blob: 88eee2ccc25d15f4e9c01788b94971c58ceb512b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright
* and intellectual property laws. Pivotal products are covered by
* one or more patents listed at
package com.gemstone.gemfire.cache30;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.DistributedSystem;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.logging.InternalLogWriter;
* Test to make sure cache close is working.
* @author gregp
* @since 6.5
public class CacheLogRollDUnitTest extends CacheTestCase {
public CacheLogRollDUnitTest(String name) {
////////////////////// Test Methods //////////////////////
* @param baseLogName
* @param logfile
* @param ds
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
private void logAndRollAndVerify(String baseLogName,
DistributedSystem ds,String mainId) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
String logfile = baseLogName+".log";
String metaLogFile = "meta-"+baseLogName+"-"+mainId+".log";
String rolledLogFile1 = baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-01.log";
String rolledLogFile2 = baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-02.log";
String META_MARKER_1 = "Switching to log "+baseLogName+".log";
String META_MARKER_2 = "Rolling current log to "+baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-01.log";
String META_MARKER_3 = "Rolling current log to "+baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-02.log";
String FIRST_CHILD_MARKER = "hey guys im the first child whatsup";
String LOG_NONSENSE = "what is your story what are you doing hey whatsup i can't believe it wow";
* 1. Lets assert that the logfile exists and that it is a proper normal logfile
* 2. Asser that the meta logfile exists and has good stuff in it
* 3. Let's log a bunch and show that we rolled,
* 4. Show that old file has right old stuff in it
* 5. Show that new file has right new stuff in it
* 6. Show that meta has right stuff in it
File f = new File(logfile);
assertTrue("log-file :"+logfile+" should exist",f.exists());
File fm = new File(metaLogFile);
assertTrue("meta-log-file :"+metaLogFile+" should exist",fm.exists());
File f1 = new File(rolledLogFile1);
assertTrue("child-log-file :"+rolledLogFile1+" should'nt exist",!f1.exists());
File f2 = new File(rolledLogFile2);
assertTrue("child-log-file2 :"+rolledLogFile2+" should'nt exist yet",!f2.exists());
String metalog = getLogContents(metaLogFile);
assertTrue("metalog("+metaLogFile+") should have "+META_MARKER_1+" in it:\n"+metalog,metalog.indexOf(META_MARKER_1)!=-1);
String mainlog = getLogContents(logfile);
assertTrue("log("+logfile+") should have "+FIRST_CHILD_MARKER+" in it:\n"+mainlog,mainlog.indexOf(FIRST_CHILD_MARKER)!=-1);
int i = 0;
while(i<100000 && !f2.exists()) {
assertTrue("child-log-file1 :"+rolledLogFile1+" should exist now",f1.exists());
assertTrue("child-log-file2 :"+rolledLogFile2+" should exist now",f2.exists());
metalog = getLogContents(metaLogFile);
assertTrue("log("+metaLogFile+") should have "+META_MARKER_2+" in it:\n"+metalog,metalog.indexOf(META_MARKER_2)!=-1);
assertTrue("log("+metaLogFile+") should have "+META_MARKER_3+" in it:\n"+metalog,metalog.indexOf(META_MARKER_3)!=-1);
assertTrue("log("+metaLogFile+") should'nt have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+metalog,metalog.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)==-1);
String logChild2 = getLogContents(logfile);
assertTrue("log("+logfile+") should have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+logChild2,logChild2.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)!=-1);
String logChild2 = getLogContents(rolledLogFile1);
assertTrue("log("+rolledLogFile1+") should have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+logChild2,logChild2.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)!=-1);
String logChild2 = getLogContents(rolledLogFile2);
assertTrue("log("+rolledLogFile2+") should have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+logChild2,logChild2.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)!=-1);
* @param baseLogName
* @param logfile
* @param ds
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
* @author xzhou
private void SecurityLogAndRollAndVerify(String baseLogName,
DistributedSystem ds,String mainId) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
String logfile = baseLogName+".log";
String sec_logfile = "sec_"+logfile;
String metaLogFile = "meta-"+baseLogName+"-"+mainId+".log";
String rolledLogFile1 = baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-01.log";
String rolledLogFile2 = baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-02.log";
String rolledSecLogFile1 = "sec_"+baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-01.log";
String rolledSecLogFile2 = "sec_"+baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-02.log";
String META_MARKER_1 = "Switching to log "+baseLogName+".log";
