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title: External Interfaces, Ports, and Services
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<a id="topic_686158E9AFBD47518BE1B4BEB232C190"></a>
<%=vars.product_name%> processes use either UDP or TCP/IP ports to communicate with other processes or clients.
For example:
- Members can use multicast to communicate with peer members. You specify multicast addresses and multicast ports in your `` file or as parameters on the command-line when starting the members using `gfsh`.
- Clients connect to a locator to discover cache servers.
- JMX clients (such as `gfsh` and JConsole) can connect to JMX Managers and other manageable members on the pre-defined RMI port 1099. You can configure a different port if necessary.
- Each gateway receiver usually has a port range where it listens for incoming communication.
See [Firewalls and Ports](../../configuring/running/firewalls_ports.html#concept_5ED182BDBFFA4FAB89E3B81366EBC58E) for the complete list of ports used by <%=vars.product_name%>, their default values, and how to configure them if you do not want to use the default value.
<%=vars.product_name%> does not have any external interfaces or services that need to be enabled or opened.
## <a id="topic_263072624B8D4CDBAD18B82E07AA44B6" class="no-quick-link"></a>Resources That Must Be Protected
These configuration files should be readable and writeable *only* by the dedicated user who runs servers:
- ``
- `cache.xml`
- ``
A default `` is not provided in the `defaultConfigs` directory. If you choose to use this properties file, you must create it manually. A clear text user name and associated clear text password may be in this file for authentication purposes. The file system's access rights are relied upon to protect this sensitive information.
The default location of the `` and `cache.xml` configuration files is the `defaultConfigs` child directory of the main installation directory.
## <a id="topic_5B6DF783A14241399DC25C6EE8D0048A" class="no-quick-link"></a>Log File Locations
By default, the log files are located in the working directory used when you started the corresponding processes.
For <%=vars.product_name%> members (locators and cache servers), you can also specify a custom working directory location when you start each process. See [Logging](../logging/logging.html#concept_30DB86B12B454E168B80BB5A71268865) for more details.
The log files are as follows:
- `locator-name.log`: Contains logging information for the locator process.
- `server-name.log`: Contains logging information for a cache server process.
- `gfsh-%u_%g.log`: Contains logging information of an individual `gfsh` environment and session.
**Note:** By default, `gfsh` session logging is disabled. To enable `gfsh` logging, you must set the Java system property `-Dgfsh. log-level=desired_log_level`. See [Configuring the gfsh Environment](../../tools_modules/gfsh/configuring_gfsh.html#concept_3B9C6CE2F64841E98C33D9F6441DF487) for more information.
These log files should be readable and writable *only* by the dedicated user who runs the servers.