blob: ad989ced7d0f37c59c42e306508343f76bac4d09 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.yoko.orb.OB;
import static org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.GiopVersion.GIOP1_2;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER;
import org.omg.CORBA.BooleanHolder;
import org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE;
import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus;
import org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionList;
import org.omg.CORBA.NO_RESPONSE;
import org.omg.CORBA.NVList;
import org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue;
import org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
import org.omg.CORBA.Policy;
import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;
import org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT;
import org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode;
import org.omg.CORBA.UserException;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.ApplicationException;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.RemarshalException;
import org.omg.GIOP.MessageHeader_1_1;
import org.omg.GIOP.MessageHeader_1_2Helper;
import org.omg.GIOP.MsgType_1_1;
import org.omg.GIOP.RequestHeader_1_2;
import org.omg.GIOP.RequestHeader_1_2Helper;
import org.omg.IOP.IOR;
import org.omg.IOP.ServiceContext;
import org.omg.IOP.ServiceContextListHolder;
import org.omg.MessageRouting.MessageBody;
import org.omg.MessageRouting.PersistentRequest;
import org.omg.MessageRouting.PersistentRequestRouter;
import org.omg.MessageRouting.ReplyDestination;
import org.omg.MessageRouting.ReplyDisposition;
import org.omg.MessageRouting.RequestInfo;
import org.omg.MessageRouting.RequestMessage;
import org.omg.MessageRouting.Router;
import org.omg.MessageRouting.RouterListHolder;
import org.omg.Messaging.PolicyValue;
import org.omg.Messaging.PolicyValueSeqHelper;
import org.omg.Messaging.PolicyValueSeqHolder;
import org.omg.Messaging.ReplyHandler;
// DowncallStub is equivalent to the C++ class OB::MarshalStubImpl
public final class DowncallStub {
static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DowncallStub.class.getName());
// The ORBInstance object
private ORBInstance orbInstance_;
// The IOR and the original IOR
private IOR IOR_;
private IOR origIOR_;
// The list of policies
private RefCountPolicyList policies_;
// All client/profile pairs
private Vector<ClientProfilePair> clientProfilePairs_;
// We need a class to carry the DowncallStub and Downcall across
// a portable stub invocation
private class InvocationContext {
DowncallStub downcallStub;
Downcall downcall;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private and protected member implementations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private synchronized Client getClientProfilePair(org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder profileInfo)
throws FailureException {
// Lazy initialization of the client/profile pairs
if (clientProfilePairs_ == null) {
// Get all clients that can be used
ClientManager clientManager = orbInstance_.getClientManager();
clientProfilePairs_ = clientManager.getClientProfilePairs(IOR_, policies_.value);
// If we can't get any client/profile pairs, set and raise the
// failure exception, and let the stub handle this.
if (clientProfilePairs_.isEmpty()) {
CoreTraceLevels coreTraceLevels = orbInstance_.getCoreTraceLevels();
if (coreTraceLevels.traceRetry() >= 2) {
logger.fine("retry: no profiles available");
throw new FailureException(new TRANSIENT(org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.MinorCodes.describeTransient(org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.MinorCodes.MinorNoUsableProfileInIOR), org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.MinorCodes.MinorNoUsableProfileInIOR, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO));
ClientProfilePair clientProfilePair = (ClientProfilePair) clientProfilePairs_.elementAt(0);
profileInfo.value = clientProfilePair.profile;
return clientProfilePair.client;
private void destroy(boolean terminate) {
// If the ORB has been destroyed then the clientManager can be nil
ClientManager clientManager = orbInstance_.getClientManager();
if (clientManager != null && clientProfilePairs_ != null) {
for (ClientProfilePair pair: clientProfilePairs_) {
clientManager.releaseClient(pair.client, terminate);
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public member implementations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
public DowncallStub(ORBInstance orbInstance, IOR ior, IOR origIOR, RefCountPolicyList policies) {
clientProfilePairs_ = null;
// Save the ORBInstance object
orbInstance_ = orbInstance;
// Save the IOR
IOR_ = ior;
origIOR_ = origIOR;
// Save the policies
policies_ = policies;
// Operations to create new Downcall objects
public Downcall createDowncall(String op, boolean resp)
throws FailureException {
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder profile = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder();
Client client = getClientProfilePair(profile);
Assert._OB_assert(client != null);
if (!policies_.interceptor) {
