blob: 90355f1dd5f4e8f536db540460cf34050c1a50c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import javax.mail.Flags;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MailDateFormat;
import javax.mail.internet.ParameterList;
import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.util.ResponseFormatException;
* @version $Rev$ $Date$
public class IMAPResponseTokenizer {
* set up the decoding table.
protected static final byte[] decodingTable = new byte[256];
protected static void initializeDecodingTable()
for (int i = 0; i < IMAPCommand.encodingTable.length; i++)
decodingTable[IMAPCommand.encodingTable[i]] = (byte)i;
static {
// a singleton formatter for header dates.
protected static MailDateFormat dateParser = new MailDateFormat();
public static class Token {
// Constant values from J2SE 1.4 API Docs (Constant values)
public static final int ATOM = -1;
public static final int QUOTEDSTRING = -2;
public static final int LITERAL = -3;
public static final int NUMERIC = -4;
public static final int EOF = -5;
public static final int NIL = -6;
// special single character markers
public static final int CONTINUATION = '-';
public static final int UNTAGGED = '*';
* The type indicator. This will be either a specific type, represented by
* a negative number, or the actual character value.
private int type;
* The String value associated with this token. All tokens have a String value,
* except for the EOF and NIL tokens.
private String value;
public Token(int type, String value) {
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
public int getType() {
return type;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public boolean isType(int type) {
return this.type == type;
* Return the token as an integer value. If this can't convert, an exception is
* thrown.
* @return The integer value of the token.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public int getInteger() throws MessagingException {
if (value != null) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Number value expected in response; fount: " + value);
* Return the token as a long value. If it can't convert, an exception is
* thrown.
* @return The token as a long value.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public long getLong() throws MessagingException {
if (value != null) {
try {
return Long.parseLong(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Number value expected in response; fount: " + value);
* Handy debugging toString() method for token.
* @return The string value of the token.
public String toString() {
if (type == NIL) {
return "NIL";
else if (type == EOF) {
return "EOF";
if (value == null) {
return "";
return value;
public static final Token EOF = new Token(Token.EOF, null);
public static final Token NIL = new Token(Token.NIL, null);
private static final String WHITE = " \t\n\r";
// The list of delimiter characters we process when
// handling parsing of ATOMs.
private static final String atomDelimiters = "(){}%*\"\\" + WHITE;
// this set of tokens is a slighly expanded set used for
// specific response parsing. When dealing with Body
// section names, there are sub pieces to the name delimited
// by "[", "]", ".", "<", ">" and SPACE, so reading these using
// a superset of the ATOM processing makes for easier parsing.
private static final String tokenDelimiters = "<>[].(){}%*\"\\" + WHITE;
// the response data read from the connection
private byte[] response;
// current parsing position
private int pos;
public IMAPResponseTokenizer(byte [] response) {
this.response = response;
* Get the remainder of the response as a string.
* @return A string representing the remainder of the response.
public String getRemainder() {
// make sure we're still in range
if (pos >= response.length) {
return "";
return new String(response, pos, response.length - pos);
public Token next() throws MessagingException {
return next(false);
public Token next(boolean nilAllowed) throws MessagingException {
return readToken(nilAllowed, false);
public Token next(boolean nilAllowed, boolean expandedDelimiters) throws MessagingException {
return readToken(nilAllowed, expandedDelimiters);
public Token peek() throws MessagingException {
return peek(false, false);
public Token peek(boolean nilAllowed) throws MessagingException {
return peek(nilAllowed, false);
public Token peek(boolean nilAllowed, boolean expandedDelimiters) throws MessagingException {
int start = pos;
try {
return readToken(nilAllowed, expandedDelimiters);
} finally {
pos = start;
* Read an ATOM token from the parsed response.
* @return A token containing the value of the atom token.
private Token readAtomicToken(String delimiters) {
// skip to next delimiter
int start = pos;
while (++pos < response.length) {
// break on the first non-atom character.
byte ch = response[pos];
if (delimiters.indexOf(response[pos]) != -1 || ch < 32 || ch >= 127) {
// Numeric tokens we store as a different type.
