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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.cache;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerConnectivityException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerOperationException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.SubscriptionNotEnabledException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.FunctionDomainException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.NameResolutionException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryInvalidException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryInvocationTargetException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.TypeMismatchException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.RegionSnapshotService;
* Manages subregions and cached data. Each region can contain multiple subregions and entries for
* data. Regions provide a hierarchical name space within the cache. Also, a region can be used to
* group cached objects for management purposes.
* <p>
* The Region interface basically contains two set of APIs: Region management APIs; and
* (potentially) distributed operations on entries. Non-distributed operations on entries are
* provided by the inner interface, {@link org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry}.
* <p>
* Each {@link org.apache.geode.cache.Cache} defines a single top region called the root region.
* User applications can use the root region to create subregions for isolated name space and object
* grouping.
* <p>
* A region's name can be any String except that it should not contain the region name separator, a
* forward slash (/).
* <code>Region</code>s can be referenced by a relative path name from any region higher in the
* hierarchy in {@link #getSubregion}. You can get the relative path from the root region with
* {@link #getFullPath}. The name separator is used to concatenate all the region names together
* from the root, starting with the root's subregions.
* <p>
* Relative region names can provide a convenient method to locate a subregion directly from some
* higher region. For example, a region structure is as follows: a region named
* <i>3rd_level_region</i> has parent region <i>2nd_level_region</i>; region <i>2nd_level_region</i>
* in turn has parent region <i>1st_level_region</i>; and region <i>1st_level_region</i> is a child
* of the root region. Then,the user can get the region <i>3rd_level_region</i> from the root region
* by issuing:
* <pre>
* <code>
* region3 = root.getSubregion("1st_level_region/2nd_level_region/3rd_level_region");
* </code>
* </pre>
* or the user can get the region <i>3rd_level_region</i> from region <i>1st_level_region</i> by
* issuing
* <pre>
* <code>
* region3 = region1.getSubregion("2nd_level_region/3rd_level_region");
* </code>
* </pre>
* <p>
* Region entries are identified by their key. Any Object can be used as a key as long as the key
* Object is region-wide unique and implements both the equals and hashCode methods. For regions
* with distributed scope, the key must also be Serializable.
* <p>
* Regions and their entries can be locked. The <code>Lock</code> obtained from
* {@link #getRegionDistributedLock} is a distributed lock on the entire Region, and the
* <code>Lock</code> obtained from {@link Region#getDistributedLock} is a distributed lock on the
* individual entry.
* <p>
* If the scope is <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>, the methods that modify, destroy, or invalidate the
* entries in this region will also get a distributed lock. See the documentations for
* {@link #getDistributedLock} and {@link #getRegionDistributedLock} for details on the implicit
* locking that occurs for regions with <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>.
* <p>
* Unless otherwise specified, all of these methods throw a <code>CacheClosedException</code> if the
* Cache is closed at the time of invocation, or a <code>RegionDestroyedException</code> if this
* region has been destroyed. Serializability Requirements for arguments: Several methods in the
* region API take parameters such as key, value and callback parameters.All of these parameters are
* typed as objects. For distributed regions, keys, values and callback parameters have to be
* serializable Failure to meet these serialization requirements causes API methods to throw
* IllegalArgumentException.
* <p>
* Implementation of the java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap interface was added in version 6.5.
* These methods give various levels of concurrency guarantees based on the scope and data policy of
* the region. They are implemented in the peer cache and client/server cache but are disallowed in
* peer Regions having NORMAL or EMPTY data policies.
* <p>
* The semantics of the ConcurrentMap methods on a Partitioned Region are consistent with those
* expected on a ConcurrentMap. In particular multiple writers in different JVMs of the same key in
* the same Partitioned Region will be done atomically.
* <p>
* The same is true for a region with GLOBAL scope. All operations will be done atomically since a
* distributed lock will be held while the operation is done.
* <p>
* The same is true for a region with LOCAL scope. All ops will be done atomically since the
* underlying map is a concurrent hash map and no distribution is involved.
* <p>
* For peer REPLICATE and PRELOADED regions atomicity is limited to threads in the JVM the operation
* starts in. There is no coordination with other members of the system unless the operation is
* performed in a transaction.
* <p>
* For client server regions the atomicity is determined by the scope and data policy of the server
* region as described above. The operation is actually performed on the server as described above.
* Clients will always send the ConcurrentMap operation to the server and the result returned by the
* ConcurrentMap method in client will reflect what was done on the server. Same goes for any
* CacheListener called on the client. Any local state on the client will be updated to be
* consistent with the state change made on the server.
* <p>
* @see RegionAttributes
* @see AttributesFactory
* @see AttributesMutator
* @see Region.Entry
* @since GemFire 2.0
public interface Region<K, V> extends ConcurrentMap<K, V> {
/** The region name separator character. */
char SEPARATOR_CHAR = '/';
/** The region name separator character, represented as a string for convenience. */
String SEPARATOR = "/";
* Returns the name of this region. A region's name can be any non-empty String providing it does
* not contain the name separator, a forward slash (/). If this is the root region, returns
* "root".
* <p>
* Does not throw a <code>CacheClosedException</code> or a <code>RegionDestroyedException</code>.
* @return the name of this region
String getName();
* Returns the full path of this region starting with a forward slash, followed by the root,
* including every subregion in the path to this region. The path separator is a forward slash.
* <p>
* Does not throw a <code>CacheClosedException</code> or a <code>RegionDestroyedException</code>.
* @return the full path of this region
String getFullPath();
* Gets the parent region of this region. If this region is a root region (i.e. has no parents),
* returns null.
* <p>
* Does not throw a <code>CacheClosedException</code> or a <code>RegionDestroyedException</code>.
* @param <PK> the type of keys in the parent region
* @param <PV> the type of values in the parent region
* @return the parent region which contains this region; null, if this region is the root region
* @see Region#createSubregion(String, RegionAttributes) createSubregion
<PK, PV> Region<PK, PV> getParentRegion();
* Returns the <code>RegionAttributes</code> for this region. This object is backed by this
* region, so if attributes are modified using this region's <code>AttributesMutator</code>, this
* <code>RegionAttributes</code> object will immediately reflect the change.
* <p>
* Does not throw a <code>CacheClosedException</code> or a <code>RegionDestroyedException</code>.
* @return the <code>RegionAttributes</code> of this region
* @see Region#createSubregion(String, RegionAttributes)
* @see AttributesMutator
* @see AttributesFactory
* @see #getAttributesMutator
RegionAttributes<K, V> getAttributes();
* Returns a mutator object used for modifying this region's attributes after region creation.
* Note that some attributes are immutable after region creation.
* @return the <code>AttributesMutator</code> object
* @see #getAttributes
AttributesMutator<K, V> getAttributesMutator();
* Returns the <code>CacheStatistics</code> for this region. If the region is a partitioned proxy
* region then the values for all the statistics will be 0.
* @return the <code>CacheStatistics</code> of this region
* @throws StatisticsDisabledException if statistics have been disabled for this region
CacheStatistics getStatistics() throws StatisticsDisabledException;
* Invalidates this region. Invalidation cascades to all entries and subregions. After the
* <code>invalidateRegion</code>, this region and the entries in it still exist. To remove all the
* entries and this region, <code>destroyRegion</code> should be used. The region invalidate will
* be distributed to other caches if the scope is not <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionInvalidate
void invalidateRegion() throws TimeoutException;
* Invalidates this region. The invalidation will cascade to all the subregions and cached
* entries. After the <code>invalidateRegion</code>, the region and the entries in it still exist.
* In order to remove all the entries and the region, <code>destroyRegion</code> should be used.
* The region invalidate will be distributed to other caches if the scope is not
* <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. Can be null. Should be serializable.
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if aCallbackArgument is not serializable
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionInvalidate
void invalidateRegion(Object aCallbackArgument) throws TimeoutException;
* Invalidates this region in the local cache only. Invalidation cascades to all entries and
* subregions. After the <code>invalidateRegion</code>, this region and the entries in it still
* exist. To remove all the entries and this region, destroyRegion should be used.
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this region is distributed and
* {@link DataPolicy#withReplication replicated}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionInvalidate
void localInvalidateRegion();
* Invalidates this region in the local cache only, and provides a user-defined argument to the
* <code>CacheListener</code>. The invalidation will cascade to all the subregions and cached
* entries. After the <code>invalidateRegion</code>, the region and the entries in it still exist.
* In order to remove all the entries and the region, destroyRegion should be used.
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. Can be null.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the region is distributed and
* {@link DataPolicy#withReplication replicated}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionInvalidate
void localInvalidateRegion(Object aCallbackArgument);
* Destroys the whole region. Destroy cascades to all entries and subregions. After the destroy,
* this region object can not be used any more and any attempt to use this region object will get
* <code>RegionDestroyedException</code>. The region destroy will be distributed to other caches
* if the scope is not <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation; if this occurs some
* subregions may have already been successfully destroyed.
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionDestroy
* @see CacheWriter#beforeRegionDestroy
void destroyRegion() throws CacheWriterException, TimeoutException;
* Destroys the whole region and provides a user-defined parameter object to any
* <code>CacheWriter</code> invoked in the process. Destroy cascades to all entries and
* subregions. After the destroy, this region object can not be used any more. Any attempt to use
* this region object will get a <code>RegionDestroyedException</code> exception. The region
* destroy is distributed to other caches if the scope is not <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. Can be null. Should be serializable.
