blob: 15f83bb344e453caaad6269ffd63a28f166a02b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* =========================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright
* and intellectual property laws. Pivotal products are covered by
* more patents listed at
* =========================================================================
package com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.CancelException;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.DataSerializer;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.StatisticsFactory;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Cache;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.CacheClosedException;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.CacheException;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.ClientSession;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.DynamicRegionFactory;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.InterestRegistrationEvent;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.InterestResultPolicy;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Region;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.RegionDestroyedException;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.RegionExistsException;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.client.internal.RegisterInterestTracker;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.operations.DestroyOperationContext;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.operations.InvalidateOperationContext;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.operations.OperationContext;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.operations.PutOperationContext;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.operations.RegionClearOperationContext;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.operations.RegionCreateOperationContext;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.operations.RegionDestroyOperationContext;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.CqException;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.CqQuery;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.cq.CqService;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.cq.InternalCqQuery;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.DistributedMember;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.DistributionManager;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.SocketCreator;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.SystemTimer;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.SystemTimer.SystemTimerTask;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.Version;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.BridgeObserver;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.BridgeObserverHolder;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisee;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisor.InitialImageAdvice;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.Conflatable;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.DistributedRegion;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EnumListenerEvent;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EventID;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.FilterProfile;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.GemFireCacheImpl;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.InterestRegistrationEventImpl;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.PartitionedRegion;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.StateFlushOperation;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.ha.HAContainerWrapper;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.ha.HARegionQueue;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.ha.HARegionQueueAttributes;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.ha.HARegionQueueStats;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.InterestType;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.ClientUpdateMessageImpl.CqNameToOp;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.command.Get70;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.versions.VersionTag;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.i18n.LocalizedStrings;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.logging.LogService;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.logging.LoggingThreadGroup;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.logging.log4j.LocalizedMessage;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.logging.log4j.LogMarker;
* Class <code>CacheClientProxy</code> represents the server side of the
* {@link CacheClientUpdater}. It queues messages to be sent from the server to
* the client. It then reads those messages from the queue and sends them to the
* client.
* @author Barry Oglesby
* @since 4.2
public class CacheClientProxy implements ClientSession {
private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
* The socket between the server and the client
protected Socket _socket;
* A communication buffer used by each message we send to the client
protected ByteBuffer _commBuffer;
* The remote host's IP address string (cached for convenience)
protected String _remoteHostAddress;
* @guarded.By {@link #isMarkedForRemovalLock}
protected boolean isMarkedForRemoval = false;
* @see #isMarkedForRemoval
protected final Object isMarkedForRemovalLock = new Object();
* The proxy id of the client represented by this proxy
protected ClientProxyMembershipID proxyID;
* The GemFire cache
protected final GemFireCacheImpl _cache;
* The list of keys that the client represented by this proxy is interested in
* (stored by region)
protected final ClientInterestList[] cils = new ClientInterestList[2];
* A thread that dispatches messages to the client
protected volatile MessageDispatcher _messageDispatcher;
* The statistics for this proxy
protected final CacheClientProxyStats _statistics;
protected final AtomicReference _durableExpirationTask = new AtomicReference();
protected SystemTimer durableTimer;
* Whether this dispatcher is paused
protected volatile boolean _isPaused = true;
* True if we are connected to a client.
private volatile boolean connected = false;
// /**
// * A string representing interest in all keys
// */
// protected static final String ALL_KEYS = "ALL_KEYS";
* True if a marker message is still in the ha queue.
private boolean markerEnqueued = false;
* The number of times to peek on shutdown before giving up and shutting down
protected static final int MAXIMUM_SHUTDOWN_PEEKS = Integer.getInteger("gemfire.MAXIMUM_SHUTDOWN_PEEKS",50).intValue();
* The number of milliseconds to wait for an offering to the message queue
protected static final int MESSAGE_OFFER_TIME = 0;
* The default maximum message queue size
// protected static final int MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 230000;
/** The message queue size */
protected final int _maximumMessageCount;
* The time (in seconds ) after which a message in the client queue will
* expire.
protected final int _messageTimeToLive;
* The <code>CacheClientNotifier</code> registering this proxy.
protected final CacheClientNotifier _cacheClientNotifier;
* Defaults to true; meaning do some logging of dropped client notification
* messages. Set the system property to true to cause dropped messages to NOT
* be logged.
protected static final boolean LOG_DROPPED_MSGS = !Boolean
* for testing purposes, delays the start of the dispatcher thread
public static boolean isSlowStartForTesting = false;
* Default value for slow starting time of dispatcher
private static final long DEFAULT_SLOW_STARTING_TIME = 5000;
* Key in the system property from which the slow starting time value will be
* retrieved
private static final String KEY_SLOW_START_TIME_FOR_TESTING = "slowStartTimeForTesting";
private boolean isPrimary;
/** @since 5.7 */
protected byte clientConflation = HandShake.CONFLATION_DEFAULT;
* Flag to indicate whether to keep a durable client's queue alive
boolean keepalive = false;
private AccessControl postAuthzCallback;
* For multiuser environment..
private ClientUserAuths clientUserAuths;
private final Object clientUserAuthsLock = new Object();
* The version of the client
private Version clientVersion;
* A map of region name as key and integer as its value. Basically, it stores
* the names of the regions with <code>DataPolicy</code> as EMPTY. If an
* event's region name is present in this map, it's full value (and not
* delta) is sent to the client represented by this proxy.
* @since 6.1
private volatile Map regionsWithEmptyDataPolicy = new HashMap();
* A debug flag used for testing Backward compatibility
public static boolean AFTER_MESSAGE_CREATION_FLAG = false;
* Notify the region when a client interest registration occurs. This tells
* the region to update access time when an update is to be pushed to a
* client. It is enabled only for <code>PartitionedRegion</code>s
* currently.
protected static final boolean NOTIFY_REGION_ON_INTEREST = Boolean
* The AcceptorImpl identifier to which the proxy is connected.
private final long _acceptorId;
/** acceptor's setting for notifyBySubscription */
private final boolean notifyBySubscription;
/** To queue the events arriving during message dispatcher initialization */
private volatile ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Conflatable> queuedEvents = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Conflatable>();
private final Object queuedEventsSync = new Object();
private volatile boolean messageDispatcherInit = false;
* A counter that keeps track of how many task iterations that have occurred
* since the last ping or message. The
* {@linkplain CacheClientNotifier#scheduleClientPingTask ping task}
* increments it. Normal messages sent to the client reset it. If the counter
* reaches 3, a ping is sent.
private final AtomicInteger pingCounter = new AtomicInteger();
/** Date on which this instances was created */
private Date creationDate;
/** true when the durable client associated with this proxy is being
* restarted and prevents cqs from being closed and drained**/
private boolean drainLocked = false;
private final Object drainLock = new Object();
/** number of cq drains that are currently in progress **/
private int numDrainsInProgress = 0;
private final Object drainsInProgressLock = new Object();
* Constructor.
