blob: 5a0ad19f0a0bd356327c14236323fb2c212ef469 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright
* and intellectual property laws. Pivotal products are covered by
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package com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.hdfs.internal.hoplog;
* This interface defines all the hoplog configuration related constants. One
* location simplifies searching for a constant
* @author ashvina
public interface HoplogConfig {
// max number of open files per bucket. by default each region has 113
// buckets. A typical hdfs deployment has 5 DN each allowing 4096 open
// files. The intent is to use around 40 % of these and hence the default
// value is 72
public static final String BUCKET_MAX_OPEN_HFILES_CONF = "";
public final Integer BUCKET_MAX_OPEN_HFILES_DEFAULT = 72;
public static final String HFILE_BLOCK_SIZE_CONF = "hoplog.hfile.block.size";
// Region maintenance activity interval. default is 2 mins
public static final String JANITOR_INTERVAL_SECS = "hoplog.janitor.interval.secs";
public static final long JANITOR_INTERVAL_SECS_DEFAULT = 120l;
// Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for suspension action to complete
public static final String SUSPEND_MAX_WAIT_MS = "";
public static final long SUSPEND_MAX_WAIT_MS_DEFAULT = 1000l;
// Compaction request queue limit configuraiton
public static final String COMPCATION_QUEUE_CAPACITY = "hoplog.compaction.queue.capacity";
public static final int COMPCATION_QUEUE_CAPACITY_DEFAULT = 500;
// Compaction request queue limit configuraiton
public static final String COMPACTION_FILE_RATIO = "hoplog.compaction.file.ratio";
public static final float COMPACTION_FILE_RATIO_DEFAULT = 1.3f;
//Amount of time before deleting old temporary files
public static final String TMP_FILE_EXPIRATION = "";
public static final long TMP_FILE_EXPIRATION_DEFAULT = 10 * 60 * 1000;
// If this property is set as true, GF will let DFS client cache FS objects
public static final String USE_FS_CACHE = "hoplog.use.fs.cache";
// If set hdfs store will be able to connect to local file System
public static final String ALLOW_LOCAL_HDFS_PROP = "hoplog.ALLOW_LOCAL_HDFS";
// The following constants are used to read kerberos authentication related
// configuration. Currently these configurations are provided as client config
// file while hdfs store is created
public static final String KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL = "gemfirexd.kerberos.principal";
public static final String KERBEROS_KEYTAB_FILE= "gemfirexd.kerberos.keytab.file";
// clean up interval file that exposed to MapReduce jobs
public static final String CLEAN_UP_INTERVAL_FILE_NAME = "cleanUpInterval";
// Compression settings
public static final String COMPRESSION = "hoplog.compression.algorithm";
public static final String COMPRESSION_DEFAULT = "NONE";