String value = new String(response, start, pos - start);
try {
int intValue = Integer.parseInt(value);
return new Token(Token.NUMERIC, value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return new Token(Token.ATOM, value);
* Read the next token from the response.
* @return The next token from the response. White space is skipped, and comment
* tokens are also skipped if indicated.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
private Token readToken(boolean nilAllowed, boolean expandedDelimiters) throws MessagingException {
String delimiters = expandedDelimiters ? tokenDelimiters : atomDelimiters;
if (pos >= response.length) {
return EOF;
} else {
byte ch = response[pos];
if (ch == '\"') {
return readQuotedString();
// beginning of a length-specified literal?
} else if (ch == '{') {
return readLiteral();
// white space, eat this and find a real token.
} else if (WHITE.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
return readToken(nilAllowed, expandedDelimiters);
// either a CTL or special. These characters have a self-defining token type.
} else if (ch < 32 || ch >= 127 || delimiters.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
return new Token((int)ch, String.valueOf((char)ch));
} else {
// start of an atom, parse it off.
Token token = readAtomicToken(delimiters);
// now, if we've been asked to look at NIL tokens, check to see if it is one,
// and return that instead of the ATOM.
if (nilAllowed) {
if (token.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("NIL")) {
return NIL;
return token;
* Read the next token from the response, returning it as a byte array value.
* @return The next token from the response. White space is skipped, and comment
* tokens are also skipped if indicated.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
private byte[] readData(boolean nilAllowed) throws MessagingException {
if (pos >= response.length) {
return null;
} else {
byte ch = response[pos];
if (ch == '\"') {
return readQuotedStringData();
// beginning of a length-specified literal?
} else if (ch == '{') {
return readLiteralData();
// white space, eat this and find a real token.
} else if (WHITE.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
return readData(nilAllowed);
// either a CTL or special. These characters have a self-defining token type.
} else if (ch < 32 || ch >= 127 || atomDelimiters.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Invalid string value: " + ch);
} else {
// only process this if we're allowing NIL as an option.
if (nilAllowed) {
// start of an atom, parse it off.
Token token = next(true);
if (token.isType(Token.NIL)) {
return null;
// invalid token type.
throw new ResponseFormatException("Invalid string value: " + token.getValue());
// invalid token type.
throw new ResponseFormatException("Invalid string value: " + ch);
* Extract a substring from the response string and apply any
* escaping/folding rules to the string.
* @param start The starting offset in the response.
* @param end The response end offset + 1.
* @return The processed string value.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
private byte[] getEscapedValue(int start, int end) throws MessagingException {
ByteArrayOutputStream value = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
byte ch = response[i];
// is this an escape character?
if (ch == '\\') {
if (i == end) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Invalid escape character");
// line breaks are ignored, except for naked '\n' characters, which are consider
// parts of linear whitespace.
else if (ch == '\r') {
// see if this is a CRLF sequence, and skip the second if it is.
if (i < end - 1 && response[i + 1] == '\n') {
else {
// just append the ch value.
return value.toByteArray();
* Parse out a quoted string from the response, applying escaping
* rules to the value.
* @return The QUOTEDSTRING token with the value.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
private Token readQuotedString() throws MessagingException {
String value = new String(readQuotedStringData());
return new Token(Token.QUOTEDSTRING, value);
* Parse out a quoted string from the response, applying escaping
* rules to the value.
* @return The byte array with the resulting string bytes.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
private byte[] readQuotedStringData() throws MessagingException {
int start = pos + 1;
boolean requiresEscaping = false;
// skip to end of comment/string
while (++pos < response.length) {
byte ch = response[pos];
if (ch == '"') {
byte[] value;
if (requiresEscaping) {
value = getEscapedValue(start, pos);
else {
value = subarray(start, pos);
// step over the delimiter for all cases.
return value;
else if (ch == '\\') {
requiresEscaping = true;
// we need to process line breaks also
else if (ch == '\r') {
requiresEscaping = true;
throw new ResponseFormatException("Missing '\"'");
* Parse out a literal string from the response, using the length
* encoded before the listeral.
