blob: 82ddf5cad9459a3fb63d2a98aafd667e0ecf6e4f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.geronimo.javamail.transport.nntp;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Session;
import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.authentication.ClientAuthenticator;
import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.authentication.CramMD5Authenticator;
import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.authentication.DigestMD5Authenticator;
import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.authentication.LoginAuthenticator;
import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.authentication.PlainAuthenticator;
import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.util.MIMEOutputStream;
import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.util.TraceInputStream;
import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.util.TraceOutputStream;
import org.apache.geronimo.mail.util.Base64;
import org.apache.geronimo.mail.util.SessionUtil;
* Simple implementation of NNTP transport. Just does plain RFC977-ish delivery.
* <p/> There is no way to indicate failure for a given recipient (it's possible
* to have a recipient address rejected). The sun impl throws exceptions even if
* others successful), but maybe we do a different way... <p/>
* @version $Rev$ $Date$
public class NNTPConnection {
* constants for EOL termination
protected static final char CR = '\r';
protected static final char LF = '\n';
* property keys for protocol properties.
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_AUTH = "auth";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_PORT = "port";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_TIMEOUT = "timeout";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_SASL_REALM = "sasl.realm";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_FACTORY_CLASS = "socketFactory.class";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_FACTORY_FALLBACK = "fallback";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_LOCALADDRESS = "localaddress";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_LOCALPORT = "localport";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_QUITWAIT = "quitwait";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_FACTORY_PORT = "socketFactory.port";
protected static final String MAIL_NNTP_ENCODE_TRACE = "encodetrace";
protected static final int MIN_MILLIS = 1000 * 60;
protected static final int TIMEOUT = MIN_MILLIS * 5;
protected static final String DEFAULT_MAIL_HOST = "localhost";
protected static final int DEFAULT_NNTP_PORT = 119;
protected static final String AUTHENTICATION_PLAIN = "PLAIN";
protected static final String AUTHENTICATION_LOGIN = "LOGIN";
protected static final String AUTHENTICATION_CRAMMD5 = "CRAM-MD5";
protected static final String AUTHENTICATION_DIGESTMD5 = "DIGEST-MD5";
// the protocol in use (either nntp or nntp-post).
String protocol;
// the target host
protected String host;
// the target server port.
protected int port;
// the connection socket...can be a plain socket or SSLSocket, if TLS is
// being used.
protected Socket socket;
// input stream used to read data. If Sasl is in use, this might be other
// than the
// direct access to the socket input stream.
protected InputStream inputStream;
// the test reader wrapped around the input stream.
protected BufferedReader in;
// the other end of the connection pipeline.
protected OutputStream outputStream;
// does the server support posting?
protected boolean postingAllowed = true;
// the username we connect with
protected String username;
// the authentication password.
protected String password;
// the target SASL realm (normally null unless explicitly set or we have an
// authentication mechanism that
// requires it.
protected String realm;
// the last response line received from the server.
protected NNTPReply lastServerResponse = null;
// our attached session
protected Session session;
// our session provided debug output stream.
protected PrintStream debugStream;
// our debug flag (passed from the hosting transport)
protected boolean debug;
// list of authentication mechanisms supported by the server
protected HashMap serverAuthenticationMechanisms;
// map of server extension arguments
protected HashMap serverExtensionArgs;
// the welcome string from the server.
protected String welcomeString = null;
* Normal constructor for an NNTPConnection() object.
* @param session
* The attached session.
* @param host
* The target host name of the NNTP server.
* @param port
* The target listening port of the server. Defaults to 119 if
* the port is specified as -1.
* @param username
* The login user name (can be null unless authentication is
* required).
* @param password
* Password associated with the userid account. Can be null if
* authentication is not required.
* @param debug
* The session debug flag.
public NNTPConnection(String protocol, Session session, String host, int port, String username, String password,
boolean debug) {
this.protocol = protocol;
this.session = session; = host;
this.port = port;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.debug = debug;
// get our debug output.
debugStream = session.getDebugOut();
* Connect to the server and do the initial handshaking.
* @exception MessagingException
public void connect() throws MessagingException {
try {
// create socket and connect to server.
