blob: 43e24ca8c7eb04a24ebf0444a42edbf161c9ff32 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal;
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import org.apache.geode.DataSerializer;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.BytesAndBitsForCompactor;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.StaticSerialization;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.Version;
import org.apache.geode.internal.tcp.ByteBufferInputStream;
* HeapDataOutputStream is an OutputStream that also implements DataOutput and stores all data
* written to it in heap memory. It is always better to use this class instead
* ByteArrayOutputStream.
* <p>
* This class is not thread safe
* <p>
* Added boolean flag that when turned on will throw an exception instead of allocating a new
* buffer. The exception is a BufferOverflowException thrown from expand, and will restore the
* position to the point at which the flag was set with the disallowExpansion method.
* Usage Model: boolean succeeded = true; stream.disallowExpansion(); try {
* DataSerializer.writeObject(obj, stream); } catch (BufferOverflowException e) { succeeded = false;
* }
* @since GemFire 5.0.2
public class HeapDataOutputStream extends
implements ObjToByteArraySerializer, ByteBufferWriter {
public HeapDataOutputStream(Version version) {
this(INITIAL_CAPACITY, version);
* Create a HeapDataOutputStream optimized to contain just the specified string. The string will
* be written to this stream encoded as utf.
public HeapDataOutputStream(String s) {
public HeapDataOutputStream(int allocSize, Version version) {
this(allocSize, version, false);
public HeapDataOutputStream(int allocSize) {
this(allocSize, null, false);
* @param doNotCopy if true then byte arrays/buffers/sources will not be copied to this hdos but
* instead referenced.
public HeapDataOutputStream(int allocSize, Version version, boolean doNotCopy) {
super(allocSize, version, doNotCopy);
* @param doNotCopy if true then byte arrays/buffers/sources will not be copied to this hdos but
* instead referenced.
public HeapDataOutputStream(ByteBuffer initialBuffer, Version version, boolean doNotCopy) {
super(initialBuffer, version, doNotCopy);
* Construct a HeapDataOutputStream which uses the byte array provided as its underlying
* ByteBuffer
public HeapDataOutputStream(byte[] bytes) {
* Free up any unused memory
public void trim() {
if (this.buffer.limit() < this.buffer.capacity()) {
// buffer is less than half full so allocate a new one and copy it in
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(this.buffer.limit());
bb.flip(); // now ready for reading
this.buffer = bb;
* Writes this stream to the wrapper object of BytesAndBitsForCompactor type. The byte array
* retrieved from the HeapDataOutputStream is set in the wrapper object. The byte array may be
* partially filled. The valid length of data in the byte array is set in the wrapper. It is
* assumed that the HeapDataOutputStream is appropriately seeded with a byte array from the
* wrapper. However the filled byte array may or may not be the same as that used for seeding ,
* depending upon whether the data got accommodated in the original byte buffer or not.
// Asif
public void sendTo(BytesAndBitsForCompactor wrapper, byte userBits) {
ByteBuffer bb = toByteBuffer();
if (bb.hasArray() && bb.arrayOffset() == 0) {
wrapper.setData(bb.array(), userBits, bb.limit(), true /* is Reusable */);
} else {
// create a new buffer of just the right size and copy the old buffer into
// it
ByteBuffer tmp = ByteBuffer.allocate(bb.remaining());
this.buffer = tmp;
byte[] bytes = this.buffer.array();
wrapper.setData(bytes, userBits, bytes.length, true /* is Reusable */);
* Write this stream to the specified channel. Call multiple times until size returns zero to make
* sure all bytes in the stream have been written.
* @return the number of bytes written, possibly zero.
* @throws IOException if channel is closed, not yet connected, or some other I/O error occurs.
public int sendTo(SocketChannel chan) throws IOException {
if (size() == 0) {
return 0;
int result;
if (this.chunks != null) {
ByteBuffer[] bufs = new ByteBuffer[this.chunks.size() + 1];
bufs = this.chunks.toArray(bufs);
bufs[this.chunks.size()] = this.buffer;
result = (int) chan.write(bufs);
} else {
result = chan.write(this.buffer);
this.size -= result;
return result;
public void sendTo(SocketChannel chan, ByteBuffer out) throws IOException {
if (size() == 0) {
if (this.chunks != null) {
for (ByteBuffer bb : this.chunks) {
sendChunkTo(bb, chan, out);
sendChunkTo(this.buffer, chan, out);
flushBuffer(chan, out);
* sends the data from "in" by writing it to "sc" through "out" (out is used to chunk to data and
* is probably a direct memory buffer).
private void sendChunkTo(ByteBuffer in, SocketChannel sc, ByteBuffer out) throws IOException {
int bytesSent = in.remaining();
if (in.isDirect()) {
flushBuffer(sc, out);
while (in.remaining() > 0) {
} else {
// copy in to out. If out fills flush it
int OUT_MAX = out.remaining();
if (bytesSent <= OUT_MAX) {
} else {
final byte[] bytes = in.array();
int off = in.arrayOffset() + in.position();
int len = bytesSent;
while (len > 0) {
int bytesThisTime = len;
if (bytesThisTime > OUT_MAX) {
bytesThisTime = OUT_MAX;
out.put(bytes, off, bytesThisTime);
off += bytesThisTime;
len -= bytesThisTime;
flushBuffer(sc, out);
OUT_MAX = out.remaining();
this.size -= bytesSent;
* Write the contents of this stream to the byte buffer.
