blob: 6fca8c7b77b1d5db7422916077f08e9c8f59d468 [file] [log] [blame]
#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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dbwizard.basicParams.database = Database
dbwizard.basicParams.driverConnectionProperties = Driver Connection Properties = Host
dbwizard.basicParams.port = Port
dbwizard.basicParams.propertyExp = A property used to connect to {0}. This property can be optional. See JDBC driver documentation.
dbwizard.basicParams.seeDocumentation = See the JDBC documentation for your JDBC driver.
dbwizard.basicParams.title = <b>Create Database Pool</b> -- Step 2: Select Driver, JAR, Parameters
dbwizard.basicParams.typicalJDBCURL = Typical JDBC URL
dbwizard.basicParams.unableToLoadDriver = Unable to load driver from selected JARs!
dbwizard.common.DBPassword = DB Password
dbwizard.common.DBPasswordExp = The password used to connect to the database
dbwizard.common.DBUserName = DB User Name
dbwizard.common.DBUserNameExp = The username used to connect to the database
dbwizard.common.JDBCConnectURL = JDBC Connect URL
dbwizard.common.JDBCDriverClass = JDBC Driver Class
dbwizard.common.URLFits = Make sure the generated URL fits the syntax for your JDBC driver.
dbwizard.common.actions = Actions
dbwizard.common.blockingTimeout = Blocking Timeout
dbwizard.common.cancel = Cancel
dbwizard.common.configFile = Config File
dbwizard.common.confirmAndDeploy = Confirm and Deploy
dbwizard.common.confirmPassword = Confirm Password
dbwizard.common.connectionPoolParameters = Connection Pool Parameters
dbwizard.common.delete = Delete
dbwizard.common.deploy = Deploy
dbwizard.common.downloadDriver = Download a Driver
dbwizard.common.driverJAR = Driver JAR
dbwizard.common.driverJARExplanation = The JAR(s) required to make a connection to the database. Use CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to select multiple jars.<br>The JAR(s) should already be installed under GERONIMO/repository/ (or
dbwizard.common.driverTransactionTypes = Type of transactions that this connection pool supports.
dbwizard.common.edit = Edit
dbwizard.common.editSettings = Edit Settings
dbwizard.common.emptyText = The focussed field cannot be empty.
dbwizard.common.finish = Finish
dbwizard.common.idleTimeout = Idle Timeout
dbwizard.common.import = {0} Import
dbwizard.common.importFromJBoss = Import from JBoss 4
dbwizard.common.importFromWebLogic = Import from WebLogic 8.1
dbwizard.common.inMilliseconds = in milliseconds
dbwizard.common.inMinutes = in minutes
dbwizard.common.maxNoOfCon = The maximum number of connections in the pool. The default value is 10. = Name = Next
dbwizard.common.passwordMismatch = Password does not match.
dbwizard.common.poolMaxSize = Pool Max Size
dbwizard.common.poolMinSize = Pool Min Size
dbwizard.common.returnToList = Return To List = Save
dbwizard.common.showPlan = Show Plan
dbwizard.common.skipRemainingPools = Skip Remaining Pools
dbwizard.common.skipTestAndDeploy = Skip Test and Deploy
dbwizard.common.skipTestAndShowPlan = Skip Test and Show Plan
dbwizard.common.state = State
dbwizard.common.testConnection = Test Connection
dbwizard.common.transactionType = Transaction Type
dbwizard.common.usingPoolWizard = Using the Geronimo database pool wizard
dbwizard.confirmURL.blockingTimeoutExp = The length of time a caller will wait for a connection. Leave blank for default.
dbwizard.confirmURL.driverStatus = Driver Status
dbwizard.confirmURL.idleTimeoutExp = How long a connection can be idle before being closed. Leave blank for default.
dbwizard.confirmURL.loadedSuccessfully = Loaded Successfully
dbwizard.confirmURL.maxNoOfCon = The maximum number of connections in the pool. Leave blank for default.
dbwizard.confirmURL.minimumNoOfCon = The minimum number of connections in the pool. Leave blank for default.
dbwizard.confirmURL.title = <b>Create Database Pool</b> -- Step 3: Final Pool Configuration
dbwizard.downloadStatus.summary = This page shows the driver download progress.