* @param ccn
* The <code>CacheClientNotifier</code> registering this proxy
* @param socket
* The socket between the server and the client
* @param proxyID
* representing the Connection Proxy of the clien
* @param isPrimary
* The boolean stating whether this prozxy is primary
* @throws CacheException {
protected CacheClientProxy(CacheClientNotifier ccn, Socket socket,
ClientProxyMembershipID proxyID, boolean isPrimary, byte clientConflation,
Version clientVersion, long acceptorId, boolean notifyBySubscription)
throws CacheException {
initializeTransientFields(socket, proxyID, isPrimary, clientConflation, clientVersion);
this._cacheClientNotifier = ccn;
this._cache = (GemFireCacheImpl)ccn.getCache();
this._maximumMessageCount = ccn.getMaximumMessageCount();
this._messageTimeToLive = ccn.getMessageTimeToLive();
this._acceptorId = acceptorId;
this.notifyBySubscription = notifyBySubscription;
StatisticsFactory factory = this._cache.getDistributedSystem();
this._statistics = new CacheClientProxyStats(factory,
"id_"+this.proxyID.getDistributedMember().getId()+ "_at_"+ this._remoteHostAddress + ":" + this._socket.getPort());
// Create the interest list
this.cils[RegisterInterestTracker.interestListIndex] =
new ClientInterestList(this, this.proxyID);
// Create the durable interest list
this.cils[RegisterInterestTracker.durableInterestListIndex] =
new ClientInterestList(this, this.getDurableId());
this.postAuthzCallback = null;
this.creationDate = new Date();
private void initializeClientAuths()
this.clientUserAuths = ServerConnection.getClientUserAuths(this.proxyID);
private void reinitializeClientAuths()
if (this.clientUserAuths != null && AcceptorImpl.isPostAuthzCallbackPresent()) {
synchronized (this.clientUserAuthsLock) {
ClientUserAuths newClientAuth = ServerConnection.getClientUserAuths(this.proxyID);
this.clientUserAuths = newClientAuth;
public void setPostAuthzCallback(AccessControl authzCallback) {
//TODO:hitesh synchronization
synchronized (this.clientUserAuthsLock) {
if (this.postAuthzCallback != null)
this.postAuthzCallback = authzCallback;
public void setCQVsUserAuth(String cqName, long uniqueId, boolean isDurable)
if(postAuthzCallback == null) //only for multiuser
if(this.clientUserAuths != null)
this.clientUserAuths.setUserAuthAttributesForCq(cqName, uniqueId, isDurable);
private void initializeTransientFields(Socket socket,
ClientProxyMembershipID pid, boolean ip, byte cc, Version vers) {
this._socket = socket;
this.proxyID = pid;
this.connected = true;
int bufSize = 1024;
try {
bufSize = _socket.getSendBufferSize();
if (bufSize < 1024) {
bufSize = 1024;
} catch (SocketException ignore) {
this._commBuffer = ServerConnection.allocateCommBuffer(bufSize, socket);
this._remoteHostAddress = socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
this.isPrimary = ip;
this.clientConflation = cc;
this.clientVersion = vers;
public boolean isMarkerEnqueued() {
return markerEnqueued;
public void setMarkerEnqueued(boolean bool) {
markerEnqueued = bool;
public long getAcceptorId(){
return this._acceptorId;
* @return the notifyBySubscription
public boolean isNotifyBySubscription() {
return this.notifyBySubscription;
* Returns the DistributedMember represented by this proxy
public ClientProxyMembershipID getProxyID()
return this.proxyID;
// the following code was commented out simply because it was not used
// /**
// * Determines if the proxy represents the client host (and only the host, not
// * necessarily the exact VM running on the host)
// *
// * @return Whether the proxy represents the client host
// */
// protected boolean representsClientHost(String clientHost)
// {
// // [bruce] TODO BUGBUGBUG: this should compare InetAddresses, not Strings
// return this._remoteHostAddress.equals(clientHost);
// }
// protected boolean representsClientVM(DistributedMember remoteMember)
// {
// // logger.warn("Is input port " + clientPort + " contained in " +
// // logger.warn("Does input host " + clientHost + " equal " +
// // this._remoteHostAddress+ ": " + representsClientHost(clientHost));
// // logger.warn("representsClientVM: " +
// // (representsClientHost(clientHost) && containsPort(clientPort)));
// return (proxyID.getDistributedMember().equals(remoteMember));
// }
// /**
// * Determines if the CacheClientUpdater proxied by this instance is listening
// * on the input clientHost and clientPort
// *
// * @param clientHost
// * The host name of the client to compare
// * @param clientPort
// * The port number of the client to compare
// *
// * @return Whether the CacheClientUpdater proxied by this instance is
// * listening on the input clientHost and clientPort
// */
// protected boolean representsCacheClientUpdater(String clientHost,
// int clientPort)
// {
// return (clientPort == this._socket.getPort() && representsClientHost(clientHost));
// }
protected boolean isMember(ClientProxyMembershipID memberId)
return this.proxyID.equals(memberId);
protected boolean isSameDSMember(ClientProxyMembershipID memberId)
return this.proxyID.isSameDSMember(memberId);
* Set the queue keepalive option
* @param option whether to keep the durable client's queue alive
protected void setKeepAlive(boolean option) {
this.keepalive = option;
* Returns the socket between the server and the client
* @return the socket between the server and the client
protected Socket getSocket()
return this._socket;
public String getSocketHost()
return this._socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
protected ByteBuffer getCommBuffer() {
return this._commBuffer;
* Returns the remote host's IP address string
* @return the remote host's IP address string
protected String getRemoteHostAddress()
return this._remoteHostAddress;
* Returns the remote host's port
* @return the remote host's port
public int getRemotePort()
return this._socket.getPort();
* Returns whether the proxy is connected to a remote client
* @return whether the proxy is connected to a remote client
public boolean isConnected() {
return this.connected;
* Mark the receiver as needing removal
* @return true if it was already marked for removal
protected boolean startRemoval() {
boolean result;
synchronized (this.isMarkedForRemovalLock) {
result = this.isMarkedForRemoval;
this.isMarkedForRemoval = true;
return result;
* Wait until the receiver's removal has completed before
* returning.
* @return true if the proxy was initially marked for removal
protected boolean waitRemoval() {
boolean result;
synchronized (this.isMarkedForRemovalLock) {
result = this.isMarkedForRemoval;
boolean interrupted = false;
try {
while (this.isMarkedForRemoval) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Waiting for CacheClientProxy removal: {}", this);
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
interrupted = true;
} // while
finally {
if (interrupted) {
} // synchronized
return result;
* Indicate that removal has completed on this instance
protected void notifyRemoval() {
synchronized (this.isMarkedForRemovalLock) {
this.isMarkedForRemoval = false;
* Returns the GemFire cache
* @return the GemFire cache
public GemFireCacheImpl getCache()
return this._cache;
public Set<String> getInterestRegisteredRegions() {
HashSet<String> regions = new HashSet<String>();
for(int i=0; i < this.cils.length; i++){
if (!this.cils[i].regions.isEmpty()) {
return regions;
* Returns the proxy's statistics
* @return the proxy's statistics
public CacheClientProxyStats getStatistics()
return this._statistics;
* Returns this proxy's <code>CacheClientNotifier</code>.
* @return this proxy's <code>CacheClientNotifier</code>
protected CacheClientNotifier getCacheClientNotifier() {
return this._cacheClientNotifier;
* Returns the size of the queue for heuristic purposes. This
* size may be changing concurrently if puts/gets are occurring
* at the same time.
public int getQueueSize() {
return this._messageDispatcher == null ? 0
: this._messageDispatcher.getQueueSize();
* returns the queue size calculated through stats
public int getQueueSizeStat() {
return this._messageDispatcher == null ? 0
: this._messageDispatcher.getQueueSizeStat();
public boolean drainInProgress() {
synchronized(drainsInProgressLock) {
return numDrainsInProgress > 0;
//Called from CacheClientNotifier when attempting to restart paused proxy
//locking the drain lock requires that no drains are in progress
//when the lock was acquired.
public boolean lockDrain() {
synchronized(drainsInProgressLock) {
if (!drainInProgress()) {
synchronized(drainLock) {
if (testHook != null) {
//prevent multiple lockings of drain lock
if (!drainLocked) {
drainLocked = true;
return true;
return false;
//Called from CacheClientNotifier when completed restart of proxy
public void unlockDrain() {
if (testHook != null) {
synchronized(drainLock) {
drainLocked = false;
//Only close the client cq if it is paused and no one is attempting to restart the proxy
public boolean closeClientCq(String clientCQName) throws CqException {
if (testHook != null) {
synchronized(drainsInProgressLock) {
numDrainsInProgress ++;
if (testHook != null) {
try {
//If the drain lock was acquired, the other thread did so before we could bump up
//the numDrainsInProgress. That means we need to stop.
if (drainLocked) {
// someone is trying to restart a paused proxy
String msg = LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_COULD_NOT_DRAIN_CQ_DUE_TO_RESTARTING_DURABLE_CLIENT.toLocalizedString(clientCQName, proxyID.getDurableId());;
throw new CqException(msg);
//isConnected is to protect against the case where a durable client has reconnected
//but has not yet sent a ready for events message
//we can probably remove the isPaused check
if (isPaused() && !isConnected()) {
CqService cqService = getCache().getCqService();
if (cqService != null) {
InternalCqQuery cqToClose = cqService.getCq(cqService.constructServerCqName(
clientCQName, this.proxyID));
// close and drain
if (cqToClose != null) {
cqService.closeCq(clientCQName, this.proxyID);
this._messageDispatcher.drainClientCqEvents(this.proxyID, cqToClose);
else {
String msg = LocalizedStrings.CqService_CQ_NOT_FOUND_FAILED_TO_CLOSE_THE_SPECIFIED_CQ_0.toLocalizedString(clientCQName);;
throw new CqException(msg);
} else {
String msg = LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_COULD_NOT_DRAIN_CQ_DUE_TO_ACTIVE_DURABLE_CLIENT.toLocalizedString(clientCQName, proxyID.getDurableId());;
throw new CqException(msg);
} finally {
synchronized (drainsInProgressLock) {
if (testHook != null) {
return true;
* Returns whether the proxy is alive. It is alive if its message dispatcher
* is processing messages.
* @return whether the proxy is alive
protected boolean isAlive()
if (this._messageDispatcher == null) {
return false;
return !this._messageDispatcher.isStopped();
* Returns whether the proxy is paused. It is paused if its message dispatcher
* is paused. This only applies to durable clients.
* @return whether the proxy is paused
* @since 5.5
protected boolean isPaused() {
return this._isPaused;
protected void setPaused(boolean isPaused) {
this._isPaused = isPaused;
* Closes the proxy. This method checks the message queue for any unprocessed
* messages and processes them for MAXIMUM_SHUTDOWN_PEEKS.
* @see CacheClientProxy#MAXIMUM_SHUTDOWN_PEEKS
protected void close()
close(true, false);
* Set to true once this proxy starts being closed.
* Remains true for the rest of its existence.
private final AtomicBoolean closing = new AtomicBoolean(false);
* Close the <code>CacheClientProxy</code>.
