fixing default id generator doc
diff --git a/README.adoc b/README.adoc
index 396d45e..10642ac 100644
--- a/README.adoc
+++ b/README.adoc
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 |geronimo.opentracing.propagation.headers.traceId|Name of the header used to host the traceId value|`X-B3-TraceId`
 |geronimo.opentracing.propagation.headers.baggagePrefix|Prefix of headers used to host the baggage values|`baggage-`
 |geronimo.opentracing.cdi.executorServices.wrappedNames|Name (as CDI names of the beans) of executor services which will get an interceptor propagating the current scope (span)|-
-||`counter` (to generate longs), `uuid` (to generate random uuids) or `hex` (to use the hexa representation of the uuid generator). Specifies which kind of trace and span id are in use.|hex
+||`counter` (to generate longs), `uuid` (to generate random uuids) or `hex` (to use the hexa representation of the uuid generator). Specifies which kind of trace and span id are in use.|counter
 ||Should spans converted to a zipkin representation. True until there is a standard opentracing format.|true
 |geronimo.opentracing.span.converter.zipkin.serviceName|The local serviceName.|hostname-jvmid
 ||Should a logger named `org.apache.geronimo.opentracing.zipkin` log each span as a Zipkin JSON. This allows to use a logger implementation to push the spans to any backend (like log4j2 kafka appender). It uses JUL as a facade.|true