blob: 92d38ed8fe4005a96eac067564388cb694e77e1c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.cache;
import static org.apache.geode.internal.cache.DiskStoreAttributes.verifyNonNegativeDirSize;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import org.apache.geode.GemFireIOException;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.Immutable;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionShortcut;
import org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolManager;
import org.apache.geode.compression.Compressor;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.AbstractRegion;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.DiskStoreFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.DiskWriteAttributesImpl;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.EvictionAttributesImpl;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PartitionAttributesImpl;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PartitionedRegionHelper;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.DefaultDiskDirs;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.xmlcache.RegionAttributesCreation;
* Creates instances of {@link RegionAttributes}. An {@code AttributesFactory} instance maintains
* state for creating {@code RegionAttributes} instances. The setter methods are used to change the
* settings that will be used for creating the next attributes instance with the {@link #create}
* method. If you create a factory with the default constructor, then the factory is set up to
* create attributes with all default settings. You can also create a factory by providing a
* {@code RegionAttributes}, which will set up the new factory with the settings provided in that
* attributes instance.
* <p>
* Once a {@code RegionAttributes} is created, it can only be modified after it has been used to
* create a {@code Region}, and then only by using an {@link AttributesMutator} obtained from the
* region.
* <h3>Attributes</h3>
* <h4>Callbacks</h4>
* <dl>
* <dt>{@link CacheLoader} [<em>default:</em> {@code null}, meaning no loader]</dt>
* <dd>User-implemented plug-in for loading data on cache misses.<br>
* {@link #setCacheLoader} {@link RegionAttributes#getCacheLoader}
* {@link AttributesMutator#setCacheLoader}</dd>
* <dt>{@link CacheWriter} [<em>default:</em> {@code null}, meaning no writer]</dt>
* <dd>User-implemented plug-in for intercepting cache modifications, e.g. for writing to an
* external data source.<br>
* {@link #setCacheWriter} {@link RegionAttributes#getCacheWriter}
* {@link AttributesMutator#setCacheWriter}</dd>
* <dt>{@link CacheListener} [<em>default:</em> {@code null}, meaning no listener ]</dt>
* <dd>User-implemented plug-in for receiving and handling cache related events.<br>
* {@link #addCacheListener} {@link #initCacheListeners} {@link #initCacheListeners}
* {@link RegionAttributes#getCacheListeners} {@link AttributesMutator#initCacheListeners}
* {@link AttributesMutator#addCacheListener} {@link AttributesMutator#removeCacheListener}</dd>
* </dl>
* <h4>Expiration</h4>
* <dl>
* <dt>RegionTimeToLive [<em>default:</em> no expiration]</dt>
* <dd>Expiration configuration for the entire region based on the
* {@link CacheStatistics#getLastModifiedTime lastModifiedTime}.<br>
* {@link #setRegionTimeToLive} {@link RegionAttributes#getRegionTimeToLive}
* {@link AttributesMutator#setRegionTimeToLive}</dd>
* <dt>RegionIdleTimeout [<em>default:</em> no expiration]</dt>
* <dd>Expiration configuration for the entire region based on the
* {@link CacheStatistics#getLastAccessedTime lastAccessedTime}.<br>
* {@link #setRegionIdleTimeout} {@link RegionAttributes#getRegionIdleTimeout}
* {@link AttributesMutator#setRegionIdleTimeout}</dd>
* <dt>EntryTimeToLive [<em>default:</em> no expiration]</dt>
* <dd>Expiration configuration for individual entries based on the
* {@link CacheStatistics#getLastModifiedTime lastModifiedTime}.<br>
* {@link #setEntryTimeToLive} {@link RegionAttributes#getEntryTimeToLive}
* {@link AttributesMutator#setEntryTimeToLive}</dd>
* <dt>EntryIdleTimeout [<em>default:</em> no expiration]</dt>
* <dd>Expiration configuration for individual entries based on the
* {@link CacheStatistics#getLastAccessedTime lastAccessedTime}.<br>
* {@link #setEntryIdleTimeout} {@link RegionAttributes#getEntryIdleTimeout}
* {@link AttributesMutator#setEntryIdleTimeout}</dd>
* </dl>
* <h4>Distribution</h4>
* <dl>
* <dt>{@link Scope}[<em>default:</em> {@link Scope#DISTRIBUTED_NO_ACK}]</dt>
* <dd>Properties of distribution for the region, including whether it is distributed at all,
* whether acknowledgements are required, and whether distributed synchronization is required. <br>
* {@link #setScope} {@link RegionAttributes#getScope}</dd>
* <dt>EarlyAck [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Whether or not acks required by {@code Scope.DISTRIBUTED_ACK} are sent after an operation is
* processed. If {@code true} then remote caches will ACK before processing an operation sent by the
* cache that has set earlyAck to {@code true}. Note that this attribute is only meaningful on the
* cache that is initiating an operation; it does not matter what it is set to on the cache that
* receives the operation.<br>
* {@link #setEarlyAck} {@link RegionAttributes#getEarlyAck}</dd>
* <dt>{@link SubscriptionAttributes} [<em>default:</em> {@link InterestPolicy#DEFAULT}]</dt>
* <dd>How will the region in this cache subscribe to other distributed instances of this region.
* <br>
* {@link #setSubscriptionAttributes} {@link RegionAttributes#getSubscriptionAttributes}</dd>
* <dt>EnableAsyncConflation [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages to async peers. Async peers are
* those whose {@code async-distribution-timeout} is greater than zero.
* AsyncConflation is ignored if the scope is {@code DISTRIBUTED_ACK} or {@code GLOBAL}. Conflation
* is only done on entry update operations. It is done by dropping the earlier update from the
* message queue. {@link #setEnableAsyncConflation}
* {@link RegionAttributes#getEnableAsyncConflation}</dd>
* <dt>poolName [<em>default:</em> {@code null}, meaning no pool]</dt>
* <dd>Whether or not this region is a client that is to use connections from the named pool to
* communicate with servers. If {@code null}, then it is not a client. If {@code non-null}, then the
* named pool will be used. {@link #setPoolName} {@link RegionAttributes#getPoolName}</dd>
* <dt>EnableSubscriptionConflation [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages from a cache server to its clients.
