blob: 3fc1755a2c2539511cbf6d35efaa74fc8e36d4b9 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Geronimo milestone build M4 (August 10, 2005)
This README serves as five minute overview of Geronimo, but better
documentation can be found here:
Release Notes
Please read the RELEASE_NOTES for a complete list of things that are
not yet functional. We wrote those up to save you time trying to get
things to work we know are not implemented.
If you've downloaded and unpacked a binary distribution of Geronimo,
then you are finished with installation. You can also use the
installer JAR to customize things like network ports and the
administrative login during installation.
Geronimo Home
The GERONIMO_HOME directory, is the directory where the Geronimo
binary was unpacked or the it is the 'target' directory created by
Maven from a source distribution.
If you unpacked the binary into the directory C:\geronimo,
for example, than this directory is your GERONIMO_HOME directory.
The GERONIMO_HOME directory is referred to in various parts of the
documentation, so it's good to remember where it is.
The main server class is also packed in an executable jar,
bin/server.jar, and can be ran in a way similar to the deploy tool.
C:\geronimo> java -jar bin\server.jar
Once the server has started, you can access the welcome page by
pointing your browser to:
You can also visit the web management console at:
To access the console, use the administrative account, which is
username "system" and password "manager" by default.
The Geronimo deployment tool is packaged in the executable jar
bin/deployer.jar under the GERONIMO_HOME and can be executed like
this (assuming the server is already running):
C:\geronimo> java -jar bin\deployer.jar deploy myDataSource.rar
C:\geronimo> java -jar bin\deployer.jar deploy myEJB.jar
C:\geronimo> java -jar bin\deployer.jar deploy myWebapp.war
C:\geronimo> java -jar bin\deployer.jar deploy myApp.ear
Notice that the deployer.jar is capable of handling a number of
different archive types; rar, war, ejb jar, and EAR.
The deployer will prompt you for a username and password; the
default administrative account has username "system" and password
Any problems with this release can be reported to the Geronimo
mailing list or Jira issue tracker.
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