blob: edfad03925dfc7f8043c7f3e16f7af61a74f7a39 [file] [log] [blame]
Pivotal GemFire Log Collection Utility
This utility is used to gather log files from a GemFire cluster. In the default mode
this requires that a GemFire process be running on each machine that this tool is to gather
logs from. If you would like to collect log files from machines in which a GemFire process
is not running, you can use the "Static Copy Mode". See the "Current Usage" section for
details on using "Static Copy Mode".
This utility provides an alternative to using gfsh and doesn't require GemFire members to
be in a healthy state as it doesn't use the internal GemFire communication protocols to
complete operations. Unlike gfsh this log collection utility is also not interactive and
focused at the host level to gather all logs and stats from members.
The gfsh command list for 7.0.X can be reviewed at the following URL which includes
the "export stack-traces" and "export logs" command which overlap in terms of functinality.
See section on "GemFire Monitoring":
Default Usage
java -jar gfe-logcollect.jar -c <company> -o <output dir> [OPTIONS]
Required arguments:
-c company name to append to output filename
-o output directory to store all collected log files
Optional arguments:
-a comma separated list of hosts with no spaces. EG. host1,host2,host3 (defaults to localhost)
-u username to use to connect via ssh (defaults to current user)
-i identity file to use for PKI based ssh (defaults to ~/.ssh/id_[dsa|rsa]
-p prompt for a password to use for ssh connections
-t ticket number to append to created zip file
-d don't clean up collected log files after the zip has been created
-s send the zip file to Pivotal support
-f ftp server to upload collected logs to. Defaults to
-v print version of this utility
-h print this help information
Static Copy Mode
java -jar gfe-logcollect.jar -c <company> -o <output dir> -m <filename> [OPTIONS]
Required arguments:
-c company name to append to output filename
-o output directory to store all collected log files
-m <file> Use a file with log locations instead of scanning for logs.
Entries should be in the format hostname:/log/location
-a should not be used with the -m option
All other commandline options work as expected
Known Limitations
1. Only supports Linux hosts.
2. Requires SSH access between machines.
3. Requires that the username be the same for each host that this app scans.
EG. you can't specify user@host1, anotherUser@host2, etc.
4. Requires that SSH access is available across all hosts using either the same
password or the same public key.
5. In order to get stacks using jstack, this process must be ran as the same user
who owns the GFE process.
6. Requires 'jps' (typically in $JAVA_HOME/bin) to be in the user's PATH on each
7. Requires 'jstack' (typically in $JAVA_HOME/bin) to be in the users PATH on each
8. Requires Java 7 on the host running the utility.
Additional Information on Usage
The default way that log collector works is by using ssh and then issuing a series of
shell commands to collect data about the processes running on each host listed via the
"-a hostname,hostname...". The utility initially logs into each host via ssh and
attempts to identify the running GemFire processes and PID's by issuing the "jps -l"
command and looking for Java runtimes with the sub strings "com.vmware","com.gemstone",
"io.pivotal", "com.pivotal" or "gemfire" in their names. If zero possible GemFire processes
are found, a second attampt will be made via "ps -fa | grep java" and looking for
any process with "classpath" and "gemfire.jar" that are listed. Once the PID's have
been identified, the utility issues via ssh the command "jstack -l <pid>" to each
process to dump a thread stack which gets collected. In the next step the utility issues
the command "ls -l /proc/<pid>/fd" listing the process file handles in which to look for
log files. From the possible list of directories found via the file handles, the utility
copies any file with the extensions ".log", ".err", ".cfg", ".gfs", ".stack", ".xml",
".properties" and ".txt" to the output directory. If the "-s" option is used then the
zip file created in the output directory is sent to the ftp server at
and placed in the public/incoming directory for the support team. There is no notification
on the uploaded files and so the user will need to create a support ticket and in the
ticket should reference uploaded files.
The static copy mode will not attempt to collect stack traces and differs by fetching the files
only from the hosts and directories specified in the file provided via the "-m" option. As
such no GemFire processes need to be running for the collection of available artifacts to occur.
It is recommended that users review and inspect any artifacts collected to insure that
these do not violate company policies in regards to sharing data with outside parties including
Pivotal support.
2015 Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This
product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and
intellectual property laws. Pivotal products are covered by one
or more patents listed at