* Note: This parameter is only valid for cache server to client communication. It has no effect in
* peer to peer communication. If {@code true}, messages will be conflated before they are sent from
* a cache server to its clients. Only the latest value will be sent. Note that this attribute is
* only meaningful in a client server topology. {@link #setEnableSubscriptionConflation}
* {@link RegionAttributes#getEnableSubscriptionConflation}</dd>
* <dt>Publisher [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Whether or not a region is a publisher. Publishers are regions that will have distributed
* write operations done on them. If a publisher is also a replicate then it will be used as the
* preferred source for initializing other replicates. {@link #setPublisher}
* {@link RegionAttributes#getPublisher}</dd>
* <dt>isCloningEnabled [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Whether or not value is cloned before appling {@code Delta}s If {@code false}, value will not
* be cloned {@link #setCloningEnabled} {@link RegionAttributes#getCloningEnabled()}</dd>
* </dl>
* <h4>Storage (see also <a href="package-summary.html#storage">package summary </a>)</h4>
* <dl>
* <dt>{@link DataPolicy} [<em>default:</em> {@code DataPolicy.NORMAL}]</dt>
* <dd>Specifies the data storage policy.<br>
* {@link #setDataPolicy} {@link RegionAttributes#getDataPolicy}</dd>
* <dt>{@link MirrorType} [<em>default:</em> {@code MirrorType.NONE}]</dt>
* <dd><em>Deprecated</em>, use DataPolicy instead.</dd>
* <dt>{@link #setEvictionAttributes(EvictionAttributes) EvictionAttributes}</dt>
* <dd>{@link EvictionAttributes} are the replacement for the deprecated and removed
* CapacityController interface. EvictionAttributes describe the {@link EvictionAlgorithm} and the
* {@link EvictionAction} as well as the various conditions under which the algorithm perform the
* action e.g. when the maximum number of entries has been reached or the maximum percentage of JVM
* heap has been consumed. Setting {@code EvictionAttributes} installs an eviction controller on the
* Region instantiated with the associated RegionAttributes</dd>
* <dt>KeyConstraint [<em>default:</em> {@code null}, meaning no constraint]</dt>
* <dd>The Class to constrain the keys to in the region.<br>
* {@link #setKeyConstraint} {@link RegionAttributes#getKeyConstraint}</dd>
* <dt>ValueConstraint [<em>default:</em> {@code null}, meaning no constraint]</dt>
* <dd>The Class to constrain the values to in the region. In addition to the utility of this for
* applications in general, a {@code valueConstraint} is helpful for compiling queries.<br>
* {@link #setValueConstraint} {@link RegionAttributes#getValueConstraint}</dd>
* <dt>InitialCapacity [<em>default:</em> {@code 16}]</dt>
* <dd>The initial capacity of the map used for storing the entries. <br>
* {@link java.util.HashMap} {@link #setInitialCapacity}
* {@link RegionAttributes#getInitialCapacity}</dd>
* <dt>LoadFactor [<em>default:</em> {@code 0.75}]</dt>
* <dd>The load factor of the map used for storing the entries. <br>
* {@link java.util.HashMap} {@link #setLoadFactor} {@link RegionAttributes#getLoadFactor}</dd>
* <dt>ConcurrencyLevel [<em>default:</em> {@code 16}]</dt>
* <dd>The allowed concurrency among updates to values in the region is guided by the
* <tt>concurrencyLevel</tt>, which is used as a hint for internal sizing. The actual concurrency
* will vary. Ideally, you should choose a value to accommodate as many threads as will ever
* concurrently modify values in the region. Using a significantly higher value than you need can
* waste space and time, and a significantly lower value can lead to thread contention. But
* overestimates and underestimates within an order of magnitude do not usually have much noticeable
* impact. A value of one is appropriate when it is known that only one thread will modify and all
* others will only read. <br>
* {@link #setConcurrencyLevel} {@link RegionAttributes#getConcurrencyLevel}</dd>
* <dt>ConcurrencyChecksEnabled [<em>default:</em> {@code true}]</dt>
* <dd>Enables a distributed versioning algorithm that detects concurrency conflicts in regions and
* ensures that changes to an entry are not applied in a different order in other members. This can
* cause operations to be conflated, so that some cache listeners may see an event while others do
* not, but it guarantees that the system will be consistent.</dd>
* <dt>StatisticsEnabled [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Whether statistics are enabled for this region. The default is disabled, which conserves on
* memory. <br>
* {@link #setStatisticsEnabled} {@link RegionAttributes#getStatisticsEnabled}</dd>
* <dt>IgnoreJTA [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Whether JTA transactions are ignored for this region. The default is to look for and join JTA
* transactions for operations performed on a region.
* <dt>DiskStoreName [<em>default:</em> {@code null}, meaning no disk store]</dt>
* <dd>If not {@code null} then this region will write its data to the named {@link DiskStore}.<br>
* {@link #setDiskStoreName} {@link RegionAttributes#getDiskStoreName}</dd>
* <dt>DiskSynchronous [<em>default:</em> {@code true}]</dt>
* <dd>If {@code true} then any writes to disk done for this region will be done synchronously. This
* means that they will be in the file system buffer before the operation doing the write
* returns.<br>
* If {@code false} then any writes to disk done for this region will be done asynchronously. This
* means that they are queued up to be written and when they are actually written to the file system
* buffer is determined by the region's {@link DiskStore} configuration. Asynchronous writes will be
* conflated if the same entry is written while a previous operation for the same entry is still in
* the queue.<br>
* {@link #setDiskSynchronous} {@link RegionAttributes#isDiskSynchronous}</dd>
* <dt>PersistBackup [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Whether or not a persistent backup should be made of the region.<br>
* {@link #setPersistBackup} {@link RegionAttributes#getPersistBackup}</dd>
* <dd><em>Deprecated</em>, use {@link DataPolicy#PERSISTENT_REPLICATE} or
* {@link DataPolicy#PERSISTENT_PARTITION} instead.</dd>
* <dt>DiskWriteAttributes [<em>default:</em> Asynchronously write to disk every second (a
* {@code timeInterval} of 1000 and a {@code byteThreshold} of 0). {@code rollOplogs} is set to true
* and {@code maxOplogSize} is set to 1024 MB]</dt>
* <dd>How region data should be written to disk. Determines whether data should be written
* synchronously or asynchronously. Data that is written asynchronously can be written at a certain
* {@linkplain DiskWriteAttributes#getTimeInterval time interval} or once a certain number of
* {@linkplain DiskWriteAttributes#getBytesThreshold bytes of data} have been enqueued.<br>
* {@link DiskWriteAttributes} {@link #setDiskWriteAttributes}
* {@link RegionAttributes#getDiskWriteAttributes}</dd>
* <dd><em>Deprecated</em>, use {@link #setDiskStoreName} and {@link #setDiskSynchronous}
* instead.</dd>
* <dt>DiskDirs [<em>default:</em> Current working directory ({@code user.dir}
* {@linkplain System#getProperties system property})]</dt>
* <dd>The directories to which the region's data are written. If multiple directories are used,
* GemFire will attempt to distribute the data evenly among them. <br>
* {@link #setDiskDirs} {@link RegionAttributes#getDiskDirs}</dd>
* <dd><em>Deprecated</em>, use {@link #setDiskStoreName} instead.</dd>
* <dt>DiskDirSizes [<em>default:</em> 10240 MB]</dt>
* <dd>The size of the directory to which region's data is written.<br>
* {@link #setDiskDirsAndSizes} {@link RegionAttributes#getDiskDirSizes}</dd>
* <dd><em>Deprecated</em>, use {@link #setDiskStoreName} instead.</dd>
* <dt>{@link PartitionAttributes} [<em>default:</em> {@code null}, meaning no region
* partitioning]</dt>
* <dd>How region data is partitioned among the members of the distributed system. <br>
* {@link #setPartitionAttributes} {@link RegionAttributes#getPartitionAttributes}</dd>
* <dt>{@link MembershipAttributes} [<em>default:</em> no required roles]</dt>
* <dd>How access to the region is affected when one or more required roles are missing from the
* region membership. <br>
* {@link #setMembershipAttributes} {@link RegionAttributes#getMembershipAttributes}</dd>
* <dd><em>Deprecated</em>, this API is scheduled to be removed</dd>
* </dl>
* <h4>Locking</h4>
* <dl>
* <dt>LockGrantor [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Should this process become lock grantor for the region?</dd>
* {@link #setLockGrantor} {@link RegionAttributes#isLockGrantor} {@link Region#becomeLockGrantor}
* </dl>
* <h4>Querying</h4>
* <dl>
* <dt>IndexMaintenanceSynchronous [<em>default:</em> {@code false}]</dt>
* <dd>Are indexes built over in this region updated synchronously when the underlying data is
* modified?</dd>
* {@link #setIndexMaintenanceSynchronous} {@link RegionAttributes#getIndexMaintenanceSynchronous}
* </dl>
* <p>
* Note that the RegionAttributes are not distributed with the region.
