blob: 9e953ebc6155145572f286dd8de2d9259fd61b97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.geronimo.javamail.transport.nntp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.URLName;
import javax.mail.event.TransportEvent;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.NewsAddress;
import org.apache.geronimo.mail.util.SessionUtil;
* Simple implementation of NNTP transport. Just does plain RFC977-ish delivery.
* <p/> There is no way to indicate failure for a given recipient (it's possible
* to have a recipient address rejected). The sun impl throws exceptions even if
* others successful), but maybe we do a different way... <p/>
* @version $Rev$ $Date$
public class NNTPTransport extends Transport {
* property keys for protocol properties.
protected static final String NNTP_AUTH = "auth";
protected static final String NNTP_PORT = "port";
protected static final String NNTP_FROM = "from";
protected static final String protocol = "nntp-post";
protected static final int DEFAULT_NNTP_PORT = 119;
// our active connection object (shared code with the NNTPStore).
protected NNTPConnection connection;
// our session provided debug output stream.
protected PrintStream debugStream;
* Normal constructor for an NNTPTransport() object. This constructor is
* used to build a transport instance for the "smtp" protocol.
* @param session
* The attached session.
* @param name
* An optional URLName object containing target information.
public NNTPTransport(Session session, URLName name) {
super(session, name);
// get our debug output.
debugStream = session.getDebugOut();
* Do the protocol connection for an NNTP transport. This handles server
* authentication, if possible. Returns false if unable to connect to the
* server.
* @param host
* The target host name.
* @param port
* The server port number.
* @param user
* The authentication user (if any).
* @param password
* The server password. Might not be sent directly if more
* sophisticated authentication is used.
* @return true if we were able to connect to the server properly, false for
* any failures.
* @exception MessagingException
protected boolean protocolConnect(String host, int port, String username, String password)
throws MessagingException {
if (debug) {
debugOut("Connecting to server " + host + ":" + port + " for user " + username);
// first check to see if we need to authenticate. If we need this, then
// we must have a username and
// password specified. Failing this may result in a user prompt to
// collect the information.
boolean mustAuthenticate = SessionUtil.getBooleanProperty(session, NNTP_AUTH, false);
// if we need to authenticate, and we don't have both a userid and
// password, then we fail this
// immediately. The Service.connect() method will try to obtain the user
// information and retry the
// connection one time.
if (mustAuthenticate && (username == null || password == null)) {
return false;
// if the port is defaulted, then see if we have something configured in
// the session.
// if not configured, we just use the default default.
if (port == -1) {
// check for a property and fall back on the default if it's not
// set.
port = SessionUtil.getIntProperty(session, NNTP_PORT, DEFAULT_NNTP_PORT);
// create socket and connect to server.
connection = new NNTPConnection(protocol, session, host, port, username, password, debug);
// we're going to return success here, but in truth, the server may end
// up asking for our
// bonafides at any time, and we'll be expected to authenticate then.
return true;
* Send a message to multiple addressees.
* @param message
* The message we're sending.
* @param addresses
* An array of addresses to send to.
* @exception MessagingException
public void sendMessage(Message message, Address[] addresses) throws MessagingException {
if (!isConnected()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not connected");
if (!connection.isPostingAllowed()) {
throw new MessagingException("Posting disabled for host server");
// don't bother me w/ null messages or no addreses
if (message == null) {
throw new MessagingException("Null message");
// NNTP only handles instances of MimeMessage, not the more general
// message case.
if (!(message instanceof MimeMessage)) {
throw new MessagingException("NNTP can only send MimeMessages");
// need to sort the from value out from a variety of sources.
InternetAddress from = null;
Address[] fromAddresses = message.getFrom();
// If the message has a From address set, we just use that. Otherwise,
// we set a From using
// the property version, if available.
if (fromAddresses == null || fromAddresses.length == 0) {
// the from value can be set explicitly as a property
String defaultFrom = session.getProperty(NNTP_FROM);
if (defaultFrom == null) {
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(defaultFrom));
// we must have a message list.
if (addresses == null || addresses.length == 0) {
throw new MessagingException("Null or empty address array");
boolean haveGroup = false;
// enforce the requirement that all of the targets are NewsAddress
// instances.
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
if (!(addresses[i] instanceof NewsAddress)) {
System.out.println("Illegal address is of class " + addresses[i].getClass());
throw new MessagingException("Illegal NewsAddress " + addresses[i]);
// event notifcation requires we send lists of successes and failures
// broken down by category.