// receive welcoming message
} catch (IOException e) {
if (debug) {
debugOut("I/O exception establishing connection", e);
throw new MessagingException("Connection error", e);
* Close the connection. On completion, we'll be disconnected from the
* server and unable to send more data.
* @exception MessagingException
public void close() throws MessagingException {
// if we're already closed, get outta here.
if (socket == null) {
try {
// say goodbye
} finally {
// and close up the connection. We do this in a finally block to
// make sure the connection
// is shut down even if quit gets an error.
* Create a transport connection object and connect it to the target server.
* @exception MessagingException
protected void getConnection() throws IOException {
// We might have been passed a socket to connect with...if not, we need
// to create one of the correct type.
if (socket == null) {
// if we already have a socket, get some information from it and
// override what we've been passed.
else {
port = socket.getPort();
host = socket.getInetAddress().getHostName();
// now set up the input/output streams.
inputStream = new TraceInputStream(socket.getInputStream(), debugStream, debug, getBooleanProperty(
outputStream = new TraceOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream(), debugStream, debug, getBooleanProperty(
// get a reader to read the input as lines
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
* Close the server connection at termination.
public void closeServerConnection() {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
socket = null;
inputStream = null;
outputStream = null;
in = null;
* Creates a connected socket
* @exception MessagingException
public void getConnectedSocket() throws IOException {
if (debug) {
debugOut("Attempting plain socket connection to server " + host + ":" + port);
// the socket factory can be specified via a session property. By
// default, we just directly
// instantiate a socket without using a factor.
String socketFactory = getProperty(MAIL_NNTP_FACTORY_CLASS);
// there are several protocol properties that can be set to tune the
// created socket. We need to
// retrieve those bits before creating the socket.
int timeout = getIntProperty(MAIL_NNTP_TIMEOUT, -1);
InetAddress localAddress = null;
// see if we have a local address override.
String localAddrProp = getProperty(MAIL_NNTP_LOCALADDRESS);
if (localAddrProp != null) {
localAddress = InetAddress.getByName(localAddrProp);
// check for a local port...default is to allow socket to choose.
int localPort = getIntProperty(MAIL_NNTP_LOCALPORT, 0);
socket = null;
// if there is no socket factory defined (normal), we just create a
// socket directly.
if (socketFactory == null) {
socket = new Socket(host, port, localAddress, localPort);
else {
try {
int socketFactoryPort = getIntProperty(MAIL_NNTP_FACTORY_PORT, -1);
// we choose the port used by the socket based on overrides.
Integer portArg = new Integer(socketFactoryPort == -1 ? port : socketFactoryPort);
// use the current context loader to resolve this.
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
Class factoryClass = loader.loadClass(socketFactory);
// done indirectly, we need to invoke the method using
// reflection.
// This retrieves a factory instance.
Method getDefault = factoryClass.getMethod("getDefault", new Class[0]);
Object defFactory = getDefault.invoke(new Object(), new Object[0]);
// now that we have the factory, there are two different
// createSocket() calls we use,
// depending on whether we have a localAddress override.
if (localAddress != null) {
// retrieve the createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int)
// method.
Class[] createSocketSig = new Class[] { String.class, Integer.TYPE, InetAddress.class, Integer.TYPE };
Method createSocket = factoryClass.getMethod("createSocket", createSocketSig);
Object[] createSocketArgs = new Object[] { host, portArg, localAddress, new Integer(localPort) };
socket = (Socket) createSocket.invoke(defFactory, createSocketArgs);
} else {
// retrieve the createSocket(String, int) method.
Class[] createSocketSig = new Class[] { String.class, Integer.TYPE };
Method createSocket = factoryClass.getMethod("createSocket", createSocketSig);
Object[] createSocketArgs = new Object[] { host, portArg };
socket = (Socket) createSocket.invoke(defFactory, createSocketArgs);
} catch (Throwable e) {
// if a socket factor is specified, then we may need to fall
// back to a default. This behavior
// is controlled by (surprise) more session properties.
if (getBooleanProperty(MAIL_NNTP_FACTORY_FALLBACK, false)) {
if (debug) {
debugOut("First plain socket attempt faile, falling back to default factory", e);
socket = new Socket(host, port, localAddress, localPort);
// we have an exception. We're going to throw an IOException,
// which may require unwrapping
// or rewrapping the exception.
else {
// we have an exception from the reflection, so unwrap the
// base exception
if (e instanceof InvocationTargetException) {
e = ((InvocationTargetException) e).getTargetException();
if (debug) {
debugOut("Plain socket creation failure", e);
// throw this as an IOException, with the original exception
// attached.