* <a name="compatibility"></a>
* <h3>Compatibility Rules</h3>
* <h4>RegionAttributes Creation Constraints</h4> If any of the following compatibility rules are
* violated when {@link #create}} is called then an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown. See
* {@link #validateAttributes}.
* <a name="creationConstraints"></a>
* <h3>Creation Constraints</h3>
* <h4>Region Creation Constraints on RegionAttributes</h4>
* If any of the following rules are violated when {@link Region#createSubregion createSubregion} or
* {@link Cache#createRegion createRegion} are called, then an {@code IllegalStateException} is
* thrown.
* <ul>
* <li>A region with {@code Scope.LOCAL} can only have subregions with {@code Scope.LOCAL}.</li>
* <li>{@code Scope.GLOBAL} is illegal if there is any other cache in the distributed system that
* has the same region with {@code Scope.DISTRIBUTED_NO_ACK} or {@code Scope.DISTRIBUTED_ACK}.</li>
* <li>{@code Scope.DISTRIBUTED_ACK} is illegal if there is any other cache in the distributed
* system that has the same region with {@code Scope.DISTRIBUTED_NO_ACK} or
* {@code Scope.GLOBAL}.</li>
* <li>{@code Scope.DISTRIBUTED_NO_ACK} is illegal if there is any other cache in the distributed
* system that has the same region with {@code Scope.DISTRIBUTED_ACK} or {@code Scope.GLOBAL}.</li>
* </ul>
* @see RegionAttributes
* @see AttributesMutator
* @see Region#createSubregion(String, RegionAttributes)
* @since GemFire 3.0
* @deprecated as of 6.5 use {@link Cache#createRegionFactory(RegionShortcut)} or
* {@link ClientCache#createClientRegionFactory(ClientRegionShortcut)} instead.
public class AttributesFactory<K, V> {
private final RegionAttributesImpl<K, V> regionAttributes = new RegionAttributesImpl<>();
* The default disk synchronous write setting
* <p>
* Current value: {@code true} each.
* @since GemFire 6.5
public static final boolean DEFAULT_DISK_SYNCHRONOUS = true;
* The default concurrency level for updates to region values
public static final int DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 16;
* Creates a new instance of AttributesFactory ready to create a {@code RegionAttributes} with
* default settings.
public AttributesFactory() {}
* Creates a new instance of AttributesFactory ready to create a {@code RegionAttributes} with the
* same settings as those in the specified {@code RegionAttributes}.
* @param regionAttributes the {@code RegionAttributes} used to initialize this AttributesFactory
public AttributesFactory(RegionAttributes<K, V> regionAttributes) {
synchronized (this.regionAttributes) {
this.regionAttributes.cacheListeners =
new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(regionAttributes.getCacheListeners()));
this.regionAttributes.cacheLoader = regionAttributes.getCacheLoader();
this.regionAttributes.cacheWriter = regionAttributes.getCacheWriter();
this.regionAttributes.regionTimeToLive = regionAttributes.getRegionTimeToLive().getTimeout();
this.regionAttributes.regionTimeToLiveExpirationAction =
this.regionAttributes.regionIdleTimeout = regionAttributes.getRegionIdleTimeout().getTimeout();
this.regionAttributes.regionIdleTimeoutExpirationAction =
this.regionAttributes.entryTimeToLive = regionAttributes.getEntryTimeToLive().getTimeout();
this.regionAttributes.entryTimeToLiveExpirationAction =
this.regionAttributes.customEntryTimeToLive = regionAttributes.getCustomEntryTimeToLive();
this.regionAttributes.entryIdleTimeout = regionAttributes.getEntryIdleTimeout().getTimeout();
this.regionAttributes.entryIdleTimeoutExpirationAction =
this.regionAttributes.customEntryIdleTimeout = regionAttributes.getCustomEntryIdleTimeout();
this.regionAttributes.scope = regionAttributes.getScope();
this.regionAttributes.dataPolicy = regionAttributes.getDataPolicy();
this.regionAttributes.statisticsEnabled = regionAttributes.getStatisticsEnabled();
this.regionAttributes.ignoreJTA = regionAttributes.getIgnoreJTA();
this.regionAttributes.keyConstraint = regionAttributes.getKeyConstraint();
this.regionAttributes.valueConstraint = regionAttributes.getValueConstraint();
this.regionAttributes.initialCapacity = regionAttributes.getInitialCapacity();
this.regionAttributes.loadFactor = regionAttributes.getLoadFactor();
this.regionAttributes.concurrencyLevel = regionAttributes.getConcurrencyLevel();
this.regionAttributes.concurrencyChecksEnabled = regionAttributes.getConcurrencyChecksEnabled();
this.regionAttributes.earlyAck = regionAttributes.getEarlyAck();
this.regionAttributes.diskStoreName = regionAttributes.getDiskStoreName();
if (this.regionAttributes.diskStoreName == null) {
this.regionAttributes.diskWriteAttributes = regionAttributes.getDiskWriteAttributes();
this.regionAttributes.diskDirs = regionAttributes.getDiskDirs();
this.regionAttributes.diskSizes = regionAttributes.getDiskDirSizes();
this.regionAttributes.diskSynchronous = regionAttributes.isDiskSynchronous();
this.regionAttributes.indexMaintenanceSynchronous =
this.regionAttributes.partitionAttributes = regionAttributes.getPartitionAttributes();
this.regionAttributes.evictionAttributes =
(EvictionAttributesImpl) regionAttributes.getEvictionAttributes();
this.regionAttributes.membershipAttributes = regionAttributes.getMembershipAttributes();
this.regionAttributes.subscriptionAttributes = regionAttributes.getSubscriptionAttributes();
this.regionAttributes.evictionAttributes =
(EvictionAttributesImpl) regionAttributes.getEvictionAttributes();
this.regionAttributes.publisher = regionAttributes.getPublisher();
this.regionAttributes.enableAsyncConflation = regionAttributes.getEnableAsyncConflation();
this.regionAttributes.enableSubscriptionConflation =
this.regionAttributes.poolName = regionAttributes.getPoolName();
this.regionAttributes.isCloningEnabled = regionAttributes.getCloningEnabled();
this.regionAttributes.multicastEnabled = regionAttributes.getMulticastEnabled();
this.regionAttributes.gatewaySenderIds =
new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(regionAttributes.getGatewaySenderIds());
this.regionAttributes.asyncEventQueueIds =
new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(regionAttributes.getAsyncEventQueueIds());
this.regionAttributes.isLockGrantor = regionAttributes.isLockGrantor(); // fix for bug 47067
if (regionAttributes instanceof UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes) {
.setIndexes(((UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes<K, V>) regionAttributes).getIndexes());
if (regionAttributes instanceof UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes) {
// Selectively set has* fields to true, propigating those non-default
// (aka user specified) fields as such
UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes<K, V> nonDefault =
(UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes<K, V>) regionAttributes;
this.regionAttributes.requiresPoolName = nonDefault.requiresPoolName;
} else {
// Set all fields to false, essentially starting with a new set of defaults
this.regionAttributes.compressor = regionAttributes.getCompressor();
this.regionAttributes.offHeap = regionAttributes.getOffHeap();
* Sets the cache loader for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created.