* @return The LITERAL token with the value.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
protected Token readLiteral() throws MessagingException {
String value = new String(readLiteralData());
return new Token(Token.LITERAL, value);
* Parse out a literal string from the response, using the length
* encoded before the listeral.
* @return The byte[] array with the value.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
protected byte[] readLiteralData() throws MessagingException {
int lengthStart = pos + 1;
// see if we have a close marker.
int lengthEnd = indexOf("}\r\n", lengthStart);
if (lengthEnd == -1) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Missing terminator on literal length");
int count = 0;
try {
count = Integer.parseInt(substring(lengthStart, lengthEnd));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Invalid literal length " + substring(lengthStart, lengthEnd));
// step over the length
pos = lengthEnd + 3;
// too long?
if (pos + count > response.length) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Invalid literal length: " + count);
byte[] value = subarray(pos, pos + count);
pos += count;
return value;
* Extract a substring from the response buffer.
* @param start The starting offset.
* @param end The end offset (+ 1).
* @return A String extracted from the buffer.
protected String substring(int start, int end ) {
return new String(response, start, end - start);
* Extract a subarray from the response buffer.
* @param start The starting offset.
* @param end The end offset (+ 1).
* @return A byte array string extracted rom the buffer.
protected byte[] subarray(int start, int end ) {
byte[] result = new byte[end - start];
System.arraycopy(response, start, result, 0, end - start);
return result;
* Test if the bytes in the response buffer match a given
* string value.
* @param position The compare position.
* @param needle The needle string we're testing for.
* @return True if the bytes match the needle value, false for any
* mismatch.
public boolean match(int position, String needle) {
int length = needle.length();
if (response.length - position < length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (response[position + i ] != needle.charAt(i)) {
return false;
return true;
* Search for a given string starting from the current position
* cursor.
* @param needle The search string.
* @return The index of a match (in absolute byte position in the
* response buffer).
public int indexOf(String needle) {
return indexOf(needle, pos);
* Search for a string in the response buffer starting from the
* indicated position.
* @param needle The search string.
* @param position The starting buffer position.
* @return The index of the match position. Returns -1 for no match.
public int indexOf(String needle, int position) {
// get the last possible match position
int last = response.length - needle.length();
// no match possible
if (last < position) {
return -1;
for (int i = position; i <= last; i++) {
if (match(i, needle)) {
return i;
return -1;
* Skip white space in the token string.
private void eatWhiteSpace() {
// skip to end of whitespace
while (++pos < response.length
&& WHITE.indexOf(response[pos]) != -1)
* Ensure that the next token in the parsed response is a
* '(' character.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public void checkLeftParen() throws MessagingException {
Token token = next();
if (token.getType() != '(') {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Missing '(' in response");
* Ensure that the next token in the parsed response is a
* ')' character.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public void checkRightParen() throws MessagingException {
Token token = next();
if (token.getType() != ')') {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Missing ')' in response");
* Read a string-valued token from the response. A string
* valued token can be either a quoted string, a literal value,
* or an atom. Any other token type is an error.
* @return The string value of the source token.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public String readString() throws MessagingException {
Token token = next();
int type = token.getType();
if (type != Token.ATOM && type != Token.QUOTEDSTRING && type != Token.LITERAL && type != Token.NUMERIC) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("String token expected in response: " + token.getValue());
return token.getValue();
* Read an encoded string-valued token from the response. A string
* valued token can be either a quoted string, a literal value,
* or an atom. Any other token type is an error.
* @return The string value of the source token.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public String readEncodedString() throws MessagingException {
String value = readString();
return decode(value);
* Decode a Base 64 encoded string value.
* @param original The original encoded string.
