blob: c0bd7197eace6286d259ef9d35ffa6f8c3004d67 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright
* and intellectual property laws. Pivotal products are covered by
* one or more patents listed at
package com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.index;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.TypeMismatchException;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.AttributeDescriptor;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.index.AbstractIndex.InternalIndexStatistics;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.types.TypeUtils;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.CachePerfStats;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.CachedDeserializable;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.RegionEntry;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.offheap.StoredObject;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.util.ObjectProcedure;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.util.PrimeFinder;
* An implementation of the <tt>Set</tt> interface that uses an open-addressed
* hash table to store its contents.
* On collisions, will store contents in an IndexElemArray and once a threshold
* has been hit, will store in ConcurrentHashSets.
public class HashIndexSet implements Set {
* optional statistics object to track number of hash collisions and time
* spent probing based on hash collisions
private transient CachePerfStats cacheStats;
/** the current number of occupied slots in the hash. */
protected transient int _size;
/** the current number of free slots in the hash. */
protected transient int _free;
/** the current number of occupied slots in the hash. */
protected transient int _removedTokens;
/** the load above which rehashing occurs. */
protected static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.5f;
* the default initial capacity for the hash table. This is one less than a
* prime value because one is added to it when searching for a prime capacity
* to account for the free slot required by open addressing. Thus, the real
* default capacity is 11.
protected static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 100;
* Determines how full the internal table can become before rehashing is
* required. This must be a value in the range: 0.0 < loadFactor < 1.0. The
* default value is 0.5, which is about as large as you can get in open
* addressing without hurting performance. Cf. Knuth, Volume 3., Chapter 6.
protected float _loadFactor;
* The maximum number of elements allowed without allocating more space.
protected int _maxSize;
protected static final int CONDITIONAL_COMPACT_FACTOR = 2;
//If after an update, the number of removed tokens X percent of the max size,
//we will compact and rehash to remove the tokens.
protected static final float CONDITIONAL_REMOVED_TOKEN_REHASH_FACTOR = .7f;
/** the set of Objects */
protected transient Object[] _set;
/** the strategy used to hash objects in this collection. */
protected HashIndexStrategy _hashingStrategy;
protected static final Object REMOVED = new Object();
static boolean TEST_ALWAYS_REHASH = false;
* Map for RegionEntries=>value of indexedExpression (reverse map)
private ConcurrentMap<Object, Object> entryToValuesMap;
protected ThreadLocal<Object2ObjectOpenHashMap> entryToOldKeysMap;
protected InternalIndexStatistics internalIndexStats;
private AttributeDescriptor attDesc;
* Creates a new <code>HashIndexSet</code> instance with the default capacity
* and load factor.
public HashIndexSet() {
public HashIndexSet(ConcurrentMap reverseMap, ThreadLocal<Object2ObjectOpenHashMap> entryToOldKeysMap, InternalIndexStatistics internalIndexStats) {
this.entryToValuesMap = reverseMap;
this.entryToOldKeysMap = entryToOldKeysMap;
this.internalIndexStats = internalIndexStats;
* Creates a new <code>HashIndexSet</code> instance with the default capacity
* and load factor.
* @param strategy used to compute hash codes and to compare objects.
public HashIndexSet(HashIndexStrategy strategy) {
this._hashingStrategy = strategy;
* Creates a new <code>HashIndexSet</code> instance with a prime capacity
* equal to or greater than <tt>initialCapacity</tt> and with the default load
* factor.
* @param initialCapacity
* an <code>int</code> value
public HashIndexSet(int initialCapacity) {
this(initialCapacity, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
* Creates a new <code>HashIndexSet</code> instance with a prime capacity
* equal to or greater than <tt>initialCapacity</tt> and with the default load
* factor.
* @param initialCapacity an <code>int</code> value
* @param strategy used to compute hash codes and to compare objects.
public HashIndexSet(int initialCapacity, HashIndexStrategy strategy) {
this(initialCapacity, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
this._hashingStrategy = strategy;
* Creates a new <code>HashIndexSet</code> instance with a prime capacity
* equal to or greater than <tt>initialCapacity</tt> and with the specified
* load factor.
