMO-6154 Add monitoring to basic console view
GERONIMO-6151 Geronimo does not start with JRockit JVM
GERONIMO-6146 Got ClassCastException when creating Oracle RAC datasource
GERONIMO-6145 Factory info should not be shared among those web jsf applications in one EAR package
GERONIMO-6144 NPE in DependencyManager if configurations/bundles are uninstalled
GERONIMO-6143 Create a fragment context for each sub modules in the EAR package
GERONIMO-6136 Portlet WARModules is unavailable if any war with errors is deployed
GERONIMO-6135 Status changed abnormal for default server in mornitoring on admin console
GERONIMO-6133 The name of NamedXAResourceFactory is not configured while working with DataSource
GERONIMO-6126 deploy of the Spring petclinic.war sample app fails
GERONIMO-6125 The dojo tree should consider a tree entry which has no child as a leaf node.
GERONIMO-6120 Could not connect to karaf shell by SSH
GERONIMO-6118 Unable to create plan by Plan Creator
GERONIMO-6115 null displyed for karaf version when typing "info" command in karaf shell.
GERONIMO-6110 On 3.0 we don't register the 61616 port and the IP address for the server socket is not correct.
GERONIMO-6109 Derby connection failure in uddi when PortOffset is not 0
GERONIMO-6108 Some labels could not display correctly in admin console's DBWizard page
GERONIMO-6107 Quick lauch doesn't support searching twice
GERONIMO-6104 @HandlerChain
GERONIMO-6103 EJB Server and JNDI Viewer are not displayed correctly on Chrome
GERONIMO-6102 Convert downloaded jdbc driver to OSGi bundle
GERONIMO-6101 Server can't be shutdown via admin console
GERONIMO-6099 Can't connect to Jconsole via secure JMX Connector
GERONIMO-6096 OpenJPA related error pops up when add two servers which just protocol different in Monitoring porlet on admin console
GERONIMO-6095 Info displayed incomplete of Default Server in Monitoring on admin console
GERONIMO-6094 Some issues of confirm msg tld in admin console.
GERONIMO-6093 Hot-deploy scenarios
GERONIMO-6092 Unwanted application client entry is added in config.xml file
GERONIMO-6091 Links of Common Console Actions are incorrect
GERONIMO-6090 Don't scan for EE Injections in a CDI application in metadata complete web module
GERONIMO-6088 Cross browser incompatibility of admin console
GERONIMO-6086 geronimo commands to not configure the directory properly
GERONIMO-6081 Some admin console UI issues
GERONIMO-6079 NPE in MyFacesWebAppContext.doStart() if jsf web application is packaged into an EAR
GERONIMO-6076 Graphics cannot be displayed on monitoring porlet
GERONIMO-6074 Do not bind/unbind the empty global/env context on the openejb root context
GERONIMO-6057 HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() returns wrong value
GERONIMO-6054 Bundle null error happened when refresh an inactive bundle
GERONIMO-6050 openejb-jar-2.2.xsd is out-of-date
GERONIMO-6048 Move geronimo-naming.xsd and geronimo-application.xsd file to j2ee/geronimo-j2ee-schema module
GERONIMO-6047 Support to access app scope persistent reference configured in other modules of the ear package
GERONIMO-6045 Support artifact alias for ResourceReference
GERONIMO-6042 Deadlock in WAB extender
GERONIMO-6041 Exception thrown when delete a connector via admin console
GERONIMO-6040 Update DatabaseInitializationGBean, mailGBean in samples deployment plan
GERONIMO-6030 Server can not shutdown using shutdown script
GERONIMO-6028 Nothing prompted when hotdeploy a re-named eba application
GERONIMO-6027 fail to create BIO HTTPS connector for Tomcat using admin console
GERONIMO-6025 Validate that servlet and filter mapping url-patterns don't have internal line breaks
GERONIMO-6023 Fail to lookup EJB LoadBeanRemote in EJB Mulicast Cluster
GERONIMO-6022 Support use the @Resource(name="java:global/env/abc") for environment entry injection
GERONIMO-6021 International characters in groupId/artifactId names
GERONIMO-6019 EJB application is not uninstalled cleanly
GERONIMO-6018 Geronimo does not support @ManagedBean defined in app client module.
GERONIMO-6015 JACC PolicyContextID conflicts
GERONIMO-6014 Got "javax.ejb.EJBException" when running javaee 6 sample jpa20demo-javaee6
GERONIMO-6013 Got "javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException" when running javaee6 sample singletonejb-javaee6/
GERONIMO-6012 Fail to build restfulorder-javaee6 sample
GERONIMO-6011 Update geronimo-tomcat-config.1.0.xsd to include <context> element
GERONIMO-6010 NPE when creating keystore from console
GERONIMO-6005 Unclear how big a cdi context is for an ear
GERONIMO-6004 Geronimo 3.0 trunk does not build unless you manually download and install geronimo-jaxws_2.2_spec-1.0.jar into your local maven repo
GERONIMO-6002 Can't configure defaultJspServlet parameters
GERONIMO-6001 EL spec did not handle the method of non-parameter correctly
GERONIMO-6000 GBeanInstanceState related error happened and server can't be started
GERONIMO-5999 Incorrect default value is used for the partName in the RequestWrapper/ResponseWrapper
GERONIMO-5994 Hot deployer has a couple of issues
GERONIMO-5993 MyFaces WebApplicationContext might not work if multiple JSF web applications in the same EAR package
GERONIMO-5987 The ActiveMQ working directory and port are not referenced correctly - multiple instances not possible
GERONIMO-5986 Error "Unable to create configuration for deployment" appeared when deploy a new JMS resource group for Active MQ
GERONIMO-5985 "export-package": unexpected elements
GERONIMO-5984 Deployment failed when java ee application module has reference to another util lib which is packaged in the EAR as well
GERONIMO-5983 The error " error setting options: error setting options" happened when start server offline
GERONIMO-5982 Server can't start after secured the default RMI port of the Geronimo server
GERONIMO-5973 jmx-security module start failure
GERONIMO-5969 Geronimo 3.0 does not support <lookup-name> tag in <ejb-ref> of application client module.
GERONIMO-5966 Geronimo start failure: Error while starting; GBean is now in the FAILED state: abstractName="org.apache.geronimo.configs/transaction-1_6/3.0-SNAPSHOT/car
GERONIMO-5965 car-maven-plugin cannot generate plugin for DataCDInfo sample, deployment exception like "A container of type STATELESS must be declared in the configuration file for bean: ejb/DataCDInfoJTAImpl"
GERONIMO-5958 Repeated hot deployment of EBA fails
GERONIMO-5957 does not work
GERONIMO-5956 issues when deploy a standalone ejb web services
GERONIMO-5955 should not generate wsdl into an ejb archive
GERONIMO-5954 font type and size between abbreviate and detail error messages in portlet are different
GERONIMO-5953 Can't deploy WAB application via "deployer" in admin console porlet
GERONIMO-5952 Error when i start the server Apache Geronimo v3.0
GERONIMO-5946 error when starting server with -noverify option
GERONIMO-5944 remove use of sxc from jaxb component, separate model and functionality
GERONIMO-5942 "JspModuleBuilderExtension" and "TomcatModuleBuilder" warning message displayed when start eba application
GERONIMO-5941 JSR-299 Policy Available test failure
GERONIMO-5940 JSR-299 PersistenceContextInjectionTests are failing
GERONIMO-5937 Currently, connector will call ContextManager.unresigterSubject in the after callback method even when the current subject is the default ContextManager.EMPTY subject.
GERONIMO-5932 javax.faces.FACELETS_LIBRARIES is not searched in the web.xml
GERONIMO-5930 deployed an ejb web application then "unable to clear Sun JarFileFactory cache" error message appeared in geronimo.log file after shutdown the server
GERONIMO-5929 org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.LiefcycleException when starting Hudson.war on G3.0
GERONIMO-5923 geronimo 2.1/2.2 applicatoin that depend on openjpa config can't be deployed to geornimo 3.0 due to MissingDependencyException
GERONIMO-5921 Cannot deploy WAB that uses JSF
GERONIMO-5919 WAB does not support jsp.