IOException ioe = new IOException("Error connecting to " + host + ", " + port);
throw ioe;
if (timeout >= 0) {
* Get the servers welcome blob from the wire....
public void getWelcome() throws MessagingException {
NNTPReply line = getReply();
if (line.isError()) {
throw new MessagingException("Error connecting to news server: " + line.getMessage());
// remember we can post.
if (line.getCode() == NNTPReply.POSTING_ALLOWED) {
postingAllowed = true;
} else {
postingAllowed = false;
// the NNTP store will want to use the welcome string, so save it.
welcomeString = line.getMessage();
// find out what extensions this server supports.
* Sends the QUIT message and receieves the response
public void sendQuit() throws MessagingException {
// there's yet another property that controls whether we should wait for
// a
// reply for a QUIT command. If on, just send the command and get outta
// here.
if (getBooleanProperty(MAIL_NNTP_QUITWAIT, false)) {
} else {
// handle as a real command...we're going to ignore the response.
* Tell the server to switch to a named group.
* @param name
* The name of the target group.
* @return The server response to the GROUP command.
public NNTPReply selectGroup(String name) throws MessagingException {
// send the GROUP command
return sendCommand("GROUP " + name);
* Ask the server what extensions it supports.
* @return True if the command was accepted ok, false for any errors.
* @exception MessagingException
protected void getExtensions() throws MessagingException {
// we get a 202 code back. The first line is just a greeting, and
// extensions are deliverd as data
// lines terminated with a "." line.
if (reply.getCode() != NNTPReply.EXTENSIONS_SUPPORTED) {
// get a fresh extension mapping table.
serverExtensionArgs = new HashMap();
serverAuthenticationMechanisms = new HashMap();
// get the extension data lines.
List extensions = reply.getData();
// process all of the continuation lines
for (int i = 0; i < extensions.size(); i++) {
// go process the extention
processExtension((String) extensions.get(i));
* Process an extension string passed back as the EHLP response.
* @param extension
* The string value of the extension (which will be of the form
* "NAME arguments").
protected void processExtension(String extension) {
String extensionName = extension.toUpperCase();
String argument = "";
int delimiter = extension.indexOf(' ');
// if we have a keyword with arguments, parse them out and add to the
// argument map.
if (delimiter != -1) {
extensionName = extension.substring(0, delimiter).toUpperCase();
argument = extension.substring(delimiter + 1);
// add this to the map so it can be tested later.
serverExtensionArgs.put(extensionName, argument);
// process a few special ones that don't require extra parsing.
// AUTHINFO is entered in as a auth mechanism.
if (extensionName.equals("AUTHINFO")) {
serverAuthenticationMechanisms.put("AUTHINFO", "AUTHINFO");
// special case for some older servers.
else if (extensionName.equals("SASL")) {
// The security mechanisms are blank delimited tokens.
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(argument);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String mechanism = tokenizer.nextToken().toUpperCase();
serverAuthenticationMechanisms.put(mechanism, mechanism);
* Retrieve any argument information associated with a extension reported
* back by the server on the EHLO command.
* @param name
* The name of the target server extension.
* @return Any argument passed on a server extension. Returns null if the
* extension did not include an argument or the extension was not
* supported.
public String extensionParameter(String name) {
if (serverExtensionArgs != null) {
return (String) serverExtensionArgs.get(name);
return null;
* Tests whether the target server supports a named extension.
* @param name
* The target extension name.
* @return true if the target server reported on the EHLO command that is
* supports the targer server, false if the extension was not
* supported.
public boolean supportsExtension(String name) {
// this only returns null if we don't have this extension
return extensionParameter(name) != null;
* Determine if the target server supports a given authentication mechanism.