dbwizard.downloadStatus.title = <b>Create Database Pool</b> -- Driver Download
dbwizard.edit.basicConProperties = Basic Connection Properties
dbwizard.edit.blockingTimeoutExp = The length of time a caller will wait for a connection. The default is 5000.
dbwizard.edit.errorMsg01 = Min pool size must be a number. Default value is 0.
dbwizard.edit.errorMsg02 = Min pool size must be non-negative. Default value is 0.
dbwizard.edit.errorMsg03 = Max pool size must be a number. Default value is 10.
dbwizard.edit.errorMsg04 = Max pool size must be greater than zero. Default value is 10.
dbwizard.edit.errorMsg05 = Max pool size must be greater than Min pool size.
dbwizard.edit.idleTimeoutExp = How long a connection can be idle before being closed. The default is 15.
dbwizard.edit.maxNoOfCon = The maximum number of connections in the pool. The default is 10.
dbwizard.edit.minimumNoOfCon = The minimum number of connections in the pool. The default is 0.
dbwizard.edit.poolName = Pool Name
dbwizard.edit.poolNameExp = A name that is different than the name for any other database pools in the server. Do not type spaces in the pool name.
dbwizard.edit.poolType = Pool Type
dbwizard.edit.seeDocumentation = See the JDBC documentation for your JDBC driver.
dbwizard.edit.seeLog = See the log for details
dbwizard.edit.summary = This page edits an existing database pool.
dbwizard.edit.unableToLoadDriver = Unable to load driver from selected JARs!
dbwizard.importStatus.currentPools = Current Pools in Server
dbwizard.importStatus.importFailed = The import failed or did not discover any usable database pools!
dbwizard.importStatus.importMessages = Import Messages
dbwizard.importStatus.importStatus = Import Status
dbwizard.importStatus.originalJNDI = Original JNDI
dbwizard.importStatus.originalName = Original Name
dbwizard.importStatus.summary = The following list shows recognised database pools. You can deploy any pools to Geronimo that were configured as plain JDBC pools, or XA pools where Geronimo has a supported XA adapter. Below the pool list is the list of status messages from the import process.
dbwizard.importStatus.title = <b>Import Database Pools</b> -- Step 2: Review Imported Data
dbwizard.importUpload.aboutWebLogic = If WebLogic 8.1 is installed on the same machine as Geronimo, and the WebLogic domain directory is readable by the user running Geronimo, you can also point directly to the WebLogic installation and domain directories. This has the advantage that the import process can read the database passwords, whereas if you just import a <tt>config.xml</tt> above you'll need to re-enter all the passwords.
dbwizard.importUpload.alternateImport = Alternate {0} Import
dbwizard.importUpload.domainDirectoryPath = Domain directory path
dbwizard.importUpload.domainDirectoryPathExp = Enter the full path to the WebLogic domain directory (containing the <tt>config.xml</tt> file) for your WebLogic domain .
dbwizard.importUpload.enterFullPath = Enter the full path to the <tt>weblogic81/server/lib</tt> directory for your WebLogic 8.1 installation .
dbwizard.importUpload.path = Path
dbwizard.importUpload.pleaseSelect = Select the
dbwizard.importUpload.summary = This page starts the process of importing database pools from another application server. To do the import, you must upload a configuration file from the other server using the fields below. Geronimo server will convert the configuration information into Geronimo specific values, and ask you to confirm the configuration for each pool in the configuration.
dbwizard.importUpload.title = <b>Import Database Pools</b> -- Step 1: Upload Configuration File
dbwizard.list.createPool = Create a new database pool
dbwizard.list.deployedAs = Deployed As
dbwizard.list.hasDatabasePools = For each pool listed, you can click the <b>usage</b> link to see examples of how to use the pool from your application.
dbwizard.list.noDatabasePools = There are no database pools defined
dbwizard.list.serverWide = Server-wide
dbwizard.list.summary = This page lists all the available database pools.
dbwizard.list.usage = Usage
dbwizard.selectDatabase.databaseType = Database Type
dbwizard.selectDatabase.databaseTypeExp = The type of database the pool will connect to.
dbwizard.selectDatabase.nameOfPool = Name of Database Pool
dbwizard.selectDatabase.nameOfPoolExplanation = A name that is different than the name for any other database pools in the server (no spaces in the name please).