return new Downcall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, op, resp);
PIManager piManager = orbInstance_.getPIManager();
if (piManager.haveClientInterceptors()) {
return new PIDowncall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, op, resp, IOR_, origIOR_, piManager);
} else {
return new Downcall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, op, resp);
public Downcall createLocateRequestDowncall() throws FailureException {
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder profile = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder();
Client client = getClientProfilePair(profile);
Assert._OB_assert(client != null);
// A LocateRequest is not seen by the interceptors
return new Downcall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, "_locate", true);
public Downcall createPIArgsDowncall(String op, boolean resp, ParameterDesc[] argDesc, ParameterDesc retDesc, TypeCode[] exceptionTC) throws FailureException {
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder profile = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder();
Client client = getClientProfilePair(profile);
Assert._OB_assert(client != null);
if (!policies_.interceptor)
return new Downcall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, op, resp);
PIManager piManager = orbInstance_.getPIManager();
if (piManager.haveClientInterceptors()) {
return new PIArgsDowncall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, op, resp, IOR_, origIOR_, piManager, argDesc, retDesc, exceptionTC);
} else {
return new Downcall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, op, resp);
public Downcall createPIDIIDowncall(String op, boolean resp, NVList args, NamedValue result, ExceptionList exceptions) throws FailureException {
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder profile = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder();
Client client = getClientProfilePair(profile);
Assert._OB_assert(client != null);
if (!policies_.interceptor)
return new Downcall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, op, resp);
PIManager piManager = orbInstance_.getPIManager();
if (piManager.haveClientInterceptors()) {
return new PIDIIDowncall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, op, resp, IOR_, origIOR_, piManager, args, result, exceptions);
} else {
return new Downcall(orbInstance_, client, profile.value, policies_, op, resp);
// Marshalling interception points
public org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream preMarshal(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
return down.preMarshal();
public void marshalEx(Downcall down, SystemException ex) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
public void postMarshal(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
// Methods to invoke requests and pick up replies
public void locate(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
public void request(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
public void oneway(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
public void deferred(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
public void response(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
public boolean poll(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
return down.poll();
// Unmarshalling interception points
public org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.InputStream preUnmarshal(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
return down.preUnmarshal();
public org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.InputStream preUnmarshal(Downcall down, BooleanHolder uex) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.InputStream in = down.preUnmarshal();
uex.value = down.userException();
return in;
public void unmarshalEx(Downcall down, SystemException ex) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
public void postUnmarshal(Downcall down) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
// Operations for handling user exceptions
public String unmarshalExceptionId(Downcall down) {
return down.unmarshalExceptionId();
public void setUserException(Downcall down, UserException ex, String exId) {
down.setUserException(ex, exId);
public void setUserException(Downcall down, UserException ex) {
// Handle a FailureException
public synchronized void handleFailureException(Downcall down, FailureException ex) throws FailureException {
// Only called if there is really a failure
Assert._OB_assert(ex.exception != null);
// If there was a failure, release the client and remove the
// faulty client/profile pair, whether we retry or not
Client client = down.client();
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfo profile = down.profileInfo();
final ClientManager clientManager = orbInstance_.getClientManager();
// Make sure the ORB has not been destroyed
if (clientManager == null)
throw new BAD_INV_ORDER(
for (ClientProfilePair pair : clientProfilePairs_) {
if (pair.client == client && pair.profile == profile) {
clientManager.releaseClient(pair.client, false);
// We only retry upon COMM_FAILURE, TRANSIENT, and NO_RESPONSE
try {
throw ex.exception;
} catch (SystemException systemException) {
throw ex; // Not "throw e;"!
// We can't retry if RETRY_STRICT or RETRY_NEVER is set and the
// completion status is not COMPLETED_NO
if (policies_.retry.mode != RETRY_ALWAYS.value && ex.exception.completed != CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO) {
throw ex;
// If no client/profile pairs are left, we cannot retry either
if (clientProfilePairs_.isEmpty()) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "no profiles left to try", ex.exception);
throw ex;
// OK, let's continue with the next profile
logger.log(Level.FINE, "trying next profile", ex.exception);
public boolean locate_request() throws LocationForward, FailureException {
logger.fine("performing a locate_request");
while (true) {
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.Downcall down = createLocateRequestDowncall();
try {
try {
// Get the client and force a binding
Client client = down.client();
// If the LocateRequest policy is false, then return now
if (!policies_.locateRequest) {
logger.fine("LocateRequest policy is false, returning true");
return true;
// If the client doesn't support twoway invocations,
// then silently pretend the locate request succeeded
if (!client.twoway()) {
logger.fine("Twoway invocations not supported, returning true");
return true;
} catch (SystemException ex) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception occurred during locate request", ex);
throw new FailureException(ex);
logger.fine("Object located");
return true;
} catch (OBJECT_NOT_EXIST ex) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Object does not exist", ex);
return false;
} catch (FailureException ex) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Object lookup failure", ex);
handleFailureException(down, ex);
public org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ConnectorInfo get_oci_connector_info() {
try {
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder profileInfo = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder();
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.Client client = getClientProfilePair(profileInfo);
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.Assert._OB_assert(client != null);
return client.connectorInfo();
} catch (org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.FailureException ex) {
return null; // The compiler needs this
public org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.TransportInfo get_oci_transport_info() {
try {
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder profileInfo = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder();
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.Client client = getClientProfilePair(profileInfo);
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.Assert._OB_assert(client != null);
return client.transportInfo();
} catch (org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.FailureException ex) {
return null; // The compiler needs this
// Prepare a request from a portable stub
public org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream setupRequest(
org.omg.CORBA.Object self, String operation, boolean responseExpected) throws LocationForward, FailureException {
while (true) {
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.Downcall downcall = createDowncall(
operation, responseExpected);
try {
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream out = preMarshal(downcall);
// The InvocationContext is associated with the OutputStream
// and retrieved by invoke()
InvocationContext ctx = new InvocationContext();
ctx.downcallStub = this;
ctx.downcall = downcall;
return out;
} catch (FailureException ex) {
handleFailureException(downcall, ex);
// Prepare a polling request from a portable stub
// public org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream
public org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.CodeConverters setupPollingRequest(
ServiceContextListHolder sclHolder, org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStreamHolder out)
throws FailureException {
// Create buffer to contain out marshalable data
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.Buffer buf = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.Buffer();
// Obtain information regarding our target
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder info = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder();
Client client = getClientProfilePair(info);
out.value = new org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream(buf, client.codeConverters(), GIOP1_2);
sclHolder.value = client.getAMIRouterSCL();
// Be sure to add the invocation context before returning
InvocationContext ctx = new InvocationContext();
ctx.downcallStub = this;
ctx.downcall = null;
return client.codeConverters();
// Creates an output stream that holds an AMI router request. Note
// that this needs to be done in two parts. The first (this method)
// creates the initial stream and writes the request header. The
// second will complete the request by writing the message header into
// the stream (this needs to be done after we write the requests
// parameters)
public GIOPOutgoingMessage AMIRouterPreMarshal(String operation,
boolean responseExpected,
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStreamHolder out,
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder info)
throws FailureException {
// Create buffer to contain our marshalable data
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.Buffer buf = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.Buffer(
// Obtain information regarding our target
Client client = getClientProfilePair(info);
out.value = new org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream(buf, client.codeConverters(), GIOP1_2);
ServiceContext[] scl = client.getAMIRouterSCL();
GIOPOutgoingMessage outgoing = new GIOPOutgoingMessage(orbInstance_, out.value, info.value);
// Put the request header into the stream
outgoing.writeRequestHeader(client.requestId(), operation, responseExpected, scl);
return outgoing;
public void AMIRouterPostMarshal(GIOPOutgoingMessage outgoing, org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStreamHolder out) {
int pos = out.value._OB_pos();
outgoing.writeMessageHeader(MsgType_1_1.Request, false, pos - 12);
// The InvocationContext is associated with the OutputStream
// and retrieved by ami_*_request
InvocationContext ctx = new InvocationContext();
ctx.downcallStub = this;
ctx.downcall = null; // no downcall associated with an AMI request
// Invoke a request from a portable stub
public org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.InputStream invoke(
org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream out)
throws ApplicationException,
RemarshalException, LocationForward,
FailureException {
// We should have an InvocationContext associated with the
// OutputStream
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream o = out;
InvocationContext ctx = (InvocationContext) o._OB_invocationContext();
Assert._OB_assert(ctx != null);
// If the DowncallStub has changed, then remarshal
if (ctx.downcallStub != this) {
throw new RemarshalException();
Downcall down = ctx.downcall;
// No while loop here - if we need to reinvoke, we must raise
// RemarshalException
try {
boolean response = down.responseExpected();
if (response) {
else {
if (response) {
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.InputStream in = down.preUnmarshal();
if (down.userException()) {
String id = null;
try {
// Extract the exception's repository ID
id = down.unmarshalExceptionId();
} catch (SystemException ex) {
// We're using portable stubs, so we'll never
// be given the user exception instance. Therefore,
// we might as well invoke the interceptors now.
throw new ApplicationException(id, in);
} else {
// We're using portable stubs, so we'll never
// know the unmarshalled results. Therefore,
// we might as well invoke the interceptors now.
