blob: 8a4f3d96fa989cc9b9510be15f8f8fa74483f32c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.yoko.util;
import java.util.Map;
public interface Cache<K, V> {
/** Get the number of cached values */
int size();
/** Get the number of cached values not currently in use */
int idleCount();
* Retrieve the value for the given key.
* The caller must ensure the returned reference is closed
Reference<V> get(K key);
* Retrieve or compute the value for the given key.
* The caller must ensure that the returned reference is closed.
* @return an auto-closeable reference to the cached value
Reference<V> getOrCreate(K key, KeyedFactory<K, V> keyedFactory);
* Retrieve or compute the value for the given key.
* The caller must ensure that the returned reference is closed.
* @return an auto-closeable reference to the cached value
Reference<V> getOrCreate(K key, Factory<V> factory);
* Uncache an item. No cleanup will be performed.
* @throws IllegalStateException if valueRef has already been closed
void remove(Reference<V> ref);
* Remove some idle entries.
* @return the number of entries removed
int clean();
Map<K, V> snapshot();
interface Cleaner<V> {void clean(V value);}