* @throws BufferOverflowException if out is not large enough to contain all of our data.
public void sendTo(ByteBuffer out) {
if (out.remaining() < size()) {
throw new BufferOverflowException();
if (this.chunks != null) {
for (ByteBuffer bb : this.chunks) {
int bytesToWrite = bb.remaining();
if (bytesToWrite > 0) {
this.size -= bytesToWrite;
ByteBuffer bb = this.buffer;
int bytesToWrite = bb.remaining();
if (bytesToWrite > 0) {
this.size -= bytesToWrite;
* Write the contents of this stream to the specified stream using outBuf if a buffer is needed.
public void sendTo(OutputStream out, ByteBuffer outBuf) throws IOException {
if (this.chunks != null) {
for (ByteBuffer bb : this.chunks) {
sendTo(out, outBuf, bb);
sendTo(out, outBuf, this.buffer);
flushStream(out, outBuf);
private void sendTo(OutputStream out, ByteBuffer outBuf, ByteBuffer inBuf) throws IOException {
this.size -= writeByteBufferToStream(out, outBuf, inBuf);
* Returns the number of bytes written
public static int writeByteBufferToStream(OutputStream out, ByteBuffer outBuf, ByteBuffer inBuf)
throws IOException {
int bytesToWrite = inBuf.remaining();
if (bytesToWrite > 0) {
if (inBuf.hasArray()) {
flushStream(out, outBuf);
out.write(inBuf.array(), inBuf.arrayOffset() + inBuf.position(), bytesToWrite);
} else { // fix for bug 43007
// copy direct inBuf to heap outBuf. If out fills flush it
int bytesToWriteThisTime = bytesToWrite;
int OUT_MAX = outBuf.remaining();
while (bytesToWriteThisTime > OUT_MAX) {
// copy only OUT_MAX bytes and flush outBuf
int oldLimit = inBuf.limit();
inBuf.limit(inBuf.position() + OUT_MAX);
flushStream(out, outBuf);
bytesToWriteThisTime -= OUT_MAX;
OUT_MAX = outBuf.remaining();
return bytesToWrite;
* Write the contents of this stream to the specified stream.
public void sendTo(ByteBufferWriter out) {
if (this.chunks != null) {
for (ByteBuffer bb : this.chunks) {
basicSendTo(out, bb);
basicSendTo(out, this.buffer);
private void basicSendTo(ByteBufferWriter out, ByteBuffer bb) {
int bytesToWrite = bb.remaining();
if (bytesToWrite > 0) {
this.size -= bytesToWrite;
* Write the contents of this stream to the specified stream.
* <p>
* Note this implementation is exactly the same as writeTo(OutputStream) but they do not both
* implement a common interface.
public void sendTo(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
if (this.chunks != null) {
for (ByteBuffer bb : this.chunks) {
int bytesToWrite = bb.remaining();
if (bytesToWrite > 0) {
if (bb.hasArray()) {
out.write(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + bb.position(), bytesToWrite);
} else {
byte[] bytes = new byte[bytesToWrite];
this.size -= bytesToWrite;
ByteBuffer bb = this.buffer;
int bytesToWrite = bb.remaining();
if (bytesToWrite > 0) {
if (bb.hasArray()) {
out.write(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + bb.position(), bytesToWrite);
} else {
byte[] bytes = new byte[bytesToWrite];
this.size -= bytesToWrite;
// DataOutput methods
* Writes the given object to this stream as a byte array. The byte array is produced by
* serializing v. The serialization is done by calling DataSerializer.writeObject.
public void writeAsSerializedByteArray(Object v) throws IOException {
if (this.ignoreWrites)
if (v instanceof HeapDataOutputStream) {
HeapDataOutputStream other = (HeapDataOutputStream) v;
InternalDataSerializer.writeArrayLength(other.size(), this);
if (this.doNotCopy) {
if (other.chunks != null) {
for (ByteBuffer bb : other.chunks) {
} else {
other.sendTo((ByteBufferWriter) this);
} else {
ByteBuffer sizeBuf = this.buffer;
int sizePos = sizeBuf.position();
sizeBuf.position(sizePos + 5);
final int preArraySize = size();
DataSerializer.writeObject(v, this);
int arraySize = size() - preArraySize;
sizeBuf.put(sizePos, StaticSerialization.INT_ARRAY_LEN);
sizeBuf.putInt(sizePos + 1, arraySize);
* Write a byte source to this HeapDataOutputStream,
* the contents of the buffer between the position and the limit are copied to the output stream.
public void write(ByteBufferInputStream.ByteSource source) {
ByteBuffer bb = source.getBackingByteBuffer();
if (bb != null) {
if (this.ignoreWrites)
int remainingSpace = this.buffer.limit() - this.buffer.position();
if (remainingSpace < source.remaining()) {
int oldLimit = source.limit();
source.limit(source.position() + remainingSpace);