* @param checkQueue
* Whether to message check the queue and process any contained
* messages (up to MAXIMUM_SHUTDOWN_PEEKS).
* @param stoppedNormally
* Whether client stopped normally
* @return whether to keep this <code>CacheClientProxy</code>
* @see CacheClientProxy#MAXIMUM_SHUTDOWN_PEEKS
protected boolean close(boolean checkQueue, boolean stoppedNormally) {
boolean pauseDurable = false;
// If the client is durable and either (a) it hasn't stopped normally or (b) it
// has stopped normally but it is configured to be kept alive, set pauseDurable
// to true
if (isDurable()
&& (!stoppedNormally || (getDurableKeepAlive() && stoppedNormally))) {
pauseDurable = true;
boolean keepProxy = false;
if (pauseDurable) {
keepProxy = true;
} else {
this.connected = false;
// Close the Authorization callback (if any)
try {
if (!pauseDurable) {
if (this.postAuthzCallback != null) {//for single user
this.postAuthzCallback = null;
}else if(this.clientUserAuths != null) {//for multiple users
this.clientUserAuths = null;
catch (Exception ex) {
if (this._cache.getSecurityLoggerI18n().warningEnabled()) {
this._cache.getSecurityLoggerI18n().warning(LocalizedStrings.TWO_ARG_COLON, new Object[] {this, ex});
// Notify the caller whether to keep this proxy. If the proxy is durable
// and should be paused, then return true; otherwise return false.
return keepProxy;
protected void pauseDispatching() {
if (this._messageDispatcher == null){
// If this is the primary, pause the dispatcher (which closes its transient
// fields. Otherwise, just close the transient fields.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Pausing processing", this);
//BUGFIX for BUG#38234
if(!testAndSetPaused(true) && this.isPrimary) {
if (this._messageDispatcher != Thread.currentThread()) {
// don't interrupt ourself to fix bug 40611
try {
// Close transient fields
} finally {
// make sure this gets called if closeTransientFields throws; see bug 40611
// Start timer
private boolean testAndSetPaused(boolean newValue) {
synchronized(this._messageDispatcher._pausedLock) {
if (this._isPaused != newValue) {
this._isPaused = newValue;
return !this._isPaused;
else {
return this._isPaused;
protected void terminateDispatching(boolean checkQueue) {
if (this._messageDispatcher == null){
try {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Terminating processing", this);
if (this._messageDispatcher == Thread.currentThread()) {
// I'm not even sure this is possible but if the dispatcher
// calls us then at least call stopDispatching
// the old code did this (I'm not even sure it is safe to do).
// This needs to be done without testing OR setting "closing".
// VJR: bug 37487 fix
if (!this.closing.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// must already be closing so just return
// this is part of the fix for 37684
// Unregister interest in all interests (if necessary)
// If the message dispatcher is paused, unpause it. The next bit of
// code will interrupt the waiter.
if (this.testAndSetPaused(false)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Paused but terminating processing", this);
// Cancel the expiration task
boolean alreadyDestroyed = false;
boolean gotInterrupt = Thread.interrupted(); // clears the flag
try {
// Stop the message dispatcher
gotInterrupt |= Thread.interrupted(); // clears the flag
// to fix bug 37684
// 1. check to see if dispatcher is still alive
if (this._messageDispatcher.isAlive()) {
if (this._socket != null && !this._socket.isClosed()) {
SocketCreator.asyncClose(this._socket, this._remoteHostAddress, null);
alreadyDestroyed = true;
if (this._messageDispatcher.isAlive()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
gotInterrupt = true;
// if it is still alive then warn and move on
if (this._messageDispatcher.isAlive()) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0_COULD_NOT_STOP_MESSAGE_DISPATCHER_THREAD, this));
finally {
if (gotInterrupt) {
if (!alreadyDestroyed) {
} finally {
// Close the statistics
this._statistics.close(); // fix for bug 40105
closeTransientFields(); // make sure this happens
private void closeTransientFields() {
// Close the socket
if (this._socket != null && !this._socket.isClosed()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {/*ignore*/}
// Null out comm buffer, host address, ports and proxy id. All will be
// replaced when the client reconnects.
this._remoteHostAddress = null;
try {
} catch (CacheClosedException e) {
// ignore if cache is shutting down
// Commented to fix bug 40259
//this.clientVersion = null;
private void releaseCommBuffer() {
ByteBuffer bb = this._commBuffer;
if (bb != null) {
this._commBuffer = null;
private void closeNonDurableCqs(){
CqService cqService = getCache().getCqService();
if (cqService != null) {
try {
catch (CqException ex) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_CQEXCEPTION_WHILE_CLOSING_NON_DURABLE_CQS_0, ex.getLocalizedMessage()));
private void destroyRQ() {
if (this._messageDispatcher == null) {
try {
// Using Destroy Region bcoz this method is modified in HARegion so as
// not to distribute.
// For normal Regions , even the localDestroyRegion actually propagates
HARegionQueue rq = this._messageDispatcher._messageQueue;
// if (!rq.getRegion().isDestroyed()) {
// rq.getRegion().destroyRegion();
// }
catch (RegionDestroyedException rde) {
// throw rde;
catch (CancelException e) {
// throw e;
catch (Exception warning) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0_EXCEPTION_IN_CLOSING_THE_UNDERLYING_HAREGION_OF_THE_HAREGIONQUEUE, this), warning);
public void registerInterestRegex(String regionName, String regex,
boolean isDurable) {
registerInterestRegex(regionName, regex, isDurable, true);
public void registerInterestRegex(String regionName, String regex,
boolean isDurable, boolean receiveValues) {
if (this.isPrimary) {
// Notify all secondaries and client of change in interest
notifySecondariesAndClient(regionName, regex, InterestResultPolicy.NONE,
isDurable, receiveValues, InterestType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_NOT_PRIMARY.toLocalizedString());
public void registerInterest(String regionName, Object keyOfInterest,
InterestResultPolicy policy, boolean isDurable) {
registerInterest(regionName, keyOfInterest, policy, isDurable, true);
public void registerInterest(String regionName, Object keyOfInterest,
InterestResultPolicy policy, boolean isDurable,
boolean receiveValues) {
if (keyOfInterest instanceof String && keyOfInterest.equals("ALL_KEYS")) {
registerInterestRegex(regionName, ".*", isDurable, receiveValues);
} else if (keyOfInterest instanceof List) {
if (this.isPrimary) {
notifySecondariesAndClient(regionName, keyOfInterest, policy,
isDurable, receiveValues, InterestType.KEY);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_NOT_PRIMARY.toLocalizedString());
} else {
if (this.isPrimary) {
// Notify all secondaries and client of change in interest
notifySecondariesAndClient(regionName, keyOfInterest, policy,
isDurable, receiveValues, InterestType.KEY);
// Enqueue the initial value message for the client if necessary
if (policy == InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES) {
Get70 request = (Get70)Get70.getCommand();
LocalRegion lr = (LocalRegion) this._cache.getRegion(regionName);
Get70.Entry entry = request.getValueAndIsObject(lr, keyOfInterest, null,
boolean isObject = entry.isObject;
byte[] value = null;
if (entry.value instanceof byte[]) {
value = (byte[])entry.value;
} else {
try {
value = CacheServerHelper.serialize(entry.value);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_THE_FOLLOWING_EXCEPTION_OCCURRED_0, entry.value), e);
VersionTag tag = entry.versionTag;
ClientUpdateMessage updateMessage = new ClientUpdateMessageImpl(
EnumListenerEvent.AFTER_CREATE, lr, keyOfInterest, value, null,
(isObject ? (byte) 0x01 : (byte) 0x00), null, this.proxyID,
new EventID(this._cache.getDistributedSystem()), tag);
CacheClientNotifier.routeSingleClientMessage(updateMessage, this.proxyID);
// Add the client to the region's filters
//addFilterRegisteredClients(regionName, keyOfInterest);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_NOT_PRIMARY.toLocalizedString());
private void notifySecondariesAndClient(String regionName,
Object keyOfInterest, InterestResultPolicy policy, boolean isDurable,
boolean receiveValues, int interestType) {
// Create a client interest message for the keyOfInterest
ClientInterestMessageImpl message = new ClientInterestMessageImpl(
new EventID(this._cache.getDistributedSystem()), regionName,
keyOfInterest, interestType, policy.getOrdinal(), isDurable,
!receiveValues, ClientInterestMessageImpl.REGISTER);
// Notify all secondary proxies of a change in interest
// Modify interest registration
if (keyOfInterest instanceof List) {
registerClientInterestList(regionName, (List) keyOfInterest, isDurable,
!receiveValues, true);
} else {
registerClientInterest(regionName, keyOfInterest, interestType,
isDurable, !receiveValues, true);
// Enqueue the interest registration message for the client.