* @param initialCapacity an <code>int</code> value
* @param loadFactor a <code>float</code> value
public HashIndexSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
_loadFactor = loadFactor;
setUp((int) Math.ceil(initialCapacity / loadFactor));
* Creates a new <code>HashIndexSet</code> instance with a prime capacity
* equal to or greater than <tt>initialCapacity</tt> and with the specified
* load factor.
* @param initialCapacity
* an <code>int</code> value
* @param loadFactor
* a <code>float</code> value
* @param strategy
* used to compute hash codes and to compare objects.
public HashIndexSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor,
HashIndexStrategy strategy) {
this(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
this._hashingStrategy = strategy;
* Creates a new <code>HashIndexSet</code> instance containing the elements of
* <tt>collection</tt>.
* @param collection
* a <code>Collection</code> value
public HashIndexSet(Collection collection) {
* Creates a new <code>HashIndexSet</code> instance containing the elements of
* <tt>collection</tt>.
* @param collection
* a <code>Collection</code> value
* @param strategy
* used to compute hash codes and to compare objects.
public HashIndexSet(Collection collection, HashIndexStrategy strategy) {
this(collection.size(), strategy);
public void setHashIndexStrategy(HashIndexStrategy hashingStrategy) {
this._hashingStrategy = hashingStrategy;
* Set the statistics object for tracking hash code collisions. Should be
* called before the first element is added.
public void setCachePerfStats(CachePerfStats stats) {
this.cacheStats = stats;
* Searches the set for <tt>obj</tt>
* @param obj
* an <code>Object</code> value
* @return a <code>boolean</code> value
public boolean contains(Object obj) {
return index(obj) >= 0;
* @param object can be either a region entry or index key
* @param recomputeKey
whether the object is a region entry and needs to have the key recomputed
* @return the hash key
private int computeHash(Object object, boolean recomputeKey) {
return _hashingStrategy.computeHashCode(object, recomputeKey) & 0x7fffffff;
* Locates the index of <tt>obj</tt>.
* @param obj an <code>Object</code> value, expected to be a
* @return the index of <tt>obj</tt> or -1 if it isn't in the set.
protected int index(Object obj) {
return index(_hashingStrategy.computeKey(obj), obj);
protected int index(Object key, Object obj) {
return index(key, obj, -1);
* Locates index slot of object using the provided key (in this case we are passing in old key)
* @param key
* @param obj
* @return the indexSlot of the given key/object combination
protected int index(Object key, Object obj, int ignoreThisSlot) {
int hash, probe, index, length;
Object[] set;
Object cur;
set = _set;
length = set.length;
hash = computeHash(key, false);
index = hash % length;
cur = set[index];
long start = -1L;
if (this.cacheStats != null) {
start = this.cacheStats.getStatTime();
//Find the correct collection that matches key of the object we are looking for
//if one exists, we then look to see if the element exists in the collection
//If a collection is not correct, we probe for the next collection until a null is found
while (cur != null) {
if (cur != REMOVED && index != ignoreThisSlot) {
if (cur instanceof RegionEntry) {
if (_hashingStrategy.equalsOnAdd(obj, cur)) {
return index;
probe = 1 + (hash % (length - 2));
index -= probe;
if (index < 0) {
index += length;
cur = set[index];
return -1;
public Iterator getAll() {
return getAllNotMatching(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
public Iterator getAllNotMatching(Collection keysToRemove) {
return new HashIndexSetIterator(keysToRemove, _set);
* Locates the index of <tt>obj</tt>.
* @param indexKey
* an <code>Object</code> value that represents the index key
* @return the a collection of objects that match the index key or an empty
* collection if none match
public Iterator get(Object indexKey) {
return new HashIndexSetIterator(indexKey, _set);
* @param set the array that all elements are stored in
* @param index
* the array index location to store the object. This should be
* calculated by one of the insertionIndex methods
* @param newObject the object to add to the set
* @return true if object was added
private boolean addObjectToSet(Object[] set, int index, Object newObject) {
boolean added = true;
if (index < 0) {
throwObjectContractViolation(set[(-index - 1)], newObject);
Object oldObject = set[index];
if (oldObject == null || oldObject == REMOVED) {
set[index] = newObject;
} else if (oldObject instanceof RegionEntry) {
IndexElemArray elemArray = new IndexElemArray();
set[index] = elemArray;
} else if (oldObject instanceof IndexConcurrentHashSet) {
added = ((IndexConcurrentHashSet) oldObject).add(newObject);
} else if (oldObject instanceof IndexElemArray) {
IndexElemArray elemArray = (IndexElemArray) oldObject;
if (elemArray.size() >= IndexManager.INDEX_ELEMARRAY_THRESHOLD) {
IndexConcurrentHashSet newSet = new IndexConcurrentHashSet(
IndexManager.INDEX_ELEMARRAY_THRESHOLD + 20, 0.75f, 1);
set[index] = newSet;
} else {
return added;
* Inserts a value into the set.