// The categories are:
// 1) addresses successfully processed.
// 2) addresses deemed valid, but had a processing failure that
// prevented sending.
// 3) addressed deemed invalid (basically all other processing
// failures).
ArrayList sentAddresses = new ArrayList();
ArrayList unsentAddresses = new ArrayList();
ArrayList invalidAddresses = new ArrayList();
boolean sendFailure = false;
// now try to post this message to the different news groups.
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
try {
// select the target news group
NNTPReply reply = connection.selectGroup(((NewsAddress) addresses[i]).getNewsgroup());
if (reply.getCode() != NNTPReply.GROUP_SELECTED) {
sendFailure = true;
} else {
// send data
} catch (MessagingException e) {
sendFailure = true;
// create our lists for notification and exception reporting from this
// point on.
Address[] sent = (Address[]) sentAddresses.toArray(new Address[0]);
Address[] unsent = (Address[]) unsentAddresses.toArray(new Address[0]);
Address[] invalid = (Address[]) invalidAddresses.toArray(new Address[0]);
if (sendFailure) {
// did we deliver anything at all?
if (sent.length == 0) {
// notify of the error.
notifyTransportListeners(TransportEvent.MESSAGE_NOT_DELIVERED, sent, unsent, invalid, message);
} else {
// notify that we delivered at least part of this
notifyTransportListeners(TransportEvent.MESSAGE_PARTIALLY_DELIVERED, sent, unsent, invalid, message);
throw new MessagingException("Error posting NNTP message");
// notify our listeners of successful delivery.
notifyTransportListeners(TransportEvent.MESSAGE_DELIVERED, sent, unsent, invalid, message);
* Close the connection. On completion, we'll be disconnected from the
* server and unable to send more data.
* @exception MessagingException
public void close() throws MessagingException {
// This is done to ensure proper event notification.
connection = null;
* Internal debug output routine.
* @param value
* The string value to output.
protected void debugOut(String message) {
debugStream.println("NNTPTransport DEBUG: " + message);
* Internal debugging routine for reporting exceptions.
* @param message
* A message associated with the exception context.
* @param e
* The received exception.
protected void debugOut(String message, Throwable e) {
debugOut("Received exception -> " + message);
debugOut("Exception message -> " + e.getMessage());
* Get a property associated with this mail protocol.
* @param name
* The name of the property.
* @return The property value (returns null if the property has not been
* set).
String getProperty(String name) {
// the name we're given is the least qualified part of the name. We
// construct the full property name
// using the protocol (either "nntp" or "nntp-post").
String fullName = "mail." + protocol + "." + name;
return session.getProperty(fullName);
* Get a property associated with this mail session. Returns the provided
* default if it doesn't exist.
* @param name
* The name of the property.
* @param defaultValue
* The default value to return if the property doesn't exist.
* @return The property value (returns defaultValue if the property has not
* been set).
String getProperty(String name, String defaultValue) {
// the name we're given is the least qualified part of the name. We
// construct the full property name
// using the protocol (either "nntp" or "nntp-post").
String fullName = "mail." + protocol + "." + name;
return SessionUtil.getProperty(session, fullName, defaultValue);
* Get a property associated with this mail session as an integer value.
* Returns the default value if the property doesn't exist or it doesn't
* have a valid int value.
* @param name
* The name of the property.
* @param defaultValue
* The default value to return if the property doesn't exist.
* @return The property value converted to an int.
int getIntProperty(String name, int defaultValue) {
// the name we're given is the least qualified part of the name. We
// construct the full property name
// using the protocol (either "nntp" or "nntp-post").
String fullName = "mail." + protocol + "." + name;
return SessionUtil.getIntProperty(session, fullName, defaultValue);
* Get a property associated with this mail session as an boolean value.
* Returns the default value if the property doesn't exist or it doesn't
* have a valid int value.
* @param name
* The name of the property.
* @param defaultValue
* The default value to return if the property doesn't exist.
* @return The property value converted to a boolean
boolean getBooleanProperty(String name, boolean defaultValue) {
// the name we're given is the least qualified part of the name. We
// construct the full property name
// using the protocol (either "nntp" or "nntp-post").
String fullName = "mail." + protocol + "." + name;
return SessionUtil.getBooleanProperty(session, fullName, defaultValue);