blob: bec094c415e5403f4410907b767576fd0eff032e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.session.tests;
import static java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.IntSupplier;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Provides logic for installation of tomcat. This makes the modifications to the tomcat install as
* described in <a href=
* "">
* the geode docs</a>.
public class TomcatInstall extends ContainerInstall {
* Version of tomcat that this class will install
* <p>
* Includes the download URL for the each version, the version number associated with each
* version, and other properties or XML attributes needed to setup tomcat containers within Cargo
public enum TomcatVersion {
TOMCAT6(6, ""),
TOMCAT7(7, ""),
TOMCAT8(8, ""),
TOMCAT9(9, "");
private final int version;
private final String downloadURL;
TomcatVersion(int version, String downloadURL) {
this.version = version;
this.downloadURL = downloadURL;
* Converts the version to an integer
* @return the version as an integer
public int toInteger() {
return getVersion();
public int getVersion() {
return version;
public String getContainerId() {
return "tomcat" + getVersion() + "x";
public String getDownloadURL() {
return downloadURL;
public String jarSkipPropertyName() {
switch (this) {
case TOMCAT6:
return null;
case TOMCAT7:
return "tomcat.util.scan.DefaultJarScanner.jarsToSkip";
case TOMCAT8:
case TOMCAT9:
return "tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal tomcat version option");
* This determines the setting for 'enableCommitValve' in Tomcat's context.xml when configuring
* the DeltaSessionManager.
public enum CommitValve {
private final String value;
CommitValve(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
* If you update this list method to return different dependencies, please also update the Tomcat
* module documentation! The documentation can be found here:
* <p>
* geode-docs/tools_modules/http_session_mgmt/
private static final String[] tomcatRequiredJars =
{"antlr", "commons-io", "commons-lang", "commons-validator", "fastutil", "geode-common",
"geode-core", "geode-unsafe", "geode-deployment-legacy", "geode-log4j", "geode-logging",
"geode-membership", "geode-management", "geode-serialization", "geode-tcp-server",
"javax.transaction-api", "jgroups", "log4j-api", "log4j-core", "log4j-jul", "micrometer",
"shiro-core", "jetty-server", "jetty-util", "jetty-http", "jetty-io"};
private final TomcatVersion version;
private final CommitValve commitValve;
public TomcatInstall(String name, TomcatVersion version, ConnectionType connectionType,
IntSupplier portSupplier, CommitValve commitValve) throws Exception {
this(createTempDirectory("geode_container_install").toAbsolutePath(), name, version,
connectionType, DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH, GEODE_LIB_PATH, portSupplier, commitValve);
public TomcatInstall(Path rootDir, String name, TomcatVersion version,
ConnectionType connectionType,
IntSupplier portSupplier, CommitValve commitValve) throws Exception {
this(rootDir, name, version, connectionType, DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH, GEODE_LIB_PATH, portSupplier,
public TomcatInstall(String name, TomcatVersion version, ConnectionType connType,
String modulesJarLocation, String extraJarsPath, IntSupplier portSupplier,
CommitValve commitValve)
throws Exception {
this(createTempDirectory("geode_container_install").toAbsolutePath(), name, version, connType,
Paths.get(modulesJarLocation), Paths.get(extraJarsPath), portSupplier, commitValve);
public TomcatInstall(Path rootDir, String name, TomcatVersion version, ConnectionType connType,
String modulesJarLocation, String extraJarsPath, IntSupplier portSupplier,
CommitValve commitValve)
throws Exception {
this(rootDir, name, version, connType, Paths.get(modulesJarLocation), Paths.get(extraJarsPath),
portSupplier, commitValve);
* Download and setup an installation tomcat using the {@link ContainerInstall} constructor and
* some extra functions this class provides
* <p>
* Specifically, this function uses {@link #copyTomcatGeodeReqFiles(Path, Path)} to install
* geode session into Tomcat, {@link #setupDefaultSettings()} to modify the context and server XML
* files within the installation's 'conf' folder, and {@link #updateProperties()} to set the jar
* skipping properties needed to speedup container startup.