* @param obj an <code>Object</code> value
* @return true if the set was modified by the add operation
public synchronized boolean add(Object obj){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"add(Object) not supported, try add(Object key, Object obj) instead");
public synchronized boolean add(Object indexKey, Object obj) throws TypeMismatchException {
// Before adding the entry with new value, remove it from reverse map and
// using the oldValue remove entry from the forward map.
// Reverse-map is used based on the system property
Object oldKey = null;
if (IndexManager.isObjectModificationInplace() && this.entryToValuesMap.containsKey(obj)){
oldKey = this.entryToValuesMap.get(obj);
else if (!IndexManager.isObjectModificationInplace() && this.entryToOldKeysMap != null) {
Map oldKeyMap = this.entryToOldKeysMap.get();
if (oldKeyMap != null) {
oldKey = TypeUtils.indexKeyFor(oldKeyMap.get(obj));
// Note we cannot make the optimization for hash index. Due to in place modification
// where old key == new key (when no reverse map) we end up not updating to the correct slot in this case
// If oldKey and the newKey are same there is no need to update the
// index-maps.
// if ((oldKey == null && indexKey == null)
// || indexKey.equals(oldKey)) {
// return false;
// }
//grow/shrink capacity if needed
int indexSlot = insertionIndex(indexKey, obj, _set);
if (indexSlot < 0) {
return false; // already present in set, nothing to add
Object old = _set[indexSlot];
boolean added = addObjectToSet(_set, indexSlot, obj);
if (added) {
//Update the reverse map
if ( IndexManager.isObjectModificationInplace()) {
this.entryToValuesMap.put(obj, indexKey);
if (indexKey != null && oldKey != null) {
remove(oldKey, obj, false, indexSlot);
// Update Stats after real addition
// only call this now if we are adding to an actual empty slot, otherwise we
// have reused
// and inserted into a set or array
if (old == null) {
else {
return added; // yes, we added something
* Locates the index at which <tt>obj</tt> can be inserted. if there is
* already a value equal()ing <tt>obj</tt> in the set, returns that value's
* index as <tt>-index - 1</tt>.
* @param obj
* an <code>Object</code> value
* @return the index of a FREE slot at which obj can be inserted or, if obj is
* already stored in the hash, the negative value of that index, minus
* 1: -index -1.
protected int insertionIndex(Object obj) {
return insertionIndex(_hashingStrategy.computeKey(obj), obj, _set);
protected int insertionIndex(Object obj, Object[] set) {
return insertionIndex(_hashingStrategy.computeKey(obj), obj, set);
* Locates the index at which <tt>obj</tt> can be inserted. if there is
* already a value equal()ing <tt>obj</tt> in the set, returns that value's
* index as <tt>-index - 1</tt>.
* @param obj
* an <code>Object</code> value
* @return the index of a FREE slot at which obj can be inserted or, if obj is
* already stored in the hash, the negative value of that index, minus
* 1: -index -1.
protected int insertionIndex(Object indexKey, Object obj, Object[] set) {
int hash, probe, indexSlot, length;
Object cur;
length = set.length;
hash = computeHash(indexKey, false);
indexSlot = hash % length;
cur = set[indexSlot];
if (cur == null) {
return indexSlot; // empty, all done
// Getting here means we have yet to find the correct key collection
// so we must find the double hash
long start = -1L;
if (this.cacheStats != null) {
start = this.cacheStats.getStatTime();
try {
// compute the double hash
probe = 1 + (hash % (length - 2));
// if the slot we landed on is FULL (but not removed), probe
// until we find an empty slot, a REMOVED slot, or an element
// equal to the one we are trying to insert.