* @return The decoded string.
* @exception MessagingException
public String decode(String original) throws MessagingException {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < original.length(); i++) {
char ch = original.charAt(i);
if (ch == '&') {
i = decode(original, i, result);
else {
return result.toString();
* Decode a section of an encoded string value.
* @param original The original source string.
* @param index The current working index.
* @param result The StringBuffer used for the decoded result.
* @return The new index for the decoding operation.
* @exception MessagingException
public static int decode(String original, int index, StringBuffer result) throws MessagingException {
// look for the section terminator
int terminator = original.indexOf('-', index);
// unmatched?
if (terminator == -1) {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid UTF-7 encoded string");
// is this just an escaped "&"?
if (terminator == index + 1) {
// append and skip over this.
return index + 2;
// step over the starting char
int chars = terminator - index;
int quads = chars / 4;
int residual = chars % 4;
// buffer for decoded characters
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
int bufferCount = 0;
// process each of the full triplet pairs
for (int i = 0; i < quads; i++) {
byte b1 = decodingTable[original.charAt(index++) & 0xff];
byte b2 = decodingTable[original.charAt(index++) & 0xff];
byte b3 = decodingTable[original.charAt(index++) & 0xff];
byte b4 = decodingTable[original.charAt(index++) & 0xff];
buffer[bufferCount++] = (byte)((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4));
buffer[bufferCount++] = (byte)((b2 << 4) | (b3 >> 2));
buffer[bufferCount++] = (byte)((b3 << 6) | b4);
// we've written 3 bytes to the buffer, but we might have a residual from a previous
// iteration to deal with.
if (bufferCount == 4) {
// two complete chars here
b1 = buffer[0];
b2 = buffer[1];
result.append((char)((b1 << 8) + (b2 & 0xff)));
b1 = buffer[2];
b2 = buffer[3];
result.append((char)((b1 << 8) + (b2 & 0xff)));
bufferCount = 0;
else {
// we need to save the 3rd byte for the next go around
b1 = buffer[0];
b2 = buffer[1];
result.append((char)((b1 << 8) + (b2 & 0xff)));
buffer[0] = buffer[2];
bufferCount = 1;
// properly encoded, we should have an even number of bytes left.
switch (residual) {
// no we better not have an extra in the buffer
case 0:
// this is invalid...we have an odd number of bytes so far,
if (bufferCount == 1) {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid UTF-7 encoded string");
// one byte left. This shouldn't be valid. We need at least 2 bytes to
// encode one unprintable char.
case 1:
throw new MessagingException("Invalid UTF-7 encoded string");
// ok, we have two bytes left, which can only encode a single byte. We must have
// a dangling unhandled char.
case 2:
if (bufferCount != 1) {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid UTF-7 encoded string");
byte b1 = decodingTable[original.charAt(index++) & 0xff];
byte b2 = decodingTable[original.charAt(index++) & 0xff];
buffer[bufferCount++] = (byte)((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4));
b1 = buffer[0];
b2 = buffer[1];
result.append((char)((b1 << 8) + (b2 & 0xff)));
// we have 2 encoded chars. In this situation, we can't have a leftover.
case 3:
// this is invalid...we have an odd number of bytes so far,
if (bufferCount == 1) {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid UTF-7 encoded string");
byte b1 = decodingTable[original.charAt(index++) & 0xff];
byte b2 = decodingTable[original.charAt(index++) & 0xff];
byte b3 = decodingTable[original.charAt(index++) & 0xff];
buffer[bufferCount++] = (byte)((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4));
buffer[bufferCount++] = (byte)((b2 << 4) | (b3 >> 2));
b1 = buffer[0];
b2 = buffer[1];
result.append((char)((b1 << 8) + (b2 & 0xff)));
// return the new scan location
return terminator + 1;
* Read a string-valued token from the response, verifying this is an ATOM token.
* @return The string value of the source token.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public String readAtom() throws MessagingException {
return readAtom(false);
* Read a string-valued token from the response, verifying this is an ATOM token.