// If the client is not 7.0.1 or greater and the key of interest is a list,
// then create an individual message for each entry in the list since the
// client doesn't support a ClientInterestMessageImpl containing a list.
if (Version.GFE_701.compareTo(this.clientVersion) > 0
&& keyOfInterest instanceof List) {
for (Iterator i = ((List) keyOfInterest).iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
this._messageDispatcher.enqueueMessage(new ClientInterestMessageImpl(
new EventID(this._cache.getDistributedSystem()), regionName,, interestType, policy.getOrdinal(), isDurable, !receiveValues,
} else {
public void unregisterInterestRegex(String regionName, String regex,
boolean isDurable) {
unregisterInterestRegex(regionName, regex, isDurable, true);
public void unregisterInterestRegex(String regionName, String regex,
boolean isDurable, boolean receiveValues) {
if (this.isPrimary) {
notifySecondariesAndClient(regionName, regex, isDurable, receiveValues,
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_NOT_PRIMARY.toLocalizedString());
public void unregisterInterest(String regionName, Object keyOfInterest,
boolean isDurable) {
unregisterInterest(regionName, keyOfInterest, isDurable, true);
public void unregisterInterest(String regionName, Object keyOfInterest,
boolean isDurable, boolean receiveValues) {
if (keyOfInterest instanceof String && keyOfInterest.equals("ALL_KEYS")) {
unregisterInterestRegex(regionName, ".*", isDurable, receiveValues);
} else {
if (this.isPrimary) {
notifySecondariesAndClient(regionName, keyOfInterest, isDurable,
receiveValues, InterestType.KEY);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_NOT_PRIMARY.toLocalizedString());
private void notifySecondariesAndClient(String regionName,
Object keyOfInterest, boolean isDurable, boolean receiveValues,
int interestType) {
// Notify all secondary proxies of a change in interest
ClientInterestMessageImpl message = new ClientInterestMessageImpl(
new EventID(this._cache.getDistributedSystem()), regionName,
keyOfInterest, interestType, (byte) 0, isDurable, !receiveValues,
// Modify interest registration
if (keyOfInterest instanceof List) {
unregisterClientInterest(regionName, (List) keyOfInterest, false);
} else {
unregisterClientInterest(regionName, keyOfInterest, interestType,
// Enqueue the interest unregistration message for the client.
// If the client is not 7.0.1 or greater and the key of interest is a list,
// then create an individual message for each entry in the list since the
// client doesn't support a ClientInterestMessageImpl containing a list.
if (Version.GFE_701.compareTo(this.clientVersion) > 0
&& keyOfInterest instanceof List) {
for (Iterator i = ((List) keyOfInterest).iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
this._messageDispatcher.enqueueMessage(new ClientInterestMessageImpl(
new EventID(this._cache.getDistributedSystem()), regionName,, interestType, (byte) 0, isDurable, !receiveValues,
} else {
protected void notifySecondariesOfInterestChange(ClientInterestMessageImpl message) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuffer subBuffer = new StringBuffer();
if (message.isRegister()) {
.append("register ")
.append(message.getIsDurable() ? "" : "non-")
.append("durable interest in ");
} else {
subBuffer.append("unregister interest in ");
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
.append(": Notifying secondary proxies to ")
this._cacheClientNotifier.deliverInterestChange(this.proxyID, message);
protected void addFilterRegisteredClients(String regionName,
Object keyOfInterest) {
try {
} catch (RegionDestroyedException e) {
logger.warn(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0_INTEREST_REG_FOR_0_FAILED, regionName + "->" + keyOfInterest, e);
* Registers interest in the input region name and key
* @param regionName
* The fully-qualified name of the region in which to register
* interest
* @param keyOfInterest
* The key in which to register interest
protected void registerClientInterest(String regionName,
Object keyOfInterest, int interestType, boolean isDurable,
boolean sendUpdatesAsInvalidates, boolean flushState)
ClientInterestList cil =
isDurable, false)];
cil.registerClientInterest(regionName, keyOfInterest, interestType, sendUpdatesAsInvalidates);
if (flushState) {
flushForInterestRegistration(regionName, this._cache.getDistributedSystem().getDistributedMember());
HARegionQueue queue = getHARegionQueue();
if (queue != null) { // queue is null during initialization
* flush other regions to the given target. This is usually the member
* that is registering the interest. During queue creation it is the
* queue's image provider.
public void flushForInterestRegistration(String regionName, DistributedMember target) {
Region r = this._cache.getRegion(regionName);
if (r == null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Unable to find region '{}' to flush for interest registration", regionName);
} else if (r.getAttributes().getScope().isDistributed()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
logger.debug("Flushing region '{}' for interest registration", regionName);
CacheDistributionAdvisee cd = (CacheDistributionAdvisee)r;
final StateFlushOperation sfo;
if (r instanceof PartitionedRegion) {
// need to flush all buckets. SFO should be changed to target buckets
// belonging to a particular PR, but it doesn't have that option right now
sfo = new StateFlushOperation(
} else {
sfo = new StateFlushOperation((DistributedRegion)r);
try {
// bug 41681 - we need to flush any member that may have a cache operation
// in progress so that the changes are received there before returning
// from this method
InitialImageAdvice advice = cd.getCacheDistributionAdvisor().adviseInitialImage(null);
HashSet recips = new HashSet(advice.getReplicates());
DistributionManager.HIGH_PRIORITY_EXECUTOR, true);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
* Unregisters interest in the input region name and key
* @param regionName
* The fully-qualified name of the region in which to unregister
* interest
* @param keyOfInterest
* The key in which to unregister interest
* @param isClosing
* Whether the caller is closing
protected void unregisterClientInterest(String regionName,
Object keyOfInterest, int interestType, boolean isClosing)
// only unregister durable interest if isClosing and !keepalive
if (!isClosing /* explicit unregister */
|| !getDurableKeepAlive() /* close and no keepAlive*/) {
unregisterClientInterest(regionName, keyOfInterest, interestType);
// always unregister non durable interest
unregisterClientInterest(regionName, keyOfInterest, interestType);
* Registers interest in the input region name and list of keys
* @param regionName
* The fully-qualified name of the region in which to register
* interest
* @param keysOfInterest
* The list of keys in which to register interest
protected void registerClientInterestList(String regionName,
List keysOfInterest, boolean isDurable, boolean sendUpdatesAsInvalidates,
boolean flushState)
// we only use two interest lists to map the non-durable and durable
// identifiers to their interest settings
ClientInterestList cil =
isDurable, false/*sendUpdatesAsInvalidates*/)];
cil.registerClientInterestList(regionName, keysOfInterest, sendUpdatesAsInvalidates);
if (getHARegionQueue() != null) {
if (flushState) {
flushForInterestRegistration(regionName, this._cache.getDistributedSystem().getDistributedMember());
* Unregisters interest in the input region name and list of keys
* @param regionName
* The fully-qualified name of the region in which to unregister
* interest
* @param keysOfInterest
* The list of keys in which to unregister interest
* @param isClosing
* Whether the caller is closing
protected void unregisterClientInterest(String regionName,
List keysOfInterest, boolean isClosing)
// only unregister durable interest if isClosing and !keepalive
if (!isClosing /* explicit unregister */
|| !getDurableKeepAlive() /* close and no keepAlive*/) {
unregisterClientInterestList(regionName, keysOfInterest);
// always unregister non durable interest
unregisterClientInterestList(regionName, keysOfInterest);
/** sent by the cache client notifier when there is an interest registration change */
protected void processInterestMessage(ClientInterestMessageImpl message) {
int interestType = message.getInterestType();
String regionName = message.getRegionName();
Object key = message.getKeyOfInterest();
if (message.isRegister()) {
// Register interest in this region->key
if (key instanceof List) {
registerClientInterestList(regionName, (List) key,
message.getIsDurable(), message.getForUpdatesAsInvalidates(), true);
} else {
registerClientInterest(regionName, key, interestType,
message.getIsDurable(), message.getForUpdatesAsInvalidates(), true);
// Add the client to the region's filters
//addFilterRegisteredClients(regionName, key);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
.append(": Interest listener registered ")
.append(message.getIsDurable() ? "" : "non-")
.append("durable interest in ")
} else {
// Unregister interest in this region->key
if (key instanceof List) {
unregisterClientInterest(regionName, (List) key, false);
} else {
unregisterClientInterest(regionName, key, interestType, false);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
.append(": Interest listener unregistered interest in ")
private boolean postDeliverAuthCheckPassed(ClientUpdateMessage clientMessage) {
// Before adding it in the queue for dispatching, check for post
// process authorization
if (AcceptorImpl.isAuthenticationRequired()
&& this.postAuthzCallback == null
&& AcceptorImpl.isPostAuthzCallbackPresent()) {
// security is on and callback is null: it means multiuser mode.