// finding an empty slot means that the value is not present
// and that we should use that slot as the insertion point;
// finding a REMOVED slot means that we need to keep searching,
// however we want to remember the offset of that REMOVED slot
// so we can reuse it in case a "new" insertion (i.e. not an update)
// is possible.
// finding a matching value means that we've found that our desired
// key is already in the table
if (cur != REMOVED) {
// starting at the natural offset, probe until we find an
// offset that isn't full.
do {
indexSlot -= probe;
if (indexSlot < 0) {
indexSlot += length;
cur = set[indexSlot];
} while (cur != null && cur != REMOVED);
return indexSlot;
} finally {
if (this.cacheStats != null) {
// GemStoneAddition
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof Set)) {
return false;
Set that = (Set) other;
if (that.size() != this.size()) {
return false;
return containsAll(that);
// GemStoneAddition
public int hashCode() {
HashProcedure p = new HashProcedure();
return p.getHashCode();
* Executes <tt>procedure</tt> for each element in the set.
* @param procedure
* a <code>TObjectProcedure</code> value
* @return false if the loop over the set terminated because the procedure
* returned false for some value.
public boolean forEach(ObjectProcedure procedure) {
Object[] set = _set;
for (int i = set.length; i-- > 0;) {
if (set[i] != null && set[i] != REMOVED && !procedure.executeWith(set[i])) {
return false;
return true;
protected/* GemStoneAddition */final class HashProcedure implements
ObjectProcedure {
private int h = 0;
public int getHashCode() {
return h;
public final boolean executeWith(Object key) {
h += _hashingStrategy.computeHashCode(key);
return true;
* Expands the set to accomodate new values.
* @param newCapacity
* an <code>int</code> value
// GemStoneAddition
protected void rehash(int newCapacity) {
int oldCapacity = _set.length;
Object[] oldSet = _set;
Object[] newSet = new Object[newCapacity];
_removedTokens = 0;
//adds/removes/rehash should all be synchronized by the hashindex
//we are ok to clear this map and repopulate
//we do not do this for _set because we could still be querying
//but the reversemap is only used for adds/removes/rehash
if (IndexManager.isObjectModificationInplace()) {
for (int i = oldCapacity; i-- > 0;) {
if (oldSet[i] != null && oldSet[i] != REMOVED) {
Object o = oldSet[i];
if (o instanceof RegionEntry) {
Object key = _hashingStrategy.computeKey(o);
if (key == null) {
key = IndexManager.NULL;
int index = insertionIndex(key, o, newSet);
if (index >= 0)
if (addObjectToSet(newSet, index, o)) {
updateReverseMap(o, key);
_set = newSet;
private void updateReverseMap(Object regionEntry, Object key) {
if (IndexManager.isObjectModificationInplace()) {
entryToValuesMap.put(regionEntry, key);
* Convenience methods for subclasses to use in throwing exceptions about
* badly behaved user objects employed as keys. We have to throw an
* IllegalArgumentException with a rather verbose message telling the user
* that they need to fix their object implementation to conform to the general
* contract for java.lang.Object.
* @param o1
* the first of the equal elements with unequal hash codes.
* @param o2
* the second of the equal elements with unequal hash codes.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* the whole point of this method.
protected final void throwObjectContractViolation(Object o1, Object o2)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Equal objects must have equal hashcodes. "
+ "During rehashing, Trove discovered that "
+ "the following two objects claim to be "
+ "equal (as in java.lang.Object.equals()) "
+ "but their hashCodes (or those calculated by "
+ "your HashIndexStrategy) are not equal."
+ "This violates the general contract of "
+ "java.lang.Object.hashCode(). See bullet point two "
+ "in that method's documentation. " + "object #1 ="
+ objToString(o1) + "; object #2 =" + objToString(o2));
private static String objToString(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Object[]) {
return java.util.Arrays.toString((Object[]) o);
} else {
return String.valueOf(o);
* Returns a new array containing the objects in the set.
* @return an <code>Object[]</code> value
public Object[] toArray() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"toArray not yet supported");
* Returns a typed array of the objects in the set.
* @param a
* an <code>Object[]</code> value
* @return an <code>Object[]</code> value
public Object[] toArray(Object[] a) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"toArray(Object[] a) not yet supported");
* Empties the set.
