blob: e2e297c97b8c7895adda5866f424d0d89c9051cc [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
This is an XML Schema Definition for Geronimo enterprise application
deployment plan. In case the enterprise application deployment plan
is provided internally in the enterprise archive, it should be
located under META-INF/geronimo-application.xml. In case the
enterprise application deployment plan is provided externally, the
deployment descriptor can be named anything and provided as an
argument to the deploy tool. All the enterprise application
deployment plan must specify the top level element as application
with namespace specified as xmlns =
"". The
default location for this document is
<xs:import namespace=""
Import Geronimo Services deployment plans. The imported plan
includes complex types like moduleType, environmentType,
dependenciesType, etc. required by this plan schema.
<xs:element name="application" type="geronimo:applicationType">
The root element for Geronimo web application deployment plan.
This element should always exist in instance documents. Note
that the sub-elements of this element should be as in the given
order in the sequence.
<xs:complexType name="applicationType">
The complex type for root element, it defines the elements of
root element for Geronimo enterprise application deployment
plan. Basically it is a sequence of elements environment,
module, ext-module, security, and services.
<xs:element ref="sys:environment">
Reference to environment element defined in imported
<xs:element name="module" type="geronimo:moduleType" minOccurs="0"
An optional module element which defines various
modules included in the enterprise application archive.
It mirrors the moduleType defined by application_1_4.xsd
and adds an optional alt-dd element defining a Geronimo
specific deployment descriptor.
<xs:element name="ext-module" type="geronimo:ext-moduleType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
It is used to define modules included in this
application externally and these module could be
included in the archive, or they may reside in Geronimo
repository. It defines optional internal-path or
external-path to module/repository element being
<xs:element ref="geronimo:security" minOccurs="0">
Reference to security element defined in this schema. If
this optional element is present, all web and EJB
modules must make the appropriate access checks as
outlined in the JACC spec. This element groups the
security role mapping settings for the application.
<xs:element ref="sys:service" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Reference to service element defined in imported
<!--TODO application name should be settable using name-key in the environment. Does this work? -->
<xs:attribute name="application-name" type="xs:string" use="optional">
An optional attribute used to define the application name
for main parent enterprise application defined in ear
<xs:complexType name="moduleType">
Mirrors the moduleType defined by application_1_4.xsd and adds
an optional alt-dd element defining a Geronimo specific
deployment descriptor for J2EE connector, ejb, web, or java
client modules.
<xs:element name="connector" type="geronimo:pathType">
The presence of this element is indicative of J2EE
module type to be resource adapter module, and the
value of this element provides URI of resource
adapter archive file path relative to the enterprise
application package main directory.
<xs:element name="ejb" type="geronimo:pathType">
The presence of this element is indicative of J2EE
module type to be EJB module, and the value of this
element provides URI of EJB archive file path
relative to the enterprise application package main
<xs:element name="java" type="geronimo:pathType">
The presence of this element is indicative of J2EE
module type to be Java Application client module,
and the value of this element provides URI of
application client java archive file path relative
to the enterprise application package main
<xs:element name="web" type="geronimo:pathType">
The presence of this element is indicative of Web
module type to be EJB module, and the value of this
element provides URI of Web archive file path
relative to the enterprise application package main
<xs:element name="alt-dd" type="geronimo:pathType">
Specifies an optional URI to the post-assembly
version of the Geronimo specific deployment
descriptor file for a particular J2EE module
relative to the enterprise application package main
<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax">
This option element contains the alternate geronimo
deployment plan for included modules.
<xs:element name="security" type="geronimo:abstract-securityType">
If this optional element is present, all web and EJB modules
must make the appropriate access checks as outlined in the JACC
spec. This element groups the security role mapping settings for
the application.
<xs:complexType name="abstract-securityType" abstract="true">
An abstract abstract-securityType used to indicate, all web and
EJB modules must make the appropriate access checks as outlined
in the JACC spec. This type will be extended and implemented by
geronimo-security-2.0.xsd file.
<xs:element name="clustering" type="geronimo:abstract-clusteringType">
An abstract clustering used to provide clustering informtation
for this application.
<xs:complexType name="abstract-clusteringType" abstract="true">
<xs:complexType name="ext-moduleType">
It is used to define modules included in this application
externally and is not a part of the archive. It defines optional
internal-path or external-path to module/repository element
being referenced.
<xs:element name="connector" type="geronimo:pathType">
The presence of this element is indicative of J2EE
module type to be resource adapter module, and the
value of this element provides URI of resource
adapter archive file path relative to the enterprise
application package main directory.
<xs:element name="ejb" type="geronimo:pathType">
The presence of this element is indicative of J2EE
module type to be EJB module, and the value of this
element provides URI of EJB archive file path
relative to the enterprise application package main
<xs:element name="java" type="geronimo:pathType">
The presence of this element is indicative of J2EE
module type to be Java Application client module,
and the value of this element provides URI of
application client java archive file path relative
to the enterprise application package main
<xs:element name="web" type="geronimo:pathType">
The presence of this element is indicative of Web
module type to be EJB module, and the value of this
element provides URI of Web archive file path
relative to the enterprise application package main
<xs:element name="internal-path" type="xs:token">
The element indicates that the module is a part of
this enterprise application. The value of this
element specifies the path of module relative to
internal path indicates that the module is packaged
in the EAR, and a path specified here is relative to
the enterprise application package main directory.
<xs:element name="external-path" type="sys:patternType">
The element indicates that the module is not a part
of this enterprise application, but rather located
matching the supplied pattern in a Geronimo repository.
<!--TODO consider an alt-spec-dd element-->
<!--Do not allow vendor plan inside ear. If it is in the ear, this does not need to be an external module -->
<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax">
This option element contains the geronimo deployment
plan for included modules. The geronimo deployment plan
for included modules can be packaged with module.
<xs:complexType name="pathType">
<xs:documentation>Mirrors j2ee:pathType.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="geronimo:string" />
<xs:complexType name="string">
<xs:documentation>Mirrors j2ee:string.</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="xs:token">
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" />