ClientUpdateMessageImpl cumi = (ClientUpdateMessageImpl)clientMessage;
CqNameToOp clientCq = cumi.getClientCq(this.proxyID);
if (clientCq != null && !clientCq.isEmpty()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("CCP clientCq size before processing auth {}", clientCq.size());
String[] regionNameHolder = new String[1];
OperationContext opctxt = getOperationContext(clientMessage,
if (opctxt == null) {
new Object[] {this, clientMessage}));
return false;
String[] cqNames = clientCq.getNames();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("CCP clientCq names array size {}", cqNames.length);
for (int i = 0; i < cqNames.length; i++) {
try {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("CCP clientCq name {}", cqNames[i]);
boolean isAuthorized = false;
if (this.proxyID.isDurable() && this.getDurableKeepAlive()
&& this._isPaused) {
// need to take lock as we may be reinitializing proxy cache
synchronized (this.clientUserAuthsLock) {
AuthorizeRequestPP postAuthCallback = this.clientUserAuths
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && postAuthCallback == null) {
logger.debug("CCP clientCq post callback is null");
if (postAuthCallback != null && postAuthCallback
regionNameHolder[0], opctxt)) {
isAuthorized = true;
} else {
UserAuthAttributes userAuthAttributes = this.clientUserAuths
AuthorizeRequestPP postAuthCallback = userAuthAttributes
if (postAuthCallback == null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("CCP clientCq post callback is null");
if (postAuthCallback != null && postAuthCallback
regionNameHolder[0], opctxt)) {
isAuthorized = true;
if (!isAuthorized) {
new Object[] {this, clientMessage}));
} catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore...
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("CCP clientCq size after processing auth {}", clientCq.size());
// again need to check as there may be no CQ available
if (!clientMessage.hasCqs(this.proxyID)) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.BRIDGE_SERVER)) {
logger.debug("{}: Not adding message to queue. It is not interested in this region and key: {}", clientMessage);
return false;
else if (this.postAuthzCallback != null) {
String[] regionNameHolder = new String[1];
boolean isAuthorize = false;
OperationContext opctxt = getOperationContext(clientMessage,
if (opctxt == null) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy__0_NOT_ADDING_MESSAGE_TO_QUEUE_1_BECAUSE_THE_OPERATION_CONTEXT_OBJECT_COULD_NOT_BE_OBTAINED_FOR_THIS_CLIENT_MESSAGE, new Object[] {this, clientMessage}));
return false;
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()){
logger.trace("{}: Invoking authorizeOperation for message: {}", this, clientMessage);
if (this.proxyID.isDurable() && this.getDurableKeepAlive()
&& this._isPaused) {
synchronized (this.clientUserAuthsLock) {
isAuthorize = this.postAuthzCallback.authorizeOperation(
regionNameHolder[0], opctxt);
} else {
isAuthorize = this.postAuthzCallback.authorizeOperation(
regionNameHolder[0], opctxt);
if (!isAuthorize) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy__0_NOT_ADDING_MESSAGE_TO_QUEUE_1_BECAUSE_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED, new Object[] {this, clientMessage}));
return false;
return true;
* Delivers the message to the client representing this client proxy.
* @param conflatable
protected void deliverMessage(Conflatable conflatable)
ClientUpdateMessage clientMessage = null;
if(conflatable instanceof HAEventWrapper) {
clientMessage = ((HAEventWrapper)conflatable).getClientUpdateMessage();
} else {
clientMessage = (ClientUpdateMessage)conflatable;
if (clientMessage.needsNoAuthorizationCheck() || postDeliverAuthCheckPassed(clientMessage)) {
// If dispatcher is getting initialized, add the event to temporary queue.
if (this.messageDispatcherInit) {
synchronized (this.queuedEventsSync) {
if (this.messageDispatcherInit) { // Check to see value did not changed while getting the synchronize lock.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Message dispatcher for proxy {} is getting initialized. Adding message to the queuedEvents.", this);
if (this._messageDispatcher != null) {
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Message is not added to the queue. Message dispatcher for proxy: {} doesn't exist.", this);
} else {
protected void sendMessageDirectly(ClientMessage message) {
// Send the message directly if the connection exists
// (do not go through the queue).
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
logger.debug("About to send message directly to {}", this);
if (this._messageDispatcher != null && this._socket != null && !this._socket.isClosed()) {
// If the socket is open, send the message to it
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
logger.debug("Sent message directly to {}", this);
} else {
// Otherwise just reset the ping counter
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
logger.debug("Skipped sending message directly to {}", this);
private OperationContext getOperationContext(ClientMessage cmsg,
String[] regionNameHolder) {
ClientUpdateMessageImpl cmsgimpl = (ClientUpdateMessageImpl)cmsg;
OperationContext opctxt = null;
// TODO SW: Special handling for DynamicRegions; this should be reworked
// when DynamicRegion API is deprecated
String regionName = cmsgimpl.getRegionName();
regionNameHolder[0] = regionName;
if (cmsgimpl.isCreate()) {
if (DynamicRegionFactory.regionIsDynamicRegionList(regionName)) {
regionNameHolder[0] = (String)cmsgimpl.getKeyOfInterest();
opctxt = new RegionCreateOperationContext(true);
else {
PutOperationContext tmp = new PutOperationContext(cmsgimpl.getKeyOfInterest(), cmsgimpl
.getValue(), cmsgimpl.valueIsObject(), PutOperationContext.CREATE,
opctxt = tmp;
else if (cmsgimpl.isUpdate()) {
if (DynamicRegionFactory.regionIsDynamicRegionList(regionName)) {
regionNameHolder[0] = (String)cmsgimpl.getKeyOfInterest();
opctxt = new RegionCreateOperationContext(true);
else {
PutOperationContext tmp = new PutOperationContext(cmsgimpl.getKeyOfInterest(), cmsgimpl
.getValue(), cmsgimpl.valueIsObject(), PutOperationContext.UPDATE,
opctxt = tmp;
else if (cmsgimpl.isDestroy()) {
if (DynamicRegionFactory.regionIsDynamicRegionList(regionName)) {
regionNameHolder[0] = (String)cmsgimpl.getKeyOfInterest();
opctxt = new RegionDestroyOperationContext(true);
else {
DestroyOperationContext tmp = new DestroyOperationContext(cmsgimpl.getKeyOfInterest(), true);
opctxt = tmp;
else if (cmsgimpl.isDestroyRegion()) {
opctxt = new RegionDestroyOperationContext(true);
else if (cmsgimpl.isInvalidate()) {
InvalidateOperationContext tmp = new InvalidateOperationContext(cmsgimpl.getKeyOfInterest(), true);
opctxt = tmp;
else if (cmsgimpl.isClearRegion()) {
RegionClearOperationContext tmp = new RegionClearOperationContext(true);
opctxt = tmp;
return opctxt;
* Initializes the message dispatcher thread. The
* <code>MessageDispatcher</code> processes the message queue.
* @throws CacheException
public void initializeMessageDispatcher() throws CacheException
this.messageDispatcherInit = true; // Initialization process.
try {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Initializing message dispatcher with capacity of {} entries", this, _maximumMessageCount);
String name = "Client Message Dispatcher for "
+ getProxyID().getDistributedMember() + (isDurable()? " (" + getDurableId()+")" : "");
this._messageDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(this, name);
//Fix for 41375 - drain as many of the queued events
//as we can without synchronization.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{} draining {} events from init queue into intialized queue", this, this.queuedEvents.size());
Conflatable nextEvent;
while((nextEvent = queuedEvents.poll()) != null) {
//Now finish emptying the queue with synchronization to make
//sure we don't miss any events.
synchronized (this.queuedEventsSync){
while((nextEvent = queuedEvents.poll()) != null) {
this.messageDispatcherInit = false; // Done initialization.
} finally {
if (this.messageDispatcherInit) { // If its not successfully completed.
protected void startOrResumeMessageDispatcher(boolean processedMarker) {
// Only start or resume the dispatcher if it is Primary
if (this.isPrimary) {
// Add the marker to the queue
if (!processedMarker) {
EventID eventId = new EventID(this._cache.getDistributedSystem());
this._messageDispatcher.enqueueMarker(new ClientMarkerMessageImpl(eventId));
// Set the message queue to primary.
// Start or resume the dispatcher
synchronized (this._messageDispatcher._pausedLock) {
if (this.isPaused()) {
// It is paused, resume it
if (this._messageDispatcher.isStopped()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Starting dispatcher", this);
else {
// ARB: Initialize transient fields.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Resuming dispatcher", this);
} else if (!this._messageDispatcher.isAlive()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Starting dispatcher", this);
* Returns whether the client represented by this <code> CacheClientProxy
* </code> has registered interest in anything. @return whether the client
* represented by this <code> CacheClientProxy </code> has registered interest
* in anything
protected boolean hasRegisteredInterested()
this.cils[RegisterInterestTracker.interestListIndex].hasInterest() ||
* Returns a string representation of the proxy
public String toString()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
// .append("client proxy id=")
// .append("; client host name=")
// .append(this._socket.getInetAddress().getCanonicalHostName())
// .append("; client host address=")
// .append(this._remoteHostAddress)
.append("; port=").append(this._socket.getPort())
.append("; primary=").append(isPrimary)
.append("; version=").append(clientVersion)
return buffer.toString();
public boolean isPrimary()
//boolean primary = this._messageDispatcher.isAlive()
// || this._messageDispatcher._messageQueue.isPrimary();
boolean primary = this.isPrimary;
//System.out.println(this + ": DISPATCHER IS ALIVE: " + this._messageDispatcher.isAlive());
//System.out.println(this + ": DISPATCHER QUEUE IS PRIMARY: " + this._messageDispatcher._messageQueue.isPrimary());
//System.out.println(this + ": IS PRIMARY: " + primary);
return primary;
// return this.isPrimary ;
protected boolean basicIsPrimary() {
return this.isPrimary;
protected void setPrimary(boolean isPrimary) {
this.isPrimary = isPrimary;
// private static int nextId = 0;
// static protected int getNextId() {
// synchronized (CacheClientProxy.class) {
// return ++nextId;
// }
// }
* Return this client's HA region queue
* @returns - HARegionQueue of the client
public HARegionQueue getHARegionQueue() {
if (this._messageDispatcher != null){
return _messageDispatcher._messageQueue;
return null;
* Reinitialize a durable <code>CacheClientProxy</code> with a new client.