// GemStoneAddition
public void clear() {
_size = 0;
_free = capacity();
_removedTokens = 0;
if (IndexManager.isObjectModificationInplace()) {
Object[] set = _set;
for (int i = set.length; i-- > 0;) {
set[i] = null;
protected int capacity() {
return _set.length;
* Removes <tt>obj</tt> from the set.
* Currently not implemented correctly, use {@link HashIndexSet#remove(Object, Object, boolean)}
* @param obj an <code>Object</code> value
* @return true if the set was modified by the remove operation.
public boolean remove(Object obj) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"remove(Object) not supported, try remove(Object key, Object obj) instead");
public synchronized boolean remove(Object key, Object obj, boolean updateReverseMap) {
return remove(key, obj, updateReverseMap, -1);
* @param key assumed to not be null, rather needs to be NULL token
* @param obj
* @param updateReverseMap
* @param newIndexSlot if inplace modification occurs with out having a reversemap
* we end up scanning the entire index. We want to remove the region entry from the index slot
* but not the newly added (correct) slot. Rather only the "old/wrong" slot
* @return true if object was removed, false otherwise
public synchronized boolean remove(Object key, Object obj, boolean updateReverseMap, int newIndexSlot) {
int indexSlot = index(key, obj, newIndexSlot);
boolean removed = false;
//The check for newIndexSlot != indexSlot is incase of in place modification.
//When inplace occurs, oldkey == newkey and we end up wiping out the "new key" slow rather
//than the old key slot. Instead let's get to the else portion
if (indexSlot >= 0 && indexSlot != newIndexSlot) {
removed = removeAt(indexSlot);
if (removed) {
if (updateReverseMap && IndexManager.isObjectModificationInplace()) {
return removed;
else if (!IndexManager.isObjectModificationInplace()){
//object could not be found so it's possible there was an inplace modification
HashIndexSetIterator iterator = (HashIndexSetIterator)getAll();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object indexedObject =;
if (_hashingStrategy.equalsOnAdd(indexedObject, obj) && iterator.currentObjectIndex() != newIndexSlot) {
return true;
return false;
* Creates an iterator over the values of the set. The iterator supports
* element deletion.
* @return an <code>Iterator</code> value
public Iterator iterator() {
return getAll();
* Tests the set to determine if all of the elements in <tt>collection</tt>
* are present.
* @param collection a <code>Collection</code> value
* @return true if all elements were present in the set.
public boolean containsAll(Collection collection) {
for (Iterator i = collection.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
if (!contains( {
return false;
return true;
* Adds all of the elements in <tt>collection</tt> to the set.
* @param collection a <code>Collection</code> value
* @return true if the set was modified by the add all operation.
public boolean addAll(Collection collection) {
boolean changed = false;
int size = collection.size();
Iterator it;
it = collection.iterator();
while (size-- > 0) {
Object obj =;
if (obj != null && add(obj)) {
changed = true;
return changed;
* Removes all of the elements in <tt>collection</tt> from the set.
* @param collection a <code>Collection</code> value
* @return true if the set was modified by the remove all operation.
public boolean removeAll(Collection collection) {
boolean changed = false;
int size = collection.size();
Iterator it;
it = collection.iterator();
while (size-- > 0) {
if (remove( {
changed = true;
return changed;
* Removes any values in the set which are not contained in
* <tt>collection</tt>.
* @param collection a <code>Collection</code> value
* @return true if the set was modified by the retain all operation
public boolean retainAll(Collection collection) {
boolean changed = false;
int size = size();
Iterator it;
it = iterator();
while (size-- > 0) {
if (!collection.contains( {
changed = true;
return changed;
// GemStoneAddition
* Tells whether this set is currently holding any elements.
