blob: b4c9b9a3655284a4c7719059f41a459f437afb18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* The CqQuery QuickStart Example.
* This example takes the following steps:
* 1. Create a Geode Cache Programmatically.
* 2. Create the example Region Programmatically.
* 3. Populate some query objects on the Region.
* 4. Register a cqQuery listener
* 5. Execute a cqQuery with initial Results
* 6. Close the Cache.
// Use standard namespaces
using System;
// Use the Geode namespace
using Apache.Geode.Client;
// Use the "Tests" namespace for the query objects.
using Apache.Geode.Client.Tests;
namespace Apache.Geode.Client.QuickStart
// The CqQuery QuickStart example.
//User Listener
public class MyCqListener<TKey, TResult> : ICqListener<TKey, TResult>
public virtual void OnEvent(CqEvent<TKey, TResult> ev)
Portfolio val = ev.getNewValue() as Portfolio;
TKey key = ev.getKey();
CqOperationType opType = ev.getQueryOperation();
string opStr = "DESTROY";
if(opType == CqOperationType.OP_TYPE_CREATE)
opStr = "CREATE";
else if(opType == CqOperationType.OP_TYPE_UPDATE)
opStr = "UPDATE";
Console.WriteLine("MyCqListener::OnEvent called with key {0}, value ({1},{2}), op {3}.", key, val.ID, val.Pkid,opStr);
public virtual void OnError(CqEvent<TKey, TResult> ev)
Console.WriteLine("MyCqListener::OnError called");
public virtual void Close()
Console.WriteLine("MyCqListener::close called");
class ContinuousQuery
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create a Geode Cache Programmatically.
CacheFactory cacheFactory = CacheFactory.CreateCacheFactory();
Cache cache = cacheFactory.SetSubscriptionEnabled(true)
.AddServer("localhost", 50505)
Console.WriteLine("Created the Geode Cache");
RegionFactory regionFactory = cache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.PROXY);
// Create the example Region programmatically.
IRegion<string, Portfolio> region = regionFactory.Create<string, Portfolio>("Portfolios");
Console.WriteLine("Created the Region Programmatically.");
// Register our Serializable/Cacheable Query objects, viz. Portfolio and Position.
Console.WriteLine("Registered Serializable Query Objects");
// Populate the Region with some Portfolio objects.
Portfolio port1 = new Portfolio(1 /*ID*/, 10 /*size*/);
Portfolio port2 = new Portfolio(2 /*ID*/, 20 /*size*/);
Portfolio port3 = new Portfolio(3 /*ID*/, 30 /*size*/);
region["Key1"] = port1;
region["Key2"] = port2;
region["Key3"] = port3;
Console.WriteLine("Populated some Portfolio Objects");
// Get the QueryService from the Cache.
QueryService<string, object> qrySvc = cache.GetQueryService<string, object>();
Console.WriteLine("Got the QueryService from the Cache");
//create CqAttributes with listener
CqAttributesFactory<string, object> cqFac = new CqAttributesFactory<string, object>();
ICqListener<string, object> cqLstner = new MyCqListener<string, object>();
CqAttributes<string, object> cqAttr = cqFac.Create();
//create a new cqQuery
CqQuery<string, object> qry = qrySvc.NewCq("MyCq", "select * from /Portfolios" + " p where p.ID!=2", cqAttr, false);
// Execute a CqQuery with Initial Results
ICqResults<object> results = qry.ExecuteWithInitialResults();
Console.WriteLine("ResultSet Query returned {0} rows", results.Size);
//make changes to generate cq events
region["Key2"] = port1;
region["Key3"] = port2;
region["Key1"] = port3;
SelectResultsIterator<object> iter = results.GetIterator();
while (iter.HasNext)
object item = iter.Next();
if (item != null)
Struct st = item as Struct;
string key = st["key"] as string;
Console.WriteLine("Got key " + key);
Portfolio port = st["value"] as Portfolio;
if (port == null)
Position pos = st["value"] as Position;
if (pos == null)
string cs = st["value"] as string;
if (cs == null)
Console.WriteLine("Query got other/unknown object.");
Console.WriteLine("Query got string : {0}.", cs);
Console.WriteLine("Query got Position object with secId {0}, shares {1}.", pos.SecId, pos.SharesOutstanding);
Console.WriteLine("Query got Portfolio object with ID {0}, pkid {1}.", port.ID, port.Pkid);
//Stop the cq
//Close the cq
// Close the Geode Cache.
Console.WriteLine("Closed the Geode Cache");
// An exception should not occur
catch (GeodeException gfex)
Console.WriteLine("CqQuery Geode Exception: {0}", gfex.Message);