return in;
} else {
return null;
} catch (FailureException ex) {
handleFailureException(down, ex);
// If we reach this point, then we need to reinvoke
throw new RemarshalException();
public org.omg.CORBA.Object getAMIPollTarget() {
// Since we don't have access to the IOR information in the
// generated stub, we will call this method to create the target
// object for a polling request
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.ObjectFactory objectFactory = orbInstance_.getObjectFactory();
return objectFactory.createObject(IOR_);
public PersistentRequest ami_poll_request(OutputStream out, String operation, ServiceContext[] scl) throws RemarshalException {
// setup the ORBInstance
// poller._OB_ORBInstance(orbInstance_);
Assert._OB_assert(out != null);
// We should have an InvocationContext associated with the OutputStream
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream o = (org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream) out;
InvocationContext ctx = (InvocationContext) o._OB_invocationContext();
Assert._OB_assert(ctx != null);
// If the DowncallStub has changed, then remarshal
if (ctx.downcallStub != this)
throw new RemarshalException();
// Obtain the ORB
ORB orb = orbInstance_.getORB();
Assert._OB_assert(orb != null);
// Obtain the PersistentRequestRouter
PersistentRequestRouter router = org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.MessageRoutingUtil.getPersistentRouterFromConfig(orbInstance_);
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.Assert._OB_assert(router != null);
// Obtain information regarding our target
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder info = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfoHolder();
info.value = null;
try {
} catch (org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.FailureException ex) {
throw new RemarshalException();
// Get the profile index
short index = (short) info.value.index;
// Create the router to_visit list
RouterListHolder to_visit = new RouterListHolder();
to_visit.value = new Router[0];
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.MessageRoutingUtil.getRouterListFromComponents(orbInstance_, info.value, to_visit);
// Obtain the target objects
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.ObjectFactory objectFactory = orbInstance_.getObjectFactory();
org.omg.CORBA.Object target = objectFactory.createObject(IOR_);
// Populate the RequestMessage payload
RequestMessage payload = new RequestMessage();
// payload.service_contexts = new ServiceContext[0];
// XXX
payload.service_contexts = scl;
payload.giop_version = new org.omg.GIOP.Version();
payload.giop_version.major = info.value.major;
payload.giop_version.minor = info.value.minor;
payload.response_flags = 1;
payload.reserved = new byte[3];
payload.reserved[0] = 0;
payload.reserved[1] = 0;
payload.reserved[2] = 0;
payload.operation = operation;
payload.object_key = new byte[info.value.key.length];
System.arraycopy(info.value.key, 0, payload.object_key, 0, info.value.key.length);
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.Buffer buf = o._OB_buffer();
MessageBody messageBody = new MessageBody();
messageBody.byte_order = false; // Java is always false
messageBody.body = new byte[buf.rest_length()];
System.arraycopy(, buf.pos(), messageBody.body, 0, buf.rest_length());
payload.body = messageBody;
// Empty QoS list
Policy[] qosList = new Policy[0];
// Create a new Persistent request
PersistentRequest request = router.create_persistent_request(index, to_visit.value, target, qosList, payload);
// Return the persistent request back to the stub
return request;
public boolean ami_callback_request(OutputStream out, ReplyHandler reply, org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.ProfileInfo info) throws RemarshalException {
// We should have an InvocationContext associated with the
// OutputStream
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream o = (org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream) out;
InvocationContext ctx = (InvocationContext) o._OB_invocationContext();
Assert._OB_assert(ctx != null);
// If the DowncallStub has changed, then remarshal
if (ctx.downcallStub != this)
throw new RemarshalException();
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.InputStream tmpIn = (org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.InputStream) out.create_input_stream();
// Unmarshal the message header
MessageHeader_1_1 msgHeader =;
// Check the GIOP version
if (!(msgHeader.GIOP_version.major >= 1 && msgHeader.GIOP_version.minor >= 2)) {
// Report error - throw exception?
return false;
// Check the message type
if (msgHeader.message_type != (byte) MsgType_1_1._Request) {
// Report error - throw exception
return false;
// Create and populate a RequestInfo to send to the router
RequestInfo requestInfo = new RequestInfo();
// Unmarshal the request header
RequestHeader_1_2 requestHeader =;
// Create and populate a RequestInfo structure to send to the
// Router
RouterListHolder configRouterList = new RouterListHolder();
configRouterList.value = new Router[0];
// Populate the configRouterList
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.MessageRoutingUtil.getRouterListFromComponents(orbInstance_, info, configRouterList);
requestInfo.visited = new Router[0];
requestInfo.to_visit = new Router[0];
// Get the target for this request
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.ObjectFactory objectFactory = orbInstance_.getObjectFactory();
// REVISIT: Should we be using IOR_ or origIOR_?