* @return a <code>boolean</code> value
public boolean isEmpty() {
return 0 == _size;
* Returns the number of slots used in the backing array
* Is not a true representation of the number of elements in the array
* @return an <code>int</code> value
public int size() {
return _size;
public int size(Object indexKey) {
int hash, probe, index, length;
Object[] set;
Object cur;
int size = 0;
//find the first array index location
set = _set;
length = set.length;
hash = computeHash(indexKey, false);
index = hash % length;
cur = set[index];
if (cur == null) {
// return
return 0;
while (cur != null) {
if (cur != REMOVED) {
if (cur instanceof RegionEntry) {
if (_hashingStrategy.equalsOnGet(indexKey, cur)) {
//If this is not the correct collection, one that does not match the key
//we are looking for, then continue our search
probe = 1 + (hash % (length - 2));
index -= probe;
if (index < 0) {
index += length;
cur = set[index];
return size;
* Ensure that this hashtable has sufficient capacity to hold
* <tt>desiredCapacity<tt> <b>additional</b> elements without
* requiring a rehash. This is a tuning method you can call
* before doing a large insert.
* @param desiredCapacity an <code>int</code> value
public void ensureCapacity(int desiredCapacity) {
if (desiredCapacity > (_maxSize - size())) {
rehash(PrimeFinder.nextPrime((int) Math.ceil(desiredCapacity + size()
/ _loadFactor) + 1));
* Compresses the hashtable to the minimum prime size (as defined by
* PrimeFinder) that will hold all of the elements currently in the table. If
* you have done a lot of <tt>remove</tt> operations and plan to do a lot of
* queries or insertions or iteration, it is a good idea to invoke this
* method. Doing so will accomplish two things:
* <ol>
* <li>You'll free memory allocated to the table but no longer needed because
* of the remove()s.</li>
* <li>You'll get better query/insert/iterator performance because there won't
* be any <tt>REMOVED</tt> slots to skip over when probing for indices in the
* table.</li>
* </ol>
public void compact() {
// need at least one free spot for open addressing
rehash(PrimeFinder.nextPrime((int) Math.ceil(size() / _loadFactor) + 1));
// GemStoneAddition
* Calls compact by taking next set expansion into account. The set is
* expanded based on the capacity and load factor (default .5) this method
* calls the compact if the size is well below next expansion.
public void conditionalCompact() {
if (_size < (capacity() * (_loadFactor / CONDITIONAL_COMPACT_FACTOR))) {
* This simply calls {@link #compact compact}. It is included for symmetry
* with other collection classes. Note that the name of this method is
* somewhat misleading (which is why we prefer <tt>compact</tt>) as the load
* factor may require capacity above and beyond the size of this collection.
* @see #compact
public final void trimToSize() {
* Delete the record at <tt>index</tt>. Reduces the size of the collection by
* one.
* @param index an <code>int</code> value
protected boolean removeAt(int index) {
Object cur;
cur = _set[index];
if (cur == null || cur == REMOVED) {
//nothing removed
return false;
} else {
_set[index] = REMOVED;
_removedTokens ++;
return true;
* initializes the hashtable to a prime capacity which is at least
* <tt>initialCapacity + 1</tt>.
* @param initialCapacity an <code>int</code> value
* @return the actual capacity chosen
protected int setUp(int initialCapacity) {
int capacity;
capacity = PrimeFinder.nextPrime(initialCapacity);
_set = new Object[capacity];
return capacity;
* Computes the values of maxSize. There will always be at least one free slot
* required.
* @param capacity an <code>int</code> value
private final void computeMaxSize(int capacity) {
// need at least one free slot for open addressing
_maxSize = Math.min(capacity - 1, (int) Math.floor(capacity * _loadFactor));
_free = capacity - _size; // reset the free element count
* After an insert, this hook is called to adjust the size/free values of the
* set and to perform rehashing if necessary.
protected final void postInsertHook(boolean usedFreeSlot) {
if (usedFreeSlot) {
else {
//we used a removeToken
protected final void preInsertHook() {
// rehash whenever we exhaust the available space in the table
if (_size > _maxSize || _free == 0 || TEST_ALWAYS_REHASH) {
// choose a new capacity suited to the new state of the table
// if we've grown beyond our maximum size, double capacity;
// if we've exhausted the free spots, rehash to the same capacity,
// which will free up any stale removed slots for reuse.
