blob: 099ce17139bcb14945b6873cf8d73b340058d168 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.redis.internal.netty;
import static org.apache.geode.redis.internal.netty.Coder.stringToBytes;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.Immutable;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.internal.MakeImmutable;
public class StringBytesGlossary {
// ********** Single byte RedisResponse identifier constants **********
* byte identifier of a bulk string
public static final byte BULK_STRING_ID = '$';
* byte identifier of an array
public static final byte ARRAY_ID = '*';
* byte identifier of a simple string
public static final byte SIMPLE_STRING_ID = '+';
* byte identifier of an error
public static final byte ERROR_ID = '-';
* byte identifier of an integer
public static final byte INTEGER_ID = ':';
// ********** RedisResponse constants **********
* byte array of an OK response
public static final byte[] bOK = stringToBytes("+OK\r\n");
* byte array of a nil response
public static final byte[] bNIL = stringToBytes("$-1\r\n");
* byte array of an empty array
public static final byte[] bEMPTY_ARRAY = stringToBytes("*0\r\n");
* byte array of an empty string
public static final byte[] bEMPTY_STRING = stringToBytes("$0\r\n\r\n");
public static final byte[] bCRLF = stringToBytes("\r\n");
public static final byte[] bZERO_INT = stringToBytes(":0\r\n");
public static final byte[] bONE_INT = stringToBytes(":1\r\n");
public static final byte[] bERR = stringToBytes("ERR ");
public static final byte[] bOOM = stringToBytes("OOM ");
public static final byte[] bWRONGTYPE = stringToBytes("WRONGTYPE ");
public static final byte[] bMOVED = stringToBytes("MOVED ");
public static final byte[] bBUSYKEY = stringToBytes("BUSYKEY ");
public static final byte[] bCROSSSLOT = stringToBytes("CROSSSLOT ");
public static final byte[] bWRONGPASS = stringToBytes("WRONGPASS ");
public static final byte[] bNOAUTH = stringToBytes("NOAUTH ");
// ********** Redis Command constants **********
// ClusterExecutor
public static final byte[] bINFO = stringToBytes("INFO");
public static final byte[] bSLOTS = stringToBytes("SLOTS");
public static final byte[] bNODES = stringToBytes("NODES");
public static final byte[] bKEYSLOT = stringToBytes("KEYSLOT");
// ScanExecutor, HScanExecutor and SScanExecutor
public static final byte[] bMATCH = stringToBytes("MATCH");
public static final byte[] bCOUNT = stringToBytes("COUNT");
// PubSubExecutor
public static final byte[] bCHANNELS = stringToBytes("CHANNELS");
public static final byte[] bNUMSUB = stringToBytes("NUMSUB");
public static final byte[] bNUMPAT = stringToBytes("NUMPAT");
// InfoExecutor
public static final byte[] bSERVER = stringToBytes("SERVER");
public static final byte[] bCLUSTER = stringToBytes("CLUSTER");
public static final byte[] bPERSISTENCE = stringToBytes("PERSISTENCE");
public static final byte[] bREPLICATION = stringToBytes("REPLICATION");
public static final byte[] bSTATS = stringToBytes("STATS");
public static final byte[] bCLIENTS = stringToBytes("CLIENTS");
public static final byte[] bMEMORY = stringToBytes("MEMORY");
public static final byte[] bKEYSPACE = stringToBytes("KEYSPACE");
public static final byte[] bDEFAULT = stringToBytes("DEFAULT");
public static final byte[] bALL = stringToBytes("ALL");
// SlowlogExecutor and SlowlogParameterRequirements
public static final byte[] bGET = stringToBytes("GET");
public static final byte[] bLEN = stringToBytes("LEN");
public static final byte[] bRESET = stringToBytes("RESET");
// ZAddExecutor and SetExecutor
public static final byte[] bNX = stringToBytes("NX");
public static final byte[] bXX = stringToBytes("XX");
// ZAddExecutor
public static final byte[] bCH = stringToBytes("CH");
public static final byte[] bINCR = stringToBytes("INCR");
// ZUnionStoreExecutor
public static final byte[] bWEIGHTS = stringToBytes("WEIGHTS");
public static final byte[] bAGGREGATE = stringToBytes("AGGREGATE");
// SetExecutor
public static final byte[] bEX = stringToBytes("EX");
public static final byte[] bPX = stringToBytes("PX");
// RestoreExecutor
public static final byte[] bREPLACE = stringToBytes("REPLACE");
public static final byte[] bABSTTL = stringToBytes("ABSTTL");
// Various ZRangeExecutors
public static final byte[] bWITHSCORES = stringToBytes("WITHSCORES");
public static final byte[] bLIMIT = stringToBytes("LIMIT");
// LolWutExecutor
public static final byte[] bVERSION = stringToBytes("VERSION");
// ********** Constants for Double Infinity comparisons **********
public static final String P_INF = "+inf";
public static final String INF = "inf";
public static final String P_INFINITY = "+Infinity";
public static final String INFINITY = "Infinity";
public static final String N_INF = "-inf";
public static final String N_INFINITY = "-Infinity";
public static final String NaN = "NaN";
public static final byte[] bP_INF = stringToBytes(P_INF);
public static final byte[] bINF = stringToBytes(INF);
public static final byte[] bP_INFINITY = stringToBytes(P_INFINITY);
public static final byte[] bINFINITY = stringToBytes(INFINITY);
public static final byte[] bN_INF = stringToBytes(N_INF);
public static final byte[] bN_INFINITY = stringToBytes(N_INFINITY);
public static final byte[] bNaN = stringToBytes(NaN);
// ********** Miscellaneous constants for convenience **********
public static final String PING_RESPONSE = "PONG";
public static final byte[] bPING_RESPONSE = stringToBytes(PING_RESPONSE);
public static final byte[] bPING_RESPONSE_LOWERCASE = stringToBytes(PING_RESPONSE.toLowerCase());
public static final byte[] bRADISH_DUMP_HEADER = stringToBytes("RADISH");
* These member names will always be evaluated to be "greater than" or "less than" any other when
* using the {@link RedisSortedSet#checkDummyMemberNames(byte[], byte[])} method, so the rank of
* an entry using these names will be less than or greater than all other members with the same
* score.
* These values should always be compared using {@code ==} rather than {@code Array.equals()} so
* that we can differentiate between the use of these constants and a value potentially entered by
* the user, which while equal in content, will not share the same memory address.
public static final byte[] bGREATEST_MEMBER_NAME = new byte[] {-1};
public static final byte[] bLEAST_MEMBER_NAME = new byte[] {-2};
public static final byte[] bNEGATIVE_ZERO = stringToBytes("-0");
///////////////////// Response Message Types /////////////////////////
public static final byte[] bSUBSCRIBE = Coder.stringToBytes("subscribe");
public static final byte[] bPSUBSCRIBE = Coder.stringToBytes("psubscribe");
public static final byte[] bMESSAGE = Coder.stringToBytes("message");
public static final byte[] bPMESSAGE = Coder.stringToBytes("pmessage");
public static final byte[] bUNSUBSCRIBE = Coder.stringToBytes("unsubscribe");
public static final byte[] bPUNSUBSCRIBE = Coder.stringToBytes("punsubscribe");