* @param cacheLoader the cache loader or null if no loader
* @throws IllegalStateException if this region has a {@link #setPoolName pool name set}
public void setCacheLoader(CacheLoader<K, V> cacheLoader) {
regionAttributes.cacheLoader = cacheLoader;
* Sets the cache writer for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created.
* @param cacheWriter the cache writer or null if no cache writer
* @throws IllegalStateException if this region has a {@link #setPoolName pool name set}
public void setCacheWriter(CacheWriter<K, V> cacheWriter) {
regionAttributes.cacheWriter = cacheWriter;
* Sets the CacheListener for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created. Any existing cache
* listeners on this factory are removed.
* @param aListener a user defined CacheListener, null if no listener
* @deprecated as of GemFire 5.0, use {@link #addCacheListener} instead.
public void setCacheListener(CacheListener<K, V> aListener) {
ArrayList<CacheListener<K, V>> col;
if (aListener == null) {
col = null;
} else {
col = new ArrayList<>(1);
synchronized (regionAttributes) {
regionAttributes.cacheListeners = col;
* Adds a cache listener to the end of the list of cache listeners on this factory.
* @param aListener the cache listener to add to the factory.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code aListener} is null
* @since GemFire 5.0
public void addCacheListener(CacheListener<K, V> aListener) {
if (aListener == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"addCacheListener parameter was null");
synchronized (regionAttributes) {
* Removes all cache listeners and then adds each listener in the specified array.
* @param newListeners a possibly null or empty array of listeners to add to this factory.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code newListeners} array has a null element
* @since GemFire 5.0
public void initCacheListeners(CacheListener<K, V>[] newListeners) {
synchronized (regionAttributes) {
if (newListeners == null || newListeners.length == 0) {
regionAttributes.cacheListeners = null;
} else {
List<CacheListener<K, V>> nl = Arrays.asList(newListeners);
if (nl.contains(null)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"initCacheListeners parameter had a null element");
regionAttributes.cacheListeners = new ArrayList<>(nl);
* Sets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for region entries for the next
* {@code RegionAttributes} created. Default is 0 which indicates no expiration of this type.
* @param idleTimeout the idleTimeout ExpirationAttributes for entries in this region
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if idleTimeout is null
public void setEntryIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes idleTimeout) {
if (idleTimeout == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"idleTimeout must not be null");
regionAttributes.entryIdleTimeout = idleTimeout.getTimeout();
regionAttributes.entryIdleTimeoutExpirationAction = idleTimeout.getAction();
* Sets the idleTimeout CustomExpiry for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created.
* @param custom the CustomExpiry to use; null means none will be used.
public void setCustomEntryIdleTimeout(CustomExpiry<K, V> custom) {
regionAttributes.customEntryIdleTimeout = custom;
* Sets the timeToLive expiration attributes for region entries for the next
* {@code RegionAttributes} created. Default is 0 which indicates no expiration of this type.
* @param timeToLive the timeToLive ExpirationAttributes for entries in this region
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if timeToLive is null
public void setEntryTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes timeToLive) {
if (timeToLive == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"timeToLive must not be null");
regionAttributes.entryTimeToLive = timeToLive.getTimeout();
regionAttributes.entryTimeToLiveExpirationAction = timeToLive.getAction();
* Sets the custom timeToLive for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created.
* @param custom the CustomExpiry to use, none if the default for the region is to be used.
public void setCustomEntryTimeToLive(CustomExpiry<K, V> custom) {
regionAttributes.customEntryTimeToLive = custom;
* Sets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for the region itself for the next
* {@code RegionAttributes} created. Default is 0 which indicates no expiration of this type is
* set.
* @param idleTimeout the ExpirationAttributes for this region idleTimeout
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if idleTimeout is null
public void setRegionIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes idleTimeout) {
if (idleTimeout == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"idleTimeout must not be null");
regionAttributes.regionIdleTimeout = idleTimeout.getTimeout();
regionAttributes.regionIdleTimeoutExpirationAction = idleTimeout.getAction();
* Sets the timeToLive expiration attributes for the region itself for the next
* {@code RegionAttributes} created. Default is 0 i.e. no expiration of this type.
* @param timeToLive the ExpirationAttributes for this region timeToLive
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if timeToLive is null
public void setRegionTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes timeToLive) {
if (timeToLive == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"timeToLive must not be null");
regionAttributes.regionTimeToLive = timeToLive.getTimeout();
regionAttributes.regionTimeToLiveExpirationAction = timeToLive.getAction();
* Sets the scope for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created. Default scope is
* DISTRIBUTED_NO_ACK. Refer gemfire documentation for more details on this.
* @param scopeType the type of Scope to use for the region
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if scopeType is null
public void setScope(Scope scopeType) {
if (scopeType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"scopeType must not be null");
* Sets the EvictionController for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created. Use one of the
* creation methods on {@link EvictionAttributes} e.g.
* {@link EvictionAttributes#createLRUHeapAttributes()} to create the desired instance for this
* {@code AttributesFactory}
* @param evictAttrs Explains how and when eviction occurs in the Region.
public void setEvictionAttributes(EvictionAttributes evictAttrs) {
if (evictAttrs != null) {
regionAttributes.evictionAttributes = (EvictionAttributesImpl) evictAttrs;
} else {
regionAttributes.evictionAttributes = new EvictionAttributesImpl();
* Sets the mirror type for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created.
* @param mirrorType The type of mirroring to use for the region
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if mirrorType is null
* @deprecated use {@link #setDataPolicy} instead.
public void setMirrorType(MirrorType mirrorType) {
if (mirrorType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"mirrorType must not be null");
DataPolicy dp = mirrorType.getDataPolicy();
if (dp.withReplication()) {
// requested a mirror type that has replication
// if current data policy is not replicated change it
if (!regionAttributes.getDataPolicy().withReplication()) {
} else {
// requested a mirror type none;
// if current data policy is replicated change it
if (regionAttributes.getDataPolicy().withReplication()) {
* Sets the data policy for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created. Default data policy is
* 'Normal'. Please refer gemfire documentation for more details on this.
* @param dataPolicy The data policy to use for the region
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if dataPolicy is null
public void setDataPolicy(DataPolicy dataPolicy) {
if (dataPolicy == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"dataPolicy must not be null");
if (regionAttributes.partitionAttributes != null) {
if (!PartitionedRegionHelper.ALLOWED_DATA_POLICIES.contains(dataPolicy)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Data policies other than %s are not supported for Partitioned Regions",
* Sets the key constraint for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created. Keys in the region will
* be constrained to this class (or subclass). Any attempt to store a key of an incompatible type
* in the region will cause a {@code ClassCastException} to be thrown.
* @param keyConstraint The Class to constrain the keys to, or null if no constraint
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code keyConstraint} is a class denoting a primitive type
public void setKeyConstraint(Class<K> keyConstraint) {
if (keyConstraint != null && keyConstraint.isPrimitive()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"keyConstraint must not be a primitive type");
regionAttributes.keyConstraint = keyConstraint;
* Sets the value constraint for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created. Values in the region
* will be constrained to this class (or subclass). Any attempt to store a value of an
* incompatible type in the region will cause a {@code ClassCastException} to be thrown.