GERONIMO-5918 Aries application installer tries to re-resolve already resolved application
GERONIMO-5916 GeronimoOpenWebbeans plugin is not loaded while the target application is of WAB type
GERONIMO-5915 IOException reading directory monitor state from .DirectoryMonitor appear in geronimo.log file as info
GERONIMO-5912 jms-mdb: Could not add resource adapter module gbean to context
GERONIMO-5911 Deploy bug on Geronimo v3.0 server: java.lang.ClassCastException
GERONIMO-5910 jaxws-calculator: Unable to resolve reference "Axis2ModuleRegistry"
GERONIMO-5909 daytrader: java.lang.NullPointerException
GERONIMO-5902 Ignore web service from web application side if it is also an EJB web service
GERONIMO-5901 Merge the web service configurations from annotation and webservices.xml
GERONIMO-5899 osgi sample "showmethemoney" 's running failure
GERONIMO-5898 ClassCastException during deployment of some JCDI TCK
GERONIMO-5897 LinkageError running JCDI TCK
GERONIMO-5896 ContextNotActiveException running JCDI TCK
GERONIMO-5894 deploy, undeploy, deploy of an app using hot-deploy directory fails on the second deploy
GERONIMO-5893 faces configuration from.openwebbeans-jsf is always included
GERONIMO-5890 DBInitialization did not start because SQL resource file not found
GERONIMO-5887 NPE in WebBeansContext init process when starting geronimo jetty bulid
GERONIMO-5885 Upgrade karaf from 2.1.2 to 2.2.1-SNAPSHOT
GERONIMO-5881 Support path containing parenthesis like c:\Programme File (x86)\ when start server
GERONIMO-5880 NPE during installation of blog EBA
GERONIMO-5878 NoClassDefFoundError: while running web service
GERONIMO-5875 Add a standalone WAB Sample
GERONIMO-5874 Merge global context(jca) in KernelContextGbean into blueprint service jcaContextProvider
GERONIMO-5871 Blueprint application still not be differentiated in OSGI Bundles porlet
GERONIMO-5869 No error messge display when reinstall a bundle without uninstall it after first install
GERONIMO-5867 ejb corba call does not work
GERONIMO-5864 ServletContext.log doesn't log
GERONIMO-5863 Web access log of Tomcat is not generated
GERONIMO-5862 mail/MaiSession is bound to a wrong jca global context
GERONIMO-5854 DeploymentException "JACC manager gbean already present" when running "testsuite\javaee6-testsuite\servlet3.0-security-test"
GERONIMO-5850 org.apache.commons.discovery.DiscoveryException: Unable to instantiate implementation class for org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
GERONIMO-5849 Application client can't be undeployed clearly.
GERONIMO-5845 java.lang.RuntimeException when using bin/deploy command to deploy an eba
GERONIMO-5843 User should not operate any Java ee artifacts on the OSGi portlets in admin console.
GERONIMO-5841 Unable to start web application for EBA bundle ""
GERONIMO-5840 Property in Require-Bundle "resolution:=optional" cannot start successfully in EBA
GERONIMO-5837 NPE during second deploy using hot-deploy directory
GERONIMO-5832 Error message repeatedly show on server console when deployed web application twice
GERONIMO-5830 SQL statements failed to be executed in 'Datasources' in admin console
GERONIMO-5829 Endless loop in
GERONIMO-5828 javax.naming.NotContextException: jndiname when running a tck case
GERONIMO-5827 Extracted jline32.dll is not deleted after the deploy command
GERONIMO-5823 Database Pools of Derby Can't Be Created
GERONIMO-5821 after method in Tomcat 7 is not always called if any RuntimeException is thrown in the chain
GERONIMO-5820 The application file still exists in <geronimo_home>/hotbundles directory after the application was uninstalled via "OSGI Bundles" porlet
GERONIMO-5819 Admin console exceptions when install app via deploy command and uninstall it via karaf shell command
GERONIMO-5818 Message repeatedly shows in geronimo.log file when put WAB applicaton in <Geronimo_home>/deploy directory
GERONIMO-5817 server CANNOT find annotation'@ManagedBean' when the classes are in the WEB-INF\lib\*.jar package
GERONIMO-5816 javax.ejb.CreateException when creating corba stub call based on an EJB object.
GERONIMO-5815 Classloader issue in geronimo corba module
GERONIMO-5814 hotbundles is also enabled in the deployer process
GERONIMO-5810 Limit tld scanning scope in BundleTldScanner
GERONIMO-5803 EBA cannot work after server restart
GERONIMO-5802 Server startup failure if one of the application modules fails to start
GERONIMO-5801 jaxb-impl bundle should export com.sun.* packages with a version
GERONIMO-5798 obr:addurl/removeurl generate incorrect "obr.repository.url" property
GERONIMO-5797 Add defaultEnvironment support for eba config builder
GERONIMO-5796 jsf2.0-test is failed
GERONIMO-5795 test-2.5-servlets has failure caused by unexpected IPv6 address
GERONIMO-5793 OSGI Bundle "Stop" doesn't work according to Hot deployed "HelloWorld" osgi bundle sample
GERONIMO-5789 OWB always loads all app classes, even if its not a jcdi app.
GERONIMO-5787 Console testsuite failures are caused by the new DOJO navigation tree in G3.0
GERONIMO-5786 The double refresh problem with EBAs
GERONIMO-5783 WAB is lost when geronimo restart after a hard stop.
GERONIMO-5781 Error shows when hot deploy "CounterApp_1.0.0.eba" sample
GERONIMO-5777 Installed Bundles are not found if cache is cleared
GERONIMO-5775 JCDI tck failures
GERONIMO-5773 Referenced resource cannot be generated by plan creator
GERONIMO-5771 CounterApp_1.0.0.eba hot deployment has exceptions
GERONIMO-5769 Web Application Bundles (WABs) do not show up in admin console
GERONIMO-5765 Display a warning message when web application is deployed with WAB manifest
GERONIMO-5763 [StandardService] Failed to stop connector error happened when stopping geronimo server
GERONIMO-5759 New Thread is used for context initialization in Tomcat 7.0.6
GERONIMO-5757 javaee6-testsuite\jsf2.0-test testing failed since myfaces exception
GERONIMO-5755 Cannot serialize when called webfragment in servlet3.0-test testsuite.
GERONIMO-5751 LinkageError running CDI TCK
GERONIMO-5748 Defects in ThreadSingletonServiceAdapter
GERONIMO-5747 Unable to find FailOverService When start and run the server
GERONIMO-5746 geronimo-activemq-rar is missing when deploy daytrader sample
GERONIMO-5744 bundle urls and 3rd party libraries
GERONIMO-5741 java.lang.ClassCastException at JCAConnectionFactoryImpl.getManagedConnectionFactoryInstance() line: 64
GERONIMO-5740 Use filtrable DeploymentLoader in openejb plugin
GERONIMO-5738 The value of HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser()&getUserPrincipal() should be null after HttpServletRequest.logout() invokes
GERONIMO-5734 Enable sharelib in osgi based geronimo
GERONIMO-5731 car-maven-plugin pollutes system properties
GERONIMO-5726 Support old DTD style tld files
GERONIMO-5719 Add slight delay during async startup of ActiveMQ
GERONIMO-5718 Shutdown of server with asyncStartup of ActiveMQ can hang
GERONIMO-5714 JPA-cannot insert record relates with Foreign key writes with "mappedBy".
GERONIMO-5712 Geronimo should remember the monitoring server enablement status.
GERONIMO-5711 Do not start bundles with ImportType.classes
GERONIMO-5708 Track: Unlock keystore command line utility does not work with Configured Encryption
GERONIMO-5705 Track: Encryption logic for connectionPassword attribute in ldap realm
GERONIMO-5704 Track: Farming module provision of utilizing encrypted password instead of plain text
GERONIMO-5702 Upgrade karaf from 1.6.0 to 2.1.2
GERONIMO-5701 [Doc]Update doc about running hudson sample on Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-5688 ContextNotActiveException while accessing a JSF application without using web beans components
GERONIMO-5685 No initialized web beans context is attached while creating servlet instance
GERONIMO-5684 Some txmanager Timers are not being created as daemon threads
GERONIMO-5682 Allow to configure gbeans provided by the applications themselves
GERONIMO-5680 Find a way to slove the wired bundle cache
GERONIMO-5677 Can not restart Geronimo3.0 in eclipse
GERONIMO-5673 ModuleMojoSupport ignores stopOnFailure
GERONIMO-5672 Overriding an env-entry in geronimo-web.xml fails with a DeploymentException
GERONIMO-5670 Webapp can not start because server said "couldn't start owb context" although the app don't contain openwebbean context.
GERONIMO-5669 Exceptions occurs when executing "deploy encrypt secret" on Win2008
GERONIMO-5667 Tomcat utils module needs to load MBean classes from catalina module
GERONIMO-5665 destoryInternal method is called twice while destorying the children directly
GERONIMO-5662 j_security_check 404 not found against security realm authentication
GERONIMO-5661 Geronimo fails to start when there is a whitespace in Geronimo_HOME
GERONIMO-5658 deploy --inPlace broken for quick start sample
GERONIMO-5656 JASPI implementation not using ProviderLocator correctly.