String META_MARKER_2 = "Rolling current log to "+baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-01.log";
String META_MARKER_3 = "Rolling current log to "+baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-02.log";
String FIRST_CHILD_MARKER = "hey guys im the first child whatsup";
String LOG_NONSENSE = "what is your story what are you doing hey whatsup i can't believe it wow";
System.out.println("LOGNAME:"+logfile+", SECLOGNAME:"+sec_logfile);
* 1. Lets assert that the logfile exists and that it is a proper normal logfile
* 2. Asser that the meta logfile exists and has good stuff in it
* 3. Let's log a bunch and show that we rolled,
* 4. Show that old file has right old stuff in it
* 5. Show that new file has right new stuff in it
* 6. Show that meta has right stuff in it
File f = new File(logfile);
File sec_f = new File(sec_logfile);
assertTrue("log-file :"+logfile+" should exist",f.exists());
assertTrue("security-log-file :"+sec_logfile+" should exist",sec_f.exists());
File fm = new File(metaLogFile);
assertTrue("meta-log-file :"+metaLogFile+" should exist",fm.exists());
File f1 = new File(rolledLogFile1);
File sec_f1 = new File(rolledSecLogFile1);
assertTrue("child-log-file :"+rolledLogFile1+" should'nt exist",!f1.exists());
assertTrue("security-child-log-file :"+rolledLogFile1+" should'nt exist",!sec_f1.exists());
File f2 = new File(rolledLogFile2);
File sec_f2 = new File(rolledSecLogFile2);
assertTrue("child-log-file2 :"+rolledLogFile2+" should'nt exist yet",!f2.exists());
assertTrue("security-child-log-file2 :"+rolledSecLogFile2+" should'nt exist yet",!sec_f2.exists());
String metalog = getLogContents(metaLogFile);
assertTrue("metalog("+metaLogFile+") should have "+META_MARKER_1+" in it:\n"+metalog,metalog.indexOf(META_MARKER_1)!=-1);
String mainlog = getLogContents(logfile);
assertTrue("log("+logfile+") should have "+FIRST_CHILD_MARKER+" in it:\n"+mainlog,mainlog.indexOf(FIRST_CHILD_MARKER)!=-1);
String sec_mainlog = getLogContents(sec_logfile);
assertTrue("log("+sec_logfile+") should have "+FIRST_CHILD_MARKER+" in it:\n"+sec_mainlog,sec_mainlog.indexOf(FIRST_CHILD_MARKER)!=-1);
int i = 0;
while(i<100000 && !f2.exists()) {
int j = 0;
while(j<100000 && !sec_f2.exists()) {
assertTrue("child-log-file1 :"+rolledLogFile1+" should exist now",f1.exists());
assertTrue("child-log-file2 :"+rolledLogFile2+" should exist now",f2.exists());
assertTrue("security-child-log-file1 :"+rolledSecLogFile1+" should exist now",sec_f1.exists());
assertTrue("security-child-log-file2 :"+rolledSecLogFile2+" should exist now",sec_f2.exists());
metalog = getLogContents(metaLogFile);
assertTrue("log("+metaLogFile+") should have "+META_MARKER_2+" in it:\n"+metalog,metalog.indexOf(META_MARKER_2)!=-1);
assertTrue("log("+metaLogFile+") should have "+META_MARKER_3+" in it:\n"+metalog,metalog.indexOf(META_MARKER_3)!=-1);
assertTrue("log("+metaLogFile+") should'nt have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+metalog,metalog.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)==-1);
String logChild2 = getLogContents(logfile);
assertTrue("log("+logfile+") should have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+logChild2,logChild2.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)!=-1);
String sec_logChild2 = getLogContents(sec_logfile);
assertTrue("log("+sec_logfile+") should have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+sec_logChild2,sec_logChild2.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)!=-1);
String logChild2 = getLogContents(rolledLogFile1);
assertTrue("log("+rolledLogFile1+") should have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+logChild2,logChild2.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)!=-1);
String sec_logChild2 = getLogContents(rolledSecLogFile1);
assertTrue("log("+rolledSecLogFile1+") should have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+sec_logChild2,sec_logChild2.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)!=-1);
String logChild2 = getLogContents(rolledLogFile2);
assertTrue("log("+rolledLogFile2+") should have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+logChild2,logChild2.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)!=-1);
String sec_logChild2 = getLogContents(rolledSecLogFile2);
assertTrue("log("+rolledSecLogFile2+") should have "+LOG_NONSENSE+" in it:\n"+sec_logChild2,sec_logChild2.indexOf(LOG_NONSENSE)!=-1);
public void testDiskSpace() throws Exception {
Properties props = new Properties();
String baseLogName = "diskarito";
String logfile = baseLogName+".log";
props.put("log-file", logfile);
props.put("log-file-size-limit", "1");
DistributedSystem ds = this.getSystem(props);
props.put("log-disk-space-limit", "200");
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
ds = this.getSystem(props);
* This was throwing NPEs until my fix...