dbwizard.selectDatabase.title = <b>Create Database Pool</b> -- Step 1: Select Name and Database
dbwizard.selectDownload.otherJDBCDrivers = Here are some other JDBC drivers you might want to download on your own (just save them somewhere under geronimo/repository/)
dbwizard.selectDownload.selectDriver = Select Driver
dbwizard.selectDownload.selectDriverExp = A driver that Geronimo can download automatically for you.
dbwizard.selectDownload.selectOtherDatabase = Select "other" database
dbwizard.selectDownload.selectPredefinedDatabase = Select predefined database
dbwizard.selectDownload.summary = <p>This page lets you automatically download a driver for a database where the driver JARs are available online without login or registration.</p><p><i>If this page took a very long time to load and there are no drivers listed in the box below, it probably means your Geronimo installation can't connect to to retrieve the driver download configuration file. Sorry for the inconvenience,you'll have to try again later or install the driver by hand (copy it to a directory under geronimo/repository/)</i></p>
dbwizard.selectDownload.title = <b>Create Database Pool</b> -- Step 2: Select Driver, JAR, Parameters
dbwizard.showPlan.addToEAR = Add to EAR
dbwizard.showPlan.deployAsPartEAR = Instead of deploying as a top-level database pool, you can deploy this pool as part of an EAR. To add a database pool to an EAR using this plan:<ol> <li>Copy and paste the plan to a file</li> <li>Save the plan file to the top level of your EAR</li> <li>Copy the RAR file from <tt>GERONIMO_HOME/{0}</tt> to the top level of your EAR</li> <li>Create a <tt>META-INF/geronimo-application.xml</tt> file in your EAR that has a <tt>module</tt> entry like this (substituting the correct RAR file name and plan file name):</li></ol>
dbwizard.showPlan.deployCommand = Deploy Command
dbwizard.showPlan.deployPool = Deploy Pool
dbwizard.showPlan.deployPoolFromCommandLine = To deploy a database pool from the command line using this plan,copy and paste it to a file (say, <tt>plan-file.xml</tt>) and save it. Then run a command like:
dbwizard.showPlan.deploymentPlan = Deployment Plan
dbwizard.showPlan.title = <b>Create Database Pool</b> -- Show Deployment Plan
dbwizard.testConnection.connectedTo = Connected to
dbwizard.testConnection.connectionError = Connection Error (see below)
dbwizard.testConnection.deployAnyway = Deploy Anyway
dbwizard.testConnection.testAgain = Test Again
dbwizard.testConnection.testError = Test Error
dbwizard.testConnection.testResult = Test Result
dbwizard.testConnection.title = <b>Create Database Pool</b> -- Step 4: Test Connection
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.DatabaseNameExp = Specifies the name for the database server. This name is used as the database portion of the connection URL.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.DowngradeHoldCursorsUnderXa = Downgrade Hold Cursors
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.DowngradeHoldCursorsUnderXaExp = Specifies whether the lock associated with a hold cursor will be downgraded.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.DriverType = Driver Type
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.DriverTypeExp = The driver type to use for connections made on this datasource. Possible values are 2 or 4. Default is Type 4.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.PasswordExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.PortNumberExp = Specifies the port number the remote database server is listening on for incoming connections. The default for a DB2 server is 50000.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSize = PreparedStatement Cache Size
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSizeExp = PreparedStatementCacheSize specifies the driver how many prepared statements should be associated with each connection. The default is no statement caching.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.ResultSetHoldability = ResultSetHoldability
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.ResultSetHoldabilityExp = ResultSetHoldability has two possible values: HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT and CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT. Either of these values can be specified with any valid combination of resultSetConcurrency and resultSetHoldability. The value that you set overrides the default holdability for the connection.<br/><br/>HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT = 1<br/>CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT = 2
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.ServerNameExp = ServerName is the name or IP address of the host that the DB2 driver needs to connect to. There is no default value.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.TraceFile = Trace File
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.TraceFileAppend = TraceFileAppend
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.TraceFileAppendExp = TraceFileAppend specifies whether to append to or overwrite the file that is specified by the traceFile property. The data type of this property is boolean. The default value is false, which means that the file that is specified by the traceFile property is overwritten.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.TraceFileExp = Name of the tracefile to place trace records into.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2-xa.UserNameExp = The name of the userID used to connect to the remote database server.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.CreateDatabase = Create Database
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.CreateDatabaseExp = Flag indicating that the database should be created if it does not exist
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.DatabaseNameExp = Name of the database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.LoginTimeout = Login Timeout