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation; if this occurs some
* subregions may have already been successfully destroyed.
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if aCallbackArgument is not serializable
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionDestroy
* @see CacheWriter#beforeRegionDestroy
void destroyRegion(Object aCallbackArgument) throws CacheWriterException, TimeoutException;
* Destroys the whole region in the local cache only. No <code>CacheWriter</code> is invoked.
* Destroy cascades to all entries and subregions. After the destroy, this region object can not
* be used any more and any attempt to use this region object will get
* {@link RegionDestroyedException} exception. This operation is not distributed to any other
* cache.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionDestroy
void localDestroyRegion();
* Destroys the whole region in the local cache only, and provides a user-defined argument to a
* <code>CacheListener</code> if any.
* No <code>CacheWriter</code> is invoked. Destroy will cascade to all the entries and subregions.
* After the destroy, this region object can not be used any more. Any attempt to use this region
* object will get {@link RegionDestroyedException} exception.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* call. Can be null.
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionDestroy
void localDestroyRegion(Object aCallbackArgument);
* Does a localDestroyRegion, but leaves behind the disk files if this is a region with
* persistBackup set to true. Calls {@link CacheListener#afterRegionDestroy} on each cache
* listener on the closed region(s). Also calls {@link CacheCallback#close} on each callback on
* the closed region(s).
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @see Region#localDestroyRegion()
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionDestroy
void close();
* Obtains the snapshot service to allow the cache data to be imported or exported.
* @return the snapshot service for the region
RegionSnapshotService<K, V> getSnapshotService();
* Saves the data in this region in a snapshot file. The data is a "concurrent" snapshot in that
* modifications to the region while the snapshot is being written are not guaranteed to be
* included or excluded from the snapshot. In other words, if there are concurrent modifications
* to the region while the snapshot is being written, the snapshot may not reflect a consistent
* state of the entire region at any moment in time.
* @param outputStream the output stream to write to
* @throws IOException if encountered while writing the file
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @see #loadSnapshot
* @deprecated as of 7.0 use {@link #getSnapshotService()}
void saveSnapshot(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException;
* Loads data from a file that was previously created with the saveSnapshot method. This method
* essentially destroys the region and automatically recreates it with the data in the snapshot.
* Any current data in the region is lost, replaced with the data in the snapshot file. Causes
* this region and all other regions with the same name in remote caches in this distributed
* system to be reinitialized: remote regions are cleared of all data and distributed
* {@link DataPolicy#withReplication replicated} remote regions will do a new getInitialImage
* operation to get the data from this snapshot. Any existing references to this region or any
* region that is reinitialized in this manner become unusable in that any subsequent methods
* invoked on those references will throw a RegionReinitializedException (which is a subclass of
* RegionDestroyedException).
* <p>
* In order to continue working with this region, a new reference needs to be acquired using
* Cache#getRegion or Region#getSubregion (which will block until reinitialization is complete).
* <p>
* NOTE: SUBREGIONS ARE DESTROYED. Since loading a snapshot effectively destroys the region and
* recreates it, all subregions of this region in this cache as well as other remote caches in the
* same distributed system are destroyed.
* <p>
* If any error occurs while loading the snapshot, this region is destroyed and threads in remote
* caches that are attempting to get a reference to this region will get null instead of a region
* reference.
* The only callbacks that are invoked are called for the destroyRegion operation, i.e. the
* CacheWriter and the close methods on callbacks. CacheListeners and other callback objects have
* their close() methods called when the region is destroyed, and then those same callback objects
* will be reinstalled on the new region. Therefore, the callback objects should be able to handle
* a close() followed by events associated with the newly created region.
* @param inputStream the inputStream to load the snapshot from
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if a class cannot be found while loading data
* @throws IOException if error encountered while reading file.
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the destroyRegion operation; if this
* occurs some subregions may have already been successfully destroyed.
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @see RegionReinitializedException
* @deprecated as of 7.0 use {@link #getSnapshotService()}
void loadSnapshot(InputStream inputStream)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, CacheWriterException, TimeoutException;
* Returns a subregion with the specified name or null if doesn't exist. The name is relative from
* this region, so it can be either a simple region name or a relative region path. If
* <code>regionName</code> is the empty string, then this region itself is returned.
* @param <SK> the type of keys in the subregion
* @param <SV> the type of values in the subregion
* @param path the path to the subregion
* @return a subregion with the specified relative path from this region, or null if it doesn't
* exist
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if path starts with a forward slash or
* @see Region Region
* @see Region#getFullPath
<SK, SV> Region<SK, SV> getSubregion(String path);
* Creates a subregion with the specified name and <code>RegionAttributes</code>. The name must
* not contain a region name separator. If the subregion is a distributed
* {@link DataPolicy#withReplication replicated} region, it will be initialized with data from all
* other caches in this distributed system that have the same region.
* <p>
* Updates the {@link CacheStatistics#getLastAccessedTime} and
* {@link CacheStatistics#getLastModifiedTime} for this region.
* @param <SK> the type of keys in the subregion
* @param <SV> the type of values in the subregion
* @param subregionName the subregion name
* @param aRegionAttributes the RegionAttributes to be used for the subregion
* @return a subregion with the specified name
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if aRegionAttributes is null or if regionName is null, the
* empty string, or contains a '/'
* @throws IllegalStateException If the supplied RegionAttributes violate the
* <a href="AttributesFactory.html#creationConstraints">region creation constraints</a>
* with a region of the same name in another cache in the distributed system or with this
* (parent) region.
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws RegionExistsException if a subregion by the specified name already exists
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @see AttributesFactory
* @see Region#getFullPath
* @deprecated as of 7.0 use {@link RegionFactory#createSubregion(Region, String)} or
* {@link ClientRegionFactory#createSubregion(Region, String)}.
<SK, SV> Region<SK, SV> createSubregion(String subregionName,
RegionAttributes<SK, SV> aRegionAttributes) throws RegionExistsException, TimeoutException;
* Returns a Set of all subregions. If the recursive parameter is set to true, this call will
* recursively collect all subregions contained in this region. Otherwise, this call will only
* return the Set of direct subregions.
* <p>
* This <code>Set</code> is unmodifiable. It is backed by this region. Synchronization is not
* necessary to access or iterate over this set. No <code>ConcurrentModificationException</code>s
* will be thrown, but subregions may be added or removed while a thread is iterating. Iterators
* are intended to be used by one thread at a time. If a stable "snapshot" view of the set is
* required, then call one of the toArray methods on the set and iterate over the array.
* @param recursive if false, collects direct subregions only; if true, collects all subregions
* recursively
* @return a Set of subregions
Set<Region<?, ?>> subregions(boolean recursive);
* Returns the <code>Region.Entry</code> for the specified key, or null if it doesn't exist.
* @param key the key corresponding to the Entry to return
* @return the Region.Entry for the specified key or null if not found in this region
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
Entry<K, V> getEntry(Object key);
* Returns the value associated with the specified key. If the value is not present locally for
* this entry, a netSearch and/or a CacheLoader may be invoked to get the value, depending on the
* scope of this region. A netSearch looks for a value in every node of the system that defines
* this region. A netLoad invokes remote loaders one at a time until one returns a value or throws
* an exception. If any of these methods successfully retrieves a value than the value is
* immediately returned.
* <p>
* For local scope, a local CacheLoader will be invoked if there is one. For global scope, the
* order is netSearch, localLoad, netLoad. For any other distributed scope, the order is
* localLoad, netSearch, netLoad.
* <p>
* netSearch and netLoad are never performed more than once, so if a loader attempts to do a
* netSearch and one was already done, then another one will not be done.
* <p>
* The value returned by get is not copied, so multi-threaded applications should not modify the
* value directly, but should use the update methods.
* <p>
* Updates the {@link CacheStatistics#getLastAccessedTime}, {@link CacheStatistics#getHitCount},
* {@link CacheStatistics#getMissCount}, and {@link CacheStatistics#getLastModifiedTime} (if a new
* value is loaded) for this region and the entry.
* <p>
* If the <code>CacheWriter</code> throws a <code>CacheWriterException</code> when a new value is
* retrieved from a loader, the value will not be put into the cache (a new entry will not be
* created) but the get will return the value and not propagate the exception.
* @param key whose associated value is to be returned. The key Object must implement the equals
* and hashCode methods. Note that even though key is typed as "Object" if a CacheLoader is
* used then make sure you only pass instances of "K" in this parameter.
* @return the value with specified key, or null if the value is not found and can't be loaded
* @throws NullPointerException if the key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key does not meet the serializability requirements
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out doing a {@link Cache#getSearchTimeout search} for
* distributed or getting a distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheLoaderException if a cache loader throws an exception, or if the cache loader
* returns an object that is not serializable and this is a distributed region
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException for a partitioned region fails to invoke a
* {@link CacheLoader}
* @see CacheLoader#load
* @see CacheListener#afterCreate
* @see CacheListener#afterUpdate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeCreate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeUpdate
V get(Object key) throws CacheLoaderException, TimeoutException;
* Returns the value associated with the specified key, passing the callback argument to any cache
* loaders or cache writers that are invoked in the operation. If the value is not present locally
* for this entry, a netSearch and/or a CacheLoader may be invoked to get the value, depending on
* the scope of this region. A netSearch looks for a value in every node of the system that
* defines this region. A netLoad invokes remote loaders one at a time until one returns a value
* or throws an exception. If any of these methods successfully retrieves a value than the value
* is immediately returned.