* @param valueConstraint The Class to constrain the values to, or null if no constraint
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code valueConstraint} is a class denoting a primitive
* type
public void setValueConstraint(Class<V> valueConstraint) {
if (valueConstraint != null && valueConstraint.isPrimitive()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"valueConstraint must not be a primitive type");
regionAttributes.valueConstraint = valueConstraint;
* Sets the entry initial capacity for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created. This value is
* used in initializing the map that holds the entries. Default is 16.
* @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the entry map
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if initialCapacity is negative.
* @see java.util.HashMap
public void setInitialCapacity(int initialCapacity) {
if (initialCapacity < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"initialCapacity must be >= 0");
regionAttributes.initialCapacity = initialCapacity;
* Sets the entry load factor for the next {@code RegionAttributes} created. This value is used in
* initializing the map that holds the entries. Default is 0.75.
* @param loadFactor the load factor of the entry map
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if loadFactor is nonpositive
* @see java.util.HashMap
public void setLoadFactor(float loadFactor) {
if (loadFactor <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("loadFactor must be > 0, value is %s",
regionAttributes.loadFactor = loadFactor;
* Sets the concurrency level of the next {@code RegionAttributes} created. This value is used in
* initializing the map that holds the entries. Default is 16.
* @param concurrencyLevel the concurrency level of the entry map
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if concurrencyLevel is nonpositive
public void setConcurrencyLevel(int concurrencyLevel) {
if (concurrencyLevel <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"concurrencyLevel must be > 0");
regionAttributes.concurrencyLevel = concurrencyLevel;
* Enables or disabled concurrent modification checks. Concurrency checks are enabled by default.
* @since GemFire 7.0
* @param concurrencyChecksEnabled whether to perform concurrency checks on operations
public void setConcurrencyChecksEnabled(boolean concurrencyChecksEnabled) {
regionAttributes.concurrencyChecksEnabled = concurrencyChecksEnabled;
* Sets whether or not a persistent backup should be made of the region.
* @param persistBackup boolean specifying if a persistent backup should be made of the region
* @since GemFire 3.2
* @deprecated as of GemFire 5.0, use {@link DataPolicy#PERSISTENT_REPLICATE} instead
public void setPersistBackup(boolean persistBackup) {
if (persistBackup) {
if (!regionAttributes.getDataPolicy().withPersistence()) {
if (regionAttributes.getDataPolicy().withPartitioning()) {
} else {
} else {
// It is less clear what we should do here for backwards compat.
// If the current data policy is persist then we need to change it
// otherwise just leave it alone
if (regionAttributes.getDataPolicy().withReplication()) {
} else if (regionAttributes.getDataPolicy().withPartitioning()) {
* Sets whether or not acks are sent after an operation is processed.
* @param earlyAck boolean specifying if acks are sent after an operation is processed
* @since GemFire 4.1
* @deprecated This setting no longer has any effect.
public void setEarlyAck(boolean earlyAck) {
regionAttributes.earlyAck = earlyAck;
* Sets whether or not this region should be considered a publisher.
* @param v boolean specifying if this region should be considered a publisher
* @since GemFire 4.2.3
* @deprecated as of 6.5
public void setPublisher(boolean v) {}
* Sets whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages to async peers. Default value is
* false.
* @param enableAsyncConflation boolean specifying if conflation is enabled for sending messages
* to async peers
* @since GemFire 4.2.3
public void setEnableAsyncConflation(boolean enableAsyncConflation) {
regionAttributes.enableAsyncConflation = enableAsyncConflation;
* Sets whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages from a cache server to its
* clients. Default is false.
* @param enableSubscriptionConflation boolean specifying if conflation is enabled for sending
* messages from a cache server to its clients
* @since GemFire 5.0
public void setEnableSubscriptionConflation(boolean enableSubscriptionConflation) {
regionAttributes.enableSubscriptionConflation = enableSubscriptionConflation;
* adds a gateway sender to the end of list of gateway senders on this factory
* @param gatewaySenderId the ID of the gateway sender to be added
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code gatewaySender} is null
* @since GemFire 7.0
public void addGatewaySenderId(String gatewaySenderId) {
if (gatewaySenderId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"GatewaySender id is null.");
synchronized (regionAttributes) {
* Adds a AsyncEventQueue to the end of list of async event queues on this factory
* @param asyncEventQueueId the ID of the async event queue to be added
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code gatewaySender} is null
* @since GemFire 7.0
public void addAsyncEventQueueId(String asyncEventQueueId) {
if (asyncEventQueueId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"GatewaySender id is null.");
synchronized (regionAttributes) {
* Sets whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages from a cache server to its
* clients.
* @param enableBridgeConflation boolean specifying if conflation is enabled for sending messages
* from a cache server to its clients
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @deprecated as of 5.7 use {@link #setEnableSubscriptionConflation} instead.
public void setEnableBridgeConflation(boolean enableBridgeConflation) {
* Sets whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages from a cache server to its
* clients.
* @param enableBridgeConflation boolean specifying if conflation is enabled for sending messages
* from a cache server to its clients
* @deprecated as of GemFire 5.0, use {@link #setEnableSubscriptionConflation}
public void setEnableConflation(boolean enableBridgeConflation) {
* Sets the {@link DiskWriteAttributes} for this factory
* @param attrs the {@link DiskWriteAttributes} to be set for this factory
* @see Region#writeToDisk
* @since GemFire 3.2
* @deprecated as of 6.5 use {@link #setDiskStoreName} instead
public void setDiskWriteAttributes(DiskWriteAttributes attrs) {
if (regionAttributes.getDiskStoreName() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Deprecated API %s cannot be used with DiskStore %s",
"setDiskWriteAttributes", regionAttributes.getDiskStoreName()));
regionAttributes.diskWriteAttributes = attrs;
if (attrs != null) {
// keep new apis in sync with old
regionAttributes.diskSynchronous = attrs.isSynchronous();
* Sets the directories with the default size of 10240 MB to which the region's data is written
* @param diskDirs the directories to which the region's data is written
* @throws GemFireIOException if a directory does not exist
* @since GemFire 3.2
* @deprecated as of 6.5 use {@link DiskStoreFactory#setDiskDirs} instead
public void setDiskDirs(File[] diskDirs) {
if (regionAttributes.getDiskStoreName() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Deprecated API %s cannot be used with DiskStore %s",
"setDiskDirs", regionAttributes.getDiskStoreName()));
regionAttributes.diskDirs = diskDirs;
regionAttributes.diskSizes = new int[diskDirs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < diskDirs.length; i++) {
regionAttributes.diskSizes[i] = DiskStoreFactory.DEFAULT_DISK_DIR_SIZE;
if (!regionAttributes.hasDiskWriteAttributes()
&& !regionAttributes.hasDiskSynchronous()) {
// switch to the old default
regionAttributes.diskSynchronous = false;
regionAttributes.diskWriteAttributes = DiskWriteAttributesImpl.getDefaultAsyncInstance();
* Sets the DiskStore name attribute. This causes the region to use the {@link DiskStore}.
* @param name the name of the diskstore
* @since GemFire 6.5
public void setDiskStoreName(String name) {
if (regionAttributes.hasDiskDirs() || regionAttributes.hasDiskWriteAttributes()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Deprecated API %s cannot be used with DiskStore %s",
"setDiskDirs or setDiskWriteAttributes", name));
regionAttributes.diskStoreName = name;
* Sets whether or not the writing to the disk is synchronous. Default is true.