GERONIMO-5649 txmanager could try to replace dead XAResources in commit and rollback tasks
GERONIMO-5648 txmanager rollback needs retry scheduler too
GERONIMO-5647 Avoid an NPE if no securiy realm is specified anywhere
GERONIMO-5646 jetty web app can fail to start but not fail deployment
GERONIMO-5643 fail to edit NIOHTTPConnector directly through console
GERONIMO-5640 Qualified web resource permission for each role should be calculated based its own url set
GERONIMO-5639 org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ServiceUnavailableException when shutdown the server
GERONIMO-5638 Remove the encrypt(String) method in ConfiguredEncryption
GERONIMO-5635 corrupt JobSchedulerStore can cause server restart to fail
GERONIMO-5633 Failed to replicate session
GERONIMO-5632 Failed to visit Geronimo Admin Console
GERONIMO-5629 We need to add the new LegacyProcessor in our Openejb ConfigurationFactory chain
GERONIMO-5628 OpenEJB Discovery protocol only works with an explicit IP address
GERONIMO-5626 Improvements in tomcat security contracts
GERONIMO-5625 Incorrect default value for the javax.ejb.TimerConfig persistent attribute.
GERONIMO-5622 (tomcat Bug 49937) What to do with AsyncListeners is contradictory in the spec
GERONIMO-5621 (tomcat Bug 49916) use an init param to jsp servlet for explicit jsps.
GERONIMO-5620 (tomcat Bug 49952) Listeners added by ServletContainerInitializer are wiped out
GERONIMO-5619 CertificatePropertiesFileLoginModule only works with tomcat, not jetty
GERONIMO-5616 Tomcat native cluster not working because of ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.ha.session.SessionMessageImpl
GERONIMO-5615 Failed to deploy war files after putting server directory under "C:\Documents and Settings\myDir"
GERONIMO-5614 problem with "deploy:assemble-server" gogo command
GERONIMO-5613 problem with "login" gogo command
GERONIMO-5612 Filter no permission functions for built-in user "monitor"
GERONIMO-5611 Problem with "deploy:install-plugin" command
GERONIMO-5608 Update connector attribute list for Tomcat 7
GERONIMO-5607 geronimo-default keystore file not displayed on the administration console
GERONIMO-5606 Bad persistenceUnitRoot for PUs in jars embedded in WARs
GERONIMO-5604 Failed to expand deploy failed information in "Deployer" porlet if fail to deploy an application with Firefox and IE 6.0
GERONIMO-5603 NPE error after deploy OpenEJB injection-of-env-entry sample
GERONIMO-5602 SPNEGO support in Geronimo failed.
GERONIMO-5601 Problem with "deploy:list-plugins" gogo command
GERONIMO-5590 startup script does not consume --help option
GERONIMO-5588 Web-ContextPath is not set as Web Application Bundle context-root if it's defined
GERONIMO-5585 OpenJPA Fatal Error when access blog-jpa-eba
GERONIMO-5583 Same Web Context-Paths in two EBA don't conflict after deployment
GERONIMO-5579 Problem with "deploy:connect" gogo command
GERONIMO-5578 incorrect behaviour of security-constraint configuration in web.xml
GERONIMO-5572 fail to show DOJO script in welcome page of AdminConsole , when use an external Apache HTTP server through AdminConsole
GERONIMO-5570 fail to edit NIOHTTPConnector through console
GERONIMO-5569 fail to log in with the encoding options based on another properties file in login modular
GERONIMO-5568 fail to asembly custom server via admin console
GERONIMO-5567 jetty servlet/filter gbeans but direct listener creation not compatible with servlet 3 startup order
GERONIMO-5566 hot undeploy when server is offline
GERONIMO-5563 Clicking on application URL in console opens app in the console frame with controls truncated.
GERONIMO-5561 Scan ManagedBean in the application to support EJB injection
GERONIMO-5560 Running Geronimo as a Windows service (geronimosrvw.exe) gives Java PermGen space out of memory error
GERONIMO-5559 "javax.jms.JMSException: Could not connect to broker URL" server startup error exists after change default PortOffset value
GERONIMO-5558 Transaction Commit status is not configured correctly
GERONIMO-5557 Add more context level configurations for Tomcat
GERONIMO-5556 Geronimo admin console seems to be missing the System Modules portlet page
GERONIMO-5555 The version of the application when deploying an EBA is set incorrectly
GERONIMO-5553 Fail to enchance entities on Geronimo
GERONIMO-5551 Failing to start the server with the error "Main not found"
GERONIMO-5549 Remove command-testsuite/gshell
GERONIMO-5548 Default user "monitor" can't login admin console in Geronimo_3.0_trunk
GERONIMO-5547 Geronimo_3.0_trunk can't change the password for all users and register new user
GERONIMO-5546 Geronimo 3.0 console testsuite failed because of dojo navigation tree.
GERONIMO-5545 Geronimo 3.0 console-testsuite/advanced WebServerTest fail. XSSXSRFFilter blocked HttpServletRequest due to invalid FORM content.
GERONIMO-5544 Geronimo 3.0 console-testsuite/advanced WebServerTest testEditConnector fail. The Network Listeners can not edit.
GERONIMO-5541 web module cannot see the PU defined in ejb module when deploying a EAR
GERONIMO-5540 Enable connecting to a ldap server anonymously on console on Geronimo 2.1 and 3.0
GERONIMO-5539 NPE error when visiting a defined http connector
GERONIMO-5536 application configuration resources located in lib/*.jar can not be accessed by myfaces in OSGi enviroment
GERONIMO-5531 Run server as windows service update
GERONIMO-5529 javax.annotation.processing.AnnotationProcessing inappropriately throwing UnsupportedOperationException errors.
GERONIMO-5521 NoClassDefFoundError when deploying a datasource with non-OSGi jdbc lib dependencies
GERONIMO-5520 Geronimo 3.0 testsuite testsuite/javaee6-testsuite/managedbean1.0-test can not run correctly:can not find managedbean created by javax.annotation.ManagedBean
GERONIMO-5519 Transaction recovery might commit the wrong branch on an XAResource
GERONIMO-5518 Support injection of primitive types using @Resource annotation
GERONIMO-5515 Geronimo 3.0 testsuite testsuite/security-testsuite/test-security-annotation-ejb cannot run correctly:No LoginModules configured for the realm
GERONIMO-5514 EJBContainer.PROVIDER value is supposed to be the EJBContainer subclass name, not the EJBContainerProvider like the description says
GERONIMO-5513 The server can not deploy a app with JSF 2.0 features
GERONIMO-5511 context-priority-classloader is not allowed in geronimo-web.xml for backwards compatibility
GERONIMO-5508 Servlet 3.0 new features:accessing resource from jar files and ServletContainerInitializer fails on jetty-assembly trunk
GERONIMO-5507 Fail to scan javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer
GERONIMO-5506 jetty8 creates objects through the ServletContext's spec methods. We need to be sure to use them.
GERONIMO-5505 Fail to scan web-fragment.xml files
GERONIMO-5503 Run geronimo as Linux service update
GERONIMO-5500 Problems using JAXB RI with Geronimo JAXB API
GERONIMO-5493 Rename files' name in singletonejb-javaee6 Sample
GERONIMO-5492 Can login Geronimo without any authentication
GERONIMO-5491 Implement org.apache.catalina.Executor interface in TomcatExecutorWrapper
GERONIMO-5487 myfaces listener installed in every web app from the tld
GERONIMO-5483 jetty needs to give jasper the merged metadata complete web.xml
GERONIMO-5480 Web security does not work on Equinox
GERONIMO-5479 EL 2.2 new feature: method invocation with parameters works incorrectly when the parameter is Integer.
GERONIMO-5478 JSP 2.2 new configuration element <default-content-type> under <jsp-property-group> works incorrectly on tomcat-assembly server.
GERONIMO-5477 Daytrader web assembly plugins cannot be compiled caused by NoClassDefFoundError
GERONIMO-5476 @EJB does not injected in servlet class
GERONIMO-5472 Java EE 6 sample: fileupload run incorrectly on tomcat-assembly.