* <p>
* For local scope, a local CacheLoader will be invoked if there is one. For global scope, the
* order is netSearch, localLoad, netLoad. For any other distributed scope, the order is
* localLoad, netSearch, netLoad.
* <p>
* netSearch and netLoad are never performed more than once, so if a loader attempts to do a
* netSearch and one was already done, then another one will not be done.
* <p>
* The value returned by get is not copied, so multi-threaded applications should not modify the
* value directly, but should use the update methods.
* <p>
* Updates the {@link CacheStatistics#getLastAccessedTime}, {@link CacheStatistics#getHitCount},
* {@link CacheStatistics#getMissCount}, and {@link CacheStatistics#getLastModifiedTime} (if a new
* value is loaded) for this region and the entry.
* If the <code>CacheWriter</code> throws a <code>CacheWriterException</code> when a new value is
* retrieved from a loader, then the value will not be put into the cache (a new entry will not be
* created) but the get will return the value and not propagate the exception.
* @param key whose associated value is to be returned. The key Object must implement the equals
* and hashCode methods. Note that even though key is typed as "Object" if a CacheLoader is
* used then make sure you only pass instances of "K" in this parameter.
* @param aCallbackArgument an argument passed into the CacheLoader if loader is used. This same
* argument will also be subsequently passed to a CacheWriter if the loader returns a
* non-null value to be placed in the cache. Modifications to this argument made in the
* CacheLoader will be visible to the CacheWriter even if the loader and the writer are
* installed in different cache VMs. It will also be passed to any other callback events
* triggered by this method. May be null. Should be serializable.
* @return the value with specified key, or null if the value is not found and can't be loaded
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if aCallbackArgument is not serializable
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out doing a {@link Cache#getSearchTimeout search} for
* distributed or getting a distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheLoaderException if a cache loader throws an exception, or if the cache loader
* returns an object that is not serializable and this is a distributed region
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException for a partitioned region fails to invoke a
* {@link CacheLoader}
* @see RegionAttributes
* @see CacheLoader#load
* @see CacheListener#afterCreate
* @see CacheListener#afterUpdate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeCreate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeUpdate
V get(Object key, Object aCallbackArgument) throws TimeoutException, CacheLoaderException;
* Places a new value into an entry in this region with the specified key. If there is already an
* entry associated with the specified key in this region, the entry's previous value is
* overwritten.
* <p>
* Updates the {@link CacheStatistics#getLastAccessedTime} and
* {@link CacheStatistics#getLastModifiedTime} for this region and the entry.
* @param key a key associated with the value to be put into this region. The key object must
* implement the equals and hashCode methods.
* @param value the value to be put into the cache
* @return the previous value stored locally for the key. If the entry did not exist then
* <code>null</code> is returned. If the entry was "invalid" then <code>null</code> is
* returned. In some cases <code>null</code> may be returned even if a previous value
* exists. If the region is a client proxy then <code>null</code> is returned. If the
* region is partitioned and the put is done on a non-primary then <code>null</code> is
* returned. If the value is not currently stored in memory but is on disk and if the
* region does not have cqs then <code>null</code> is returned.
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null or if value is null (use invalidate instead), or if
* the key or value do not meet serializability requirements
* @throws ClassCastException if key does not satisfy the keyConstraint
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region.
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected.
* @see #invalidate(Object)
* @see CacheLoader#load
* @see CacheListener#afterCreate
* @see CacheListener#afterUpdate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeCreate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeUpdate
V put(K key, V value) throws TimeoutException, CacheWriterException;
* Places a new value into an entry in this region with the specified key, providing a
* user-defined parameter object to any <code>CacheWriter</code> invoked in the process. If there
* is already an entry associated with the specified key in this region, the entry's previous
* value is overwritten.
* <p>
* Updates the {@link CacheStatistics#getLastAccessedTime} and
* {@link CacheStatistics#getLastModifiedTime} for this region and the entry.
* @param key a key associated with the value to be put into this region. The key object must
* implement the equals and hashCode methods.
* @param value the value to be put into the cache
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. Can be null. Should be serializable.
* @return the previous value stored locally for the key. If the entry did not exist then
* <code>null</code> is returned. If the entry was "invalid" then <code>null</code> is
* returned. In some cases <code>null</code> may be returned even if a previous value
* exists. If the region is a client proxy then <code>null</code> is returned. If the
* region is off-heap and the old value was stored in off-heap memory then
* <code>null</code> is returned. If the region is partitioned and the put is done on a
* non-primary then <code>null</code> is returned. If the value is not currently stored in
* memory but is on disk and if the region does not have cqs then <code>null</code> is
* returned.
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if key, value, or aCallbackArgument do not meet
* serializability requirements
* @throws ClassCastException if key does not satisfy the keyConstraint
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region.
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected.
* @see #invalidate(Object)
* @see CacheLoader#load
* @see CacheListener#afterCreate
* @see CacheListener#afterUpdate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeCreate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeUpdate
V put(K key, V value, Object aCallbackArgument) throws TimeoutException, CacheWriterException;
* Creates a new entry in this region with the specified key and value if and only if an entry
* does not already exist for the specified key. If an entry already exists for the specified
* key, throws {@link EntryExistsException}.
* <p>
* Updates the {@link CacheStatistics#getLastAccessedTime} and
* {@link CacheStatistics#getLastModifiedTime} for this region and the entry.
* <p>
* If this region has a distributed scope, this operation may cause update events in caches that
* already have this region with this entry, and it will cause create events in other caches that
* have {@link InterestPolicy#ALL all events} configured.
* <p>
* This operation gets a distributed lock on the entry if the scope is <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>.
* @param key the key for which to create the entry in this region
* @param value the value for the new entry, which may be null meaning the new entry starts as if
* it had been locally invalidated
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key or value is not serializable and this is a
* distributed region
* @throws ClassCastException if key does not satisfy the keyConstraint
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>
* @throws EntryExistsException if an entry with this key already exists
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region.
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected.
* @see CacheListener#afterCreate
* @see CacheListener#afterUpdate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeCreate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeUpdate
void create(K key, V value) throws TimeoutException, EntryExistsException, CacheWriterException;
* Creates a new entry in this region with the specified key and value, providing a user-defined
* parameter object to any <code>CacheWriter</code> invoked in the process. If this region has a
* distributed scope, then the value may be updated subsequently if other caches update the value.
* <p>
* Updates the {@link CacheStatistics#getLastAccessedTime} and
* {@link CacheStatistics#getLastModifiedTime} for this region and the entry.
* <p>
* If this region has a distributed scope, this operation may cause update events in caches that
* already have this region with this entry, and it will cause create events in other caches that
* have {@link InterestPolicy#ALL all events} configured.
* @param key the key for which to create the entry in this region
* @param value the value for the new entry, which may be null meaning the new entry starts as if
* it had been locally invalidated.
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. Can be null. Should be serializable.
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key, value, or aCallbackArgument do not meet
* serializability requirements
* @throws ClassCastException if key does not satisfy the keyConstraint
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>
* @throws EntryExistsException if an entry with this key already exists
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region.
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected.
* @see CacheListener#afterCreate
* @see CacheListener#afterUpdate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeCreate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeUpdate
void create(K key, V value, Object aCallbackArgument)
throws TimeoutException, EntryExistsException, CacheWriterException;
* Invalidates the entry with the specified key. Invalidate only removes the value from the entry,
* the key is kept intact. To completely remove the entry, destroy should be used. The invalidate
* will be distributed to other caches if the scope is not Scope.LOCAL.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param key the key of the value to be invalidated
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key does not meet serializability requirements
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>
* @throws EntryNotFoundException if the entry does not exist in this region
* @see CacheListener#afterInvalidate
void invalidate(Object key) throws TimeoutException, EntryNotFoundException;
* Invalidates the entry with the specified key, and provides a user-defined argument to the
* <code>CacheListener</code>. Invalidate only removes the value from the entry, the key is kept
* intact. To completely remove the entry, destroy should be used.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param key the key of the value to be invalidated
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. Can be null. Should be serializable.
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key or the aCallbackArgument do not meet
* serializability requirements
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code>
* @throws EntryNotFoundException if this entry does not exist in this region
* @see CacheListener#afterInvalidate
void invalidate(Object key, Object aCallbackArgument)
throws TimeoutException, EntryNotFoundException;
* Invalidates the value with the specified key in the local cache only. Invalidate will only
* remove the value from the entry, the key will be kept intact. In order to completely remove the
* key, entry and value, destroy should be called.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param key the key of the value to be invalidated
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key does not meet serializability requirements
* @throws IllegalStateException if this region is distributed and
* {@link DataPolicy#withReplication replicated}
* @throws EntryNotFoundException if the entry does not exist in this region locally
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @throws UnsupportedOperationInTransactionException If called in a transactional context
* @see CacheListener#afterInvalidate
void localInvalidate(Object key) throws EntryNotFoundException;
* Invalidates the value with the specified key in the local cache only, and provides a
* user-defined argument to the <code>CacheListener</code>. Invalidate will only remove the value
* from the entry, the key will be kept intact. In order to completely remove the key, entry and
* value, destroy should be called.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param key the key of the value to be invalidated
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. Can be null.