* @param socket
* The socket between the server and the client
* @param ip
* whether this proxy represents the primary
protected void reinitialize(Socket socket, ClientProxyMembershipID proxyId,
Cache cache, boolean ip, byte cc, Version ver) {
// Re-initialize transient fields
initializeTransientFields(socket, proxyId, ip, cc, ver);
// Cancel expiration task
// Set the message dispatcher's primary flag. This could go from primary
// to secondary
this.creationDate = new Date();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Has been reinitialized", this);
protected boolean isDurable() {
return getProxyID().isDurable();
protected String getDurableId() {
return getProxyID().getDurableId();
protected int getDurableTimeout() {
return getProxyID().getDurableTimeout();
private boolean getDurableKeepAlive() {
return this.keepalive;
protected String getHARegionName() {
return getProxyID().getHARegionName();
public Region getHARegion() {
return this._messageDispatcher._messageQueue.getRegion();
public Version getVersion() {
return this.clientVersion;
protected void scheduleDurableExpirationTask() {
SystemTimer.SystemTimerTask task = new SystemTimer.SystemTimerTask() {
public void run2() {
_durableExpirationTask.compareAndSet(this, null);
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0__THE_EXPIRATION_TASK_HAS_FIRED_SO_THIS_PROXY_IS_BEING_TERMINATED, CacheClientProxy.this));
// Remove the proxy from the CacheClientNofier's registry
// Close the proxy
* Setting the expiration task to null again and cancelling existing
* one, if any. See #50894.
* <p/>
* The message dispatcher may again set the expiry task in below path:
* <code>
* com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.CacheClientProxy.scheduleDurableExpirationTask(
* com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.CacheClientProxy.pauseDispatching(
* com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.CacheClientProxy$MessageDispatcher.pauseOrUnregisterProxy(
* com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.CacheClientProxy$
* </code>
* <p/>
* This is because message dispatcher may get an IOException with
* "Proxy closing due to socket being closed locally" during/after
* terminateDispatching(false) above.
Object task = _durableExpirationTask.getAndSet(null);
if (task != null) {
if(this._durableExpirationTask.compareAndSet(null, task)) {
protected void cancelDurableExpirationTask(boolean logMessage) {
SystemTimer.SystemTimerTask task = (SystemTimerTask) _durableExpirationTask.getAndSet(null);
if (task != null) {
if (logMessage) {, this));
* Class <code>ClientInterestList</code> provides a convenient interface
* for manipulating client interest information.
static protected class ClientInterestList
final CacheClientProxy ccp;
final Object id;
* An object used for synchronizing the interest lists
final private Object interestListLock = new Object();
* Regions that this client is interested in
final protected Set<String> regions = new HashSet<String>();
* Constructor.
protected ClientInterestList(CacheClientProxy ccp, Object interestID) {
this.ccp = ccp; = interestID;
// = getNextId();
* Registers interest in the input region name and key
protected void registerClientInterest(String regionName,
Object keyOfInterest, int interestType, boolean sendUpdatesAsInvalidates)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: registerClientInterest region={} key={}", ccp, regionName, keyOfInterest);
Set keysRegistered = null;
synchronized(this.interestListLock) {
LocalRegion r = (LocalRegion)this.ccp._cache.getRegion(regionName, true);
if (r == null) {
throw new RegionDestroyedException("Region could not be found for interest registration", regionName);
if ( ! (r instanceof CacheDistributionAdvisee) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("region " + regionName + " is not distributed and does not support interest registration");
FilterProfile p = r.getFilterProfile();
keysRegistered = p.registerClientInterest(id, keyOfInterest, interestType, sendUpdatesAsInvalidates);
// Perform actions if any keys were registered
if ((keysRegistered != null) && containsInterestRegistrationListeners()
&& !keysRegistered.isEmpty()) {
handleInterestEvent(regionName, keysRegistered, interestType, true);
protected FilterProfile getProfile(String regionName) {
try {
return this.ccp._cache.getFilterProfile(regionName);
} catch (CacheClosedException e) {
return null;
* Unregisters interest in the input region name and key
* @param regionName
* The fully-qualified name of the region in which to unregister
* interest
* @param keyOfInterest
* The key in which to unregister interest
protected void unregisterClientInterest(String regionName,
Object keyOfInterest, int interestType)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: unregisterClientInterest region={} key={}", ccp, regionName, keyOfInterest);
FilterProfile p = getProfile(regionName);
Set keysUnregistered = null;
synchronized(this.interestListLock) {
if (p != null) {
keysUnregistered = p.unregisterClientInterest(
id, keyOfInterest, interestType);
if (!p.hasInterestFor(id)) {
} else {
if (keysUnregistered != null && !keysUnregistered.isEmpty()) {
handleInterestEvent(regionName, keysUnregistered, interestType, false);
* Registers interest in the input region name and list of keys
* @param regionName
* The fully-qualified name of the region in which to register
* interest
* @param keysOfInterest
* The list of keys in which to register interest
protected void registerClientInterestList(String regionName,
List keysOfInterest, boolean sendUpdatesAsInvalidates) {
FilterProfile p = getProfile(regionName);
if (p == null) {
throw new RegionDestroyedException("Region not found during client interest registration", regionName);
Set keysRegistered = null;
synchronized(this.interestListLock) {
keysRegistered = p.registerClientInterestList(id, keysOfInterest, sendUpdatesAsInvalidates);
// Perform actions if any keys were registered
if (containsInterestRegistrationListeners() && !keysRegistered.isEmpty()) {
handleInterestEvent(regionName, keysRegistered, InterestType.KEY, true);
* Unregisters interest in the input region name and list of keys
* @param regionName
* The fully-qualified name of the region in which to unregister
* interest
* @param keysOfInterest
* The list of keys in which to unregister interest
protected void unregisterClientInterestList(String regionName,
List keysOfInterest)
FilterProfile p = getProfile(regionName);
Set keysUnregistered = null;
synchronized(this.interestListLock) {
if (p != null) {
keysUnregistered = p.unregisterClientInterestList(
id, keysOfInterest);
if (!p.hasInterestFor(id)) {
} else {
// Perform actions if any keys were unregistered
if (!keysUnregistered.isEmpty()) {
handleInterestEvent(regionName, keysUnregistered, InterestType.KEY,false);
* Returns whether this interest list has any keys, patterns or filters of
* interest. It answers the question: Are any clients being notified because
* of this interest list? @return whether this interest list has any keys,
* patterns or filters of interest
protected boolean hasInterest() {
return regions.size() > 0;
protected void clearClientInterestList() {
boolean isClosed = ccp.getCache().isClosed();
synchronized(this.interestListLock) {
for (String regionName: regions) {
FilterProfile p = getProfile(regionName);
if (p == null) {
if (!isClosed) {
if (p.hasAllKeysInterestFor(id)) {
Set allKeys = new HashSet();
allKeys = Collections.unmodifiableSet(allKeys);
handleInterestEvent(regionName, allKeys,
InterestType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION, false);
Set keysOfInterest = p.getKeysOfInterestFor(id);
if (keysOfInterest != null && keysOfInterest.size() > 0) {
handleInterestEvent(regionName, keysOfInterest,
InterestType.KEY, false);
Map<String,Pattern> patternsOfInterest =
if (patternsOfInterest != null && patternsOfInterest.size() > 0) {
handleInterestEvent(regionName, patternsOfInterest.keySet(),
InterestType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION, false);
private void handleInterestEvent(String regionName, Set keysOfInterest,
int interestType, boolean isRegister) {
// Notify the region about this register interest event if:
// - the application has requested it
// - this is a primary CacheClientProxy (otherwise multiple notifications
// may occur)
// - it is a key interest type (regex is currently not supported)
InterestRegistrationEvent event = null;
if (NOTIFY_REGION_ON_INTEREST && this.ccp.isPrimary()
&& interestType == InterestType.KEY) {
event = new InterestRegistrationEventImpl(this.ccp, regionName,
keysOfInterest, interestType, isRegister);
try {
catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_REGION_NOTIFICATION_OF_INTEREST_FAILED, e);
// Invoke interest registration listeners
if (containsInterestRegistrationListeners()) {
if (event == null) {
event = new InterestRegistrationEventImpl(this.ccp, regionName,
keysOfInterest, interestType, isRegister);
private void notifyRegionOfInterest(InterestRegistrationEvent event) {
private void notifyInterestRegistrationListeners(
InterestRegistrationEvent event) {
private boolean containsInterestRegistrationListeners() {
return this.ccp.getCacheClientNotifier()
* Class <code>MessageDispatcher</code> is a <code>Thread</code> that
* processes messages bound for the client by taking messsages from the
* message queue and sending them to the client over the socket.
static class MessageDispatcher extends Thread
* The queue of messages to be sent to the client
protected final HARegionQueue _messageQueue;
// /**
// * An int used to keep track of the number of messages dropped for logging
// * purposes. If greater than zero then a warning has been logged about
// * messages being dropped.