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.LoginTimeoutExp = Time to wait before aborting remote login.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.PasswordExp = Password credential used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.PortNumberExp = IP port number to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.ServerNameExp = Name of the server to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-local.UserNameExp = Username used to establish the physical connection. This also establishes the default schema; if omitted the engine defaults to 'APP'.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.CreateDatabase = Create Database
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.CreateDatabaseExp = Flag indicating that the database should be created if it does not exist
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.DatabaseNameExp = Name of the database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.LoginTimeout = Login Timeout
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.LoginTimeoutExp = Time to wait before aborting remote login.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.PasswordExp = Password credential used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.PortNumberExp = IP port number to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.ServerNameExp = Name of the server to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-client-xa.UserNameExp = Username used to establish the physical connection. This also establishes the default schema; if omitted the engine defaults to 'APP'.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.CreateDatabase = Create Database
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.CreateDatabaseExp = Flag indicating that the database should be created if it does not exist.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.DatabaseNameExp = Name of the database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.LoginTimeout = Login Timeout
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.LoginTimeoutExp = This config-property is currently ignored by Derby.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.PasswordExp = Password credential used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.ShutdownDatabase = Shutdown Database
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.ShutdownDatabaseExp = If set to the string "shutdown", this will cause the database to shutdown when a java.sql.Connection object is obtained from the data source.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-local.UserNameExp = Username used to establish the physical connection. This also establishes the default schema; if omitted the engine defaults to 'APP'.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.CreateDatabase = Create Database
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.CreateDatabaseExp = Flag indicating that the database should be created if it does not exist. This is a boolean value.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.DatabaseNameExp = Name of the database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.LoginTimeout = Login Timeout
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.LoginTimeoutExp = This config-property is currently ignored by Derby.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.PasswordExp = Password credential used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa.UserNameExp = Username used to establish the physical connection. This also establishes the default schema; if omitted the engine defaults to 'APP'.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.DatabaseNameExp = The database Name.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxIFXHOST = IfxHost
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxIFXHOSTExp = The Informix database server's IP address or the host name.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxPROTOCOLTRACE = IfxProtocolTrace
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxPROTOCOLTRACEExp = The value of IfxPROTOCOLTRACE.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxPROTOCOLTRACEFILE = IfxProtocolTraceFile
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxPROTOCOLTRACEFILEExp = The value of IfxPROTOCOLTRACEFILE.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxSQLH_FILE = IfxSQLHostFile
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxSQLH_FILEExp = The value of IfxSQLH_FILE.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxSQLH_TYPE = IfxSQLHostType
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxSQLH_TYPEExp = The value of IfxSQLH_TYPE.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxIFX_LOCK_MODE_WAIT = IfxLockModeWait
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxIFX_LOCK_MODE_WAITExp = The value of IFX_LOCK_MODE_WAIT in seconds. Application can use this property to override the default server process for accessing a locked row or table.Default Value is 0. Set as -1 to WAIT until the lock is released. Set as n to wait n seconds for the lock to be released.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxIFX_XASPEC = IfxXaspec
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.IfxIFX_XASPECExp = Application can use this property to override the system property. Turn on the property by specifying y or Y. Turn off the property by specifying n or N. All other values are ignored. This property is particularly useful when there are multiple users accessing the same database and helps enable tight coupling in XA transactions preventing possible transaction management errors.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSize = PreparedStatementCacheSize
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSizeExp= The value of PreparedStatementCacheSize. PreparedStatementCacheSize tells the driver how many prepared statements should be associated with each connection. The default is no statement caching.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.PasswordExp = The password (case-insensitive).
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.PortNumberExp = The Informix database server's port number.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.ServerNameExp = The Informix database server instance Name.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-informix-xa.UserNameExp = The user's name (case-insensitive).