* @param mechanism
* The mechanism name.
* @return true if the server EHLO response indicates it supports the
* mechanism, false otherwise.
protected boolean supportsAuthentication(String mechanism) {
return serverAuthenticationMechanisms.get(mechanism) != null;
* Sends the data in the message down the socket. This presumes the server
* is in the right place and ready for getting the DATA message and the data
* right place in the sequence
public synchronized void sendPost(Message msg) throws MessagingException {
// send the POST command
NNTPReply line = sendCommand("POST");
if (line.getCode() != NNTPReply.SEND_ARTICLE) {
throw new MessagingException("Server rejected POST command: " + line);
// we've received permission to send the data, so ask the message to
// write itself out.
try {
// the data content has two requirements we need to meet by
// filtering the
// output stream. Requirement 1 is to conicalize any line breaks.
// All line
// breaks will be transformed into properly formed CRLF sequences.
// Requirement 2 is to perform byte-stuff for any line that begins
// with a "."
// so that data is not confused with the end-of-data marker (a
// "\r\n.\r\n" sequence.
// The MIME output stream performs those two functions on behalf of
// the content
// writer.
OutputStream mimeOut = new MIMEOutputStream(outputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MessagingException("I/O error posting message", e);
} catch (MessagingException e) {
throw new MessagingException("Exception posting message", e);
// now to finish, we send a CRLF sequence, followed by a ".".
// use a longer time out here to give the server time to process the
// data.
line = new NNTPReply(receiveLine());
if (line.getCode() != NNTPReply.POSTED_OK) {
throw new MessagingException("Server rejected POST command: " + line);
* Issue a command and retrieve the response. If the given success indicator
* is received, the command is returning a longer response, terminated by a
* "crlf.crlf" sequence. These lines are attached to the reply.
* @param command
* The command to issue.
* @param success
* The command reply that indicates additional data should be
* retrieved.
* @return The command reply.
public synchronized NNTPReply sendCommand(String command, int success) throws MessagingException {
NNTPReply reply = sendCommand(command);
if (reply.getCode() == success) {
return reply;
* Send a command to the server, returning the first response line back as a
* reply.
* @param data
* The data to send.
* @return A reply object with the reply line.
* @exception MessagingException
public NNTPReply sendCommand(String data) throws MessagingException {
NNTPReply reply = getReply();
// did the server just inform us we need to authenticate? The spec
// allows this
// response to be sent at any time, so we need to try to authenticate
// and then retry the command.
if (reply.getCode() == NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_REQUIRED || reply.getCode() == NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_SIMPLE_REQUIRED) {
if (debug) {
debugOut("Authentication required received from server.");
// authenticate with the server, if necessary
// if we've safely authenticated, we can reissue the command and
// process the response.
reply = getReply();
return reply;
* Send a command to the server, returning the first response line back as a
* reply.
* @param data
* The data to send.
* @return A reply object with the reply line.
* @exception MessagingException
public NNTPReply sendAuthCommand(String data) throws MessagingException {
return getReply();
* Sends a message down the socket and terminates with the appropriate CRLF
public void sendLine(String data) throws MessagingException {
if (socket == null || !socket.isConnected()) {
throw new MessagingException("no connection");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MessagingException(e.toString());
* Get a reply line for an NNTP command.
* @return An NNTP reply object from the stream.
public NNTPReply getReply() throws MessagingException {
lastServerResponse = new NNTPReply(receiveLine());
return lastServerResponse;
* Retrieve the last response received from the NNTP server.
* @return The raw response string (including the error code) returned from
* the NNTP server.
public String getLastServerResponse() {
if (lastServerResponse == null) {
return "";
return lastServerResponse.getReply();
* Receives one line from the server. A line is a sequence of bytes
* terminated by a CRLF
* @return the line from the server as String
public String receiveLine() throws MessagingException {
if (socket == null || !socket.isConnected()) {
throw new MessagingException("no connection");
try {
String line = in.readLine();
if (line == null) {
throw new MessagingException("Unexpected end of stream");
return line;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MessagingException("Error reading from server", e);
* Retrieve the SASL realm used for DIGEST-MD5 authentication. This will
* either be explicitly set, or retrieved using the mail.nntp.sasl.realm
* session property.
