blob: afd1e969f4c62c0936e130627366f0d7ea735481 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.geronimo.microprofile.metrics.common.prometheus;
import static java.lang.Math.pow;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
import static java.util.Locale.ROOT;
import static java.util.Optional.of;
import static;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Counter;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Gauge;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Histogram;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metric;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer;
// this is so weird to have this format built-in but not mainstream ones,
// todo: pby make it dropped from the spec
// note: this is a simplified serialization flavor and it can need some more love
public class PrometheusFormatter {
public StringBuilder toText(final MetricRegistry registry,
final String registryKey,
final Map<String, Metric> entries) {
final Map<String, Metadata> metadatas = registry.getMetadata();
return entries.entrySet().stream()
.map(entry -> {
final Metadata metadata = metadatas.get(entry.getKey());
final Metric value = entry.getValue();
switch (metadata.getTypeRaw()) {
case COUNTER: {
final String key = toPrometheusKey(metadata);
return new StringBuilder()
.append(value(registryKey, key, Counter.class.cast(value).getCount(), metadata));
case GAUGE: {
final Object val = Gauge.class.cast(value).getValue();
if (Number.class.isInstance(val)) {
final String key = toPrometheusKey(metadata);
return new StringBuilder()
.append(value(registryKey, key, Number.class.cast(val).doubleValue(), metadata));
return new StringBuilder();
case METERED: {
final String keyBase = toPrometheus(metadata);
final String key = keyBase + toUnitSuffix(metadata);
final Meter meter = Meter.class.cast(value);
return new StringBuilder()
.append(value(registryKey, key + "_count", meter.getCount(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_rate_per_second", meter.getMeanRate(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_one_min_rate_per_second", meter.getOneMinuteRate(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_five_min_rate_per_second", meter.getFiveMinuteRate(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_fifteen_min_rate_per_second", meter.getFifteenMinuteRate(), metadata));
case TIMER: {
final String keyBase = toPrometheus(metadata);
final String keyUnit = toUnitSuffix(metadata);
final Timer timer = Timer.class.cast(value);
return new StringBuilder()
.append(type(registryKey, keyBase + keyUnit + " summary", metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + keyUnit + "_count", timer.getCount(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_rate_per_second", timer.getMeanRate(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_one_min_rate_per_second", timer.getOneMinuteRate(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_five_min_rate_per_second", timer.getFiveMinuteRate(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_fifteen_min_rate_per_second", timer.getFifteenMinuteRate(), metadata))
.append(toPrometheus(registryKey, keyBase, keyUnit, timer.getSnapshot(), metadata));
final String keyBase = toPrometheus(metadata);
final String keyUnit = toUnitSuffix(metadata);
final Histogram histogram = Histogram.class.cast(value);
return new StringBuilder()
.append(type(registryKey, keyBase + keyUnit + " summary", metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + keyUnit + "_count", histogram.getCount(), metadata))
.append(toPrometheus(registryKey, keyBase, keyUnit, histogram.getSnapshot(), metadata));
return new StringBuilder();
.collect(StringBuilder::new, StringBuilder::append, StringBuilder::append);
private StringBuilder toPrometheus(final String registryKey, final String keyBase, final String keyUnit, final Snapshot snapshot, final Metadata metadata) {
final Function<Map<String, String>, Metadata> metaFactory = tag -> new Metadata(metadata.getName(), metadata.getDisplayName(), metadata.getDescription(), metadata.getTypeRaw(), metadata.getUnit(),
Stream.concat(metadata.getTags().entrySet().stream(), tag.entrySet().stream())
.map(e -> e.getKey() + '=' + e.getValue())
final String completeKey = keyBase + keyUnit;
return new StringBuilder()
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_min" + keyUnit, snapshot.getMin(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_max" + keyUnit, snapshot.getMax(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_mean" + keyUnit, snapshot.getMean(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, keyBase + "_stddev" + keyUnit, snapshot.getStdDev(), metadata))
.append(value(registryKey, completeKey, snapshot.getMedian(), metaFactory.apply(singletonMap("quantile", "0.5"))))
.append(value(registryKey, completeKey, snapshot.get75thPercentile(), metaFactory.apply(singletonMap("quantile", "0.75"))))
.append(value(registryKey, completeKey, snapshot.get95thPercentile(), metaFactory.apply(singletonMap("quantile", "0.95"))))
.append(value(registryKey, completeKey, snapshot.get98thPercentile(), metaFactory.apply(singletonMap("quantile", "0.98"))))
.append(value(registryKey, completeKey, snapshot.get99thPercentile(), metaFactory.apply(singletonMap("quantile", "0.99"))))
.append(value(registryKey, completeKey, snapshot.get999thPercentile(), metaFactory.apply(singletonMap("quantile", "0.999"))));
private String toPrometheusKey(final Metadata metadata) {
return toPrometheus(metadata) + toUnitSuffix(metadata);
private String toUnitSuffix(final Metadata metadata) {
return metadata.getUnit().equalsIgnoreCase("none") ?
