blob: 8a422d812152623f1b1e301b192eb2f8bc47f779 [file] [log] [blame]
Needs better build script to compile utility and package for distribution (gradle or maven)
Packaging for distribution needs to be fixed so that bin directory is clean of extra
files not required to use tool or build artifacts
Open source the tool
Need test to validate handling of bad data in
and -m <filename> option (blank lines, bad text, incorrect format)
Add command line option to not zip results
Add command line option to only collect thread dumps
Add command line option to collect heap histogram (jmap -histo:live <pid> )
Add command line option to send generic commands ( similar to parallel ssh shells)
Improve documentation to include what and how the tool works
alone with additional best practices
Create example/quickstart
Command line short options (-a) should have corresponding long values (--hostnames)
Need to update build script to run junit tests
Need test to validate handling of bad data in
and -m <filename> option (blank lines, bad text, incorrect format)
Update package from com.pivotal.gemfire to io.pivotal.gemfire
Need to reformat code for consisent readability