public void testSimpleStartRestartWithRolling() throws Exception {
Properties props = new Properties();
String baseLogName = "restarto";
String logfile = baseLogName+".log";
props.put("log-file", logfile);
props.put("log-file-size-limit", "1");
props.put("log-disk-space-limit", "200");
props.put("log-level", "config");
InternalDistributedSystem ids = getSystem(props);
assertEquals(InternalLogWriter.INFO_LEVEL, ((InternalLogWriter)ids.getLogWriter()).getLogWriterLevel());
String mainId;
final Pattern mainIdPattern = Pattern.compile("meta-" + baseLogName + "-\\d\\d.log");
File[] metaLogs = new File(".").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File d, String name) {
return mainIdPattern.matcher(name).matches();
assertEquals(1, metaLogs.length);
String f = metaLogs[0].getName();
int idx = f.lastIndexOf("-");
int idx2 = f.lastIndexOf(".");
mainId = f.substring(idx+1, idx2);
String metaName = "meta-"+baseLogName+"-"+mainId+".log";
File fm = new File(metaName);
assertTrue("Ok so metalog:"+metaName+" better exist:",fm.exists());
for(int i=1;i<10;i++) {
int mainInt = Integer.parseInt(mainId)+(i);
String myid;
if(mainInt<10) {
myid = "0"+mainInt;
} else {
myid = ""+mainInt;
String oldMain;
if(mainInt<11) {
oldMain = "0"+(mainInt-1);
} else {
oldMain = ""+(mainInt-1);
String lfold = "meta-"+baseLogName+"-"+(oldMain)+".log";
File fold = new File(lfold);
assertTrue("before we even get going here["+i+"] mainInt:"+mainInt+" myid:"+myid+" "+lfold+" should exist the metaname was :"+metaName +" and it should match that",fold.exists());
String lf = "meta-"+baseLogName+"-"+myid+".log";
String lfl = baseLogName+"-"+(oldMain)+"-01.log";
File f1m = new File(lf);
File f1l = new File(lfl);
DistributedSystem ds = this.getSystem(props);
assertTrue("We are hoping that:"+lf+" exists",f1m.exists());
assertTrue("We are hoping that:"+lfl+" exists",f1l.exists());
public void testStartWithRollingThenRestartWithRolling() throws Exception {
Properties props = new Properties();
String baseLogName = "biscuits";
String logfile = baseLogName+".log";
props.put("log-file", logfile);
props.put("log-file-size-limit", "1");
props.put("log-level", "config");
DistributedSystem ds = getSystem(props);
InternalDistributedSystem ids = (InternalDistributedSystem) ds;
assertEquals(InternalLogWriter.INFO_LEVEL, ((InternalLogWriter)ids.getLogWriter()).getLogWriterLevel());
// Lets figure out the mainId we start with
String mainId;
final Pattern mainIdPattern = Pattern.compile("meta-" + baseLogName + "-\\d\\d\\d*.log");
File[] metaLogs = new File(".").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File d, String name) {
return mainIdPattern.matcher(name).matches();
assertEquals(1, metaLogs.length);
String f = metaLogs[0].getName();
int idx = f.lastIndexOf("-");
int idx2 = f.lastIndexOf(".");
mainId = f.substring(idx+1, idx2);
logAndRollAndVerify(baseLogName, ds, mainId);
* Ok now we have rolled and yada yada. Let's disconnect and reconnect with same name!