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if this region is distributed and
* {@link DataPolicy#withReplication replicated}
* @throws EntryNotFoundException if this entry does not exist in this region locally
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @throws UnsupportedOperationInTransactionException If called in a transactional context
* @see CacheListener#afterInvalidate
void localInvalidate(Object key, Object aCallbackArgument) throws EntryNotFoundException;
* Destroys the entry with the specified key. Destroy removes not only the value but also the key
* and entry from this region. Destroy will be distributed to other caches if the scope is not
* <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param key the key of the entry
* @return the previous value stored locally for the key. If the entry was "invalid" then
* <code>null</code> is returned. In some cases <code>null</code> may be returned even if
* a previous value exists. If the region is a client proxy then <code>null</code> is
* returned. If the region is off-heap and the old value was stored in off-heap memory
* then <code>null</code> is returned. If the region is partitioned and the destroy is
* done on a non-primary then <code>null</code> is returned. If the value is not currently
* stored in memory but is on disk and if the region does not have cqs then
* <code>null</code> is returned.
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if key does not meet serializability requirements
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws EntryNotFoundException if the entry does not exist in this region
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @see CacheListener#afterDestroy
* @see CacheWriter#beforeDestroy
V destroy(Object key) throws TimeoutException, EntryNotFoundException, CacheWriterException;
* Destroys the entry with the specified key, and provides a user-defined parameter object to any
* <code>CacheWriter</code> invoked in the process. Destroy removes not only the value but also
* the key and entry from this region. Destroy will be distributed to other caches if the scope is
* not <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param key the key of the entry to destroy
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. Can be null. Should be serializable.
* @return the previous value stored locally for the key. If the entry was "invalid" then
* <code>null</code> is returned. In some cases <code>null</code> may be returned even if
* a previous value exists. If the region is a client proxy then <code>null</code> is
* returned. If the region is off-heap and the old value was stored in off-heap memory
* then <code>null</code> is returned. If the region is partitioned and the destroy is
* done on a non-primary then <code>null</code> is returned. If the value is not currently
* stored in memory but is on disk and if the region does not have cqs then
* <code>null</code> is returned.
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key or aCallbackArgument do not meet serializability
* requirements
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws EntryNotFoundException if the entry does not exist in this region
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @see CacheListener#afterDestroy
* @see CacheWriter#beforeDestroy
V destroy(Object key, Object aCallbackArgument)
throws TimeoutException, EntryNotFoundException, CacheWriterException;
* Destroys the value with the specified key in the local cache only, No <code>CacheWriter</code>
* is invoked. Destroy removes not only the value but also the key and entry from this region.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param key the key of the entry to destroy
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if this region is distributed and
* {@link DataPolicy#withReplication replicated}
* @throws EntryNotFoundException if the entry does not exist in this region locally
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @throws UnsupportedOperationInTransactionException If called in a transactional context
* @see CacheListener#afterDestroy
void localDestroy(Object key) throws EntryNotFoundException;
* Destroys the value with the specified key in the local cache only, and provides a user-defined
* parameter object to the <code>CacheListener</code>, if any. No <code>CacheWriter</code> is
* invoked. Destroy removes not only the value but also the key and entry from this region.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param key the key of the entry to destroy
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. Can be null.
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if this region is distributed and
* {@link DataPolicy#withReplication replicated}
* @throws EntryNotFoundException if the entry does not exist in this region locally
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @throws UnsupportedOperationInTransactionException If called in a transactional context
* @see CacheListener#afterDestroy
void localDestroy(Object key, Object aCallbackArgument) throws EntryNotFoundException;
* Returns a set of keys in the region.
* <p>
* This <code>Set</code> is unmodifiable. It is backed by this region. Synchronization is not
* necessary to access or iterate over this set. No <code>ConcurrentModificationException</code>s
* will be thrown, but keys may be added or removed to this set while a thread is iterating.
* Iterators are intended to be used by one thread at a time. If a stable "snapshot" view of the
* set is required, then call one of the toArray methods on the set and iterate over the array. If
* you need to lock down the region so this set is not modified while it is being accessed, use
* global scope with a distributed lock.
* @return a Set of all the keys
Set<K> keySet();
* Returns a Collection of values in this region.
* <p>
* This <code>Collection</code> is unmodifiable. It is backed by this region. Synchronization is
* not necessary to access or iterate over this collection. No
* <code>ConcurrentModificationException</code>s will be thrown, but values may be added or
* removed to this collection while a thread is iterating. Iterators are intended to be used by
* one thread at a time. If a stable "snapshot" view of the collection is required, then call one
* of the toArray methods on the collection and iterate over the array. If you need to lock down
* the region so this set is not modified while it is being accessed, use global scope with a
* distributed lock on the region.
* <p>
* Null values are not included in the result collection.
* @return a Collection of all the objects cached in this region
Collection<V> values();
* Returns the <code>Set</code> of <code>Region.Entry</code> objects in this region. If the
* recursive parameter is set to true, this call will recursively collect all the entries in this
* region and its subregions and return them in the Set; if false, it only returns entries
* directly contained in this region.
* <p>
* This <code>Set</code> is unmodifiable. It is backed by this region. Synchronization is not
* necessary to access or iterate over this set. No <code>ConcurrentModificationException</code>s
* will be thrown, but entries may be added or removed to this set while a thread is iterating.
* Iterators are intended to be used by one thread at a time. If a stable "snapshot" view of the
* set is required, then call one of the toArray methods on the set and iterate over the array. If
* you need to lock down the region so this set is not modified while it is being accessed, use
* global scope with a distributed lock.
* @param recursive if true, this call recursively collects all the entries in this region and its
* subregions; if false, it only returns the entries directly contained in this region
* @return a Set of all the cached objects
* @see Region.Entry
Set<Region.Entry<?, ?>> entrySet(boolean recursive);
* Returns the <code>Cache</code> associated with this region.
* <p>
* Does not throw a <code>CacheClosedException</code> if the Cache is closed.
* @return the Cache
* @deprecated as of 6.5 use {@link #getRegionService()} instead.
Cache getCache();
* Returns the <code>cache</code> associated with this region.
* <p>
* Does not throw a <code>CacheClosedException</code> if the cache is closed.
* @return the cache
* @since GemFire 6.5
RegionService getRegionService();
* Returns the application-defined object associated with this region. GemFire does not use this
* object for any purpose.
* @return the user attribute object or null if it has not been set
Object getUserAttribute();
* Sets the application-defined object associated with this region. GemFire does not use this
* object for any purpose.
* @param value the application-defined object
void setUserAttribute(Object value);
* Returns whether this region has been destroyed.
* <p>
* Does not throw a <code>RegionDestroyedException</code> if this region has been destroyed.
* @return true if this region has been destroyed
boolean isDestroyed();
* Returns whether there is a valid (non-null) value present for the specified key. This method is
* equivalent to:
* <pre>
* Entry e = getEntry(key);
* return e != null &amp;&amp; e.getValue() != null;
* </pre>
* @param key the key to check for a valid value
* @return true if there is an entry in this region for the specified key and it has a valid value
boolean containsValueForKey(Object key);
* Returns whether the specified key currently exists in this region. This method is equivalent to
* <code>getEntry(key) != null</code>.
* @param key the key to check for an existing entry
* @return true if there is an entry in this region for the specified key
boolean containsKey(Object key);
* For {@link Scope#GLOBAL} regions, gets a <em>distributed</em> lock on this whole region. This
* region lock cannot be acquired until all other caches release both region locks and any entry
* locks they hold in this region. Likewise, new entry locks cannot be acquired until outstanding
* region locks are released. The only place that a region distributed lock is acquired
* automatically is during region creation for distributed {@link DataPolicy#withReplication
* replicated} regions when they acquire their initial data.
* <p>
* The operations invalidateRegion and destroyRegion do <em>not</em> automatically acquire a
* distributed lock at all, so it is possible for these operations to cause an entry to be
* invalidated or the region to be destroyed even if a distributed lock is held on an entry. If an
* application requires all entry level locks to be released when a region is destroyed or
* invalidated as a whole, then it can call this method explicitly to get a ock on the entire
* region before calling invalidateRegion or destroyRegion.
* <p>
* See {@link #getDistributedLock} for the list of operations that automatically acquire
* distributed entry locks for regions with global scope.
* <p>
* Note that Region locks are potentially very expensive to acquire.
* @return a <code>Lock</code> used for acquiring a distributed lock on the entire region
* @throws IllegalStateException if the scope of this region is not global
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
Lock getRegionDistributedLock() throws IllegalStateException;
* For {@link Scope#GLOBAL} regions, gets a <em>distributed</em> lock on the entry with the
* specified key. Use of this <code>Lock</code> enables an application to synchronize operations
* on entries at a higher level than provided for by {@link Scope#GLOBAL}. This is the same lock
* that GemFire uses internally for operations that modify the cache with global scope, so this
* lock can be used for high-level synchronization with other caches that have this region with
* global scope. For example, if an application needs to get two values out of a region with
* global scope and guarantee that the first value is not modified before the second value is
* retrieved, it can use this lock in the following manner:
* <pre>
* Lock entry1Lock = myRegion.getDistributedLock(key1);
* Lock entry2Lock = myRegion.getDistributedLock(key2);
* entry1Lock.lock();
* entry2Lock.lock();
* try {
* Object val1 = myRegion.get(key1);
* Object val2 = myRegion.get(key2);
* // do something with val1 and val2
* } finally {
* entry2Lock.unlock();
* entry1Lock.unlock();
* }
* </pre>
* You can also get a lock on an entry that does not exist in the local cache. Doing so guarantees
* that no other cache with the same region using global scope or using the same lock will create
* or update that entry while you have the lock.