int newCapacity = _size > _maxSize ? PrimeFinder
.nextPrime(capacity() << 1) : capacity();
else if (_removedTokens > _maxSize * CONDITIONAL_REMOVED_TOKEN_REHASH_FACTOR) {
final class ToObjectArrayProcedure implements ObjectProcedure {
private final Object[] target;
private int pos = 0;
public ToObjectArrayProcedure(final Object[] target) { = target;
public final boolean executeWith(Object value) {
target[pos++] = value;
return true;
} // ToObjectArrayProcedure
public String printAll() {
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < _set.length; i++) {
Object object = _set[i];
if (object != null && object != REMOVED) {
s.append("\n slot[" + i + "]:");
if (object instanceof Collection) {
for (Object o : ((Collection) object)) {
if (o != null) {
RegionEntry re = (RegionEntry) o;
Object val = re._getValue(); // OFFHEAP _getValue ok
if (val instanceof StoredObject) {
// We don't have enough info here to deserialize an off-heap value
// so we can't call getDeserializedForReading.
// Also we can't call _getValueRetain because we do not
// know what region to pass in to it.
// So for now we just convert it to a String which all StoredObject
// impls can do without needing a refcount or to decompress.
val = val.toString();
if (val instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
val = ((CachedDeserializable) val).getDeserializedForReading();
s.append(re.getKey() + " => " + val + " # ");
} else {
RegionEntry re = (RegionEntry) object;
Object val = re._getValue(); // OFFHEAP _getValue ok
if (val instanceof StoredObject) {
// We don't have enough info here to deserialize an off-heap value
// so we can't call getDeserializedForReading.
// Also we can't call _getValueRetain because we do not
// know what region to pass in to it.
// So for now we just convert it to a String which all StoredObject
// impls can do without needing a refcount or to decompress.
val = val.toString();
if (val instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
val = ((CachedDeserializable) val).getDeserializedForReading();
s.append(re.getKey() + " => " + val);
return s.toString();
private class HashIndexSetIterator implements Iterator {
private Object keyToMatch;
//objects at time of iterator creation
private final Object[] objects;
private int indexSlot;
private Collection keysToRemove;
private Object current;
private int hash;
private int length;
private int probe;
private HashIndexSetIterator(Collection keysToRemove, Object[] objects ) {
this.keysToRemove = keysToRemove;
this.indexSlot = 0;
this.objects = objects;
current = objects[indexSlot];
private HashIndexSetIterator(Object keyToMatch, Object[] objects) {
this.keyToMatch = keyToMatch;
this.objects = objects;
length = objects.length;
hash = computeHash(keyToMatch, false);
probe = 1 + (hash % (length - 2));
indexSlot = hash % length;
current = objects[indexSlot];
public boolean hasNext() {
// For Not Equals we need to look in the entire set
if (keysToRemove != null) {
while (indexSlot < objects.length) {
current = objects[indexSlot];
if (current == null || current.equals(REMOVED)) {
//continue searching
else if (notMatchingAnyKeyToRemove(keysToRemove, current)) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
current = objects[indexSlot];
// For Equals query
while (current != null) {
if (current != REMOVED) {
if (_hashingStrategy.equalsOnGet(keyToMatch, current)) {
return true;
// If this is not the correct collection, one that does not match the
// key we are looking for, then continue our search
indexSlot -= probe;
if (indexSlot < 0) {
indexSlot += length;
current = objects[indexSlot];
return false;
private boolean notMatchingAnyKeyToRemove(Collection keysToRemove, Object current) {
Iterator keysToRemoveIterator = keysToRemove.iterator();
while (keysToRemoveIterator.hasNext()) {
Object keyToMatch =;
if (_hashingStrategy.equalsOnGet(keyToMatch, current)) {
return false;
return true;
public Object next() throws NoSuchElementException {
Object obj = current;
if (keysToRemove != null) {
// for Not equals we need to continue looking
// so increment the index here
} else {
//advance the pointer
indexSlot -= probe;
if (indexSlot < 0) {
indexSlot += length;
return obj;
int currentObjectIndex() {
int indexToRemove = 0;
//Because we advanced on the next() call, we need to get the indexSlot prior to advancing
if (keysToRemove != null) {
// for Not equals we need to continue looking
// so increment the index here
indexToRemove = indexSlot - 1;
} else {
//move back the pointer
indexToRemove = indexSlot + probe;
if (indexSlot >= objects.length) {
indexToRemove = indexSlot - length;
return indexToRemove;
public void remove() {
} // HashIndexSet