blob: d3a703018e2b540ffe7c5420203e38c60ca474be [file] [log] [blame]
= Geronimo Microprofile Metrics Implementation
== Artifact
== Renaming Prometheus keys
Prometheus exporter can rename metrics keys providing
a properties file in the classpath as resource `META-INF/geronimo-metrics/`
or using system properties (with the prefix `geronimo.metrics.prometheus.mapping.`).
The key is the metric key (with the registry type as prefix) and the value the replacement key:
base\:my_metric = app:metric
TIP: since it is a properties format the `:` must be escaped.
The specific key `geronimo.metrics.filter.prefix` can take
a list (comma separated values) of metrics prefixes to filter (whitelist)
exported metrics.