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.DatabaseNameExp = Name of the database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.PasswordExp = Password credential used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.PortNumberExp = IP port number to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.ServerNameExp = Name of the server to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-local.UserNameExp = Username used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.DatabaseNameExp = Name of the database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.PasswordExp = Password credential used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.PortNumberExp = IP port number to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.ServerNameExp = Name of the server to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-mysql-xa.UserNameExp = Username used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.DataSourceName = DataSource Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.DataSourceNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.DatabaseNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.Description = Description
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.DescriptionExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.DriverType = Driver Type
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.DriverTypeExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.LoginTimeout = Login Timeout
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.LoginTimeoutExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.MaxStatements = Max Statements
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.MaxStatementsExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.NetworkProtocol = Network Protocol
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.NetworkProtocolExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.PasswordExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.PortNumberExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.ServerNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.ServiceName = Service Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.ServiceNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.TNSEntryName = TNS Entry Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.TNSEntryNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-local.UserNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.DataSourceName = DataSource Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.DataSourceNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.DatabaseNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.Description = Description
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.DescriptionExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.DriverType = Driver Type
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.DriverTypeExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.LoginTimeout = Login Timeout
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.LoginTimeoutExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.MaxStatements = Max Statements
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.MaxStatementsExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.NetworkProtocol = Network Protocol
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.NetworkProtocolExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.PasswordExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.PortNumberExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.ServerNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.ServiceName = Service Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.ServiceNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.TNSEntryName = TNS Entry Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.TNSEntryNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-oracle-xa.UserNameExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.DatabaseNameExp = Name of the database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.PasswordExp = Password credential used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.PortNumberExp = IP port number to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.PrepareThreshold = Prepare Threshold
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.PrepareThresholdExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.ServerNameExp = Name of the server to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-local.UserNameExp = Username used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.DatabaseNameExp = Name of the database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.PasswordExp = Password credential used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.PortNumberExp = IP port number to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.PrepareThreshold = Prepare Threshold
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.PrepareThresholdExp = \
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.ServerNameExp = Name of the server to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-postgresql-xa.UserNameExp = Username used to establish the physical connection.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.DatabaseNameExp = The name of the SQL Server database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.PasswordExp = The case-insensitive password used to connect to your SQL Server database.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.PortNumberExp = The TCP port of the SQL Server, the default is 1433.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.SelectMethod = SelectMethod
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.SelectMethodExp = SelectMethod={cursor | direct}. Refer to Microsoft documentation for more information. Direct is very unlikely to work in a managed environment.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.SendStringParameters = SendStringParameters
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.SendStringParametersExp = SendStringParametersAsUnicode={true | false}. Refer to Microsoft documentation for details. The default is true and this is less likely to cause encoding conflicts but may be slighty slower under some circumstances.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.ServerNameExp = The IP address of the SQL Server.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2000-xa.UserNameExp = The case-insensitive username used to connect to your SQL Server database.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.DatabaseNameExp = The name of the SQL Server database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.PasswordExp = The case-insensitive password used to connect to your SQL Server database.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.PortNumberExp = The TCP port of the SQL Server, the default is 1433.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.SelectMethod = SelectMethod
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.SelectMethodExp = SelectMethod={cursor | direct}. Refer to Microsoft documentation for more information. Direct is very unlikely to work in a managed environment.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.SendStringParameters = SendStringParameters
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.SendStringParametersExp = SendStringParametersAsUnicode={true | false}. Refer to Microsoft documentation for details. The default is true and this is less likely to cause encoding conflicts but may be slightly slower under some circumstances.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.ServerNameExp = The IP address of the SQL Server.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.UserNameExp = The case-insensitive username used to connect to your SQL Server database.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSize = PreparedStatement Cache Size