// */
// private int _numberOfMessagesDropped = 0;
* The proxy for which this dispatcher is processing messages
private final CacheClientProxy _proxy;
// /**
// * The conflator faciliates message conflation
// */
// protected BridgeEventConflator _eventConflator;
* Whether the dispatcher is stopped
private volatile boolean _isStopped = true;
* @guarded.By _pausedLock
//boolean _isPausedDispatcher = false;
* A lock object used to control pausing this dispatcher
protected final Object _pausedLock = new Object();
* An object used to protect when dispatching is being stopped.
private final Object _stopDispatchingLock = new Object();
private final ReadWriteLock socketLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
private final Lock socketWriteLock = socketLock.writeLock();
// /**
// * A boolean verifying whether a warning has already been issued if the
// * message queue has reached its capacity.
// */
// private boolean _messageQueueCapacityReachedWarning = false;
* Constructor.
* @param proxy
* The <code>CacheClientProxy</code> for which this dispatcher is
* processing messages
* @param name thread name for this dispatcher
* @throws CacheException
protected MessageDispatcher(CacheClientProxy proxy, String name) throws CacheException {
super(LoggingThreadGroup.createThreadGroup(name, logger), name);
this._proxy = proxy;
// Create the event conflator
// this._eventConflator = new BridgeEventConflator
// Create the message queue
try {
HARegionQueueAttributes harq= new HARegionQueueAttributes();
.getHARegionName()), getProxy());
boolean createDurableQueue = proxy.proxyID.isDurable();
boolean canHandleDelta = (proxy.clientVersion.compareTo(Version.GFE_61) >= 0)
&& InternalDistributedSystem.getAnyInstance().getConfig()
&& !(this._proxy.clientConflation == HandShake.CONFLATION_ON);
if ((createDurableQueue || canHandleDelta) && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Creating a durable HA queue");
this._messageQueue =
getProxy().getHARegionName(), getCache(), harq,
HARegionQueue.BLOCKING_HA_QUEUE, createDurableQueue,
this._proxy.isPrimary(), canHandleDelta);
// Check if interests were registered during HARegion GII.
if (this._proxy.hasRegisteredInterested()) {
catch (CancelException e) {
throw e;
catch (RegionExistsException ree) {
throw ree;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CacheException(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_EXCEPTION_OCCURRED_WHILE_TRYING_TO_CREATE_A_MESSAGE_QUEUE.toLocalizedString(), e) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;};
private CacheClientProxy getProxy() {
return this._proxy;
private GemFireCacheImpl getCache() {
return getProxy().getCache();
private Socket getSocket() {
return getProxy().getSocket();
private ByteBuffer getCommBuffer() {
return getProxy().getCommBuffer();
private CacheClientProxyStats getStatistics() {
return getProxy().getStatistics();
private void basicStopDispatching() {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: notified dispatcher to stop", this);
this._isStopped = true;
// this.interrupt(); // don't interrupt here. Let close(boolean) do this.
public String toString() {
return getProxy().toString();
* Notifies the dispatcher to stop dispatching.
* @param checkQueue
* Whether to check the message queue for any unprocessed messages
* and process them for MAXIMUM_SHUTDOWN_PEEKS.
* @see CacheClientProxy#MAXIMUM_SHUTDOWN_PEEKS
protected synchronized void stopDispatching(boolean checkQueue)
if (isStopped()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Stopping dispatching", this);
if (!checkQueue) {
// Stay alive until the queue is empty or a number of peeks is reached.
List events = null;
try {
for (int numberOfPeeks = 0; numberOfPeeks < MAXIMUM_SHUTDOWN_PEEKS;
++numberOfPeeks) {
boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted();
try {
events = this._messageQueue.peek(1, -1);
if (events == null || events.size() == 0) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
logger.debug("Waiting for client to drain queue: {}", _proxy.proxyID);
catch (InterruptedException e) {
interrupted = true;
/*GemFireCache c = (GemFireCache)_cache;
catch (CancelException e) {
catch (CacheException e) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Exception occurred while trying to stop dispatching", this, e);
finally {
if (interrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
} // for
finally {
* Returns whether the dispatcher is stopped
* @return whether the dispatcher is stopped
protected boolean isStopped()
return this._isStopped;
* Returns the size of the queue for heuristic purposes. This size may be
* changing concurrently if puts / gets are occurring at the same time.
* @return the size of the queue
protected int getQueueSize()
return this._messageQueue == null ? 0 : this._messageQueue.size();
* Returns the size of the queue calculated through stats
* This includes events that have dispatched but have yet been removed
* @return the size of the queue
protected int getQueueSizeStat()
if (this._messageQueue != null) {
HARegionQueueStats stats = this._messageQueue.getStatistics();
return ((int)(stats.getEventsEnqued() - stats.getEventsRemoved() - stats.getEventsConflated() - stats.getMarkerEventsConflated() - stats.getEventsExpired() - stats.getEventsRemovedByQrm() - stats.getEventsTaken() - stats.getNumVoidRemovals()));
return 0;
protected void drainClientCqEvents(ClientProxyMembershipID clientId, InternalCqQuery cqToClose) {
this._messageQueue.closeClientCq(clientId, cqToClose);
* Runs the dispatcher by taking a message from the queue and sending it to
* the client attached to this proxy.
public void run()
boolean exceptionOccured = false;
this._isStopped = false;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Beginning to process events", this);
// for testing purposes
if (isSlowStartForTesting) {
long slowStartTimeForTesting = Long.getLong(KEY_SLOW_START_TIME_FOR_TESTING,
long elapsedTime = 0;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while ((slowStartTimeForTesting > elapsedTime) && isSlowStartForTesting) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Slow start for testing interrupted");
elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
if(slowStartTimeForTesting < elapsedTime) {
isSlowStartForTesting = false;
ClientMessage clientMessage = null;
while (!isStopped()) {
// SystemFailure.checkFailure(); DM's stopper does this
if (this._proxy._cache.getCancelCriterion().cancelInProgress() != null) {
try {
// If paused, wait to be told to resume (or interrupted if stopped)
if (getProxy().isPaused()) {
try {
// ARB: Before waiting for resumption, process acks from client.
// This will reduce the number of duplicates that a client receives after
// reconnecting.
if (this._messageQueue.size() > 0) {
while (!this._messageQueue.isEmptyAckList()&& this._messageQueue.isPeekInitialized()) {
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0_SLEEP_INTERRUPTED, this));
try {
clientMessage = (ClientMessage)this._messageQueue.peek();
catch (RegionDestroyedException skipped) {
if (isStopped()) {
// Process the message
long start = getStatistics().startTime();
//// BUGFIX for BUG#38206 and BUG#37791
boolean isDispatched = dispatchMessage(clientMessage);
if (clientMessage instanceof ClientMarkerMessageImpl) {
getProxy().markerEnqueued = false;
clientMessage = null;
catch (IOException e) {
// Added the synchronization below to ensure that exception handling
// does not occur while stopping the dispatcher and vice versa.
synchronized (this._stopDispatchingLock) {
// An IOException occurred while sending a message to the
// client. If the processor is not already stopped, assume
// the client is dead and stop processing.
if (!isStopped() && !getProxy().isPaused()) {
if ("Broken pipe".equals(e.getMessage())) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0_PROXY_CLOSING_DUE_TO_UNEXPECTED_BROKEN_PIPE_ON_SOCKET_CONNECTION, this));
} else if ("Connection reset".equals(e.getMessage())) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0_PROXY_CLOSING_DUE_TO_UNEXPECTED_RESET_ON_SOCKET_CONNECTION, this));
else if ("Connection reset by peer".equals(e.getMessage())) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0_PROXY_CLOSING_DUE_TO_UNEXPECTED_RESET_BY_PEER_ON_SOCKET_CONNECTION, this));
else if ("Socket is closed".equals(e.getMessage()) || "Socket Closed".equals(e.getMessage())) {, this));
else {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0_AN_UNEXPECTED_IOEXCEPTION_OCCURRED_SO_THE_PROXY_WILL_BE_CLOSED, this), e);
// Let the CacheClientNotifier discover the proxy is not alive.
// See isAlive().
// getProxy().close(false);
} // _isStopped
} // synchronized
exceptionOccured = true;
} // IOException
catch (InterruptedException e) {
// If the thread is paused, ignore the InterruptedException and
// continue. The proxy is null if stopDispatching has been called.
if (getProxy().isPaused()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: interrupted because it is being paused. It will continue and wait for resumption.", this);
// no need to reset the bit; we're exiting
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: interrupted", this);
catch (CancelException e) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: shutting down due to cancellation", this);
exceptionOccured = true; // message queue is defunct, don't try to read it.
catch (RegionDestroyedException e) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: shutting down due to loss of message queue", this);
exceptionOccured = true; // message queue is defunct, don't try to read it.
catch (Exception e) {
// An exception occured while processing a message. Since it
// is not an IOException, the client may still be alive, so
// continue processing.
if (!isStopped()) {
logger.fatal(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0__AN_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_OCCURRED, this), e);
// Processing gets here if isStopped=true. What is this code below doing?
