blob: 2b8a0a84812b56aae0640f228aba1248f3c7a5ed [file] [log] [blame]
package io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector.internal.{DefaultGemFireConnectionManager, LocatorHelper}
* Stores configuration of a connection to GemFire cluster. It is serializable and can
* be safely sent over network.
* @param locators GemFire locator host:port pairs, the default is (localhost,10334)
* @param gemfireProps The initial gemfire properties to be used.
* @param connectionManager GemFireConnectionFactory instance
class GemFireConnectionConf(
val locators: Seq[(String, Int)],
val gemfireProps: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
connectionManager: GemFireConnectionManager = new DefaultGemFireConnectionManager
) extends Serializable {
/** require at least 1 pair of (host,port) */
def getConnection: GemFireConnection = connectionManager.getConnection(this)
object GemFireConnectionConf {
* create GemFireConnectionConf object based on locator string and optional GemFireConnectionFactory
* @param locatorStr GemFire cluster locator string
* @param connectionManager GemFireConnection factory
def apply(locatorStr: String, gemfireProps: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)
(implicit connectionManager: GemFireConnectionManager = new DefaultGemFireConnectionManager): GemFireConnectionConf = {
new GemFireConnectionConf(LocatorHelper.parseLocatorsString(locatorStr), gemfireProps, connectionManager)
* create GemFireConnectionConf object based on SparkConf. Note that implicit can
* be used to control what GemFireConnectionFactory instance to use if desired
* @param conf a SparkConf instance
def apply(conf: SparkConf): GemFireConnectionConf = {
val locatorStr = conf.getOption(GemFireLocatorPropKey).getOrElse(
throw new RuntimeException(s"SparkConf does not contain property $GemFireLocatorPropKey"))
// SparkConf only holds properties whose key starts with "spark.", In order to
// put gemfire properties in SparkConf, all gemfire properties are prefixes with
// "spark.gemfire.". This prefix was removed before the properties were put in `gemfireProp`
val prefix = "spark.gemfire."
val gemfireProps = conf.getAll.filter {
case (k, v) => k.startsWith(prefix) && k != GemFireLocatorPropKey
}.map { case (k, v) => (k.substring(prefix.length), v) }.toMap
apply(locatorStr, gemfireProps)