blob: eaa527899ddff1b401ea11d6828f9c27e3671468 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
plugins {
id 'com.diffplug.spotless'
// When a custom step changes, we need to bump the value passed to the method
// bumpThisNumberIfACustomStepChanges
// This has been historically easy to forget, however, and can cause failures in some rare cases.
// To safeguard against this, we instead use the (partial) md5 of this file as that method input.
def thisFile = file("${rootDir}/build-tools/scripts/src/main/groovy/spotless.gradle")
def thisFileMd5 = thisFile.text.md5() as String
def thisFileMd5Piece = thisFileMd5.substring(0, 8)
def thisFileIntegerHash = Integer.parseUnsignedInt(thisFileMd5Piece, 16)
logger.debug("Using partial md5 (${thisFileIntegerHash}) of file ${thisFile} as spotless bump.")
project.ext.set("spotless-file-hash", thisFileIntegerHash)
spotless {
lineEndings = 'unix'
java {
target project.fileTree(project.projectDir) {
include '**/*.java'
exclude '**/generated-src/**'
exclude '**/build/**'
// As the method name suggests, bump this number if any of the below "custom" rules change.
// Spotless will not run on unchanged files unless this number changes.
custom 'Remove commented-out import statements', {
it.replaceAll(/\n\/\/ import .*?;.*/, '')
custom 'Refuse wildcard imports', {
// Wildcard imports can't be resolved by spotless itself.
// This will require the developer themselves to adhere to best practices.
if (it =~ /\nimport .*\*;/) {
throw new AssertionError("Do not use wildcard imports. 'spotlessApply' cannot resolve this issue.")
custom 'Refuse Awaitility import', {
if (it =~ /import\s+(static\s+)?org.awaitility.Awaitility.*/) {
throw new AssertionError("Do not use Awaitility.await(). Use GeodeAwaitility.await() instead. 'spotlessApply' cannot resolve this issue.")
importOrderFile "${rootDir}/${scriptDir}/../etc/eclipseOrganizeImports.importorder"
custom 'Remove unhelpful javadoc stubs', {
// e.g., remove the following lines:
// "* @param paramName"
// "* @throws ExceptionType"
// "* @return returnType"'
// Multiline to allow anchors on newlines
it.replaceAll(/(?m)^ *\* *@(?:param|throws|return) *\w* *\n/, '')
custom 'Remove any empty Javadocs and block comments', {
// Matches any /** [...] */ or /* [...] */ that contains:
// (a) only whitespace
// (b) trivial information, such as "@param paramName" or @throws ExceptionType
// without any additional information. This information is implicit in the signature.
it.replaceAll(/\/\*+\s*\n(\s*\*\s*\n)*\s*\*+\/\s*\n/, '')
// Enforce style modifier order
custom 'Modifier ordering', {
def modifierRanking = [
"public" : 1,
"protected" : 2,
"private" : 3,
"abstract" : 4,
"default" : 5,
"static" : 6,
"final" : 7,
"transient" : 8,
"volatile" : 9,
"synchronized": 10,
"native" : 11,
"strictfp" : 12]
// Find any instance of multiple modifiers. Lead with a non-word character to avoid
// accidental matching against for instance, "an alternative default value"
it.replaceAll(/\W(?:public |protected |private |abstract |default |static |final |transient |volatile |synchronized |native |strictfp ){2,}/, {
// Do not replace the leading non-word character. Identify the modifiers
it.replaceAll(/(?:public |protected |private |abstract |default |static |final |transient |volatile |synchronized |native |strictfp ){2,}/, {
// Sort the modifiers according to the ranking above
it.split().sort({ modifierRanking[it] }).join(' ') + ' '
// Notes on eclipse formatter version:
// 4.6.3 is consistent with existing / previous behavior.
// 4.7.1 works, but had different default whitespace rules, notably with mid-ternary linebreak.
// 4.7.2 exists but is currently incompatible with our style file, raising NPEs.
// The format file is relative to geode-core and not the root project as the root project would change
// if Geode and submodules are included as part of a different gradle project.
eclipse('4.6.3').configFile "${rootDir}/${scriptDir}/../etc/eclipse-java-google-style.xml"
groovyGradle {
target project.fileTree(project.projectDir) {
include '**/*.gradle'
exclude '**/generated-src/**'
exclude '**/build/**'
// As the method name suggests, bump this number if any of the below "custom" rules change.
// Spotless will not run on unchanged files unless this number changes.
custom 'Use single-quote in project directives.', {
it.replaceAll(/project\(":([^"]*)"\)$/, 'project(\':$1\')')
custom 'Use parenthesis in single-line gradle dependency declarations.', {
it.replaceAll(/\n(\s*\S*(?:[cC]ompile|[rR]untime|[iI]mplementation|[tT]est)(?:Only)?) (?!\()([^{\n]*)\n/, { original, declaration, dep ->
replaceRegex('Do not pad spaces before parenthesis in gradle dependency declaration.',
/\n(\s*\S*(?:[cC]ompile|[rR]untime|[iI]mplementation|[tT]est)(?:Only)?) +\(/,
custom 'Drop version portion of dependency', {
def match
if ((match = it =~ /(\s*\S*(?:api|[cC]ompileOnly|[rR]untimeOnly|[iI]mplementation|[tT]est))\('([\w.-]+):([\w.-]+):([\w.-]+)'\)/)) {
throw new AssertionError("Error in: ${target} ${}.\nDo not declare raw dependency versions in project Gradle files. 'spotlessApply' cannot resolve this issue.\n")
// If we add more languages to Spotless, add them to 'compileXYZ' trigger below
afterEvaluate {
// Not all projects are java projects. findByName could return null, so use the null-safe ?. operator
// Within the configure block, 'project' refers to the task-owning project, in this case rootProject
def thisProjectScoped = project
rootProject.tasks.named('devBuild').configure {
dependsOn thisProjectScoped.tasks.named('spotlessApply')