GERONIMO-5468 Support authenticate/login/logout methods in the HttpServletRequest interface
GERONIMO-5467 Can't find EJB object through @EJB annotation
GERONIMO-5447 Fix the testsuite
GERONIMO-5438 latest geronimo-3 trunk doesn't compile against latest OpenEJB trunk
GERONIMO-5436 ClassCastException in Deployer
GERONIMO-5435 Could not package plugin when build sample javaee5\bank
GERONIMO-5432 Encrypt password values in server.xml for geronimo 2.2 onwards
GERONIMO-5424 Encrypt truststore pass for tomcat web ssl connector
GERONIMO-5423 persistence units in ear's lib need to be global
GERONIMO-5422 Warn don't fail if ra.xml lists nonexistent classes
GERONIMO-5420 gogo comand deploy:install-plugin not working properly
GERONIMO-5411 G 3.0-M1 jetty assembly does not support jar resource feature in servlet 3.0
GERONIMO-5410 app-per-port sample does not run on G 3.0-M1 caused by an NPE
GERONIMO-5408 bundle classpath, ear lib classpath, and module manifest classpaths are all mixed up
GERONIMO-5407 XSSXSRFFilter error in G 3.0-M1 jetty build when trying to list plugins in admin console
GERONIMO-5403 G 3.0-M1 car-maven-plugin generated plugin dependecies do not have version, that causes plugin installation are panic
GERONIMO-5401 Geronimo encrypts empty passwords
GERONIMO-5400 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when making plugins for samples with EJB module/classes
GERONIMO-5398 CCE when making plugin for webfragment-javaee6 sample
GERONIMO-5397 No new line after deploy commands finish
GERONIMO-5396 java.util.logging resources doesn't get picked up
GERONIMO-5395 G 3.0-M1 does not support EJB components packaged in the web app module(.war), refer to EJB 3.1 section 20.4
GERONIMO-5392 invalid OSGi bundle number causes geronimo to blow up
GERONIMO-5384 Geronimo console doesn't seem to handle % in sql statements right.
GERONIMO-5381 Monitoring can not open graphs
GERONIMO-5374 @ParameterReference and @Reference have different default namingType than GBeanInfoBuilder
GERONIMO-5368 Search failed when find text in debug views
GERONIMO-5361 Some samples require adding DatabaseInitializationGBean back to G trunk
GERONIMO-5346 infer jndi type from injection target; check type consistency
GERONIMO-5338 ActiveMQ port is not listed as a listening port and is always bound to localhost
GERONIMO-5336 ServerHostName should default to not localhost
GERONIMO-5334 ClassNotFoundException during server startup
GERONIMO-5325 iframe causes some portlets display incorrectly
GERONIMO-5324 the "Console navigation" is always displayed in Chinese although the browser language has been set to English-US
GERONIMO-5322 Start ejb gbeans before servlet gbeans so injection can have a target
GERONIMO-5311 Add support for configuration of multipoint server addresses
GERONIMO-5310 Better ordering for
GERONIMO-5303 Improve metadata of encrypt command
GERONIMO-5302 A successfully deployed war package(contained in a ear package) is not listed on admin console.
GERONIMO-5300 Class not found:org/apache/axis2/jaxws/ClientConfigurationFactory
GERONIMO-5299 Deploy plan for a web application with login-module attribute faiiled to be parsed.
GERONIMO-5298 Bad version information in deployment plan will result in deploy failure
GERONIMO-5295 Deployer unlockKeystore command cannot be utilized if keystore is created through Java provided KeyTool
GERONIMO-5294 Remove the dependency of clustering over JMXConnector for 3.x
GERONIMO-5292 Resources inside WEB-INF/lib/ [*.jar]/META-INF/resources directory can not be recognized
GERONIMO-5290 Upgrade to maven 3
GERONIMO-5288 Cannot use @EJB in java ee component(servlet, JSF) to inject ejb object
GERONIMO-5284 Redeploy of Blog sample fails
GERONIMO-5283 Server restart fails after a hard stop
GERONIMO-5280 geronimo-jaspi jaspic provider won't work well under osgi
GERONIMO-5257 Convert persistence.xml version to 2.0 when embedded in geronimo plans
GERONIMO-5254 The ActiveMQ XML configuration is incorrect regarding memoryUsage limit
GERONIMO-5250 Make the EarContext shared data map type safe
GERONIMO-5248 GBeanNotFoundException and NullPointerException while building the geronimo console.
GERONIMO-5243 /activemq-console does not require admin authentication
GERONIMO-5214 connector builder should export interfaces that need to be used by users of the connector
GERONIMO-5212 Do we need Karaf when starting Geronimo?
GERONIMO-5210 Openejb under osgi in geronimo
GERONIMO-5195 change txmanager component version(s) to larger major version
GERONIMO-5186 EJB spec EJBContainer.createEJBContainer() does not implement spec-defined search algorithm.
GERONIMO-5182 Fix compile errors caused by Jetty 8.0.0.M0 release
GERONIMO-5173 activation spec unit tests fail when compiled with java 6.
GERONIMO-5168 Enable GShell Wrapper in Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-5167 " ERROR [JNDIReferenceFactory] null" when I deploy new JMS Resource Group for Active MQ
GERONIMO-5164 Incomplete feature for deploy:new-instance command in geronimo3.0
GERONIMO-5158 servlet 3.0 ServletSecurityElement has problems
GERONIMO-5155 Locking a keystore under "Available" results in exception
GERONIMO-5152 Transaction manager doesn't retry stuff that might work later
GERONIMO-5150 Connection pool idleReleaser should not expand the number of permits
GERONIMO-5146 Geronimo should provide a default encrypted password for trustStore and keyStore
GERONIMO-5135 Blueprint and gbeans need synchronization
GERONIMO-5055 Informix tranql XA 1.2 snapshot leads to weird admin console
GERONIMO-5032 Procrun issue: windows service is stoped when user log off console session
GERONIMO-4997 Can not connect to a ldap server in an anonymous way
GERONIMO-4968 Problemastic OS check in Windows startup command
GERONIMO-4953 No way to set Tomcat native cluster on engine and host level
GERONIMO-4941 JMS connector ports are not listed on the console after the server started
GERONIMO-4930 Support wildcards in @ParamReference collection valued parameter types in gbeans
GERONIMO-4903 Jetty Advanced Integration Test Failure
GERONIMO-4896 Commands to a Secure JMX Connector require the SSL keyStorePassword to be specified on command line
GERONIMO-4891 Null destination error when browsing a new created jms resource group.
GERONIMO-4890 The graphs still can be seen under the view when I disable the server
GERONIMO-4885 Configure default max heap and max permsize
GERONIMO-4884 Using the default port number may cause unexpected build failure
GERONIMO-4882 some doc update in G22 might be caused by bugs in code.
GERONIMO-4876 "" when I shutdown the server
GERONIMO-4875 "edit" button shows under "Created time" column in monitoring portlet.
GERONIMO-4873 Unable creating a new JMS Resource Group via "For another JMS provider... " under IE
GERONIMO-4868 cglib ThreadLocal causing ClassLoader memory leak
GERONIMO-4864 Unselecting graph(s) doesn't work when editing an existed view
GERONIMO-4863 no other graphs can be chosen when I click "Modify this view" of a view
GERONIMO-4862 it tells "" when i shutdown the server after i change the log level
GERONIMO-4844 There is an error after undeploy the application and deploy the application again when configure WADI clustering,
GERONIMO-4825 can not config geronimo as a service in ubuntu
GERONIMO-4822 Monitoring server via JMX cannot be restarted.
GERONIMO-4798 can't start server because of an error of Http11AprProtocol
GERONIMO-4784 Problem with ActiveMQ, two connections/sessions, and UserTransaction
GERONIMO-4757 "java.lang.IllegalStateException" error when use install-plugin goal
GERONIMO-4688 hardcode port in plan.xml of plugin farming.
GERONIMO-4625 JMS statistics does not work correctly while the server url is of vm protocol
GERONIMO-4603 PropertiesLoginManager is hardwired to properties-login login module
** Improvement
GERONIMO-6353 Add "DynamicImport-Package: *" when using install-bundle command to transform a jar into a bundle
GERONIMO-6345 Pull bval 0.4 release and rebundle it into OSGi stuff
GERONIMO-6334 Generate Tomcat 7.0.27 bundles with patches
GERONIMO-6317 Profiling clustering modules to save build time
GERONIMO-6313 Use reference:file protocol for server-side bundle installlation
GERONIMO-6312 Expose OSGi 4.3 core API
GERONIMO-6299 Update Derby to version
GERONIMO-6292 Share the japser servlet between jasper plugin and web-container plugin.