// = objectFactory.createObject(IOR_);
// Get the index of the profile being used
requestInfo.profile_index = (short) info.index;
// Get the reply destination for this request
ReplyDestination replyDest = new ReplyDestination();
replyDest.handler_type = ReplyDisposition.TYPED;
replyDest.handler = reply;
requestInfo.reply_destination = replyDest;
// Get the selected qos for this request
PolicyValueSeqHolder invocPoliciesHolder = new PolicyValueSeqHolder();
invocPoliciesHolder.value = new PolicyValue[0];
org.apache.yoko.orb.OB.MessageRoutingUtil.getInvocationPolicyValues(policies_, invocPoliciesHolder);
requestInfo.selected_qos = invocPoliciesHolder.value;
// Create payload (RequestMessage) for this request
RequestMessage requestMessage = new RequestMessage();
requestMessage.giop_version = new org.omg.GIOP.Version();
requestMessage.giop_version.major = info.major;
requestMessage.giop_version.minor = info.minor;
// Get the service contexts for this request
requestMessage.service_contexts = requestHeader.service_context;
// Add the invocation policies service context for this request.
// Note that this can change from request to request
ServiceContext invocPoliciesSC = new ServiceContext();
invocPoliciesSC.context_id = INVOCATION_POLICIES.value;
// Create an output stream an write the PolicyValueSeq
if (invocPoliciesHolder.value != null) {
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.Buffer scBuf = new org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.Buffer();
org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream scOut = new org.apache.yoko.orb.CORBA.OutputStream(
PolicyValueSeqHelper.write(scOut, invocPoliciesHolder.value);
invocPoliciesSC.context_data = new byte[scOut._OB_pos()];
System.arraycopy(invocPoliciesSC.context_data, 0,, 0, scBuf.length());
// Add the service context to the list of current service contexts
int scLength = requestMessage.service_contexts.length;
ServiceContext[] scList = new ServiceContext[scLength + 1];
System.arraycopy(requestMessage.service_contexts, 0, scList, 0, scLength);
scList[scLength] = invocPoliciesSC;
// Get the response flags for the request
requestMessage.response_flags = requestHeader.response_flags;
// Reserved octets
requestMessage.reserved = new byte[3];
requestMessage.reserved[0] = requestHeader.reserved[0];
requestMessage.reserved[1] = requestHeader.reserved[1];
requestMessage.reserved[2] = requestHeader.reserved[2];
// Get the object key for the request
int keyLen = info.key.length;
requestMessage.object_key = new byte[keyLen];
System.arraycopy(info.key, 0, requestMessage.object_key, 0, keyLen);
// Get the operation name for the request
requestMessage.operation = requestHeader.operation;
// Get the body of the request message
MessageBody messageBody = new MessageBody();
// Java is always big endian
messageBody.byte_order = false;
org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.Buffer buf = tmpIn._OB_buffer();
// Align to an 8 byte boundary if we have something left
if (buf.rest_length() > 0) {
buf.pos((buf.pos() + 7) & ~7);
// Copy in the rest of the message body
messageBody.body = new byte[buf.rest_length()];
System.arraycopy(buf.data_, buf.pos(), messageBody.body, 0, buf.rest_length());
requestMessage.body = messageBody;
// Add the payload to the RequestInfo
requestInfo.payload = requestMessage;
// Now we have to try send the request to a router
boolean delivered = false;
int numRouters = configRouterList.value.length;
for (int i = numRouters - 1; (delivered == false) && (i >= 0); --i) {
Router curRouter = configRouterList.value[i];
// We only add the routers that we have attempted to contact to
// the to_visit list. This ensures that if a router accepts
// the request, then the lower priority routers are not added
int curLength = requestInfo.to_visit.length;
Router[] toVisit = new Router[curLength + 1];
if (curLength > 0) {
System.arraycopy(requestInfo.to_visit, 0, toVisit, 1, curLength);
toVisit[0] = curRouter;
requestInfo.to_visit = toVisit;
try {
// Success: stop processing
delivered = true;
} catch (SystemException ex) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Failed to contact router: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
// Failure: try the next router in the list
// return whether we were successful or not
return delivered;
public void _OB_closeConnection(boolean terminate) {
// Need to be able to access the ORB instance from a stub for AMI
// polling
public ORBInstance _OB_getORBInstance() {
return orbInstance_;