* @return The string value of the source token.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public String readAtom(boolean expandedDelimiters) throws MessagingException {
Token token = next(false, expandedDelimiters);
int type = token.getType();
if (type != Token.ATOM) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("ATOM token expected in response: " + token.getValue());
return token.getValue();
* Read a number-valued token from the response. This must be an ATOM
* token.
* @return The integer value of the source token.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public int readInteger() throws MessagingException {
Token token = next();
return token.getInteger();
* Read a number-valued token from the response. This must be an ATOM
* token.
* @return The long value of the source token.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public int readLong() throws MessagingException {
Token token = next();
return token.getInteger();
* Read a string-valued token from the response. A string
* valued token can be either a quoted string, a literal value,
* or an atom. Any other token type is an error.
* @return The string value of the source token.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public String readStringOrNil() throws MessagingException {
// we need to recognize the NIL token.
Token token = next(true);
int type = token.getType();
if (type != Token.ATOM && type != Token.QUOTEDSTRING && type != Token.LITERAL && type != Token.NIL) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("String token or NIL expected in response: " + token.getValue());
// this returns null if the token is the NIL token.
return token.getValue();
* Read a quoted string-valued token from the response.
* Any other token type other than NIL is an error.
* @return The string value of the source token.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
protected String readQuotedStringOrNil() throws MessagingException {
// we need to recognize the NIL token.
Token token = next(true);
int type = token.getType();
if (type != Token.QUOTEDSTRING && type != Token.NIL) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("String token or NIL expected in response");
// this returns null if the token is the NIL token.
return token.getValue();
* Read a date from a response string. This is expected to be in
* Internet Date format, but there's a lot of variation implemented
* out there. If we're unable to format this correctly, we'll
* just return null.
* @return A Date object created from the source date.
public Date readDate() throws MessagingException {
String value = readString();
try {
return dateParser.parse(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
// we're just skipping over this, so return null
return null;
* Read a date from a response string. This is expected to be in
* Internet Date format, but there's a lot of variation implemented
* out there. If we're unable to format this correctly, we'll
* just return null.
* @return A Date object created from the source date.
public Date readDateOrNil() throws MessagingException {
String value = readStringOrNil();
// this might be optional
if (value == null) {
return null;
try {
return dateParser.parse(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
// we're just skipping over this, so return null
return null;
* Read an internet address from a Fetch response. The
* addresses are returned as a set of string tokens in the
* order "personal list mailbox host". Any of these tokens
* can be NIL.
* The address may also be the start of a group list, which
* is indicated by the host being NIL. If we have found the
* start of a group, then we need to parse multiple elements
* until we find the group end marker (indicated by both the
* mailbox and the host being NIL), and create a group
* InternetAddress instance from this.
* @return An InternetAddress instance parsed from the
* element.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public InternetAddress readAddress() throws MessagingException {
// we recurse, expecting a null response back for sublists.
if (peek().getType() != '(') {
return null;
// must start with a paren
// personal information
String personal = readStringOrNil();
// the domain routine information.
String routing = readStringOrNil();
// the target mailbox
String mailbox = readStringOrNil();
// and finally the host
String host = readStringOrNil();
// and validate the closing paren
// if this is a real address, we need to compose
if (host != null) {
StringBuffer address = new StringBuffer();
if (routing != null) {
try {
return new InternetAddress(address.toString(), personal);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Invalid Internet address format");
else {
// we're going to recurse on this. If the mailbox is null (the group name), this is the group item
// terminator.
if (mailbox == null) {
return null;
StringBuffer groupAddress = new StringBuffer();
int count = 0;
while (true) {
// now recurse until we hit the end of the list
InternetAddress member = readAddress();
if (member == null) {
try {
return new InternetAddress(groupAddress.toString(), personal);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Invalid Internet address format");
else {
if (count != 0) {
* Parse out a list of addresses. This list of addresses is
* surrounded by parentheses, and each address is also
* parenthized (SP?).