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2005-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSizeExp = The value of PreparedStatementCacheSize. PreparedStatementCacheSize tells the driver how many prepared statements should be associated with each connection. The default is no statement caching.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.DatabaseNameExp = The name of the SQL Server database to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.PasswordExp = The case-insensitive password used to connect to your SQL Server database.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.PortNumber = Port Number
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.PortNumberExp = The TCP port of the SQL Server, the default is 1433.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.SelectMethod = SelectMethod
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.SelectMethodExp = SelectMethod={cursor | direct}. Refer to Microsoft documentation for more information. Direct is very unlikely to work in a managed environment.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.SendStringParameters = SendStringParameters
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.SendStringParametersExp = SendStringParametersAsUnicode={true | false}. Refer to Microsoft documentation for details. The default is true and this is less likely to cause encoding conflicts but may be slightly slower under some circumstances.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.ServerNameExp = The IP address of the SQL Server.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.UserName = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.UserNameExp = The case-insensitive username used to connect to your SQL Server database.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSize = PreparedStatement Cache Size
dbwizard.tranql-connector-sqlserver2008-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSizeExp = The value of PreparedStatementCacheSize. PreparedStatementCacheSize tells the driver how many prepared statements should be associated with each connection. The default is no statement caching.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.DatabaseName = Database Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.DatabaseNameExp = Specifies the name for the database server. This name is used as the database portion of the connection URL.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.Secure = Secure
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.SecureExp = Secure
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.Trace = Trace
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.TraceExp = Name of the server to connect to.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.TrueAutocommit = AutoCommit
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.TrueAutocommitExp = Specifies whether commit automatically.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.Password = Password
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.PasswordExp = The case-insensitive password used to connect to your DB2 Server database.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.DataSourceName = DataSource Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.DataSourceNameExp = Specifies the DataSource Name.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSize = PreparedStatement Cache Size
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.PreparedStatementCacheSizeExp = PreparedStatementCacheSize specifies the driver how many prepared statements should be associated with each connection. The default is no statement caching.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.Libraries = Libraries
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.LibrariesExp = Libraries
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.ServerName = Server Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.ServerNameExp = ServerName is the name or IP address of the host that the DB2 driver needs to connect to. There is no default value.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.Errors = Errors
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.ErrorsExp = Errors.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.TransactionIsolation = TransactionIsolation
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.TransactionIsolationExp = TransactionIsolation.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.User = User Name
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.UserExp = The name of the userID used to connect to the remote database server.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.ToolboxTraceCategory = ToolboxTraceCategory
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.ToolboxTraceCategoryExp = ToolboxTraceCategory.
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.ToolboxTrace = ToolboxTrace
dbwizard.tranql-connector-db2ISeries-xa.ToolboxTraceExp = ToolboxTrace
dbwizard.usage.applicationCode = Application Code
dbwizard.usage.geronimo_webExp = <p>To point the resource reference to a specific database pool in Geronimo, the web application needs to have a <tt>geronimo-web.xml</tt> deployment plan. That may be packaged in the WAR in the <tt>WEB-INF</tt> directory, or it may be provided separately on the command line to the deploy tool. The <tt>geronimo-web.xml</tt> plan should have a <tt>dependency</tt> element pointing to the database pool module, and a <tt>resource-ref</tt> block corresponding to the <tt>web.xml</tt> <tt>resource-ref</tt> above, which maps the resource reference to a specific database pool. In that block, the <tt>ref-name</tt> must match the <tt>res-ref-name</tt> from the <tt>web.xml</tt> (above) and the <tt>resource-link</tt> must point to the database pool by name.</p> <p><i>If you have only one pool named {0} deployed in Geronimo, you can point to it like this.</i></p>
dbwizard.usage.moreThanOnePool = If you have more than one pool named {0} (for example, two dependencies that <b>each</b> include a component named {1}), then you can specify the pool to use more explicitly like this:
dbwizard.usage.resource_refSection = The <tt>web.xml</tt> should have a <tt>resource-ref</tt> section declaring the database pool, like this. Note the <tt>res-ref-name</tt>, which is what we'll need to map the reference to a pool, and also what the application will need in order to access the pool.
dbwizard.usage.searchOnlyOne = That will search for a pool named {0} in the current application and any modules listed as dependencies (and their dependencies, etc.).
dbwizard.usage.title = This page shows how to use the database pool {0} from a Java EE application. The example here is a Web application, but other application modules would work in the same way.
dbwizard.usage.usingInCode = To get a reference to the database pool, your application can use code like this. Note that the JNDI lookup string is <tt>java:comp/env/</tt> plus the <tt>res-ref-name</tt> used in <tt>web.xml</tt> (above). = This portlet shows the log file for Geronimo's internal database, Derby.
derbylogmanager.view.Lines = Lines
derbylogmanager.view.containingText = Containing text
derbylogmanager.view.filterLog = Filter Log
derbylogmanager.view.filterResults = Filter results
derbylogmanager.view.integer = The focussed field must be an integer.
derbylogmanager.view.matchCriterial = {0} total message(s) in log file. {1} matched your criteria.
derbylogmanager.view.maxResults = Max Results
derbylogmanager.view.noEntries = No entries found with the specified criteria.
