blob: 8c2833c3b971dba7d0a9f567097afbdda71b8587 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.Immutable;
import org.apache.geode.internal.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.geode.logging.internal.log4j.api.LogService;
* The HttpOperationInvoker class is an abstract base class encapsulating common functionality for
* all HTTP-based OperationInvoker implementations.
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @since GemFire 8.0
public class HttpOperationInvoker implements OperationInvoker {
protected static final long DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1);
protected static final long DEFAULT_PERIOD = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(2000);
protected static final TimeUnit DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
protected static final String CMD_QUERY_PARAMETER = "cmd";
protected static final String COMMANDS_URI = "/management/commands";
protected static final String RESOURCES_REQUEST_PARAMETER = "resources";
// the ID of the GemFire distributed system (cluster)
private Integer clusterId = CLUSTER_ID_WHEN_NOT_CONNECTED;
// Executor for scheduling periodic Runnable task to assess the state of the Manager's HTTP
// service or Web Service
private final ScheduledExecutorService executorService;
// a reference to the GemFire shell (Gfsh) instance using this HTTP-based OperationInvoker for
// command execution
// and processing
private final Gfsh gfsh;
private final String baseUrl;
// a Java Logger used to log severe, warning, informational and debug messages during the
// operation of this invoker
private final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
// the Spring RestTemplate used to executeRequest HTTP requests and make REST API calls
private volatile HttpRequester httpRequester;
private boolean connected = false;
* Constructs an instance of the HttpOperationInvoker class with a reference to the GemFire shell
* (Gfsh) instance using this HTTP-based OperationInvoker to send commands to the GemFire Manager
* via HTTP for procsessing along with the base URL to the GemFire Manager's embedded HTTP service
* hosting the HTTP (REST) interface.
* @param gfsh a reference to the instance of the GemFire shell (Gfsh) using this HTTP-based
* OperationInvoker for command processing.
* @param baseUrl a String specifying the base URL to the GemFire Manager's embedded HTTP service
* hosting the REST interface.
* @throws AssertionError if the reference to the Gfsh instance is null.
* @see
public HttpOperationInvoker(final Gfsh gfsh, final String baseUrl,
Properties securityProperties) {
this.gfsh = gfsh;
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
httpRequester = new HttpRequester(securityProperties);
// request ping and then schedule the ping to access the "alive" state, this will trigger
// authentication check
httpRequester.get(HttpRequester.createURI(baseUrl, "/ping"), String.class);
connected = true;
// constructs an instance of a single-threaded, scheduled Executor to send periodic HTTP
// requests to the Manager's HTTP service or Web Service to assess the "alive" state
executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> {
try {
httpRequester.get(HttpRequester.createURI(baseUrl, "/ping"), String.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
printDebug("An error occurred while connecting to the Manager's HTTP service: %1$s: ",
// initialize cluster id
clusterId = (Integer) getAttribute(ManagementConstants.OBJECTNAME__DISTRIBUTEDSYSTEM_MXBEAN,
* Asserts whether state, based on the evaluation of a conditional expression, passed to this
* assertion is valid.
* @param validState a boolean value indicating the evaluation of the expression from which the
* conditional state is based. For example, a caller might use an expression of the form
* (initableObj.isInitialized()).
* @param message a String values used as the message when constructing an IllegalStateException.
* @param args Object arguments used to populate placeholder's in the message.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the conditional state is not valid.
* @see java.lang.String#format(String, Object...)
protected static void assertState(final boolean validState, final String message,
final Object... args) {
if (!validState) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(message, args));
* Determines whether Gfsh is in debug mode (or whether the user enabled debugging in Gfsh).
* @return a boolean value indicating if debugging has been turned on in Gfsh.
* @see
protected boolean isDebugEnabled() {
return getGfsh().getDebug();
* Gets the ExecutorService used by this HTTP OperationInvoker to scheduled periodic or delayed
* tasks.
* @return an instance of the ScheduledExecutorService for scheduling periodic or delayed tasks.
* @see java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
protected ScheduledExecutorService getExecutorService() {
return executorService;
* Returns the reference to the GemFire shell (Gfsh) instance using this HTTP-based
* OperationInvoker to send commands to the GemFire Manager for remote execution and processing.
* @return a reference to the instance of the GemFire shell (Gfsh) using this HTTP-based
* OperationInvoker to process commands.
* @see
protected Gfsh getGfsh() {
return gfsh;
* Displays the message inside GemFire shell at debug level.
* @param message the String containing the message to display inside Gfsh.
* @see #isDebugEnabled()
* @see #printInfo(String, Object...)
protected void printDebug(final String message, final Object... args) {
if (isDebugEnabled()) {
printInfo(message, args);
* Displays the message inside GemFire shell at info level.
* @param message the String containing the message to display inside Gfsh.
* @see
protected void printInfo(final String message, final Object... args) {
getGfsh().printAsInfo(String.format(message, args));
* Displays the message inside GemFire shell at warning level.
* @param message the String containing the message to display inside Gfsh.
* @see
protected void printWarning(final String message, final Object... args) {
getGfsh().printAsWarning(String.format(message, args));
* Displays the message inside GemFire shell at severe level.
* @param message the String containing the message to display inside Gfsh.
* @see
protected void printSevere(final String message, final Object... args) {
getGfsh().printAsSevere(String.format(message, args));
* Determines whether this HTTP-based OperationInvoker is successfully connected to the remote
* GemFire Manager's HTTP service in order to send commands for execution/processing.
* @return a boolean value indicating the connection state of the HTTP-based OperationInvoker.
public boolean isConnected() {
return connected;
* Determines whether this HTTP-based OperationInvoker is ready to send commands to the GemFire
* Manager for remote execution/processing.
* @return a boolean value indicating whether this HTTP-based OperationInvoker is ready for
* command invocations.
* @see #isConnected()
public boolean isReady() {
return isConnected();
* Read the attribute identified by name from a remote resource identified by name. The intent of
* this method is to return the value of an attribute on an MBean located in the remote
* MBeanServer.
* @param resourceName name/url of the remote resource from which to fetch the attribute value.
* @param attributeName name of the attribute who's value will be fetched.
* @return the value of the named attribute for the named resource (typically an MBean).
* @throws MBeanAccessException if an MBean access error occurs.
public Object getAttribute(final String resourceName, final String attributeName) {
final URI link = HttpRequester.createURI(baseUrl, "/mbean/attribute", "resourceName",
resourceName, "attributeName", attributeName);
try {
return IOUtils.deserializeObject(httpRequester.get(link, byte[].class));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MBeanAccessException(String.format(
"De-serializing the result of accessing attribute (%1$s) on MBean (%2$s) failed!",
resourceName, attributeName), e);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new MBeanAccessException(String.format(
"The Class type of the result when accessing attribute (%1$s) on MBean (%2$s) was not found!",
resourceName, attributeName), e);
public int getClusterId() {
return clusterId;
* Gets a proxy to the remote DistributedSystem MXBean to access attributes and invoke operations
* on the distributed system, or the GemFire cluster.
* @return a proxy instance of the GemFire Manager's DistributedSystem MXBean.
* @see #getMBeanProxy(, Class)
public DistributedSystemMXBean getDistributedSystemMXBean() {
return getMBeanProxy(MBeanJMXAdapter.getDistributedSystemName(), DistributedSystemMXBean.class);
* Gets a proxy to an MXBean on a remote MBeanServer using HTTP for remoting.
* @param <T> the class type of the remote MXBean.
* @param objectName the JMX ObjectName uniquely identifying the remote MXBean.
* @param mbeanInterface the interface of the remote MXBean to proxy for attribute/operation
* access.
* @return a proxy using HTTP remoting to access the specified, remote MXBean.
* @see
* @see
public <T> T getMBeanProxy(final ObjectName objectName, final Class<T> mbeanInterface) {
return HttpMBeanProxyFactory.createMBeanProxy(this, objectName, mbeanInterface);
* Invoke an operation identified by name on a remote resource identified by name with the given
* arguments. The intent of this method is to invoke an arbitrary operation on an MBean located in
* the remote MBeanServer.
* @param resourceName name/url (object name) of the remote resource (MBea) on which operation is
* to be invoked.
* @param operationName name of the operation to be invoked.
* @param params an array of arguments for the parameters to be set when the operation is invoked.
* @param signatures an array containing the signature of the operation.
* @return result of the operation invocation.
* @throws MBeanAccessException if an MBean access error occurs.
public Object invoke(final String resourceName, final String operationName, final Object[] params,
final String[] signatures) {
final URI link = HttpRequester.createURI(baseUrl, "/mbean/operation");
MultiValueMap<String, Object> content = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
content.add("resourceName", resourceName);
content.add("operationName", operationName);
if (params != null) {
for (Object param : params) {
content.add("parameters", param);
if (signatures != null) {
for (String signature : signatures) {
content.add("signature", signature);
try {
return IOUtils.deserializeObject(, content, byte[].class));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MBeanAccessException(String.format(
"De-serializing the result from invoking operation (%1$s) on MBean (%2$s) failed!",
resourceName, operationName), e);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new MBeanAccessException(String.format(
"The Class type of the result from invoking operation (%1$s) on MBean (%2$s) was not found!",
resourceName, operationName), e);
* This method searches the MBean server, based on the OperationsInvoker's JMX-based or remoting
* capable MBean server connection, for MBeans matching a specific ObjectName or matching an
* ObjectName pattern along with satisfying criteria from the Query expression.
* @param objectName the ObjectName or pattern for which matching MBeans in the target MBean
* server will be returned.
* @param queryExpression the JMX-based query expression used to filter matching MBeans.
* @return a set of ObjectName's matching MBeans in the MBean server matching the ObjectName and
* Query expression criteria.
public Set<ObjectName> queryNames(final ObjectName objectName, final QueryExp queryExpression) {
final URI link = HttpRequester.createURI(baseUrl, "/mbean/query");
Object content = new QueryParameterSource(objectName, queryExpression);
try {
return (Set<ObjectName>) IOUtils
.deserializeObject(, content, byte[].class));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MBeanAccessException(String.format(
"An error occurred while querying for MBean names using ObjectName pattern (%1$s) and Query expression (%2$s)!",
objectName, queryExpression), e);
* Stops communication with and closes all connections to the remote HTTP server (service).
public void stop() {
if (executorService != null) {
httpRequester = null;
connected = false;
public String toString() {
return String.format("GemFire Manager HTTP service @ %1$s", baseUrl);
public String getRemoteVersion() {
final URI link = HttpRequester.createURI(baseUrl, "/version/release");
return httpRequester.get(link, String.class);
public String getRemoteGeodeSerializationVersion() {
final URI link = HttpRequester.createURI(baseUrl, "/version/geodeSerializationVersion");
return httpRequester.get(link, String.class);
* Processes the requested command. Sends the command to the GemFire Manager for remote processing
* (execution).
* @param command the command requested/entered by the user to be processed.
* @return the result of the command execution, either a json string of ResultModel or a Path
public Object processCommand(final CommandRequest command) {
URI link =
HttpRequester.createURI(baseUrl, COMMANDS_URI, CMD_QUERY_PARAMETER, command.getUserInput());
if (command.hasFileList()) {
MultiValueMap<String, Object> content = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
for (File file : command.getFileList()) {
content.add(RESOURCES_REQUEST_PARAMETER, new FileSystemResource(file));
return, content, String.class);
// when no file data to upload, this handles file download over http
return httpRequester.executeWithResponseExtractor(link);