GERONIMO-6265 Default jndi context (no prefix)
GERONIMO-6250 Allow definition of maxParameterCount in gbean
GERONIMO-6206 Concise infomation rather than Exception stacktrace when create plan from a WAR
GERONIMO-6204 Decouple OpenWebBeans dependency from web containers
GERONIMO-6196 There is no "Generate CSR, Import CA reply ,Change key password" options in Keystore private key page
GERONIMO-6190 Improve the summary list in the web console login page
GERONIMO-6187 Keystore files filter under var/security/keystores
GERONIMO-6184 Upgrade PAX Logging
GERONIMO-6181 Better error messages when OSGi application fails to start
GERONIMO-6179 Better logging when updating a bundle in OSGi applicationa
GERONIMO-6164 Passing more db2 specific properties through db2 xa connector
GERONIMO-6157 Generate fixed version number for the import packages
GERONIMO-6147 Cache the jaxb classes searching result in Axis2 BundleClassFinder
GERONIMO-6132 Not search wired bundles in bundle classloader by default
GERONIMO-6119 upgrade geronimo-system to use commons-jexl 2.0
GERONIMO-6106 Clean up temp files created in the deployment process
GERONIMO-6100 Limit the recorded dependency and reference number info for stateReason
GERONIMO-6097 Use temp directory directly with reference:// to avoid zip the deployed application in the deployment process
GERONIMO-6058 Replace StringBuffer usage with StringBuilder
GERONIMO-6049 Upgrade tranql version in 3.0 trunk
GERONIMO-6046 Add getBundleId API to geronimo-bundle-recorder so that GEP don't need use the SLOW listBundles method of OSGi JMX API
GERONIMO-6024 support dd schema validation when deploy web app
GERONIMO-5968 To support module priority so that we could control the sub-modules handling sequence during the deployment process.
GERONIMO-5963 Keep bundles around if EBA start failed
GERONIMO-5933 Extend geronimo server self-signed certificate validity period
GERONIMO-5891 support application delete in hot-deploy when server is stopped
GERONIMO-5888 Delete temp directories on exit
GERONIMO-5884 Support wsdl-file override for web service client
GERONIMO-5883 Use a system property to make Provider style web service more user-friendly
GERONIMO-5855 Simplify EJB Deployment
GERONIMO-5834 add a do not fail option for server startup
GERONIMO-5825 Provide a option to prevent tar assemblies from generating.
GERONIMO-5788 Expose BundleContext in ServletContext under Spring-named attribute
GERONIMO-5780 JUL output is lost after application resets logging
GERONIMO-5779 Provide a tool for diagnosing OSGi resolver problems
GERONIMO-5774 some osgi portlet improvements
GERONIMO-5762 Some dirty files in the root of server code tree after built, they cannot be cleaned by mvn clean
GERONIMO-5761 map the bundle resolved state to configuration load status
GERONIMO-5713 MyFaces 2.0.3 Integration
GERONIMO-5674 Dojo related improvement.
GERONIMO-5624 use info tree for tomcat web app deployment
GERONIMO-5623 include all usable web.xml info in our info tree
GERONIMO-5609 Improve web application deployment time
GERONIMO-5586 Provide a way to transform traditional jar to OSGi bundle when user install the jar into G repository.
GERONIMO-5582 No Web Access URL Displayed next to applications after depploy an EBA
GERONIMO-5537 Serialize WebApp in some form to improvie the server startup time
GERONIMO-5527 Support -c/--clean option in the server startup script to clean cache for OSGi/tomcat
GERONIMO-5496 Move the sort algorithm from the geronimo-web-builder to geronimo-j2ee-builder
GERONIMO-5474 Improve efficiency of embbed jar resources handlering
GERONIMO-5445 Use links to osgi jndi (that look up osgi services) rather than looking up gbeans
GERONIMO-5444 Add slight delay during async startup of ActiveMQ
GERONIMO-5433 improve geronimo openwebbeans plugin
GERONIMO-5367 Some page should be improved into dojo style
GERONIMO-5354 Support configuration from openejb portlet for added attributes of stateless ejb container.
GERONIMO-5353 To support idleTimeout configuration for stateless ejb conainter.
GERONIMO-5270 Enforce Java1.6 for Geronimo 3.0 build in maven and perhaps enforce the required maven version as well (2.2.1?).
GERONIMO-5265 Modify the redeploy behavior to start all the running childs along with the parent
GERONIMO-5194 Patch for geronimo-jcdi spec
GERONIMO-5193 Upgrade DOJO from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2 in 22 branch and trunk.
GERONIMO-5121 Update geronimo-jcdi and geronimo-atinject to pass TCK Signature Tests
GERONIMO-5110 Upgrade to JSTL 1.2 version
GERONIMO-5101 geronimo-jcdi_1_0_spec Update for Releasing
GERONIMO-5090 Upgrade from java ee 5 to java ee 6 support
GERONIMO-5089 Reorganize the Geronimo console and rebase on Pluto 2.
GERONIMO-5088 Support OSGi as a Geronimo programming model
GERONIMO-5085 CORBA/Yoko OSGi enhancements
GERONIMO-5084 JAXB 2.2 enhancements
GERONIMO-5083 JAX-RS 1.1 enhancements
GERONIMO-5082 JAX-WS 2.2 enhancements
GERONIMO-5081 Web Services for EE 1.3-MR2 enhancements
GERONIMO-5080 Contexts and Dependency Injection 1.0 enhancements
GERONIMO-5079 Dependency Injection 1.0 enhancements
GERONIMO-5078 Managed Bean 1.0 enhancements
GERONIMO-5077 Bean Validation 1.0 enhancements
GERONIMO-5076 Interceptor 1.1 enhancements
GERONIMO-5075 Convert the minimal assembly into a Java EE 6 Web Profile assembly
GERONIMO-5074 EJB 3.1 Lite enhancements
GERONIMO-5073 EJB 3.1 Enhancements
GERONIMO-5072 Common Annotations 1.1 enhancements
GERONIMO-5071 JASPIC 1.0 Enhancement
GERONIMO-5070 JACC 1.4 enhancements
GERONIMO-5069 Java Connector Architecture 1.6 enhancements
GERONIMO-5068 JPA 2.0 enhancements
GERONIMO-5067 Java ee 6 datasource resource definition enhancements.
GERONIMO-5066 Java EE 6 Global JNDI enhancments
GERONIMO-5065 EJBs in WAR files enhancement
GERONIMO-5064 Java Server Faces 2.0 enhancement
GERONIMO-5063 Expression Language 2.2 enhancements
GERONIMO-5062 JSP 2.2 Enhancements
GERONIMO-5061 Servlet 3.0 enhancements
GERONIMO-5060 Many hard-code cluster names in code.
GERONIMO-4987 Use ConcurrentHashMap instead of Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap())
GERONIMO-4977 EN/Simp.Chinese UI information improvement for Console
GERONIMO-4969 Remove Maven Repository Entries from project-config POM
GERONIMO-4950 Improve usability of Geronimo Console
GERONIMO-4929 Upgrade to latest tranql wrappers
GERONIMO-4922 Use OSGI's way to manage the server repository
GERONIMO-4883 ship agent-car-jmx and make it default agent, mark ejb agent as "load=false".
GERONIMO-4874 Improve the console filter performance
GERONIMO-4824 the created graphs can't be listed under view which is created before these graphs
GERONIMO-4790 Migrate debug-views code to base on the up-to-date dojo
GERONIMO-4761 MBean not found exception: agent-car-jmx
GERONIMO-4658 Console should let you add/edit artifact-aliases. When installing a jar, you should be able to add an artifact alias so it replaces something else.
GERONIMO-4583 Remove obsolete plugins from plugins group
GERONIMO-4540 Improve windows startup batch scripts to redirect stdout and stderr messages to GERONIMO_HOME/var/log/geronimo.out
GERONIMO-3003 Encrypt password strings in deployment plans
GERONIMO-2593 Document Javamail Session creation and usage
** New Feature
GERONIMO-6242 Fork tomcat comet sample "Chat" to geronimo samples
GERONIMO-6209 Support for class hot swap for OSGi applications
GERONIMO-6139 Support Java 1.7 Runtime
GERONIMO-6084 Option to deploy WABs synchronously
GERONIMO-6061 Geronimo trunk SNAPSHOT dependencies for 3.0-beta-1
GERONIMO-6059 New look and feel of Geronimo 3.0 admin console
GERONIMO-5998 Use the implementation configured in system property as the preference while searching the provider in the OSGi registy
GERONIMO-5996 Development mode for Aries applications
GERONIMO-5990 Output a compound WSDL file for the queries from the clients
GERONIMO-5978 View bundle packages in Geronimo admin console
GERONIMO-5976 Load JSP tag libraries from bundles
GERONIMO-5935 Expose a configuration option to control whether optional bundles should be provisioned during EBA install
GERONIMO-5926 Provide shell command to resolve Aries applications
GERONIMO-5908 Updated @WebServiceRef with features, and lookup functionality
GERONIMO-5907 Added respect binding feature support
GERONIMO-5906 Support MTOM feature support
GERONIMO-5905 Addressing support with webservice/webserviceprovider/webserviceref
GERONIMO-5861 Update a bundle within an EBA
GERONIMO-5858 Fail to parse servlet 3.0 annotations in WAB
GERONIMO-5847 Create pure html OSGi portlet
GERONIMO-5838 Support EBA module type in DeploymentManager.getAvailableModules(ModuleType, Target[])
GERONIMO-5835 Support web service deployment in car-maven-plugin
GERONIMO-5791 Add the function to show wired relations of bundes deployed in geronimo
GERONIMO-5764 Support Bundles Deployment in deployment command line
GERONIMO-5716 Add a function to view wired bundles in OSGi portlet
GERONIMO-5715 [Sample] Add one sample of demonstrating Geronimo 3.0 Specific feature: JavaEE app interacts with OSGI
GERONIMO-5659 Inject Bundle or BundleContext via @Resource
GERONIMO-5651 Add a own authenticator for Spnego login
GERONIMO-5577 Support ServeltSecurity annotation when the servlets are added by ServletContext.addServlet methods
GERONIMO-5517 Make Tomcat assembly accepts those new configurations on context level
GERONIMO-5516 Add isAdvanced properties to AdminConsoleExtensionGBean
GERONIMO-5502 Add OSGI management portlets.
