blob: a87e154ac1b8d31055c70e5804936188d5728845 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright
* and intellectual property laws. Pivotal products are covered by
* more patents listed at
package com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.AttributesFactory;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Cache;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.DataPolicy;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.PartitionAttributes;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Region;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Scope;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.client.PoolFactory;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.client.PoolManager;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.server.CacheServer;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache30.CacheTestCase;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.AvailablePortHelper;
import dunit.Host;
import dunit.SerializableCallable;
import dunit.SerializableRunnable;
import dunit.VM;
* @author dsmith
public class DeltaSizingDUnitTest extends CacheTestCase {
* @param name
public DeltaSizingDUnitTest(String name) {
public void testPeerWithoutCloning() throws Exception {
doPeerTest(false, false);
public void testPeerWithCloning() throws Exception {
doPeerTest(true, false);
public void testPeerWithCopyOnRead() throws Exception {
doPeerTest(false, true);
public void testPeerWithCopyOnAndClone() throws Exception {
doPeerTest(true, true);
public void testClientWithoutCloning() throws Exception {
doClientTest(false, false);
public void testClientWithCloning() throws Exception {
doClientTest(true, false);
public void testClientWithCopyOnRead() throws Exception {
doClientTest(false, true);
public void testClientWithCopyOnAndClone() throws Exception {
doClientTest(true, true);
private void doPeerTest(final boolean clone, final boolean copyOnRead) throws Exception {
AccessorFactory factory = new AccessorFactory() {
public Region<Integer, TestDelta> createRegion(Host host, Cache cache, int port1,
int port2) {
AttributesFactory<Integer, TestDelta> attr = new AttributesFactory<Integer, TestDelta>();
PartitionAttributesFactory<Integer, TestDelta> paf = new PartitionAttributesFactory<Integer, TestDelta>();
PartitionAttributes<Integer, TestDelta> prAttr = paf.create();
Region<Integer, TestDelta> region = cache.createRegion("region1", attr.create());
return region;
doTest(factory, clone, copyOnRead);
private void doClientTest(final boolean clone, final boolean copyOnRead) throws Exception {
AccessorFactory factory = new AccessorFactory() {
public Region<Integer, TestDelta> createRegion(Host host, Cache cache, int port1,
int port2) {
AttributesFactory<Integer, TestDelta> attr = new AttributesFactory<Integer, TestDelta>();
PoolFactory pf = PoolManager.createFactory();
pf.addServer(getServerHostName(host), port1);
pf.addServer(getServerHostName(host), port2);
Region<Integer, TestDelta> region = cache.createRegion("region1", attr.create());
return region;
doTest(factory, clone, copyOnRead);
public void doTest(final AccessorFactory accessorFactory, final boolean clone, final boolean copyOnRead) throws InterruptedException {
final Host host = Host.getHost(0);
VM vm0 = host.getVM(0);
VM vm1 = host.getVM(1);
VM vm2 = host.getVM(2);
SerializableCallable createDataRegion = new SerializableCallable("createRegion") {
public Object call() throws Exception
Cache cache = getCache();
AttributesFactory attr = new AttributesFactory();
PartitionAttributesFactory paf = new PartitionAttributesFactory();
PartitionAttributes prAttr = paf.create();
// attr.setCacheWriter(new CacheWriterAdapter() {
// @Override
// public void beforeCreate(EntryEvent event)
// throws CacheWriterException {
// assertTrue(event.getOldValue() == null);
// assertTrue(event.getNewValue() instanceof MyClass);
// }
// @Override
// public void beforeUpdate(EntryEvent event)
// throws CacheWriterException {
// assertTrue(event.getOldValue() instanceof MyClass);
// assertTrue(event.getNewValue() instanceof MyClass);
// assertEquals(event.getOldValue(), event.getNewValue());
// }
// });
cache.createRegion("region1", attr.create());
CacheServer server = cache.addCacheServer();
int port = AvailablePortHelper.getRandomAvailableTCPPort();
return Integer.valueOf(port);
final Integer port1 = (Integer) vm0.invoke(createDataRegion);
final Integer port2 = (Integer) vm1.invoke(createDataRegion);
SerializableRunnable createEmptyRegion = new SerializableRunnable("createRegion") {
public void run()
Cache cache = getCache();
Region<Integer, TestDelta> region = accessorFactory.createRegion(host, cache, port1.intValue(), port2.intValue());
//This call just creates a bucket. We do an extra serialization on entries that trigger
//bucket creation. Thats a bug that should get fixed, but for now it's throwing off my
//assertions. So I'll force the creation of the bucket
region.put(new Integer(113), new TestDelta(false, "bogus"));
//Now put an entry in that we will modify
region.put(new Integer(0), new TestDelta(false, "initial"));
int clones = 0;
//Get the object size in both VMS
long size = checkObjects(vm0, 1, 1, 0, clones);
assertEquals(size, checkObjects(vm1, 1, 1, 0, clones));
//Now apply a delta
vm2.invoke(new SerializableRunnable("update") {
public void run()
Cache cache = getCache();
Region<Object, TestDelta> region = cache.getRegion("region1");
region.put(new Integer(0), new TestDelta(true, "changedAAAAAAAA"));
clones = 0;
if(copyOnRead) {
//1 clone to read the object when we test it (the object should be in deserialized form)
clones += 1;
else if(clone) {
//1 clone copy the object when we modify it (the object should be in serialized form)
clones += 1;
//Check to make sure the size hasn't changed
assertEquals(size, checkObjects(vm0, 1, 1, 1, clones));
assertEquals(size, checkObjects(vm1, 1, 1, 1, clones));
//Try another
vm2.invoke(new SerializableRunnable("update") {
public void run()
Cache cache = getCache();
Region<Object, TestDelta> region = cache.getRegion("region1");
region.put(new Integer(0), new TestDelta(true, "changedBBBBBBB"));
if(clone || copyOnRead) {
//1 clone to copy the object when we apply the delta.
clones += 1;
if(copyOnRead) {
//1 clone to read the object when we test it
clones += 1;
//Check to make sure the size hasn't changed
assertEquals(size, checkObjects(vm0, 1, 1, 2, clones));
assertEquals(size, checkObjects(vm1, 1, 1, 2, clones));
private long checkObjects(VM vm, final int serializations, final int deserializations, final int deltas, final int clones) {
SerializableCallable getSize = new SerializableCallable("check objects") {
public Object call() {
GemFireCacheImpl cache = (GemFireCacheImpl) getCache();
PartitionedRegion region = (PartitionedRegion) cache.getRegion("region1");
long size = region.getDataStore().getBucketSize(0);
TestDelta value = (TestDelta) region.get(Integer.valueOf(0));
value.checkFields(serializations, deserializations, deltas, clones);
return Long.valueOf(size);
Object size = vm.invoke(getSize);
return ((Long) size).longValue();
private static interface AccessorFactory extends Serializable {
Region<Integer, TestDelta> createRegion(Host host, Cache cache, int port1, int port2);