* When a region has global scope, the following operations automatically acquire a distributed
* lock on an entry: <code>create</code>, <code>put</code>, <code>destroy</code>,
* <code>invalidate</code>, and <code>get</code> that causes a loader to be invoked.
* @param key the key on which to get a <em>distributed</em> lock
* @return a <code>Lock</code> used for acquiring a distributed lock on an entry
* @throws IllegalStateException if the scope of this region is not global
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
Lock getDistributedLock(Object key) throws IllegalStateException;
* Initiates a flush to asynchronously write unwritten region entries to disk.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this region is not configured to write to disk
* @throws DiskAccessException If problems are encounter while writing to disk
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @see AttributesFactory#setPersistBackup
* @since GemFire 3.2
* @deprecated use {@link DiskStore#flush} instead.
void writeToDisk();
* Determines whether there is a value in this <code>Region</code> that matches the given
* <code>queryPredicate</code>. Filters the values of this region using the predicate given as a
* string with the syntax of the <code>WHERE</code> clause of the query language. The predefined
* variable <code>this</code> may be used inside the predicate to denote the current value being
* filtered.
* @param queryPredicate A query language boolean query predicate.
* @return <code>true</code> if there is a value in region that matches the predicate, otherwise
* <code>false</code>.
* @throws QueryInvalidException If predicate does not correspond to valid query language syntax.
* @throws FunctionDomainException If more than one element evaluates to true.
* @throws TypeMismatchException If a bound parameter is not of the expected type
* @throws NameResolutionException If a name in the query cannot be resolved.
* @throws QueryInvocationTargetException If the data referenced in from clause is not available
* for querying
* @see QueryService
* @since GemFire 4.0
boolean existsValue(String queryPredicate) throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException,
NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException;
* Filters the values of this region using the <code>queryPredicate</code>. The queryPredicate
* should follow the syntax of query WHERE clause.
* When executed from a client, this method always runs on the server. However application should
* use QueryService to execute queries.
* @see Pool#getQueryService
* @see Cache#getQueryService()
* @param <E> the type of elements in the <code>SelectResults</code>
* @param queryPredicate A query language boolean query predicate.
* @return A <code>SelectResults</code> containing the values of this <code>Region</code> that
* match the <code>predicate</code>.
* @throws QueryInvalidException If exception occurs during query compilation or processing.
* @throws FunctionDomainException If more than one element evaluates to true.
* @throws TypeMismatchException If a bound parameter is not of the expected type
* @throws NameResolutionException If a name in the query cannot be resolved.
* @throws QueryInvocationTargetException If the data referenced in from clause is not available
* for querying
* @see QueryService
* @since GemFire 4.0
<E> SelectResults<E> query(String queryPredicate) throws FunctionDomainException,
TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException;
* Selects the single value in this <code>Region</code> that matches the given query
* <code>predicate</code>. Filters the values of this region using the predicate given as a string
* with the syntax of the where clause of the query language. The predefined variable
* <code>this</code> may be used inside the predicate to denote the element currently being
* filtered.
* @param queryPredicate A query language boolean query predicate.
* @return The single element that evaluates to true for the predicate. If no value in this
* <code>Region</code> matches the predicate, <code>null</code> is returned.
* @throws QueryInvalidException If predicate does not correspond to valid query language syntax.
* @throws FunctionDomainException If more than one element evaluates to true.
* @throws TypeMismatchException If a bound parameter is not of the expected type
* @throws NameResolutionException If a name in the query cannot be resolved.
* @throws QueryInvocationTargetException If the data referenced in from clause is not available
* for querying
* @see QueryService
* @since GemFire 4.0
Object selectValue(String queryPredicate) throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException,
NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException;
* Asks the region to start writing to a new oplog (if persistence/overflow is turned on). The old
* one will be asynchronously compressed if compaction is set to true. If the region is not
* persistent/overflow no change in the region will be reflected. The new log will be created in
* the next available directory with free space. If there is no directory with free space
* available and compaction is set to false, then a <code>DiskAccessException</code> saying that
* the disk is full will be thrown. If compaction is true, the application will wait for the other
* oplogs to be compressed and more space to be created.
* @since GemFire 5.1
* @deprecated use {@link DiskStore#forceRoll} instead.
void forceRolling();
* Specifies this member to become the grantor for this region's lock service. The grantor will be
* the lock authority which is responsible for handling all lock requests for this service. Other
* members will request locks from this member. Locking for this member will be optimal as it will
* not require messaging to acquire a given lock.
* <p>
* Calls to this method will block until grantor authority has been transferred to this member.
* <p>
* If another member later calls <code>becomeLockGrantor</code>, that member will transfer grantor
* authority from this member to itself. Multiple calls to this operation will have no effect
* unless another member has transferred grantor authority, in which case, this member will
* transfer grantor authority back to itself.
* <p>
* This region's scope must be <code>Scope.GLOBAL</code> to become a lock grantor.
* <p>
* This operation should not be invoked repeatedly in an application. It is possible to create a
* lock service and have two or more members endlessly calling becomeLockGrantor to transfer
* grantorship back and forth.
* @throws IllegalStateException if scope is not GLOBAL
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @since GemFire 4.0
void becomeLockGrantor();
* Removes all local entries from this region. This is not a distributed operation. This operation
* is not allowed on replicated regions.
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a replicated region
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionClear
void localClear();
////// Map API's ////
* Removes all entries from this region. Clear will be distributed to other caches if the scope is
* not <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* <p>
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @see java.util.Map#clear()
* @see CacheListener#afterRegionClear
* @see CacheWriter#beforeRegionClear
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the region is a partitioned region
void clear();
* Returns true if this region maps one or more keys to the specified value. More formally,
* returns true if and only if this region contains at least one entry to a value v such that
* (value==null ? v==null : value.equals(v)). This operation is not distributed and only the
* current region will be checked for this value.
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @see java.util.Map#containsValue(Object)
boolean containsValue(Object value);
* Returns the <code>Set</code> of <code>Region.Entry</code> objects in this region.
* <p>
* This <code>Set</code> is unmodifiable. It is backed by this region. Synchronization is not
* necessary to access or iterate over this set. No <code>ConcurrentModificationException</code>s
* will be thrown, but entries may be added or removed to this set while a thread is iterating.
* Iterators are intended to be used by one thread at a time. If a stable "snapshot" view of the
* set is required, then call one of the toArray methods on the set and iterate over the array. If
* you need to lock down the region so this set is not modified while it is being accessed, use
* global scope with a distributed lock.
* A remove called on an entry via the iterator will result in an UnsupportedOperationException
* The Region.Entry obtained via the iterator is backed by the region. If a setValue on that entry
* is called, it will be similar in effect as calling a put on that key.
* @return a Set of all the Region.Entry instances in this region locally
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @see java.util.Map#entrySet()
Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet(); // @todo darrel: should be Region.Entry
* Returns true if this region contains no entries.
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @see java.util.Map#isEmpty()
* @return true if this region contains no entries.
boolean isEmpty();
* Copies all of the entries from the specified map to this region. The effect of this call is
* equivalent to that of calling {@link #put(Object, Object)} on this region once for each entry
* in the specified map. This operation will be distributed to other caches if the scope is not
* <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* If an exception is thrown due to this call, it can imply that there may have been a partial
* update performed on the region.
* <p>
* @param map the key/value pairs to put in this region
* @throws ServerOperationException if called from a client, and the server throws an exception
* such as CacheWriterException, PartitionedRegionStorageException or LowMemoryException.
* These server exceptions become the ServerOperationException cause
* @throws ServerConnectivityException if called from a client, and the server throws
* CancelException. CancelException will be the ServerConnectivityException cause
* @throws NullPointerException if the key is null, if the value is null (use invalidate instead),
* or if the key or value do not meet serialization requirements
* @throws ClassCastException if key does not satisfy the keyConstraint
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if the lease expired on a
* distributed lock, for regions with Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if the call timed out waiting to acquire a distributed lock for
* regions with Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected
* @see #invalidate(Object)
* @see CacheLoader#load
* @see CacheListener#afterCreate
* @see CacheListener#afterUpdate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeCreate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeUpdate
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @see java.util.Map#putAll(Map map)
void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map);
* Copies all of the entries from the specified map to this region. The effect of this call is
* equivalent to that of calling {@link #put(Object, Object)} on this region once for each entry
* in the specified map. This operation will be distributed to other caches if the scope is not
* <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* If an exception is thrown due to this call, it can imply that there may have been a partial
* update performed on the region.
* <p>
* @param map the key/value pairs to put in this region
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. May be null. Must be serializable if this operation is distributed
* @throws ServerOperationException if called from a client, and the server throws an exception
* such as CacheWriterException, PartitionedRegionStorageException or LowMemoryException.
* These server exceptions become the ServerOperationException cause
* @throws ServerConnectivityException if called from a client, and the server throws
* CancelException. CancelException will be the ServerConnectivityException cause
* @throws NullPointerException if the key is null, if the value is null (use invalidate instead),
* or if the key or value do not meet serialization requirements
* @throws ClassCastException if key does not satisfy the keyConstraint
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if the lease expired on a
* distributed lock, for regions with Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if the call timed out waiting to acquire a distributed lock for
* regions with Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected
* @see #invalidate(Object)
* @see CacheLoader#load
* @see CacheListener#afterCreate
* @see CacheListener#afterUpdate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeCreate
* @see CacheWriter#beforeUpdate
* @since GemFire 8.1
* @see java.util.Map#putAll(Map map)
void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map, Object aCallbackArgument);
* Removes all of the entries for the specified keys from this region. The effect of this call is
* equivalent to that of calling {@link #destroy(Object)} on this region once for each key in the
* specified collection. If an entry does not exist that key is skipped; EntryNotFoundException is
* not thrown. This operation will be distributed to other caches if the scope is not
* <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* @param keys the keys to remove from this region.