* @param isSynchronous boolean if true indicates synchronous writes
* @since GemFire 6.5
public void setDiskSynchronous(boolean isSynchronous) {
regionAttributes.diskSynchronous = isSynchronous;
if (regionAttributes.hasDiskWriteAttributes()) {
DiskWriteAttributesFactory dwaf =
new DiskWriteAttributesFactory(regionAttributes.diskWriteAttributes);
regionAttributes.diskWriteAttributes = dwaf.create();
} else {
if (isSynchronous) {
regionAttributes.diskWriteAttributes =
} else {
regionAttributes.diskWriteAttributes =
* Sets the directories to which the region's data is written and also set their sizes in
* megabytes
* @param diskDirs the directories to which the region's data is written
* @param diskSizes the size in megabytes for each directory
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a dir does not exist or the length of the size array does
* not match to the length of the dir array or the given size is not a valid positive
* number
* @since GemFire 5.1
* @deprecated as of 6.5 use {@link DiskStoreFactory#setDiskDirsAndSizes} instead
public void setDiskDirsAndSizes(File[] diskDirs, int[] diskSizes) {
if (regionAttributes.getDiskStoreName() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Deprecated API %s cannot be used with DiskStore %s",
"setDiskDirsAndSizes", regionAttributes.getDiskStoreName()));
regionAttributes.diskDirs = diskDirs;
if (diskSizes.length != regionAttributes.diskDirs.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Number of diskSizes is %s which is not equal to number of disk Dirs which is %s",
regionAttributes.diskSizes = diskSizes;
if (!regionAttributes.hasDiskWriteAttributes()
&& !regionAttributes.hasDiskSynchronous()) {
// switch to the old default
regionAttributes.diskSynchronous = false;
regionAttributes.diskWriteAttributes = DiskWriteAttributesImpl.getDefaultAsyncInstance();
* Sets the {@code PartitionAttributes} that describe how the region is partitioned among members
* of the distributed system. This also establishes a data policy of {@link DataPolicy#PARTITION
* PARTITION}, if the data policy has not already been set.
* @param partition the {@code PartitionAttributes} that describe how the region is partitioned
* among members of the distributed system
* @since GemFire 5.0
public void setPartitionAttributes(PartitionAttributes partition) {
if (partition != null) {
if (!regionAttributes.hasDataPolicy()) {
regionAttributes.dataPolicy = PartitionedRegionHelper.DEFAULT_DATA_POLICY;
} else if (!PartitionedRegionHelper.ALLOWED_DATA_POLICIES
.contains(regionAttributes.dataPolicy)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Data policy %s is not allowed for a partitioned region. DataPolicies other than %s are not allowed.",
if (regionAttributes.hasPartitionAttributes()
&& regionAttributes.partitionAttributes instanceof PartitionAttributesImpl
&& partition instanceof PartitionAttributesImpl) {
// Make a copy and call merge on it to prevent bug 51616
PartitionAttributesImpl copy =
((PartitionAttributesImpl) regionAttributes.partitionAttributes).copy();
copy.merge((PartitionAttributesImpl) partition);
regionAttributes.partitionAttributes = copy;
} else {
regionAttributes.partitionAttributes = partition;
((PartitionAttributesImpl) regionAttributes.partitionAttributes)
} else {
regionAttributes.partitionAttributes = null;
protected void setBucketRegion(boolean b) {
regionAttributes.isBucketRegion = b;
* Sets the {@code MembershipAttributes} that describe the membership roles required for reliable
* access to the region.
* @param membership the {@code MembershipAttributes} that describe the membership roles required
* for reliable access to the region
* @deprecated this API is scheduled to be removed
public void setMembershipAttributes(MembershipAttributes membership) {
regionAttributes.membershipAttributes = membership;
* Sets the {@code SubscriptionAttributes} that describe how the region will subscribe to other
* distributed cache instances of the region.
* @param subscription the {@code SubscriptionAttributes} that describe how the region will
* subscribe to other distributed cache instances of the region
* @since GemFire 5.0
public void setSubscriptionAttributes(SubscriptionAttributes subscription) {
regionAttributes.subscriptionAttributes = subscription;
* Set how indexes on the region should be maintained. It will be either synchronous or
* asynchronous. Default is true.
* @param synchronous boolean specifying if index maintenance on the region should be synchronous
* (true) or asynchronous (false)
public void setIndexMaintenanceSynchronous(boolean synchronous) {
regionAttributes.indexMaintenanceSynchronous = synchronous;
* Sets whether statistics are enabled for this region and its entries. Default is false.
* @param statisticsEnabled whether statistics are enabled
public void setStatisticsEnabled(boolean statisticsEnabled) {
regionAttributes.statisticsEnabled = statisticsEnabled;
* Sets the flag telling a region to ignore JTA transactions. Default is false.
* @param flag boolean specifying if the region should ignore JTA transactions
* @since GemFire 5.0
public void setIgnoreJTA(boolean flag) {
regionAttributes.ignoreJTA = flag;
* Sets whether this region should become lock grantor. Default value is false.
* @param isLockGrantor whether this region should become lock grantor
public void setLockGrantor(boolean isLockGrantor) {
regionAttributes.isLockGrantor = isLockGrantor;
* Sets whether distributed operations on this region should attempt to use multicast. Multicast
* must also be enabled in the cache's DistributedSystem
* (see <a href="../distributed/DistributedSystem.html#mcast-port">"mcast-port"</a>).
* Default is false.
* @param value boolean specifying if distributed operations on this region should attempt to use
* multicast
* @since GemFire 5.0
* @see RegionAttributes#getMulticastEnabled
public void setMulticastEnabled(boolean value) {
regionAttributes.multicastEnabled = value;
* Sets cloning on region. Default is false. Note: off-heap regions always behave as if cloning is
* enabled.
* @param cloningEnable boolean specifying if cloning is enabled on the region
* @since GemFire 6.1
* @see RegionAttributes#getCloningEnabled()
public void setCloningEnabled(boolean cloningEnable) {
regionAttributes.isCloningEnabled = cloningEnable;
* Sets the pool name attribute. This causes regions that use these attributes to be a client
* region which communicates with the servers that the connection pool communicates with.
* <p>
* If this attribute is set to {@code null} or {@code ""} then the connection pool is disabled
* causing regions that use these attributes to be communicate with peers instead of servers.
* <p>
* The named connection pool must exist on the cache at the time these attributes are used to
* create a region. See {@link PoolManager#createFactory} for how to create a connection pool.
* @param name the name of the connection pool to use; if {@code null} or {@code ""} then the
* connection pool is disabled for regions using these attributes.
* @since GemFire 5.7
public void setPoolName(String name) {
String nm = name;
if ("".equals(nm)) {
nm = null;
regionAttributes.poolName = nm;
* Sets this region's compressor for compressing entry values.
* @since GemFire 8.0
* @param compressor a compressor.
public void setCompressor(Compressor compressor) {
regionAttributes.compressor = compressor;
// Cloning must be enabled when a compressor is set
if (compressor != null) {
* Enables this region's usage of off-heap memory if true.
* @since Geode 1.0
* @param offHeap boolean flag to enable off-heap memory
public void setOffHeap(boolean offHeap) {
regionAttributes.offHeap = offHeap;
if (regionAttributes.partitionAttributes != null) {
((PartitionAttributesImpl) regionAttributes.partitionAttributes).setOffHeap(offHeap);
* Creates a {@code RegionAttributes} with the current settings.