List list = null;
if(!exceptionOccured) {
try {
// Clear the interrupt status if any,
int size = this._messageQueue.size();
list = this._messageQueue.peek(size);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: After flagging the dispatcher to stop , the residual List of messages to be dispatched={} size={}", this, list, list.size());
if (list.size() > 0) {
long start = getStatistics().startTime();
Iterator itr = list.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
// @todo asif: shouldn't we call itr.remove() since the current msg
// has been sent? That way list will be more accurate
// if we have an exception.
catch (CancelException e) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("CacheClientNotifier stopped due to cancellation");
catch (Exception ignore) {
//if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
StringId extraMsg = null;
if ("Broken pipe".equals(ignore.getMessage())) {
extraMsg = LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_PROBLEM_CAUSED_BY_BROKEN_PIPE_ON_SOCKET;
else if (ignore instanceof RegionDestroyedException) {
extraMsg = LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_PROBLEM_CAUSED_BY_MESSAGE_QUEUE_BEING_CLOSED;
final Object[] msgArgs = new Object[] {
((!isStopped()) ? this.toString() + ": " : ""),
((list == null) ? 0 : list.size())};
if (extraMsg != null) {
//Dont print exception details, but add on extraMsg, msgArgs));;
} else {
//Print full stacktrace, msgArgs), ignore);
if (list != null && logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Messages remaining in the list are: {}", list);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("{}: Dispatcher thread is ending", this);
private void pauseOrUnregisterProxy() {
if (getProxy().isDurable()) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// see bug 40611; we catch Exception here because
// we once say an InterruptedException here.
// log a warning saying we couldn't pause?
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: {}", this, ex);
else {
this._isStopped = true;
// Stop the ServerConnections. This will force the client to
// server communication to close.
ClientHealthMonitor chm = ClientHealthMonitor.getInstance();
// Note now that _proxy is final the following comment is no
// longer true. the _isStopped check should be sufficient.
// Added the test for this._proxy != null to prevent bug 35801.
// The proxy could have been stopped after this IOException has
// been caught and here, so the _proxy will be null.
if (chm != null) {
ClientProxyMembershipID proxyID = getProxy().proxyID;
if (!getProxy().isDurable()) {
getProxy().getCacheClientNotifier().unregisterClient(proxyID, false);
* Sends a message to the client attached to this proxy
* @param clientMessage
* The <code>ClientMessage</code> to send to the client
* @throws IOException
protected boolean dispatchMessage(ClientMessage clientMessage)
throws IOException
boolean isDispatched = false ;
if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.BRIDGE_SERVER)) {
logger.trace(LogMarker.BRIDGE_SERVER, "Dispatching {}", clientMessage);
Message message = null;
// byte[] latestValue =
// this._eventConflator.getLatestValue(clientMessage);
if (clientMessage instanceof ClientUpdateMessage) {
byte[] latestValue = (byte[])((ClientUpdateMessage)clientMessage).getValue();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(100);
msg.append(this).append(": Using latest value: ").append(Arrays.toString(latestValue));
if (((ClientUpdateMessage)clientMessage).valueIsObject()) {
if (latestValue != null) {
msg.append(" (").append(deserialize(latestValue)).append(")");
msg.append(" for ").append(clientMessage);
message = ((ClientUpdateMessageImpl)clientMessage).getMessage(getProxy(),
BridgeObserver bo = BridgeObserverHolder.getInstance();
else {
message = clientMessage.getMessage(getProxy(), true /* notify */);
// //////////////////////////////
// TEST CODE BEGIN (Throws exception to test closing proxy)
// if (true) throw new IOException("test");
// //////////////////////////////
// Message message = ((ClientUpdateMessageImpl)clientMessage).getMessage(getProxy().proxyID, latestValue);
//Message message = clientMessage.getMessage(); removed during merge.
// BugFix for BUG#38206 and BUG#37791
if (!this._proxy.isPaused()) {
// //////////////////////////////
// TEST CODE BEGIN (Throws exception to test closing proxy)
// if (true) throw new IOException("test");
// //////////////////////////////
//Message message = ((ClientUpdateMessageImpl)clientMessage).getMessage(getProxy().proxyID, latestValue);
//Message message = clientMessage.getMessage(); removed during merge.
//message.setComms(getSocket(), getCommBuffer(), getStatistics());
// //////////////////////////////
// TEST CODE BEGIN (Introduces random wait in client)
// Sleep a random number of ms
// java.util.Random rand = new java.util.Random();
// try {Thread.sleep(rand.nextInt(5));} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
// //////////////////////////////
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("{}: Dispatched {}", this, clientMessage);
isDispatched = true;
else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Message Dispatcher of a Paused CCProxy is trying to dispatch message");
if (isDispatched) {
return isDispatched;
private void sendMessage(Message message) throws IOException {
if (message == null) {
try {
message.setComms(getSocket(), getCommBuffer(), getStatistics());
} finally {
* Add the input client message to the message queue
* @param clientMessage
* The <code>Conflatable</code> to add to the queue
protected void enqueueMessage(Conflatable clientMessage)
try {
if(this._proxy.isPaused() && this._proxy.isDurable()){
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Queued message while Durable Client is away {}", this, clientMessage);
} else {
// [bruce] we don't really know that it was added, so don't log this
// if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || BridgeServerImpl.VERBOSE) {
// logger.debug(LocalizedStrings.DEBUG, this + " added message to queue: " + clientMessage);
// }
catch (CancelException e) {
throw e;
catch (Exception e) {
if (!isStopped()) {
logger.fatal(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0_EXCEPTION_OCCURRED_WHILE_ATTEMPTING_TO_ADD_MESSAGE_TO_QUEUE, this), e);
protected void enqueueMarker(ClientMessage message) {
try {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Queueing marker message. <{}>. The queue contains {} entries.", this, message, getQueueSize());
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Queued marker message. The queue contains {} entries.", this, getQueueSize());
catch (CancelException e) {
throw e;
catch (Exception e) {
if (!isStopped()) {
logger.fatal(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0__EXCEPTION_OCCURRED_WHILE_ATTEMPTING_TO_ADD_MESSAGE_TO_QUEUE, this), e);
private void sendMessageDirectly(ClientMessage clientMessage) {
Message message;
try {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Dispatching directly: {}", this, clientMessage);
message = clientMessage.getMessage(getProxy(), true);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{}: Dispatched directly: {}", this, clientMessage);
// The exception handling code was modeled after the MessageDispatcher
// run method
} catch (IOException e) {
synchronized (this._stopDispatchingLock) {
// Pause or unregister proxy
if (!isStopped() && !getProxy().isPaused()) {
logger.fatal(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0__AN_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_OCCURRED, this), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!isStopped()) {
logger.fatal(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.CacheClientProxy_0__AN_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_OCCURRED, this), e);
protected void waitForResumption() throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (this._pausedLock) {, this));
if (!getProxy().isPaused()) {
while (getProxy().isPaused()) {
// Fix for #48571
protected void resumeDispatching() {, this));
// Notify thread to resume
protected Object deserialize(byte[] serializedBytes)
Object deserializedObject = serializedBytes;
// This is a debugging method so ignore all exceptions like
// ClassNotFoundException
try {
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(
deserializedObject = DataSerializer.readObject(dis);
catch (Exception e) {
return deserializedObject;
protected void initializeTransients()
while (!this._messageQueue.isEmptyAckList()&& this._messageQueue.isPeekInitialized()) {
try {
}catch(InterruptedException e){
* Returns the current number of CQS the client installed.
* @return int the current count of CQs for this client
public int getCqCount() {
synchronized (this) {
return this._statistics.getCqCount();
* Increment the number of CQs the client installed
public void incCqCount() {
synchronized (this) {
* Decrement the number of CQs the client installed
public synchronized void decCqCount() {
synchronized (this) {
* Returns true if the client has one CQ
* @return true if the client has one CQ
public boolean hasOneCq() {
synchronized (this) {
return this._statistics.getCqCount() == 1;
* Returns true if the client has no CQs
* @return true if the client has no CQs
public boolean hasNoCq() {
synchronized (this) {
return this._statistics.getCqCount() == 0;
* Get map of regions with empty data policy
* @since 6.1
public Map getRegionsWithEmptyDataPolicy() {
return regionsWithEmptyDataPolicy;
public int incrementAndGetPingCounter() {
int pingCount = this.pingCounter.incrementAndGet();
return pingCount;
public void resetPingCounter() {
* Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Client proxy
* created.
* @since 7.0
public long getUpTime() {
return (long) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this.creationDate.getTime()) / 1000);
public interface TestHook {
public void doTestHook(String spot);
public static TestHook testHook;