GERONIMO-5495 Upgrade the geronimo-openejb-2.0.xsd file for new persistence schema
GERONIMO-5437 Make jetty integration more osgi friendly.... expose ContextHandlerCollection as a service.
GERONIMO-5421 create new gogo command deploy:unlockKeystore
GERONIMO-5380 Optionally expose gbeans in the osgi serviice registry
GERONIMO-5360 Support resource-env-refs that are References to an ObjectFactory
GERONIMO-5352 Bundlize jaxb-xjc and align its version with jaxb-impl
GERONIMO-5233 Geronimo 3.0 Samples
GERONIMO-5220 mini-servers profile for plugin specific test servers
GERONIMO-5209 Geronimo support for tranql XA JDBC adapter for DB2 on ISeries
GERONIMO-5197 Generic Header based authentication support in geronimo
GERONIMO-5156 Command line utility to unlock a keystore and private key
GERONIMO-5027 Redeploy option for farming
GERONIMO-4865 Login module to enable Kerberos authentication
GERONIMO-4823 role-based administration capabilities
GERONIMO-4810 Predefine a "localhost" server with some predefined graphs and views
GERONIMO-4619 JSR-303 Bean Validation Spec API
GERONIMO-4493 Could not browser messages for Topic
** Task
GERONIMO-5879 A simple blueprint test case to verify if geronimo server supports blueprint application
GERONIMO-5851 Add url-binding into testsuite
GERONIMO-5846 Add some testsuite for Require-Bundle usage in OSGi EE programming model
GERONIMO-5631 Can NOT find meta class & can NOT insert record in the table
GERONIMO-5581 Add test case for programmatic access control on servlet
GERONIMO-6262 Fork tomcat 7.0.23 release
GERONIMO-6239 Port better parameters handling code from tomcat 7.0.x to geronimo tomcat 7.0.19
GERONIMO-6008 use openejb remote jndi system in client container to do global jndi lookup.
GERONIMO-6007 Upgrade woodstox version to 4.1.1
GERONIMO-6006 Upgrade MyFaces to 2.0.7
GERONIMO-6003 Enable jaxws script files in the bin directory
GERONIMO-5992 Remove the old webservice parsing codes of castor
GERONIMO-5934 Use Axis2 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT version
GERONIMO-5913 Use a patched axiom-all Geronimo bundle for TCK testing now
GERONIMO-5895 Clear web accessibility violations in console portlets
GERONIMO-5758 Add a short tutorial on how to create/build a blueprint bundle and deploy it to the server (using GEP)
GERONIMO-5720 Add testsuite for JPA 2.0
GERONIMO-5666 Add test cases for Restful Web Service new features into the testsuite.
GERONIMO-5641 add ejb3.1-test in testsuite
GERONIMO-5571 Console support for EBA modules:list EBA modules,start EBA modules,stop EBA modules and uninstall EBA moules.
GERONIMO-5552 Geronimo 3.0 testsuite testsuite/security-testsuite/test-security-basic-authentication for BASIC auth-method authentication.It passed on G3.0
GERONIMO-5542 Add tests about new security methods in HttpServletRequest interfaces
GERONIMO-5528 Add test cases for JSF2.0 new features into the Geronimo testsuite
GERONIMO-5524 Security annotation on EJB RolesAllowed PermitAll DenyAll DeclareRoles
GERONIMO-5523 Add testsuite for JTA 1.1
GERONIMO-5498 Geronimo 3.0 testsuite for Managed Beans 1.0
GERONIMO-5497 Geronimo 3.0 trunk testsuite for commonannotation1.1 new features:javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition and javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions
GERONIMO-5489 Add test cases for dependency injection for java 1.0 features into the testsuite.
GERONIMO-5486 Add testsuite for Interceptors 1.1 in Java EE 6
GERONIMO-5484 Create a document for JavaEE 6 sample application - EJBTimer
GERONIMO-5482 Add test cases for el 2.2 new features into the testsuite.
GERONIMO-5481 Add test cases for jsp 2.2 new features into the testsuite.
GERONIMO-5473 Add testing about EJB-3.1-Lite's new features into Testsuite
GERONIMO-5471 Add test cases for servlet 3.0 new features into the testsuite.
GERONIMO-5470 Add testsuite for BeanValidation feature in Java EE 6
GERONIMO-5456 Update testsuite to fix the failures and add new test cases
GERONIMO-5453 Add testing about Servlet-3.0's new secuirty features into Testsuite
GERONIMO-5050 Integrate OpenWebBeans into Geronimo 3.0.
GERONIMO-5049 Add bean validation (JSR 303) to Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-5048 Create an EJB Lite plugin for 3.0 Web Profile usage.
GERONIMO-4176 Documentation - Security - pluggable encryption system/custom keys
** Sub-task
GERONIMO-6286 GERONIMO-6270 o.a.g.server.dir should be used instead of o.a.g.home.dir in misc places
GERONIMO-6281 GERONIMO-6270 Geronimo home.dir is being used when server.dir should be used instead for SnapshotConfigXMLBuilder, ActiveMQ, and Karaf
GERONIMO-6275 GERONIMO-6270 Defining and Using org.apache.geronimo.server.dir versus org.apache.geronimo.home.dir in shell scripts
GERONIMO-6075 GERONIMO-5764 Support bundle installation and uninstallation via Karaf shell
GERONIMO-6072 GERONIMO-6061 Geronimo TxManager 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT
GERONIMO-6071 GERONIMO-6061 woodstox-core-asl 4.1.1_1, jaxb-impl 2.2.3-1_1 , scout 1.2.3_1, saaj-impl 1.3.8_1, axis 1.4_2, axiom-all 1.2.12_1
GERONIMO-6070 GERONIMO-6061 Axis2 1.6.1_1-SNAPSHOT
GERONIMO-6068 GERONIMO-6061 Tomcat
GERONIMO-6064 GERONIMO-6061 OpenWebBeans 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
GERONIMO-6039 GERONIMO-6031 testInjectionIntoWebServiceEndpoint(
GERONIMO-6020 GERONIMO-5050 built-in ee beans
GERONIMO-5876 GERONIMO-5874 Drop jca context
GERONIMO-5860 GERONIMO-5593 Reenable Log related portlets
GERONIMO-5859 GERONIMO-5593 Reenable JMS related portlets
GERONIMO-5699 GERONIMO-5615 Upgrade org.eclipse.osgi from 3.5.1.v20090827 to 3.6.0
GERONIMO-5698 GERONIMO-5696 Add db2 for iSeries tranql xa connector to server 3.0 when it's ready
GERONIMO-5600 GERONIMO-5593 Reenable EJB server admin console portlets
GERONIMO-5598 GERONIMO-5593 Reenable debug views admin console portlets
GERONIMO-5597 GERONIMO-5593 Reenable database-related admin console portlets
GERONIMO-5596 GERONIMO-5593 Reenable plan creator admin console portlet
GERONIMO-5595 GERONIMO-5593 Reenable clustering function
GERONIMO-5594 GERONIMO-5593 Reenable hot deploy on G 3.0
GERONIMO-5589 GERONIMO-5516 Display basic set of navigation items in a list instead of a tree
GERONIMO-5584 GERONIMO-5516 identify basic set of navigation items
GERONIMO-5574 GERONIMO-4950 Update console related docs for geronimo-4950 change
GERONIMO-5466 GERONIMO-5456 Add javaee6-testsuite to include new tests about java ee 6 new features
GERONIMO-5465 GERONIMO-5456 Update aries-testsuite
GERONIMO-5464 GERONIMO-5456 Update webservices-testsuite
GERONIMO-5463 GERONIMO-5456 Update web-testsuite
GERONIMO-5462 GERONIMO-5456 Update secuirty-testsuite
GERONIMO-5461 GERONIMO-5456 Update deployment-testsuite
GERONIMO-5459 GERONIMO-5456 Update enterprise-testsuite to fix test failures
GERONIMO-5458 GERONIMO-5456 Update corba-testsuite
GERONIMO-5457 GERONIMO-5456 Update commands-testsuite to fix failures and remove dropped feature test
GERONIMO-5264 GERONIMO-5061 Support Servlet 3.0 new features in Tomcat assembly
GERONIMO-5262 GERONIMO-5087 Make testsuites run again
GERONIMO-5253 GERONIMO-5090 Expose java:app/AppName and java:module/ModuleName in JNDI
GERONIMO-5252 GERONIMO-5233 Update samples archetype for java ee 6
GERONIMO-5245 GERONIMO-5087 Version property variables should be used for all configuration versions in the framework file.