* @return the newly created {@code RegionAttributes}
* @throws IllegalStateException if the current settings violate the
* <a href="#compatibility">compatibility rules</a>
* @deprecated as of GemFire 5.0, use {@link #create} instead
public RegionAttributes<K, V> createRegionAttributes() {
return create();
* Creates a {@code RegionAttributes} with the current settings.
* @return the newly created {@code RegionAttributes}
* @throws IllegalStateException if the current settings violate the
* <a href="#compatibility">compatibility rules</a>
* @since GemFire 5.0
public RegionAttributes<K, V> create() {
if (regionAttributes.hasDataPolicy() && regionAttributes.dataPolicy.withPartitioning()
&& regionAttributes.partitionAttributes == null) {
regionAttributes.partitionAttributes = (new PartitionAttributesFactory()).create();
// fix bug #52033 by invoking setOffHeap now (localMaxMemory may now be the temporary
// placeholder for off-heap until DistributedSystem is created
((PartitionAttributesImpl) regionAttributes.partitionAttributes)
// As of 6.5 we automatically enable stats if expiration is used.
RegionAttributesImpl attrs = regionAttributes;
if (!attrs.hasStatisticsEnabled() && !attrs.getStatisticsEnabled()
&& (attrs.getRegionTimeToLive().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getRegionIdleTimeout().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getEntryTimeToLive().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getEntryIdleTimeout().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getCustomEntryIdleTimeout() != null
|| attrs.getCustomEntryTimeToLive() != null)) {
// @todo we could do some more implementation work so that we would
// not need to enable stats unless entryIdleTimeout is enabled.
// We need the stats in that case because we need a new type of RegionEntry
// so we know that last time it was accessed. But for all the others we
// the stat less region keeps track of everything we need.
// The only problem is that some places in the code are conditionalized
// on statisticsEnabled.
if (attrs.getDataPolicy().withReplication() && !attrs.getDataPolicy().withPersistence()
&& attrs.getScope().isDistributed()) {
RegionAttributesImpl<?, ?> rattr = attrs;
if (!attrs.isForBucketRegion()) {
if (attrs.getEvictionAttributes().getAction().isLocalDestroy()
|| attrs.getEntryIdleTimeout().getAction().isLocal()
|| attrs.getEntryTimeToLive().getAction().isLocal()
|| attrs.getRegionIdleTimeout().getAction().isLocalInvalidate()
|| attrs.getRegionTimeToLive().getAction().isLocalInvalidate()) {
// new to 6.5; switch to PRELOADED and interest ALL
setSubscriptionAttributes(new SubscriptionAttributes(InterestPolicy.ALL));
return (RegionAttributes<K, V>) regionAttributes.clone();
* Validates that the attributes are consistent with each other. The following rules are checked
* and enforced:
* <ul>
* <li>If the data policy {@link DataPolicy#withReplication uses replication} and the scope is
* {@link Scope#isDistributed distributed} then the following are incompatible:
* <ul>
* <li>ExpirationAction.LOCAL_INVALIDATE on the region</li>
* <li>ExpirationAction.LOCAL_DESTROY on the entries</li>
* <li>ExpirationAction.LOCAL_INVALIDATE on the entries</li>
* <li>An LRU with local destroy eviction action</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Region or entry expiration is incompatible with disabled statistics on the region</li>
* <li>Entry expiration is incompatible with the {@link DataPolicy#EMPTY} data policy</li>
* <li>{@link EvictionAttributes Eviction} is incompatible with the {@link DataPolicy#EMPTY} data
* policy</li>
* </ul>
* @param attrs the attributes to validate
* @throws IllegalStateException if the attributes are not consistent with each other.
* @since GemFire 3.5
public static void validateAttributes(RegionAttributes<?, ?> attrs) {
// enforce the creation constraints
if (attrs.getDataPolicy().withReplication() && attrs.getScope().isDistributed()) {
boolean isForBucketRegion = false;
if (attrs instanceof RegionAttributesImpl) {
RegionAttributesImpl<?, ?> regionAttributes = (RegionAttributesImpl<?, ?>) attrs;
if (regionAttributes.isForBucketRegion()) {
isForBucketRegion = true;
if (!isForBucketRegion) {
ExpirationAction idleAction = attrs.getEntryIdleTimeout().getAction();
ExpirationAction ttlAction = attrs.getEntryTimeToLive().getAction();
if (idleAction == ExpirationAction.LOCAL_DESTROY
|| ttlAction == ExpirationAction.LOCAL_DESTROY) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"ExpirationAction.LOCAL_DESTROY on the entries is incompatible with distributed replication");
if (attrs.getEvictionAttributes().getAction().isLocalDestroy()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"An Eviction Controller with local destroy eviction action is incompatible with distributed replication");
if (attrs.getRegionIdleTimeout().getAction() == ExpirationAction.LOCAL_INVALIDATE
|| attrs.getRegionTimeToLive().getAction() == ExpirationAction.LOCAL_INVALIDATE) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"ExpirationAction.LOCAL_INVALIDATE on the region is incompatible with distributed replication");
if (idleAction == ExpirationAction.LOCAL_INVALIDATE
|| ttlAction == ExpirationAction.LOCAL_INVALIDATE) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"ExpirationAction.LOCAL_INVALIDATE on the entries is incompatible with distributed replication");
if (attrs.getDiskStoreName() != null) {
EvictionAttributes ea = attrs.getEvictionAttributes();
if (!attrs.getDataPolicy().withPersistence()
&& (ea != null && ea.getAction() != EvictionAction.OVERFLOW_TO_DISK)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Only regions with persistence or overflow to disk can specify DiskStore");
if (!attrs.getStatisticsEnabled() && (attrs.getRegionTimeToLive().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getRegionIdleTimeout().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getEntryTimeToLive().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getEntryIdleTimeout().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getCustomEntryIdleTimeout() != null || attrs.getCustomEntryTimeToLive() != null)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Statistics must be enabled for expiration");
if (attrs.getDataPolicy() == DataPolicy.EMPTY) {
if (attrs.getEntryTimeToLive().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getEntryIdleTimeout().getTimeout() != 0
|| attrs.getCustomEntryTimeToLive() != null
|| attrs.getCustomEntryIdleTimeout() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("If the data policy is %s then entry expiration is not allowed.",
if (!attrs.getEvictionAttributes().getAlgorithm().isNone()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("If the data policy is %s then eviction is not allowed.",
if (attrs.getMembershipAttributes().hasRequiredRoles()) {
if (attrs.getScope().isLocal()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"If the membership attributes has required roles then scope must not be LOCAL.");
final PartitionAttributes pa = attrs.getPartitionAttributes();
// Validations for PartitionRegion Attributes
if (pa != null) {
((PartitionAttributesImpl) pa)
.validateWhenAllAttributesAreSet(attrs instanceof RegionAttributesCreation);
ExpirationAttributes regionIdleTimeout = attrs.getRegionIdleTimeout();
ExpirationAttributes regionTimeToLive = attrs.getRegionTimeToLive();
ExpirationAttributes entryIdleTimeout = attrs.getEntryIdleTimeout();
ExpirationAttributes entryTimeToLive = attrs.getEntryTimeToLive();