* @since GemFire 8.1
* @see Region#destroy(Object)
void removeAll(Collection<? extends K> keys);
* Removes all of the entries for the specified keys from this region. The effect of this call is
* equivalent to that of calling {@link #destroy(Object, Object)} on this region once for each key
* in the specified collection. If an entry does not exist that key is skipped;
* EntryNotFoundException is not thrown. This operation will be distributed to other caches if the
* scope is not <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* @param keys the keys to remove from this region.
* @param aCallbackArgument a user-defined parameter to pass to callback events triggered by this
* method. May be null. Must be serializable if this operation is distributed.
* @since GemFire 8.1
* @see Region#destroy(Object, Object)
void removeAll(Collection<? extends K> keys, Object aCallbackArgument);
* Gets values for all the keys in the input Collection. If a given key does not exist in the
* region then that key's value in the returned map will be <code>null</code>.
* <p>
* Note that the keys collection should extend K since a load may be done and the key in that case
* will be stored in the region. The keys parameter was not changed to extend K for backwards
* compatibility.
* @param keys A Collection of keys
* @return A Map of values for the input keys
* @since GemFire 5.7
Map<K, V> getAll(Collection<?> keys);
* Gets and returns values for all the keys in the input Collection. If a given key does not exist
* in the region then that key's value in the returned map will be <code>null</code>.
* @param <T> the type of the keys passed to getAll
* @param keys A Collection of keys
* @param aCallbackArgument an argument passed into the CacheLoader if a loader is used. This same
* argument will also be subsequently passed to a CacheWriter if the loader returns a
* non-null value to be placed in the cache. Modifications to this argument made in the
* CacheLoader will be visible to the CacheWriter even if the loader and the writer are
* installed in different cache VMs. It will also be passed to any other callback events
* triggered by this method. May be null. Must be serializable if this operation is
* distributed.
* @return A Map of values for the input keys
* @since GemFire 8.1
<T extends K> Map<T, V> getAll(Collection<T> keys, Object aCallbackArgument);
* Removes the entry with the specified key. The operation removes not only the value but also the
* key and entry from this region. Remove will be distributed to other caches if the scope is not
* <code>Scope.LOCAL</code>.
* <p>
* Does not update any <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* @param key the key of the entry
* @return <code>null</code> is returned if an entry for key does not exist otherwise the value
* that was stored locally for the removed entry is returned. If the entry was "invalid"
* then <code>null</code> is returned. In some cases <code>null</code> may be returned
* even if a previous value exists. If the region is a client proxy then <code>null</code>
* is returned. If the region is off-heap and the old value was stored in off-heap memory
* then <code>null</code> is returned. If the region is partitioned and the remove is done
* on a non-primary then <code>null</code> is returned. If the value is not currently
* stored in memory but is on disk and if the region does not have cqs then
* <code>null</code> is returned.
* @throws NullPointerException if key is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if key does not meet serializability requirements
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @see Region#destroy(Object)
* @see CacheListener#afterDestroy
* @see CacheWriter#beforeDestroy
* @see java.util.Map#remove(Object)
* @since GemFire 5.0
V remove(Object key);
* Returns the number of entries present in this region.
* For {@link DataPolicy#PARTITION}, this is a distributed operation that returns the number of
* entries present in entire region.
* For all other types of regions, it returns the number of entries present locally, and it is not
* a distributed operation.
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @see java.util.Map#size()
* @return the number of entries present in this region
int size();
* Compares the specified object with this region for equality. Regions are only equal to
* themselves (identity based) so {@link Object#equals} is used. Note that some other class that
* implements <code>Map</code> may say that it is equal to an instance of Region (since Region
* implements Map) even though Region will never say that it is equal to that instance.
* @param other Object object to be compared against the this
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified object is equal to this region.
* @see Object#equals
boolean equals(Object other);
* Returns the hash code value for this region. The hash code of a region is based on identity and
* uses {@link Object#hashCode}.
* @return the hash code value for this region.
* @see Object#hashCode()
int hashCode();
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client. Updates to
* this key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is
* currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. This key is first locally
* cleared from the client and current value for this key is inserted into the local cache before
* this call returns.
* @param key The key on which to register interest.
* <p>
* ###Deprecated behavior###
* <p>
* The following <code>List</code> and
* 'ALL_KEYS' behavior is now deprecated. As an alternative, please use
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForKeys(Iterable, InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* If the key is a <code>List</code>, then all the keys in the
* <code>List</code> will be registered. The key can also be the special token 'ALL_KEYS',
* which will register interest in all keys in the region. In effect, this will cause an
* update to any key in this region in the CacheServer to be pushed to the client.
* <p>
* <i>Using 'ALL_KEYS' is the same as calling {@link #registerInterestRegex(String)} with
* ".*" as the argument. This means that all keys of any type are pushed to the client and
* inserted into the local cache.</i>
* <p>
* ###End of deprecation###
* <p>
* This method uses the default <code>InterestResultPolicy</code>.
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off
* you will not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key.
* When concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and
* deliver these events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since GemFire 4.2
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
void registerInterest(K key);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client. Updates to
* this key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is
* currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. This key is first locally
* cleared from the client and current value for this key is inserted into the local cache before
* this call returns. (if requested).
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param key The key on which to register interest.
* <p>
* ###Deprecated behavior###
* <p>
* The following <code>List</code> and
* 'ALL_KEYS' behavior is now deprecated. As an alternative, please use
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForKeys(Iterable, InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* If the key is a <code>List</code>, then all the keys in the
* <code>List</code> will be registered. The key can also be the special token 'ALL_KEYS',
* which will register interest in all keys in the region. In effect, this will cause an
* update to any key in this region in the CacheServer to be pushed to the client.
* <p>
* <i>Using 'ALL_KEYS' is the same as calling {@link #registerInterestRegex(String)} with
* ".*" as the argument. This means that all keys of any type are pushed to the client and
* inserted into the local cache.</i>
* <p>
* ###End of deprecation###
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subcriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since GemFire 4.2.3
void registerInterest(K key, InterestResultPolicy policy);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in all keys for this client. Updates to
* any key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is
* currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. The keys are first locally
* cleared from the client and current value for the keys are inserted into the local cache before
* this call returns.
* @since Geode 1.5
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
default void registerInterestForAllKeys() {
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in for all keys for this client.
* Updates to any key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This
* method is currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. The keys are first
* locally cleared from the client and current value for the keys are inserted into the local
* cache before this call returns. (if requested).
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subcriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since Geode 1.5
default void registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy policy) {
registerInterestRegex(".*", policy);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in all keys for this client. Updates to
* any key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is
* currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. The keys are first locally
* cleared from the client and the current value for the keys are inserted into the local cache
* before this call returns (if requested).
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since Geode 1.5
default void registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy policy, boolean isDurable) {
registerInterestRegex(".*", policy, isDurable);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in all keys for this client. Updates to
* any key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is
* currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. The keys are first locally
* cleared from the client and the current value for the keys are inserted into the local cache
* before this call returns (if requested).
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @param receiveValues defaults to true. set to false to receive create or update events as
* invalidates similar to notify-by-subscription false.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since Geode 1.5
default void registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy policy, boolean isDurable,
boolean receiveValues) {
registerInterestRegex(".*", policy, isDurable, receiveValues);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest for all key in the iterable for this
* client. Updates to any of the keys in the iterable by other clients will be pushed to this
* client by the CacheServer. This method is currently supported only on clients in a client
* server topology. The keys are first locally cleared from the client and current value for the
* keys are inserted into the local cache before this call returns. (if requested).
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param iterable The <code>Iterable</code> of keys on which to register interest.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subcriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @since Geode 1.5
default void registerInterestForKeys(Iterable<K> iterable) {
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest for all key in the iterable for this
* client. Updates to any of the keys in the iterable by other clients will be pushed to this
* client by the CacheServer. This method is currently supported only on clients in a client
* server topology. The keys are first locally cleared from the client and current value for the
* keys are inserted into the local cache before this call returns. (if requested).
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param iterable The <code>Iterable</code> of keys on which to register interest.
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subcriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since Geode 1.5
default void registerInterestForKeys(Iterable<K> iterable, InterestResultPolicy policy) {
iterable.forEach(k -> registerInterest(k, policy));
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest for all key in the iterable for this
* client. Updates to any of the keys in the iterable by other clients will be pushed to this
* client by the CacheServer. This method is currently supported only on clients in a client
* server topology. The keys are first locally cleared from the client and current value for the
* keys are inserted into the local cache before this call returns. (if requested).
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param iterable The <code>Iterable</code> of keys on which to register interest.
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subcriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since Geode 1.5
default void registerInterestForKeys(Iterable<K> iterable, InterestResultPolicy policy,
boolean isDurable) {
iterable.forEach(k -> registerInterest(k, policy, isDurable));
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest for all key in the iterable for this
* client. Updates to any of the keys in the iterable by other clients will be pushed to this
* client by the CacheServer. This method is currently supported only on clients in a client
* server topology. The keys are first locally cleared from the client and current value for the
* keys are inserted into the local cache before this call returns. (if requested).
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param iterable The <code>Iterable</code> of keys on which to register interest.