* @return An array of the parsed addresses.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public InternetAddress[] readAddressList() throws MessagingException {
// must start with a paren, but can be NIL also.
Token token = next(true);
int type = token.getType();
// either of these results in a null address. The caller determines based on
// context whether this was optional or not.
if (type == Token.NIL) {
return null;
// non-nil address and no paren. This is a syntax error.
else if (type != '(') {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Missing '(' in response");
List addresses = new ArrayList();
// we have a list, now parse it.
while (notListEnd()) {
// go read the next address. If we had an address, add to the list.
// an address ITEM cannot be NIL inside the parens.
InternetAddress address = readAddress();
// we need to skip over the peeked token.
return (InternetAddress[])addresses.toArray(new InternetAddress[addresses.size()]);
* Check to see if we're at the end of a parenthized list
* without advancing the parsing pointer. If we are at the
* end, then this will step over the closing paren.
* @return True if the next token is a closing list paren, false otherwise.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public boolean checkListEnd() throws MessagingException {
Token token = peek(true);
if (token.getType() == ')') {
// step over this token.
return true;
return false;
* Reads a string item which can be encoded either as a single
* string-valued token or a parenthized list of string tokens.
* @return A List containing all of the strings.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public List readStringList() throws MessagingException {
Token token = peek();
List list = new ArrayList();
if (token.getType() == '(') {
while (notListEnd()) {
String value = readString();
// this can be NIL, technically
if (value != null) {
// step over the closing paren
else {
// just a single string value.
String value = readString();
// this can be NIL, technically
if (value != null) {
return list;
* Reads all remaining tokens and returns them as a list of strings.
* NIL values are not supported.
* @return A List containing all of the strings.
* @exception ResponseFormatException
public List readStrings() throws MessagingException {
List list = new ArrayList();
while (hasMore()) {
String value = readString();
return list;
* Skip over an extension item. This may be either a string
* token or a parenthized item (with potential nesting).
* At the point where this is called, we're looking for a closing
* ')', but we know it is not that. An EOF is an error, however,
public void skipExtensionItem() throws MessagingException {
Token token = next();
int type = token.getType();
// list form? Scan to find the correct list closure.
if (type == '(') {
// found an EOF? Big problem
else if (type == Token.EOF) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Missing ')'");
* Skip over a parenthized value that we're not interested in.
* These lists may contain nested sublists, so we need to
* handle the nesting properly.
public void skipNestedValue() throws MessagingException {
Token token = next();
while (true) {
int type = token.getType();
// list terminator?
if (type == ')') {
// unexpected end of the tokens.
else if (type == Token.EOF) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Missing ')'");
// encountered a nested list?
else if (type == '(') {
// recurse and finish this list.
// we're just skipping the token.
token = next();
* Get the next token and verify that it's of the expected type
* for the context.
* @param type The type of token we're expecting.
public void checkToken(int type) throws MessagingException {
Token token = next();
if (token.getType() != type) {
throw new ResponseFormatException("Unexpected token: " + token.getValue());
* Read the next token as binary data. The next token can be a literal, a quoted string, or
* the token NIL (which returns a null result). Any other token throws a ResponseFormatException.
* @return A byte array representing the rest of the response data.
public byte[] readByteArray() throws MessagingException {
return readData(true);
* Determine what type of token encoding needs to be
* used for a string value.
* @param value The string to test.
* @return Either Token.ATOM, Token.QUOTEDSTRING, or
* Token.LITERAL, depending on the characters contained
* in the value.
static public int getEncoding(byte[] value) {
// a null string always needs to be represented as a quoted literal.
if (value.length == 0) {
return Token.QUOTEDSTRING;
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
int ch = value[i];
// make sure the sign extension is eliminated
ch = ch & 0xff;
// check first for any characters that would
// disqualify a quoted string
if (ch == 0x00) {
return Token.LITERAL;
// non-7bit ASCII
if (ch > 0x7F) {
return Token.LITERAL;
// carriage return
if (ch == '\r') {
return Token.LITERAL;
// linefeed
if (ch == '\n') {
return Token.LITERAL;
// now check for ATOM disqualifiers
if (atomDelimiters.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
return Token.QUOTEDSTRING;
// CTL character. We've already eliminated the high characters
if (ch < 0x20) {
return Token.QUOTEDSTRING;
// this can be an ATOM token
return Token.ATOM;
* Read a ContentType or ContentDisposition parameter
* list from an IMAP command response.