* @return The current realm information (which can be null).
public String getSASLRealm() {
// if the realm is null, retrieve it using the realm session property.
if (realm == null) {
realm = getProperty(MAIL_NNTP_SASL_REALM);
return realm;
* Explicitly set the SASL realm used for DIGEST-MD5 authenticaiton.
* @param name
* The new realm name.
public void setSASLRealm(String name) {
realm = name;
* Authenticate with the server, if necessary (or possible).
protected void processAuthentication(int request) throws MessagingException {
// we need to authenticate, but we don't have userid/password
// this
// immediately.
if (username == null || password == null) {
throw new MessagingException("Server requires user authentication");
} else {
if (!processAuthinfoSasl()) {
* Process an AUTHINFO SIMPLE command. Not widely used, but if the server
* asks for it, we can respond.
* @exception MessagingException
protected void processAuthinfoSimple() throws MessagingException {
NNTPReply reply = sendAuthCommand("AUTHINFO SIMPLE");
if (reply.getCode() != NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_CONTINUE) {
throw new MessagingException("Error authenticating with server using AUTHINFO SIMPLE");
reply = sendAuthCommand(username + " " + password);
if (reply.getCode() != NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_ACCEPTED) {
throw new MessagingException("Error authenticating with server using AUTHINFO SIMPLE");
* Process AUTHINFO GENERIC. Right now, this appears not to be widely used
* and information on how the conversations are handled for different auth
* types is lacking, so right now, this just returns false to force the
* userid/password form to be used.
* @return Always returns false.
* @exception MessagingException
protected boolean processAuthinfoGeneric() throws MessagingException {
return false;
* @return Returns true if the server support a SASL authentication
* mechanism and accepted reponse challenges.
* @exception MessagingException
protected boolean processAuthinfoSasl() throws MessagingException {
ClientAuthenticator authenticator = null;
// now go through the progression of mechanisms we support, from the
// most secure to the
// least secure.
if (supportsAuthentication(AUTHENTICATION_DIGESTMD5)) {
authenticator = new DigestMD5Authenticator(host, username, password, getSASLRealm());
} else if (supportsAuthentication(AUTHENTICATION_CRAMMD5)) {
authenticator = new CramMD5Authenticator(username, password);
} else if (supportsAuthentication(AUTHENTICATION_LOGIN)) {
authenticator = new LoginAuthenticator(username, password);
} else if (supportsAuthentication(AUTHENTICATION_PLAIN)) {
authenticator = new PlainAuthenticator(username, password);
} else {
// can't find a mechanism we support in common
return false;
if (debug) {
debugOut("Authenticating for user: " + username + " using " + authenticator.getMechanismName());
// if the authenticator has some initial data, we compose a command
// containing the initial data.
if (authenticator.hasInitialResponse()) {
StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
// the auth command initiates the handshaking.
command.append("AUTHINFO SASL ");
// and tell the server which mechanism we're using.
command.append(" ");
// and append the response data
command.append(new String(Base64.encode(authenticator.evaluateChallenge(null))));
// send the command now
// we just send an auth command with the command type.
else {
StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
// the auth command initiates the handshaking.
command.append("AUTHINFO SASL");
// and tell the server which mechanism we're using.
// send the command now
// now process the challenge sequence. We get a 235 response back when
// the server accepts the
// authentication, and a 334 indicates we have an additional challenge.
while (true) {
// get the next line, and if it is an error response, return now.