derbylogmanager.view.numberOfResultsCapped = number of results capped
derbylogmanager.view.refresh = Refresh = To
internaldb.common.DB = DB
internaldb.common.DBMajorVersion = DB Major Version
internaldb.common.DBMinorVersion = DB Minor Version
internaldb.common.DBProductName = DB Product Name
internaldb.common.DBProductVersion = DB Product Version
internaldb.common.Item = Item
internaldb.common.JDBCMajorVersion = JDBC Major Version
internaldb.common.JDBCMinorVersion = JDBC Minor Version
internaldb.common.SQLCommands = SQL Command/s
internaldb.common.SQLStateType = SQL State Type
internaldb.common.Value = Value
internaldb.common.application = Application
internaldb.common.create = Create
internaldb.common.createDB = Create DB
internaldb.common.databases = Databases
internaldb.common.defaultTransactionIsolation = Default Transaction Isolation
internaldb.common.delete = Delete
internaldb.common.deleteDB = Delete DB
internaldb.common.driver = Driver
internaldb.common.driverMajorVersion = Driver Major Version
internaldb.common.driverMinorVersion = Driver Minor Version
internaldb.common.driverName = Driver Name
internaldb.common.driverVersion = Driver Version
internaldb.common.empty = Empty
internaldb.common.emptyText = The focussed field cannot be empty.
internaldb.common.etc = Etc
internaldb.common.functions = Functions
internaldb.common.note = Note
internaldb.common.numericFunctions = Numeric Functions
internaldb.common.queryResult = Query Result
internaldb.common.readOnly = Read Only
internaldb.common.result = Result
internaldb.common.resultSetHoldability = Result Set Holdability
internaldb.common.schemas = Schemas
internaldb.common.stringFunctions = String Functions
internaldb.common.supportedSQLKeywords = Supported SQL Keywords
internaldb.common.supportedTypes = Supported Types
internaldb.common.system = System
internaldb.common.systemFunctions = System Functions
internaldb.common.table = Table
internaldb.common.tableTypes = Table Types
internaldb.common.tables = Tables
internaldb.common.timeDateFunctions = Time Date Functions
internaldb.common.useDB = Use DB
internaldb.common.useDS = Use DataSource
internaldb.common.userName = Username
internaldb.common.viewContents = View Contents
internaldb.common.viewDatabases = View Databases
internaldb.common.viewTables = View Tables
internaldb.dbViewerHelp.content = Displays all the available databases and their tables and displays the contents of the tables. From the main window, to view the tables in a database, click on the database link. This will show all the tables in the database. To view the contents of the tables, click on the "View Contents" link. At the bottom of the DB Viewer window pane there will be links to take the user back to other views, e.g., "View Databases" and/or "View Tables."
internaldb.internalDBHelp.content = This page provides information about the internal database, such as, the product name, the version of the database, the supported functions and the supported SQL commands, among other things. Scroll to the bottom to see all the information.
internaldb.listDatabases.nodatabases = No databases
internaldb.listDatabases.title = Database List
internaldb.listTables.noTables = No tables
internaldb.runSQLHelp.createDBExp = Enter the name of the new database to be created, then click on the &quot;Create&quot; button.
internaldb.runSQLHelp.deleteDBExp = Delete an existing database, by selecting it from the pull-down menu and then clicking on &quot;Delete.&quot;
internaldb.runSQLHelp.runSQLExp = Enter the SQL commands, separated by semicolons, in the "SQL Command/s" text box. To run the SQL command(s), click on the "Run SQL" button.
internaldb.runSQLHelp.summary = Allows the user to run SQL commands to manipulate the data in the tables, create a new database or delete a database. The user can enter the SQL commands in the &quot;SQL Command(s)&quot; text box and click on &quot;Run SQL.&quot;
internaldb.runSQLHelp.useDBExp = Select a database to use from the pull-down menu.
internaldb.runSQLHelp.useDSExp = Select a datasource to use from the pull-down menu.
internaldb.runSQLNormal.note1 = 1) Use ';' to separate multiple statements
internaldb.runSQLNormal.note2 = 2) Query results will be displayed for single 'Select' statement
internaldb.runSQLNormal.note3 = 3) Use single quotes to encapsulate literal strings
internaldb.runSQLNormal.reallyDeleteDatabase = Are you sure you want to delete this database?
internaldb.runSQLNormal.runSQL = Run SQL