* @return A ParameterList instance containing the parameters.
* @exception MessagingException
public ParameterList readParameterList() throws MessagingException {
ParameterList params = new ParameterList();
// read the tokens, taking NIL into account.
Token token = next(true, false);
// just return an empty list if this is NIL
if (token.isType(token.NIL)) {
return params;
// these are pairs of strings for each parameter value
while (notListEnd()) {
String name = readString();
String value = readString();
params.set(name, value);
// we need to consume the list terminator
return params;
* Test if we have more data in the response buffer.
* @return true if there are more tokens to process. false if
* we've reached the end of the stream.
public boolean hasMore() throws MessagingException {
// we need to eat any white space that might be in the stream.
return pos < response.length;
* Tests if we've reached the end of a parenthetical
* list in our parsing stream.
* @return true if the next token will be a ')'. false if the
* next token is anything else.
* @exception MessagingException
public boolean notListEnd() throws MessagingException {
return peek().getType() != ')';
* Read a list of Flag values from an IMAP response,
* returning a Flags instance containing the appropriate
* pieces.
* @return A Flags instance with the flag values.
* @exception MessagingException
public Flags readFlagList() throws MessagingException {
Flags flags = new Flags();
// this should be a list here
// run through the flag list
while (notListEnd()) {
// the flags are a bit of a pain. The flag names include "\" in the name, which
// is not a character allowed in an atom. This requires a bit of customized parsing
// to handle this.
Token token = next();
// flags can be specified as just atom tokens, so allow this as a user flag.
if (token.isType(token.ATOM)) {
// append the atom as a raw name
// all of the system flags start with a '\' followed by
// an atom. They also can be extension flags. IMAP has a special
// case of "\*" that we need to check for.
else if (token.isType('\\')) {
token = next();
// the next token is the real bit we need to process.
if (token.isType('*')) {
// this indicates USER flags are allowed.
// if this is an atom name, handle as a system flag
else if (token.isType(Token.ATOM)) {
String name = token.getValue();
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Seen")) {
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("RECENT")) {
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETED")) {
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ANSWERED")) {
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("DRAFT")) {
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("FLAGGED")) {
else {
// this is a server defined flag....just add the name with the
// flag thingy prepended.
flags.add("\\" + name);
else {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid Flag: " + token.getValue());
else {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid Flag: " + token.getValue());
// step over this for good practice.
return flags;
* Read a list of Flag values from an IMAP response,
* returning a Flags instance containing the appropriate
* pieces.
* @return A Flags instance with the flag values.
* @exception MessagingException
public List readSystemNameList() throws MessagingException {
List flags = new ArrayList();
// this should be a list here
// run through the flag list
while (notListEnd()) {
// the flags are a bit of a pain. The flag names include "\" in the name, which
// is not a character allowed in an atom. This requires a bit of customized parsing
// to handle this.
Token token = next();
// all of the system flags start with a '\' followed by
// an atom. They also can be extension flags. IMAP has a special
// case of "\*" that we need to check for.
if (token.isType('\\')) {
token = next();
// if this is an atom name, handle as a system flag
if (token.isType(Token.ATOM)) {
// add the token value to the list WITH the
// flag indicator included. The attributes method returns
// these flag indicators, so we need to include it.
flags.add("\\" + token.getValue());
else {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid Flag: " + token.getValue());
else {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid Flag: " + token.getValue());
// step over this for good practice.
return flags;