blob: ce1378666fa23d6da53860f89a36e8a4d99cce4d [file] [log] [blame]
package io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector
import io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector.internal.rdd.GemFireRegionRDD
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** Provides GemFire specific methods on `SparkContext` */
class GemFireSparkContextFunctions(@transient sc: SparkContext) extends Serializable {
* Expose a GemFire region as a GemFireRDD
* @param regionPath the full path of the region
* @param connConf the GemFireConnectionConf that can be used to access the region
* @param opConf use this to specify preferred partitioner
* and its parameters. The implementation will use it if it's applicable
def gemfireRegion[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag] (
regionPath: String, connConf: GemFireConnectionConf = GemFireConnectionConf(sc.getConf),
opConf: Map[String, String] = Map.empty): GemFireRegionRDD[K, V] =
GemFireRegionRDD[K, V](sc, regionPath, connConf, opConf)