blob: 2b72a56b6a03fb44f15956f8e3f2dff856881360 [file] [log] [blame]
= Apache Geronimo And Microprofile
:jbake-date: 2018-07-24
:icons: font
Apache Geronimo hosts several Microprofile Implementation.
This site let's you get started with all of them.
link:downloads.html[icon:download[] Downloads Area]
Here are the available implementations:
link:config.html[icon:database[] Config] |
link:fault-tolerance.html[icon:exclamation-triangle[] Fault Tolerance (Safeguard)] |
link:jwt-auth.html[icon:shield[] JWT Auth] |
link:opentracing.html[icon:truck[] OpenTracing] |
link:health.html[icon:medkit[] Health] |
link:metrics.html[icon:balance-scale[] Metrics] |
link:openapi.html[icon:briefcase[] OpenAPI]
Note we also provide some pom aggregator to import all the stack at once: