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title: Using the Swagger UI to Browse REST APIs
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<%=vars.product_name_long%> Developer REST APIs are integrated with the Swagger framework. This framework provides a browser-based test client that allows you to visualize and try out <%=vars.product_name%> REST APIs.
Swagger application JARs are included in the <%=vars.product_name%> REST application WAR; you do not need to install any additional libraries to use Swagger.
The following example demonstrates how to access the Swagger UI to browse the APIs.
1. Start a <%=vars.product_name%> Locator and a Developer REST API-enabled server as described in [Setup and Configuration](setup_config.html#topic_e21_qc5_m4).
Specify an `http-service-port` for the developer REST service, as the default port, 7070, is already taken by the locator. For example:
``` pre
gfsh>start locator --name=locator1
Starting a <%=vars.product_name%> Locator in /Users/admin/apache-geode-1.2.0/locator1...
gfsh>start server --name=server1 --start-rest-api=true \
--http-service-bind-address=localhost --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080
2. To access Swagger, open a browser and enter the following URL. For example:
``` pre
The following Web page appears: <img src="../images/swagger_home.png" id="concept_rlr_y3c_54__image_m15_qcm_x4" class="image" />
3. Using gfsh, create one or more regions on the REST API server. For example:
``` pre
gfsh>create region --name=region1 --type=REPLICATE --key-constraint=java.lang.String
Member | Status
------- | ------------------------------------------
server1 | Region "/region1" created on "server1"
4. In Swagger, click on **region : region CRUD operations** to list all the available endpoints for accessing regions.
<img src="../images/swagger_region_endpoints.png" class="image" />
5. In the list of **region** endpoints, click on the **GET /v1** endpoint link. The page displays additional request and response information about the API. <img src="../images/swagger_v1.png" id="concept_rlr_y3c_54__image_kx2_2dm_x4" class="image" />
6. Click the **Try it out!** button. Any regions you added in step 5 are returned in the response body. <img src="../images/swagger_v1_response.png" id="concept_rlr_y3c_54__image_y2p_tdm_x4" class="image" />
7. Add an entry to the region by expanding the **POST /v1/{region}** endpoint. <img src="../images/swagger_post_region.png" id="concept_rlr_y3c_54__image_sfk_c2m_x4" class="image" />
8. Click the **Try it out!** button to see the response body and response code. <img src="../images/swagger_post_region_response.png" id="concept_rlr_y3c_54__image_pmx_k2m_x4" class="image" />
You can use the Swagger interface to try out additional <%=vars.product_name%> API endpoints and view sample responses.
For more information on Swagger, see the [Swagger website]( and the [OpenAPI specification](