int dsId = System.identityHashCode(ds);
props.put("log-disk-space-limit", "200");
File f1m = new File(logfile);
File f1c1 = new File(baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-01.log");
File f1c2 = new File(baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-02.log");
File f1c3 = new File(baseLogName+"-"+mainId+"-03.log");
String nextMainId;
int mId = Integer.parseInt(mainId);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (mId < 10) {
nextMainId = sb.toString();
File f2c1 = new File(baseLogName+"-"+nextMainId+"-01.log");
* Lets just make sure all the proper files exist
ds = this.getSystem(props);
int dsId2 = System.identityHashCode(ds);
assertTrue("This should be a new ds!",dsId!=dsId2);
/* creating the new system should have rolled the old rolling log (biscuits.log->biscuits-02-01.log)
// The following assert does not work on Windows because
// we can't rename the last biscuits.log because it is still open
// The DistributedSystem disconnect is not closing the logger enough
// so that it can be renamed.
// Reenable this assertion once this issue (bug 42176) is fixed.
public void testLogFileLayoutAndRolling() throws Exception {
String baseLogName = "tacos";
Properties props = new Properties();
String logfile = baseLogName+".log";
props.put("log-file", logfile);
props.put("log-file-size-limit", "1");
props.put("log-level", "config");
DistributedSystem ds = getSystem(props);
InternalDistributedSystem ids = (InternalDistributedSystem) ds;
assertEquals(InternalLogWriter.INFO_LEVEL, ((InternalLogWriter)ids.getLogWriter()).getLogWriterLevel());
// Lets figure out the mainId we start with
String mainId;
final Pattern mainIdPattern = Pattern.compile("meta-" + baseLogName + "-\\d+.log");
File[] metaLogs = new File(".").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File d, String name) {
return mainIdPattern.matcher(name).matches();
assertEquals(1, metaLogs.length);
String f = metaLogs[0].getName();
int idx = f.lastIndexOf("-");
int idx2 = f.lastIndexOf(".");
mainId = f.substring(idx+1, idx2);
logAndRollAndVerify(baseLogName, ds, mainId);
public void testSecurityLogFileLayoutAndRolling() throws Exception {
String baseLogName = "securitytacos";
Properties props = new Properties();
String logfile = baseLogName+".log";
String sec_logfile = "sec_"+baseLogName+".log";
props.put("log-file", logfile);
props.put("log-file-size-limit", "1");
props.put("log-level", "config");
props.put("security-log-file", sec_logfile);
props.put("security-log-level", "config");
DistributedSystem ds = getSystem(props);
InternalDistributedSystem ids = (InternalDistributedSystem) ds;
assertEquals(InternalLogWriter.INFO_LEVEL, ((InternalLogWriter)ids.getLogWriter()).getLogWriterLevel());
assertEquals(InternalLogWriter.INFO_LEVEL, ((InternalLogWriter)ids.getSecurityLogWriter()).getLogWriterLevel());
// Lets figure out the mainId we start with
String mainId;
final Pattern mainIdPattern = Pattern.compile("meta-" + baseLogName + "-\\d+.log");
File[] metaLogs = new File(".").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File d, String name) {
return mainIdPattern.matcher(name).matches();
assertEquals(1, metaLogs.length);
String f = metaLogs[0].getName();
int idx = f.lastIndexOf("-");
int idx2 = f.lastIndexOf(".");
mainId = f.substring(idx+1, idx2);
SecurityLogAndRollAndVerify(baseLogName, ds, mainId);
String getLogContents(String logfile) throws FileNotFoundException,IOException {
File f = new File(logfile);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer();
int numRead = 0;
char[] buf = new char[1024];
while((numRead = !=-1) {
String readData = String.valueOf(buf, 0,numRead);
buf = new char[1024];
return fileData.toString();