"" : ("_" + toPrometheusUnit(metadata.getUnit()));
private StringBuilder value(final String registryKey, final String key, final double value,
final Metadata metadata) {
return new StringBuilder()
.append(type(registryKey, key, metadata))
.filter(t -> !t.isEmpty())
.map(t -> t.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> e.getKey() + "=\"" + e.getValue() + "\"")
.collect(joining(",", "{", "}")))
.append(' ').append(toPrometheusValue(metadata.getUnit(), value)).append("\n");
private StringBuilder type(final String registryKey, final String key, final Metadata metadata) {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
.append("# TYPE ").append(registryKey).append(':').append(key);
if (metadata != null) {
builder.append(' ').append(metadata.getType());
return builder.append("\n");
private String toPrometheusUnit(final String unit) {
if (unit == null) {
return null;
switch (unit) {
case MetricUnits.BITS:
case MetricUnits.KILOBITS:
case MetricUnits.MEGABITS:
case MetricUnits.GIGABITS:
case MetricUnits.KIBIBITS:
case MetricUnits.MEBIBITS:
case MetricUnits.GIBIBITS:
case MetricUnits.BYTES:
case MetricUnits.KILOBYTES:
case MetricUnits.MEGABYTES:
case MetricUnits.GIGABYTES:
return "bytes";
case MetricUnits.NANOSECONDS:
case MetricUnits.MICROSECONDS:
case MetricUnits.MILLISECONDS:
case MetricUnits.SECONDS:
case MetricUnits.MINUTES:
case MetricUnits.HOURS:
case MetricUnits.DAYS:
return "seconds";
return unit;
private double toPrometheusValue(final String unit, final double value) {
if (unit == null) {
return value;
switch (unit) {
case MetricUnits.BITS:
return value / 8;
case MetricUnits.KILOBITS:
return value * 1000 / 8;
case MetricUnits.MEGABITS:
return value * pow(1000, 2) / 8;
case MetricUnits.GIGABITS:
return value * pow(1000, 3) / 8;
case MetricUnits.KIBIBITS:
return value * 128;
case MetricUnits.MEBIBITS:
return value * pow(1024, 2);
case MetricUnits.GIBIBITS:
return value * pow(1024, 3);
case MetricUnits.BYTES:
return value;
case MetricUnits.KILOBYTES:
return value * 1000;
case MetricUnits.MEGABYTES:
return value * pow(1000, 2);
case MetricUnits.GIGABYTES:
return value * pow(1000, 3);
case MetricUnits.NANOSECONDS:
return value;
case MetricUnits.MICROSECONDS:
return value / 1000;
case MetricUnits.MILLISECONDS:
return value / pow(1000, 2);
case MetricUnits.SECONDS:
return value / pow(1000, 3);
case MetricUnits.MINUTES:
return value * 60 / pow(1000, 3);
case MetricUnits.HOURS:
return value * pow(60, 2) / pow(1000, 3);
case MetricUnits.DAYS:
return value * pow(60, 2) * 24 / pow(1000, 3);
return value;
private String toPrometheus(final Metadata metadata) {
return metadata.getName()
.replaceAll("[^\\w]+", "_")
.replaceAll("(.)(\\p{Upper})", "$1_$2")
.replace("__", "_")
.replace(":_", ":")