GERONIMO-5232 GERONIMO-5090 Add support for @Resource.lookup based injection
GERONIMO-5228 GERONIMO-5077 Add classes for parsing a validation.xml descriptor
GERONIMO-5227 GERONIMO-5077 Add ValidatorFactory to servlet context for JSF usage.
GERONIMO-5226 GERONIMO-5077 Pass container ValidationFactory to the persistance manager when creating an entity manager.
GERONIMO-5225 GERONIMO-5080 Implement Bean Manager References (Java EE 6 spec section EE.5.19)
GERONIMO-5224 GERONIMO-5078 Add JNDI integration of Managed Beans.
GERONIMO-5223 GERONIMO-5077 Integrate the Bean Validation RI into Geronimo.
GERONIMO-5222 GERONIMO-5077 Add support for application validation descriptor support for deployed applications.
GERONIMO-5221 GERONIMO-5077 Add naming support for Validator and ValidatorFactory.
GERONIMO-5219 GERONIMO-5080 Java EE Injection annotation scanning for 299 beans
GERONIMO-5217 GERONIMO-4950 History.back and History.forward is not working correctly after change the console navigation to ajax.
GERONIMO-5207 GERONIMO-5087 Replace jaxws api version from JRE with Geronimo jaxws 2.2 API bundle.
GERONIMO-5205 GERONIMO-5086 Integrate Aries JPA OSGi component and blueprint extensions
GERONIMO-5141 GERONIMO-5079 Add Dependency Injection spec jar.
GERONIMO-5140 GERONIMO-5074 Build EJB 3.1 Lite plugin
GERONIMO-5132 GERONIMO-5126 In debug mode Properties file login module reurns loginsucceeded as true for non existent users and null password GERONIMO-4983
GERONIMO-5131 GERONIMO-5126 Retrieving group information from Active Directory server for authorization in Spnego
GERONIMO-5128 GERONIMO-5126 login module for spnego support in geronimo
GERONIMO-5120 GERONIMO-5073 Integrate new EJB features into geronimo
GERONIMO-5119 GERONIMO-5073 Allow more granular selection of configured EJB features.
GERONIMO-5117 GERONIMO-5065 Implement builder support for war embedded EJBs.
GERONIMO-5116 GERONIMO-5078 Integrate the OpenEJB ManagedBean container support within Geronimo.
GERONIMO-5115 GERONIMO-5078 Integrate ManagedBean support with the JSF implementation.
GERONIMO-5113 GERONIMO-5067 Add naming builder support for processing DataSourceDefinition annotations.
GERONIMO-5109 GERONIMO-5077 Create a bean validation 2.0 spec jar
GERONIMO-5103 GERONIMO-5082 Upgrade to JAX-WS compliant Axis2 implementation.
GERONIMO-5102 GERONIMO-5082 Create JAX-WS 2.2 spec jar
GERONIMO-5096 GERONIMO-5083 Integrate Wink JAX-RS implementation into Geronimo.
GERONIMO-5095 GERONIMO-5083 Create JAX-RS spec jar
GERONIMO-5092 GERONIMO-5085 Update the CORBA plugins for the OSGi classloading model.
GERONIMO-5091 GERONIMO-5085 Bundlize the yoko jar files.
GERONIMO-5058 GERONIMO-5090 Move the term "j2ee" to "javaee" refered by plugin names and package names
GERONIMO-5057 GERONIMO-5090 Use those xmlbeans generated by JAVA EE 6 schema files
GERONIMO-5056 GERONIMO-5087 Make jsr88 work in trunk
GERONIMO-5051 GERONIMO-5087 Taglib discovery does not work
GERONIMO-5047 GERONIMO-5061 Create javaee 6 Tomcat assemblies and plugin groups.
GERONIMO-5041 GERONIMO-5086 Use Aries InitialContextFactoryBuilder
GERONIMO-5025 GERONIMO-5066 New module/app/global jndi contexts in javaee 6 spec
GERONIMO-5021 GERONIMO-5087 Allow gbean classes to be loaded from another plugin
GERONIMO-5019 GERONIMO-5080 geronimo-cdi-1.0 spec needs to be using the JEE6 dependencies, not the JEE5 versions.
GERONIMO-5009 GERONIMO-5087 Enable Java EE package deployment in Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-5005 GERONIMO-5090 uddi osgi integration
GERONIMO-5004 GERONIMO-5081 axis 1 osgi integration
GERONIMO-5003 GERONIMO-5087 axis 1 bundle
GERONIMO-4996 GERONIMO-5087 myfaces 2 osgi integration
GERONIMO-4995 GERONIMO-5061 Jetty8 under osgi
GERONIMO-4985 GERONIMO-5080 Adding JSR-330 and JSR-299 Spec. APIs
GERONIMO-4982 GERONIMO-5089 ccpp (jsr 188) spec bundle
GERONIMO-4980 GERONIMO-5061 Use Tomcat 7 in Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-4972 GERONIMO-5087 Nested child configurations from ears don't work well with osgi
GERONIMO-4971 GERONIMO-5086 Recognize Aries applications in Geronimo
GERONIMO-4970 GERONIMO-5087 Remove those specs and impl which are shipped by JRE 1.6
GERONIMO-4967 GERONIMO-5081 Enable Axis2 plugin in Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-4965 GERONIMO-5089 bundleize pluto support and base console
GERONIMO-4952 GERONIMO-5088 Figure out how to use User Admin service in Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-4939 GERONIMO-5061 MultipartConfig changes needed
GERONIMO-4938 GERONIMO-5090 Move geronimo-schema-j2ee and geronimo-schema-jee_5
GERONIMO-4936 GERONIMO-5068 OpenJPA2 plugin needs to replace use of Configuration.getConfigurationClassLoader()
GERONIMO-4935 GERONIMO-5087 WsdlGenerator needs to replace use of Configuration.addClassPath()
GERONIMO-4934 GERONIMO-5087 Make application client container work under osgi
GERONIMO-4931 GERONIMO-5087 Enable ActiveMQ plugin in the OSGI environment
GERONIMO-4926 GERONIMO-5087 Fix ConfigurationMonitorGBean management of PCRegistry class.
GERONIMO-4925 GERONIMO-5087 Figure out whether we still need EditableConfigurationManager
GERONIMO-4920 GERONIMO-5087 Convert Tomcat plugin to bundlized version.
GERONIMO-4912 GERONIMO-5087 Should plugins be packed jar files or exploded?
GERONIMO-4911 GERONIMO-5087 osgi manifest for plugins is created in the car-maven-plugin, not the deployer
GERONIMO-4830 GERONIMO-4790 Commit new debug-view portlets codes
GERONIMO-4815 GERONIMO-5064 Update myfaces' version to 2.0
GERONIMO-4681 GERONIMO-5075 Create a plugin group that mirrors the JEE6 web profile.
GERONIMO-4360 GERONIMO-5069 Connector 1.6 implementation
Known Issues and Limitations
GERONIMO-6220 Doc "JBoss to Geronimo - Hibernate Migration for 3.0" needs update with JBoss v7
GERONIMO-5960 Enable the functionality of add, edit, delete & start/stop a broker in JMS portlets
GERONIMO-5836 Identify migration differences from 2.x to 3.0
GERONIMO-6114 GERONIMO-6055 Avoid ServiceLoader lookup during OpenWebBeansInitializer
GERONIMO-5187 GERONIMO-5086 Isolation for Apache Aries applications
GERONIMO-5166 GERONIMO-5087 Enable car-maven-plugin to use Equinox
GERONIMO-5097 GERONIMO-5083 Integrate CXF JAX-RS implementation into Geronimo.
GERONIMO-5026 GERONIMO-5087 Class and resource discovery in OSGi
GERONIMO-5016 GERONIMO-5082 Enable cxf in Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-4974 GERONIMO-5087 ee apps or other plugins can't contain gbeans
GERONIMO-4921 GERONIMO-5087 Figure out how to handle OSGI cache in Geronimo
GERONIMO-4913 GERONIMO-5087 Use pax mvn urls everywhere possible.
GERONIMO-4909 GERONIMO-5087 How should we shut down plugin under osgi?
GERONIMO-4908 GERONIMO-5087 RMIClassLoader is not compatible with osgi
GERONIMO-6360 OBR portlet
GERONIMO-6319 Discover and provision fragment bundles during OSGi application resolution
GERONIMO-6267 Enable JSF 2.1 support for 3.0-beta and trunk
GERONIMO-6248 Output a compound WSDL file for the queries from the clients for CXF integration
GERONIMO-5967 Provie more flexible configurations for Axis2
GERONIMO-5964 Provide a standalone tool for resolving EBAs
GERONIMO-5959 Port Karaf's "client" command line tool to Geronimo
GERONIMO-5928 Reuse those web application test suites for WAB testing
GERONIMO-5745 Override wsdl endpoint address
GERONIMO-5344 Hook env-entries and servlet init-params up to config admin
GERONIMO-5170 Register connection factories in osgi service registry
GERONIMO-6366 MQJCA1026 error happened when click Browse of MQRA_701 Resources in admin console
GERONIMO-6359 Show unwired import packages in "wired packages/bundles" view in OSGi portlet
GERONIMO-6318 Provide a fastdeploy option to avoid copying the application file in the deployment process
GERONIMO-6222 Improve deployment time performance for big Java EE artifacts
GERONIMO-6188 Provide versoined deployment plan for better compatibity
GERONIMO-6129 Improvements for Admin Console navigation
GERONIMO-6044 Use property file to hold the artifacts required for wsdl tools
GERONIMO-5925 Use one xml parsing related instance (e.g. SAXParserFactory) for application deployments
GERONIMO-5813 add name-value configuration entry for the deployment scope
GERONIMO-5778 Exclude jars from annotation scanning and/or bundle classpath
GERONIMO-5733 Maintain a jaxb tree for all the vender specific schemas
GERONIMO-5678 Derby NetworkServerControl with credentials improvement for Geronimo trunk
GERONIMO-5655 switch to tomcat standard taglibs
GERONIMO-5644 Share global annotation finder among different components
GERONIMO-5636 Improve the duplicate extract/package operations in the deployment process
GERONIMO-5343 Replace by use of config admin
GERONIMO-5087 Use OSGi for the Geronimo classloading model.
GERONIMO-5086 Apache Aries enhancements
GERONIMO-4632 Enable Geronimo to support IPv6 addresses
GERONIMO-6365 Cannot browse jms resources for JMSException in admin console JMS resource portlet
GERONIMO-6361 Correct the link's href when the application is deployed on the virtual host.
GERONIMO-6354 web.xml in geronimo server does not work
GERONIMO-6352 session configuration info is not serialized correctly
GERONIMO-6351 messages displayed during minimal server startup
GERONIMO-6342 Reployment failed because of without starting bundle before build the configuration
GERONIMO-6323 Shared library is not available while reading the ConfigurationData
GERONIMO-6310 Server can not shutdown or deploy when enable configured encryption and JMX security at the same time
GERONIMO-6307 Doc of " 5-minute Tutorial on Enterprise Application Development with Eclipse and Geronimo " need to be updated for Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-6304 WSDL generation failed when deploy a web service application if jdk path contains space
GERONIMO-6303 Cannot create MDB in Java EE 6 way (WAR only)
GERONIMO-6297 Plugingroups need to be refactored for assemble a server that decouple openWebBeans
GERONIMO-6293 EjbModuleBuilder related eror happened when deploy an standalone ejb web service
GERONIMO-6290 Add explicit import-packages for some module builders
GERONIMO-6287 Server instance which created by gogo command "deploy:new-server-instance "can't be started
GERONIMO-6285 Application also deployed into the default server instance if deploying it in a new instance
GERONIMO-6279 NPE related with GBeanInstance happened when excuting karaf features uninstall command
GERONIMO-6258 HttpClient classloading problem while deploying ejb application
GERONIMO-6252 Fix activemq plan for up to date blueprint jexl evaluator.
GERONIMO-6247 Put the stax and jaxb api bundles in endorsed and figure out what the karaf-activator idea is so they can work.
GERONIMO-6246 remove package versions from most spec jars until there's an osgi recommendation on what they should be.
GERONIMO-6219 ClassPath references in the MANIFEST.MF does not work
GERONIMO-6203 Too many unwanted dependencies are added for a simple web application
GERONIMO-6185 SchemaFactory.newInstance() fails on IBM JDK
GERONIMO-6152 Obscure password when build time
GERONIMO-6150 EAR with same servlet name in two war causes deployment failure
GERONIMO-6138 JDBC 4 API is not supported
GERONIMO-6127 "schema export unsuccessful" error happened for spring sample "travel"
GERONIMO-6124 spring sample "task-basic" can't be deployed successfully because no deployer is able to handle it
GERONIMO-6122 Support Stateless and Singleton EJB as JAX-RS root resource classes, providers and Application subclasses
GERONIMO-6116 differentiate the two "OpenEJB ORB Adapter" displayed in "Linstening on Ports" after server startup.
GERONIMO-6113 [ServiceLoader] Unable to find service with class name : [org.apache.webbeans.spi.FailOverService]
GERONIMO-6043 module init order doesn't always work due to gbean dependencies
GERONIMO-6009 Add a JDBC driver leak prevention bundle listener
GERONIMO-5961 HttpServletRequest.login() always throws ServletException after invoking HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole()
GERONIMO-5951 failed to start server with geronimo-maven-plugin if set a different jvm
GERONIMO-5882 Make sure the parent servlet configurations are visible in users' web.xml file
GERONIMO-5873 starttls.required is not supported by JavaMail
GERONIMO-5852 The bundle with resolution:=optional cannot be resolved when the required bundle does not exist.
GERONIMO-5842 InternetAddress.parse fails on a valid address
GERONIMO-5824 jpa JTA transaction and missing jta-data-source should be warned about or rejected
GERONIMO-5805 Port offset does not affect ssh port
GERONIMO-5800 logged-in Subjects are cleaned up after web requests complete
GERONIMO-5792 Bundles are not categorized correctly in current OSGi shell or portlet (system, user, war)
GERONIMO-5784 Console output is not visible in ssh console
GERONIMO-5752 Updates needed to TemporaryClassLoader?
GERONIMO-5739 @Interceptor,@InterceptorBinding in Interceptor1.1
GERONIMO-5729 Access the wrong web console page should get appropriate error message
GERONIMO-5681 Figure out how urlContextFactory works in Geronimo 3.0
GERONIMO-5650 Out of memory when build 3.0 with IBM JDK
GERONIMO-5634 Improve ServletContainerInitializer support
GERONIMO-5630 Support pincipal copying in Tomcat cluster
GERONIMO-5605 Basic Cocoon webapp fails to deploy on Geronimo with Jetty even though it deploys and works with Tomcat
GERONIMO-5565 geronimo.out can grow unbounded
GERONIMO-5564 No wait-for-server command in trunk
GERONIMO-5554 blueprint deadlock during server start
GERONIMO-5414 Remove references to corba in connector deployer
GERONIMO-5278 NPE when using Geronimo Karaf shell commands
GERONIMO-5268 Context did not start for an unknown reason -- does not help identify the true cause of a deployment failure
GERONIMO-5259 Annoying "access denied" security exceptions for oenwebbeans while java2 security is enabled.
GERONIMO-5231 Override JVM libraries with newer versions
GERONIMO-5229 PropertyEditors is too willing to pull in editors we don'e necessarly want
GERONIMO-5046 Remove need for system property <>true</> to get car-maven-plugin to work
GERONIMO-5033 Serlvet 3.0 spec jar is missing a bunch of 3.0 schema files
GERONIMO-4978 [geronimo-security] FileCertificateRequestStore inappropriately uses InputStream.available()
GERONIMO-4901 Shutting down Geronimo destroys pending Timers
GERONIMO-4728 Can't access EJB Server portlet with IPV6 address.