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @param receiveValues defaults to true. set to false to receive create or update events as
* invalidates similar to notify-by-subscription false.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subcriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since Geode 1.5
default void registerInterestForKeys(Iterable<K> iterable, InterestResultPolicy policy,
boolean isDurable, boolean receiveValues) {
iterable.forEach(k -> registerInterest(k, policy, isDurable, receiveValues));
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for
* this client. Updates to any keys of type {@link String} satisfying this regular expression by
* other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is currently
* supported only on clients in a client server topology. These keys are first locally cleared
* from the client and the current values for keys of type {@link String} that satisfy the regular
* expression are inserted into the local cache before this call returns.
* <p>
* Note that if the <code>regex</code> is <code>".*"</code> then all keys of any type will be
* pushed to the client.
* <p>
* This method uses the default <code>InterestResultPolicy</code>.
* <p>
* The regular expression string is compiled using the {@link java.util.regex.Pattern} class.
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param regex The regular expression on which to register interest.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @see java.util.regex.Pattern
* @since GemFire 4.2.3
void registerInterestRegex(String regex);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for
* this client. Updates to any keys of type {@link String} satisfying this regular expression by
* other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is currently
* supported only on clients in a client server topology. These keys are first locally cleared
* from the client and the current values for keys of type {@link String} that satisfy the regular
* expression are inserted into the local cache before this call returns.
* <p>
* The regular expression string is compiled using the {@link java.util.regex.Pattern} class.
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param regex The regular expression on which to register interest.
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @see java.util.regex.Pattern
* @since GemFire 4.2.3
void registerInterestRegex(String regex, InterestResultPolicy policy);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to unregister interest in a key for this client. Updates to
* this key by other clients will be no longer be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This
* method is currently supported only on clients in a client server topology.
* @param key The key on which to register interest. If the key is a <code>List</code>, then all
* the keys in the <code>List</code> will be unregistered.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @since GemFire 4.2
void unregisterInterest(K key);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to unregister interest in a regular expression pattern for
* this client. Updates to any keys satisfying this regular expression by other clients will no
* longer be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is currently supported only on
* clients in a client server topology.
* @param regex The regular expression on which to unregister interest.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @since GemFire 4.2.3
void unregisterInterestRegex(String regex);
* Returns the list of keys on which this client is interested and will be notified of changes.
* This method is currently supported only on clients in a client server topology.
* @return The list of keys on which this client is interested
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @since GemFire 4.2
List<K> getInterestList();
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client. Updates to
* this key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is
* currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. This key is first locally
* cleared from the client and the current value for this key is inserted into the local cache
* before this call returns.
* @param key The key on which to register interest.
* <p>
* ###Deprecated behavior###
* <p>
* The following <code>List</code> and
* 'ALL_KEYS' behavior is now deprecated. As an alternative, please use
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForKeys(Iterable, InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* If the key is a <code>List</code>, then all the keys in the
* <code>List</code> will be registered. The key can also be the special token 'ALL_KEYS',
* which will register interest in all keys in the region. In effect, this will cause an
* update to any key in this region in the CacheServer to be pushed to the client.
* <p>
* <i>Using 'ALL_KEYS' is the same as calling {@link #registerInterestRegex(String)} with
* ".*" as the argument. This means that all keys of any type are pushed to the client and
* inserted into the local cache.</i>
* <p>
* ###End of deprecation###
* <p>
* This method uses the default <code>InterestResultPolicy</code>.
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off
* you will not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key.
* When concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and
* deliver these events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since GemFire 5.5
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
void registerInterest(K key, boolean isDurable);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client. Updates to
* this key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is
* currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. This key is first locally
* cleared from the client and the current value for this key is inserted into the local cache
* before this call returns.
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param key The key on which to register interest.
* <p>
* ###Deprecated behavior###
* <p>
* The following <code>List</code> and
* 'ALL_KEYS' behavior is now deprecated. As an alternative, please use
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForKeys(Iterable, InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* If the key is a <code>List</code>, then all the keys in the
* <code>List</code> will be registered. The key can also be the special token 'ALL_KEYS',
* which will register interest in all keys in the region. In effect, this will cause an
* update to any key in this region in the CacheServer to be pushed to the client.
* <p>
* <i>Using 'ALL_KEYS' is the same as calling {@link #registerInterestRegex(String)} with
* ".*" as the argument. This means that all keys of any type are pushed to the client and
* inserted into the local cache.</i>
* <p>
* ###End of deprecation###
* <p>
* This method uses the default <code>InterestResultPolicy</code>.
* <p>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @param receiveValues defaults to true. set to false to receive create or update events as
* invalidates similar to notify-by-subscription false.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since GemFire 6.0.3
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
void registerInterest(K key, boolean isDurable, boolean receiveValues);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client. Updates to
* this key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is
* currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. This key is first locally
* cleared from the client and the current value for this key is inserted into the local cache
* before this call returns (if requested).
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param key The key on which to register interest.
* <p>
* ###Deprecated behavior###
* <p>
* The following <code>List</code> and
* 'ALL_KEYS' behavior is now deprecated. As an alternative, please use
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForKeys(Iterable, InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* If the key is a <code>List</code>, then all the keys in the
* <code>List</code> will be registered. The key can also be the special token 'ALL_KEYS',
* which will register interest in all keys in the region. In effect, this will cause an
* update to any key in this region in the CacheServer to be pushed to the client.
* <p>
* <i>Using 'ALL_KEYS' is the same as calling {@link #registerInterestRegex(String)} with
* ".*" as the argument. This means that all keys of any type are pushed to the client and
* inserted into the local cache.</i>
* <p>
* ###End of deprecation###
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @param receiveValues defaults to true. set to false to receive create or update events as
* invalidates similar to notify-by-subscription false.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since GemFire 6.0.3
void registerInterest(K key, InterestResultPolicy policy, boolean isDurable,
boolean receiveValues);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client. Updates to
* this key by other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is
* currently supported only on clients in a client server topology. This key is first locally
* cleared from the client and the current value for this key is inserted into the local cache
* before this call returns (if requested).
* @param key The key on which to register interest.
* <p>
* ###Deprecated behavior###
* <p>
* The following <code>List</code> and
* 'ALL_KEYS' behavior is now deprecated. As an alternative, please use
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForKeys(Iterable, InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* {@link #registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy)}
* <p>
* If the key is a <code>List</code>, then all the keys in the
* <code>List</code> will be registered. The key can also be the special token 'ALL_KEYS',
* which will register interest in all keys in the region. In effect, this will cause an
* update to any key in this region in the CacheServer to be pushed to the client.
* <p>
* <i>Using 'ALL_KEYS' is the same as calling {@link #registerInterestRegex(String)} with
* ".*" as the argument. This means that all keys of any type are pushed to the client and
* inserted into the local cache.</i>
* <p>
* ###End of deprecation###
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off
* you will not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key.
* When concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and
* deliver these events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @since GemFire 5.5
void registerInterest(K key, InterestResultPolicy policy, boolean isDurable);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for
* this client. Updates to any keys of type {@link String} satisfying this regular expression by
* other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is currently
* supported only on clients in a client server topology. These keys are first locally cleared
* from the client and the current values for keys of type {@link String} that satisfy the regular
* expression are inserted into the local cache before this call returns.
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* Note that if the <code>regex</code> is <code>".*"</code> then all keys of any type will be
* pushed to the client.
* <p>
* This method uses the default <code>InterestResultPolicy</code>.
* <p>
* The regular expression string is compiled using the {@link java.util.regex.Pattern} class.
* <p>
* @param regex The regular expression on which to register interest.
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @see java.util.regex.Pattern
* @since GemFire 5.5
void registerInterestRegex(String regex, boolean isDurable);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for
* this client. Updates to any keys of type {@link String} satisfying this regular expression by
* other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is currently
* supported only on clients in a client server topology. These keys are first locally cleared
* from the client and the current values for keys of type {@link String} that satisfy the regular
* expression are inserted into the local cache before this call returns.
* <p>
* Note that if the <code>regex</code> is <code>".*"</code> then all keys of any type will be
* pushed to the client.
* <p>
* This method uses the default <code>InterestResultPolicy</code>.
* <p>
* The regular expression string is compiled using the {@link java.util.regex.Pattern} class.
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param regex The regular expression on which to register interest.
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @param receiveValues defaults to true. set to false to receive create or update events as
* invalidates similar to notify-by-subscription false.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @see java.util.regex.Pattern
* @since GemFire 6.0.3
void registerInterestRegex(String regex, boolean isDurable, boolean receiveValues);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for
* this client. Updates to any keys of type {@link String} satisfying this regular expression by
* other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is currently
* supported only on clients in a client server topology. These keys are first locally cleared
* from the client and the current values for keys of type {@link String} that satisfy the regular
* expression are inserted into the local cache before this call returns.
* <p>
* The regular expression string is compiled using the {@link java.util.regex.Pattern} class.
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param regex The regular expression on which to register interest.
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @see java.util.regex.Pattern
* @since GemFire 5.5
void registerInterestRegex(String regex, InterestResultPolicy policy, boolean isDurable);
* Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for
* this client. Updates to any keys of type {@link String} satisfying this regular expression by
* other clients will be pushed to this client by the CacheServer. This method is currently
* supported only on clients in a client server topology. These keys are first locally cleared
* from the client and the current values for keys of type {@link String} that satisfy the regular
* expression are inserted into the local cache before this call returns.
* <p>
* The regular expression string is compiled using the {@link java.util.regex.Pattern} class.