* @param rootDir The root folder used by default for cargo logs, container configs and other
* files and directories
* @param name used to name install directory
* @param version the version of Tomcat to use
* @param connType Enum representing the connection type of this installation (either client
* server or peer to peer)
* @param modulesJarLocation the path to the module jars
* @param extraJarsPath the path to the extra jars
* @param portSupplier the port supplier
* @param commitValve the commit valve
* @throws Exception if an exception is encountered
public TomcatInstall(Path rootDir, String name, TomcatVersion version, ConnectionType connType,
Path modulesJarLocation, Path extraJarsPath, IntSupplier portSupplier,
CommitValve commitValve)
throws Exception {
// Does download and install from URL
super(rootDir, name, version.getDownloadURL(), connType, "tomcat", modulesJarLocation,
this.version = version;
this.commitValve = commitValve;
modulesJarLocation = Paths.get(getModulePath()).toAbsolutePath().resolve("lib");
// Install geode sessions into tomcat install
copyTomcatGeodeReqFiles(modulesJarLocation, extraJarsPath);
// Set some default XML attributes in server and cache XMLs
// Add required jars copied to jar skips so container startup is faster
if (version.jarSkipPropertyName() != null) {
* Modifies the context and server XML files in the installation's 'conf' directory so that they
* contain the session manager class ({@link #getContextSessionManagerClass()}) and life cycle
* listener class ({@link #getServerLifeCycleListenerClass()}) respectively
public void setupDefaultSettings() {
HashMap<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
// Set the session manager class within the context XML file
attributes.put("className", getContextSessionManagerClass());
editXMLFile(getDefaultContextXMLFile(), "Tomcat", "Manager", "Context",
// Set the server lifecycle listener within the server XML file
attributes.put("className", getServerLifeCycleListenerClass());
editXMLFile(getDefaultServerXMLFile(), "Tomcat", "Listener", "Server",
* Get the server life cycle class that should be used
* Generates the class based on whether the installation's connection type {@link
* ContainerInstall#getConnectionType()} is client server or peer to peer.
* @return the server life cycle class that should be used
public String getServerLifeCycleListenerClass() {
String className = "org.apache.geode.modules.session.catalina.";
switch (getConnectionType()) {
className += "PeerToPeer";
className += "ClientServer";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Bad connection type. Must be either PEER_TO_PEER or CLIENT_SERVER");
className += "CacheLifecycleListener";
return className;
* Location of the context XML file in the installation's 'conf' directory
* @return the location of the context XML file in the installation's 'conf' directory
public Path getDefaultContextXMLFile() {
return getHome().resolve("conf").resolve("context.xml");
* Location of the server XML file in the installation's 'conf' directory
* @return the location of the server XML file in the installation's 'conf' directory
public Path getDefaultServerXMLFile() {
return getHome().resolve("conf").resolve("server.xml");
* Gets the TomcatDeltaSessionManager class associated with this {@link #version}. Use's the
* {@link #version}'s toInteger function to do so.
public String getContextSessionManagerClass() {
return "org.apache.geode.modules.session.catalina.Tomcat" + version.toInteger()
+ "DeltaSessionManager";
* Creates a {@link TomcatContainer} instance off of this installation.
* @param containerDescriptors Additional descriptors used to identify a container
public TomcatContainer generateContainer(Path rootDir, Path containerConfigHome,
String containerDescriptors)
throws IOException {
return new TomcatContainer(this, rootDir, containerConfigHome, containerDescriptors,
* The cargo specific installation id needed to setup a cargo container
* Based on the installation's {@link #version}.
public String getInstallId() {
return version.getContainerId();
public String getInstallDescription() {
return + "_" + getConnectionType().getName();
public CommitValve getCommitValve() {
return commitValve;
* Copies jars specified by {@link #tomcatRequiredJars} from the {@link #getModulePath()} and the
* specified other directory passed to the function
* @throws IOException if the {@link #getModulePath()}, installation lib directory, or extra
* directory passed in contain no files.
private void copyTomcatGeodeReqFiles(Path moduleJarDir, Path extraJarsPath)
throws IOException {
List<File> requiredFiles = new ArrayList<>();
// The library path for the current tomcat installation
Path tomcatLibPath = getHome().resolve("lib");
// List of required jars and form version regexps from them
String versionRegex = "-?[0-9]*.*\\.jar";
List<Pattern> patterns = new ArrayList<>(tomcatRequiredJars.length);
for (String jar : tomcatRequiredJars) {
patterns.add(Pattern.compile(jar + versionRegex));
// Don't need to copy any jars already in the tomcat install
File tomcatLib = tomcatLibPath.toFile();
// Find all jars in the tomcatModulePath and add them as required jars
try {
for (File file : moduleJarDir.toFile().listFiles()) {
if (file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new IOException(
"No files found in tomcat module directory " + getModulePath() + "/lib/");
// Find all the required jars in the extraJarsPath
try {
for (File file : extraJarsPath.toFile().listFiles()) {
for (Pattern pattern : patterns) {
if (pattern.matcher(file.getName()).find()) {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new IOException("No files found in extra jars directory " + extraJarsPath);
// Copy the required jars to the given tomcat lib folder
for (File file : requiredFiles) {
Files.copy(file.toPath(), tomcatLib.toPath().resolve(file.toPath().getFileName()),
logger.debug("Copied required jar from " + file.toPath() + " to "
+ tomcatLibPath.resolve(file.toPath().getFileName()));
}"Copied required jars into the Tomcat installation");
* Update the tomcat installation property file using {@link #editPropertyFile)}
private void updateProperties() throws Exception {
String jarsToSkip = "";
// Adds all the required jars as jars to skip when starting Tomcat
for (String jarName : tomcatRequiredJars) {
jarsToSkip += "," + jarName + "*.jar";
// Add the jars to skip to the catalina property file
version.jarSkipPropertyName(), jarsToSkip, true);