NNTPReply line = getReply();
// if we get a completion return, we've passed muster, so give an
// authentication response.
if (line.getCode() == NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_ACCEPTED || line.getCode() == NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_ACCEPTED_FINAL) {
if (debug) {
debugOut("Successful SMTP authentication");
return true;
// we have an additional challenge to process.
else if (line.getCode() == NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_CHALLENGE) {
// Does the authenticator think it is finished? We can't answer
// an additional challenge,
// so fail this.
if (authenticator.isComplete()) {
if (debug) {
debugOut("Extra authentication challenge " + line);
return false;
// we're passed back a challenge value, Base64 encoded.
byte[] challenge = Base64.decode(line.getMessage().getBytes());
// have the authenticator evaluate and send back the encoded
// response.
sendLine(new String(Base64.encode(authenticator.evaluateChallenge(challenge))));
// completion or challenge are the only responses we know how to
// handle. Anything else must
// be a failure.
else {
if (debug) {
debugOut("Authentication failure " + line);
return false;
* Process an AUTHINFO USER command. Most common form of NNTP
* authentication.
* @exception MessagingException
protected void processAuthinfoUser() throws MessagingException {
NNTPReply reply = sendAuthCommand("AUTHINFO USER " + username);
// accepted without a password (uncommon, but allowed), we're done
if (reply.getCode() == NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_ACCEPTED) {
// the only other non-error response is continue.
if (reply.getCode() != NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_CONTINUE) {
throw new MessagingException("Error authenticating with server using AUTHINFO USER: " + reply);
// now send the password. We expect an accepted response.
reply = sendAuthCommand("AUTHINFO PASS " + password);
if (reply.getCode() != NNTPReply.AUTHINFO_ACCEPTED) {
throw new MessagingException("Error authenticating with server using AUTHINFO SIMPLE");
* Internal debug output routine.
* @param value
* The string value to output.
protected void debugOut(String message) {
debugStream.println("NNTPTransport DEBUG: " + message);
* Internal debugging routine for reporting exceptions.
* @param message
* A message associated with the exception context.
* @param e
* The received exception.
protected void debugOut(String message, Throwable e) {
debugOut("Received exception -> " + message);
debugOut("Exception message -> " + e.getMessage());
* Indicate whether posting is allowed for a given server.
* @return True if the server allows posting, false if the server is
* read-only.
public boolean isPostingAllowed() {
return postingAllowed;
* Retrieve the welcome string sent back from the server.
* @return The server provided welcome string.
public String getWelcomeString() {
return welcomeString;
* Return the server host for this connection.
* @return The String name of the server host.
public String getHost() {
return host;
* Get a property associated with this mail protocol.
* @param name
* The name of the property.
* @return The property value (returns null if the property has not been
* set).
String getProperty(String name) {
// the name we're given is the least qualified part of the name. We
// construct the full property name
// using the protocol (either "nntp" or "nntp-post").
String fullName = "mail." + protocol + "." + name;
return session.getProperty(fullName);
* Get a property associated with this mail session. Returns the provided
* default if it doesn't exist.
* @param name
* The name of the property.
* @param defaultValue
* The default value to return if the property doesn't exist.
* @return The property value (returns defaultValue if the property has not
* been set).
String getProperty(String name, String defaultValue) {
// the name we're given is the least qualified part of the name. We
// construct the full property name
// using the protocol (either "nntp" or "nntp-post").
String fullName = "mail." + protocol + "." + name;
return SessionUtil.getProperty(session, fullName, defaultValue);
* Get a property associated with this mail session as an integer value.
* Returns the default value if the property doesn't exist or it doesn't
* have a valid int value.
* @param name
* The name of the property.
* @param defaultValue
* The default value to return if the property doesn't exist.
* @return The property value converted to an int.
int getIntProperty(String name, int defaultValue) {
// the name we're given is the least qualified part of the name. We
// construct the full property name
// using the protocol (either "nntp" or "nntp-post").
String fullName = "mail." + protocol + "." + name;
return SessionUtil.getIntProperty(session, fullName, defaultValue);
* Get a property associated with this mail session as an boolean value.
* Returns the default value if the property doesn't exist or it doesn't
* have a valid int value.
* @param name
* The name of the property.
* @param defaultValue
* The default value to return if the property doesn't exist.
* @return The property value converted to a boolean
boolean getBooleanProperty(String name, boolean defaultValue) {
// the name we're given is the least qualified part of the name. We
// construct the full property name
// using the protocol (either "nntp" or "nntp-post").
String fullName = "mail." + protocol + "." + name;
return SessionUtil.getBooleanProperty(session, fullName, defaultValue);