* <p>
* If you locally-destroy a key and your region has concurrency-checks-enabled turned off you will
* not receive invalidation events from your interest subscription for that key. When
* concurrency-checks-enabled is turned on GemFire will accept invalidation and deliver these
* events to your client cache.
* <p>
* @param regex The regular expression on which to register interest.
* @param policy The interest result policy. This can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.NONE - does not initialize the local cache</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS - initializes the local cache with the keys satisfying the
* request</li>
* <li>InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES - initializes the local cache with the keys and
* current values satisfying the request</li>
* </ul>
* @param isDurable true if the register interest is durable
* @param receiveValues defaults to true. set to false to receive create or update events as
* invalidates similar to notify-by-subscription false.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @throws SubscriptionNotEnabledException if the region's pool does not have subscriptions
* enabled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is a replicate with distributed scope.
* @see InterestResultPolicy
* @see java.util.regex.Pattern
* @since GemFire 6.0.3
void registerInterestRegex(String regex, InterestResultPolicy policy, boolean isDurable,
boolean receiveValues);
* Returns the list of regular expresssions on which this client is interested and will be
* notified of changes. This method is currently supported only on clients in a client server
* topology.
* @return The list of regular expresssions on which this client is interested
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @since GemFire 4.2.3
List<String> getInterestListRegex();
* Returns a set of keys in the region on the server.
* @return a Set of all the keys in the region on the server
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @since GemFire 5.0.2
Set<K> keySetOnServer();
* Returns whether the specified key currently exists in this region on the server.
* @param key the key to check for an existing entry
* @return true if there is an entry in this region for the specified key on the server
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @since GemFire 5.0.2
boolean containsKeyOnServer(Object key);
* Returns the number of entries present in this region on the server. Entries stored in this
* client region are ignored.
* @return the number of entries present in this region on the server.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @since Geode 1.2.0
int sizeOnServer();
* Returns true if this region contains no entries on the server.
* @return true if this region contains no entries on the server.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the region is not configured with a pool name.
* @since Geode 1.2.0
boolean isEmptyOnServer();
* If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associate it with the given value.
* This is equivalent to
* <pre>
* if (!map.containsKey(key))
* return map.put(key, value);
* else
* return map.get(key);
* </pre>
* except that the action is performed atomically.
* <p>
* ConcurrentMap operations are supported on partitioned and replicated regions and in client
* caches. They are also supported on non-empty local regions.
* <p>
* Please read the notes on ConcurrentMap operations in the javadoc for Region.
* <p>
* Region allows the value parameter to be null, which will create an invalid entry.
* <p>
* @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated
* @param value value to be associated with the specified key
* @return the previous value associated with the specified key, or <tt>null</tt> if there was no
* mapping for the key. (A <tt>null</tt> return can also indicate that the map previously
* associated <tt>null</tt> with the key, if the implementation supports null values.)
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>put</tt> operation is not supported by this
* map
* @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified key or value prevents it from being
* stored in this map
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified key or value is null, and this map does not
* permit null keys or values
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of the specified key or value prevents it
* from being stored in this map
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region.
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected.
* @since GemFire 6.5
V putIfAbsent(K key, V value);
* Removes the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value. This is equivalent to
* <pre>
* if (map.containsKey(key) &amp;&amp; map.get(key).equals(value)) {
* map.remove(key);
* return true;
* } else
* return false;
* </pre>
* except that the action is performed atomically.
* <p>
* As of 8.5, if value is an Array then Arrays.equals or Arrays.deepEquals is used instead of
* Object.equals.
* <p>
* ConcurrentMap operations are supported on partitioned and replicated regions and in client
* caches. They are also supported on non-empty local regions.
* <p>
* Please read the notes on ConcurrentMap operations in the javadoc for Region.
* <p>
* Region allows the value parameter to be null, which will match an invalid entry.
* <p>
* @param key key with which the specified value is associated
* @param value value expected to be associated with the specified key
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the value was removed
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>remove</tt> operation is not supported by this
* map
* @throws ClassCastException if the key or value is of an inappropriate type for this map
* (optional)
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified key or value is null, and this map does not
* permit null keys or values (optional)
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region.
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected.
* @since GemFire 6.5
boolean remove(Object key, Object value);
* Replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value. This is equivalent to
* <pre>
* if (map.containsKey(key) &amp;&amp; map.get(key).equals(oldValue)) {
* map.put(key, newValue);
* return true;
* } else
* return false;
* </pre>
* except that the action is performed atomically.
* <p>
* As of 8.5, if value is an Array then Arrays.equals or Arrays.deepEquals is used instead of
* Object.equals.
* <p>
* ConcurrentMap operations are supported on partitioned and replicated regions and in client
* caches. They are also supported on non-empty local regions.
* <p>
* Please read the notes on ConcurrentMap operations in the javadoc for Region.
* <p>
* Region allows the oldValue parameter to be null, which will match an invalid entry.
* <p>
* @param key key with which the specified value is associated
* @param oldValue value expected to be associated with the specified key
* @param newValue value to be associated with the specified key
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the value was replaced
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>replace</tt> operation is not supported by
* this map
* @throws ClassCastException if the class of a specified key or value prevents it from being
* stored in this map
* @throws NullPointerException if a specified key is null, and this map does not permit null keys
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of a specified key or value prevents it from
* being stored in this map
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region.
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected.
* @since GemFire 6.5
boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue);
* Replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to some value. This is equivalent to
* <pre>
* if (map.containsKey(key)) {
* return map.put(key, value);
* } else
* return null;
* </pre>
* except that the action is performed atomically.
* <p>
* ConcurrentMap operations are supported on partitioned and replicated regions and in client
* caches. They are also supported on non-empty local regions.
* <p>
* Please read the notes on ConcurrentMap operations in the javadoc for Region.
* <p>
* @param key key with which the specified value is associated
* @param value value to be associated with the specified key
* @return the previous value associated with the specified key, or <tt>null</tt> if there was no
* mapping for the key. (A <tt>null</tt> return can also indicate that the map previously
* associated <tt>null</tt> with the key, if the implementation supports null values.)
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>put</tt> operation is not supported by this
* map
* @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified key or value prevents it from being
* stored in this map
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified key or value is null, and this map does not
* permit null keys or values
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of the specified key or value prevents it
* from being stored in this map
* @throws org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException if lease expired on distributed lock
* for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws TimeoutException if timed out getting distributed lock for Scope.GLOBAL
* @throws CacheWriterException if a CacheWriter aborts the operation
* @throws PartitionedRegionStorageException if the operation could not be completed on a
* partitioned region.
* @throws LowMemoryException if a low memory condition is detected.
* @since GemFire 6.5
V replace(K key, V value);
* A key-value pair containing the cached data in a region. This object's operations (except
* for{Entry#setValue()}), are not distributed, do not acquire any locks, and do not affect
* <code>CacheStatistics</code>.
* <p>
* Unless otherwise noted, all of these methods throw a <code>CacheClosedException</code> if the
* Cache is closed at the time of invocation, or an <code>EntryDestroyedException</code> if the
* entry has been destroyed.
interface Entry<K, V> extends Map.Entry<K, V> {
* Returns the key for this entry.
* @return the key for this entry
K getKey();
* Returns the value of this entry in the local cache. Does not invoke a
* <code>CacheLoader</code>, does not do a netSearch, netLoad, etc.
* @return the value or <code>null</code> if this entry is invalid
V getValue();
* Returns the region that contains this entry.
* @return the Region that contains this entry
Region<K, V> getRegion();
* This method checks to see if the entry is in the in-process cache, or is in another process.
* Only Regions with {@link DataPolicy#PARTITION} may return false in response to this query. A
* non-local Entry will not reflect dynamic changes being made to the cache. For instance, the
* result of getValue() will not change, even though the cache may have been updated for the
* corresponding key. To see an updated snapshot of a non-local Entry, you must fetch the entry
* from the Region again.
* @return whether the entry is in the in-process cache, or is in another process
boolean isLocal();
* Returns the statistics for this entry.
* @return the CacheStatistics for this entry
* @throws StatisticsDisabledException if statistics have been disabled for this region
CacheStatistics getStatistics();
* Returns the user attribute for this entry in the local cache.
* @return the user attribute for this entry
Object getUserAttribute();
* Sets the user attribute for this entry. Does not distribute the user attribute to other
* caches.
* @param userAttribute the user attribute for this entry
* @return the previous user attribute or null no user attributes has been set for this entry
Object setUserAttribute(Object userAttribute);
* Returns whether this entry has been destroyed.
* <p>
* Does not throw a <code>EntryDestroyedException</code> if this entry has been destroyed.
* @return true if this entry has been destroyed
boolean isDestroyed();
* Sets the value of this entry. It has similar to calling a put on the key of this Entry
* @param value Object the value to be set
* @return the previous value object stored locally for this entry. If the entry did not exist
* then <code>null</code> is returned. If the entry was "invalid" then <code>null</code>
* is returned. In some cases <code>null</code> may be returned even if a previous value
* exists. If the region is a client proxy then <code>null</code> is returned. If the
* region is off-heap and the old value was stored in off-heap memory then
* <code>null</code> is returned. If the region is partitioned and the setValue is done
* on a non-primary then <code>null</code> is returned. If the value is not currently
* stored in memory but is on disk and if the region does not have cqs then
* <code>null</code> is returned.
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @see Region#put(Object, Object)
V setValue(V value);