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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package javax.xml.soap;
* <P>A factory for creating <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> objects.</P>
* <p/>
* <P>A JAXM client performs the following steps to create a message.</P>
* <p/>
* <UL> <LI> Creates a <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE> object from a <CODE> ProviderConnection</CODE>
* object (<CODE>con</CODE> in the following line of code). The <CODE>String</CODE> passed to the
* <CODE>createMessageFactory</CODE> method is the name of of a messaging profile, which must be the
* URL for the schema. <PRE> MessageFactory mf = con.createMessageFactory(schemaURL); </PRE> </LI>
* <p/>
* <LI> Calls the method <CODE>createMessage</CODE> on the <CODE> MessageFactory</CODE> object. All
* messages produced by this <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE> object will have the header information
* appropriate for the messaging profile that was specified when the <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE>
* object was created. <PRE> SOAPMessage m = mf.createMessage(); </PRE> </LI> </UL> It is also
* possible to create a <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE> object using the method
* <CODE>newInstance</CODE>, as shown in the following line of code. <PRE> MessageFactory mf =
* MessageFactory.newInstance(); </PRE> A standalone client (a client that is not running in a
* container) can use the <CODE>newInstance</CODE> method to create a <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE>
* object.
* <p/>
* <P>All <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE> objects, regardless of how they are created, will produce
* <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> objects that have the following elements by default:</P>
* <p/>
* <UL> <LI>A <CODE>SOAPPart</CODE> object</LI>
* <p/>
* <LI>A <CODE>SOAPEnvelope</CODE> object</LI>
* <p/>
* <LI>A <CODE>SOAPBody</CODE> object</LI>
* <p/>
* <LI>A <CODE>SOAPHeader</CODE> object</LI> </UL> If a <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE> object was
* created using a <CODE>ProviderConnection</CODE> object, which means that it was initialized with
* a specified profile, it will produce messages that also come prepopulated with additional entries
* in the <CODE>SOAPHeader</CODE> object and the <CODE>SOAPBody</CODE> object. The content of a new
* <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object depends on which of the two <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE> methods
* is used to create it.
* <p/>
* <UL> <LI><CODE>createMessage()</CODE> -- message has no content<BR> This is the method clients
* would normally use to create a request message.</LI>
* <p/>
* <LI><CODE>createMessage(MimeHeaders,</CODE> -- message has content from the
* <CODE>InputStream</CODE> object and headers from the <CODE> MimeHeaders</CODE> object<BR> This
* method can be used internally by a service implementation to create a message that is a response
* to a request.</LI> </UL>
public abstract class MessageFactory {
/** Create a new MessageFactory. */
public MessageFactory() {
* Creates a new <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE> object that is an instance of the default
* implementation.
* @return a new <CODE>MessageFactory</CODE> object
* @throws SOAPException if there was an error in creating the default implementation of the
* <CODE> MessageFactory</CODE>
public static MessageFactory newInstance() throws SOAPException {
try {
MessageFactory factory = (MessageFactory)FactoryFinder.find(MessageFactory.class, null);
if (factory == null) {
factory = newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_1_PROTOCOL);
return factory;
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new SOAPException("Unable to create MessageFactory: " + exception.getMessage());
* Creates a new <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object with the default <CODE>SOAPPart</CODE>,
* <CODE>SOAPEnvelope</CODE>, <CODE>SOAPBody</CODE>, and <CODE>SOAPHeader</CODE> objects.
* Profile-specific message factories can choose to prepopulate the <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE>
* object with profile-specific headers.
* <p/>
* <P>Content can be added to this message's <CODE> SOAPPart</CODE> object, and the message can
* be sent "as is" when a message containing only a SOAP part is sufficient. Otherwise, the
* <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object needs to create one or more <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE>
* objects and add them to itself. Any content that is not in XML format must be in an
* <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE> object.</P>
* @return a new <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object
* @throws SOAPException if a SOAP error occurs java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the
* protocol of this MessageFactory instance is DYNAMIC_SOAP_PROTOCOL
public abstract SOAPMessage createMessage() throws SOAPException;
* Internalizes the contents of the given <CODE> InputStream</CODE> object into a new
* <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object and returns the <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object.
* @param mimeheaders the transport-specific headers passed to the message in a
* transport-independent fashion for creation of the message
* @param inputstream the <CODE>InputStream</CODE> object that contains the data for a message
* @return a new <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object containing the data from the given
* <CODE>InputStream</CODE> object
* @throws IOException if there is a problem in reading data from the input stream
* @throws SOAPException if the message is invalid
public abstract SOAPMessage createMessage(MimeHeaders mimeheaders,
InputStream inputstream)
throws IOException, SOAPException;
public static MessageFactory newInstance(String soapVersion)
throws SOAPException {
return SAAJMetaFactory.getInstance().newMessageFactory(soapVersion);