blob: 405d64d97b753683a0e70d7dcab936a99d301a43 [file] [log] [blame]
This is the initial version of the gemfire support utility to collect customer
log files. This script requires an active GemFire cluster as it uses gfsh
to collect logs, stack traces, and configuration. This python script uses
core python 2 libraries which should be installed by default on linux hosts.
The current usage
Usage: -c <company> -o <output-dir> [OPTION]
Required arguments
-c, --company=COMPANY company name
-o, --output-dir=DIR directory to stage logs
Optional arguments
-l, --locator=LOCATOR locator to connect to (defaults to localhost)
-p, --port=PORT locator port to connect to (defaults to 10334)
-t, --ticket=TICKET_NUMBER ticket number
-u, --upload Upload zip file to pivotal FTP server for the GemFire support team.
-d, --do-not-remove-temp Don't cleanup the logs stored in the temporary location.
-f, --ftp-server=FTPSERVER Specify an FTP server (defaults to
-v, --version Print version of this script.
Known Limitations
1. The FTP upload action does not support proxies.
- This is a limitation of the core python FTP libraries. In order to use a
proxy we would need to resort to "non-standard" libraries which the end user would
need to install.
2. This requires an active GemFire cluster.
- This script is basically just a wrapper to gfsh and therefore requires that
the gemfire cluster be up and running and responding to gfsh queries.
3. This will not gather statistic files.
- There is currently no way to get statistic files from a cluster via gfsh.
Support for this may be added with a new version of this script that operates
outside of GemFire and works at the operating system level or as this feature
is implemented in gfsh.