if ((entryIdleTimeout.getAction().isLocalDestroy() && entryIdleTimeout.getTimeout() > 0)
|| (entryTimeToLive.getAction().isLocalDestroy() && entryTimeToLive.getTimeout() > 0)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"ExpirationAction LOCAL_DESTROY is not supported for Partitioned Region.");
if ((entryIdleTimeout.getAction().isLocalInvalidate() && entryIdleTimeout.getTimeout() > 0)
|| (entryTimeToLive.getAction().isLocalInvalidate()
&& entryTimeToLive.getTimeout() > 0)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"ExpirationAction LOCAL_INVALIDATE is not supported for Partitioned Region.");
if (attrs instanceof UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes<?, ?>) {
UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes<?, ?> rac = (UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes<?, ?>) attrs;
if (rac.hasScope()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Setting Scope on a Partitioned Regions is not allowed.");
if (attrs.getPoolName() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Setting pool name on a Partitioned Region is not allowed");
if (pa.getTotalMaxMemory() <= 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Total size of partition region must be > 0.");
if (!PartitionedRegionHelper.ALLOWED_DATA_POLICIES.contains(attrs.getDataPolicy())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Data policies other than %s are not allowed in partitioned regions.",
// fix bug #52033 by invoking getLocalMaxMemoryForValidation here
if (((PartitionAttributesImpl) pa).getLocalMaxMemoryForValidation() < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"PartitionAttributes localMaxMemory must not be negative.");
if (attrs.isLockGrantor() == true) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"setLockGranter(true) is not allowed in Partitioned Regions.");
// fix bug #52033 by invoking getLocalMaxMemoryForValidation here
if (((PartitionAttributesImpl) pa).getLocalMaxMemoryForValidation() == 0
&& attrs.getDataPolicy() == DataPolicy.PERSISTENT_PARTITION) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Persistence is not allowed when local-max-memory is zero.");
if (null != attrs.getCompressor() && !attrs.getCloningEnabled()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cloning cannot be disabled when a compressor is set.");
private static class RegionAttributesImpl<K, V> extends UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes<K, V>
implements Cloneable {
public Set<String> gatewaySenderIds;
public Set<String> asyncEventQueueIds;
ArrayList<CacheListener<K, V>> cacheListeners;
CacheLoader<K, V> cacheLoader;
CacheWriter<K, V> cacheWriter;
int regionTimeToLive = 0;
ExpirationAction regionTimeToLiveExpirationAction = ExpirationAction.INVALIDATE;
int regionIdleTimeout = 0;
ExpirationAction regionIdleTimeoutExpirationAction = ExpirationAction.INVALIDATE;
int entryTimeToLive = 0;
ExpirationAction entryTimeToLiveExpirationAction = ExpirationAction.INVALIDATE;
CustomExpiry<K, V> customEntryTimeToLive = null;
int entryIdleTimeout = 0;
ExpirationAction entryIdleTimeoutExpirationAction = ExpirationAction.INVALIDATE;
CustomExpiry<K, V> customEntryIdleTimeout = null;
Scope scope = AbstractRegion.DEFAULT_SCOPE;
DataPolicy dataPolicy = DataPolicy.DEFAULT;
boolean statisticsEnabled = false;
boolean ignoreJTA = false;
boolean isLockGrantor = false;
Class<K> keyConstraint = null;
Class<V> valueConstraint = null;
int initialCapacity = 16;
float loadFactor = 0.75f;
int concurrencyLevel = DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL;
boolean concurrencyChecksEnabled = true;
boolean earlyAck = false;
boolean publisher = false;
boolean enableAsyncConflation = false;
boolean enableSubscriptionConflation = false;
DiskWriteAttributes diskWriteAttributes = DiskWriteAttributesImpl.getDefaultSyncInstance();
File[] diskDirs = DefaultDiskDirs.getDefaultDiskDirs();
int[] diskSizes = DiskStoreFactory.DEFAULT_DISK_DIR_SIZES;
boolean indexMaintenanceSynchronous = true;
PartitionAttributes partitionAttributes = null;
MembershipAttributes membershipAttributes = new MembershipAttributes();
SubscriptionAttributes subscriptionAttributes = new SubscriptionAttributes();
boolean multicastEnabled = false;
EvictionAttributesImpl evictionAttributes = new EvictionAttributesImpl();
String poolName = null;
String diskStoreName = null;
boolean diskSynchronous = DEFAULT_DISK_SYNCHRONOUS;
protected boolean isBucketRegion = false;
private boolean isCloningEnabled = false;
Compressor compressor = null;
boolean offHeap = false;
* Constructs an instance of {@code RegionAttributes} with default settings.
* @see AttributesFactory
public RegionAttributesImpl() {}
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1000);
buf.append("RegionAttributes@").append(System.identityHashCode(this)).append(": ")
.append("scope=").append(scope).append("; earlyAck=").append(earlyAck)
.append("; publisher=").append(publisher).append("; partitionAttrs=")
.append(partitionAttributes).append("; membershipAttrs=").append(membershipAttributes)
.append("; subscriptionAttrs=").append(subscriptionAttributes).append("; regionTTL=")
.append(regionTimeToLive).append("; action=").append(regionTimeToLiveExpirationAction)
.append("; regionIdleTimeout=").append(regionIdleTimeout).append("; action=")
.append(regionIdleTimeoutExpirationAction).append("; TTL=").append(entryTimeToLive)
.append("; action=").append(entryTimeToLiveExpirationAction).append("; custom=")
.append(customEntryTimeToLive).append("; idleTimeout=").append(entryIdleTimeout)
.append("; action=").append(entryIdleTimeoutExpirationAction).append("; custom=")
.append(customEntryIdleTimeout).append("; dataPolicy=").append(dataPolicy)
.append("; statisticsEnabled=").append(statisticsEnabled).append("; ignoreJTA=")
.append(ignoreJTA).append("; isLockGrantor=").append(isLockGrantor)
.append("; keyConstraint=").append(keyConstraint).append("; valueConstraint=")
.append(valueConstraint).append("; initialCapacity=").append(initialCapacity)
.append("; loadFactor=").append(loadFactor).append("; concurrencyLevel=")
.append(concurrencyLevel).append("; concurrencyChecksEnabled=")
.append(concurrencyChecksEnabled).append("; enableAsyncConflation=")
.append(enableAsyncConflation).append("; enableSubscriptionConflation=")
.append(enableSubscriptionConflation).append("; isBucketRegion=").append(isBucketRegion)
.append("; poolName=").append(poolName).append("; diskSynchronous=")
.append(diskSynchronous).append("; multicastEnabled=").append(multicastEnabled)
.append("; isCloningEnabled=").append(isCloningEnabled);
if (hasDiskWriteAttributes() || hasDiskDirs()) {
buf.append("; diskAttrs=").append(diskWriteAttributes).append("; diskDirs=")
.append(Arrays.toString(diskDirs)).append("; diskDirSizes=")
} else {
buf.append("; diskStoreName=").append(diskStoreName);
buf.append("; GatewaySenderIds=").append(gatewaySenderIds);
buf.append("; AsyncEventQueueIds=").append(asyncEventQueueIds);
buf.append("; compressor=")
.append(compressor == null ? null : compressor.getClass().getName());
buf.append("; offHeap=").append(offHeap);
return buf.toString();
public CacheLoader<K, V> getCacheLoader() {
return cacheLoader;
public CacheWriter<K, V> getCacheWriter() {
return cacheWriter;
public Class<K> getKeyConstraint() {
return keyConstraint;
public Class<V> getValueConstraint() {
return valueConstraint;
private boolean isForBucketRegion() {
return isBucketRegion;
public ExpirationAttributes getRegionTimeToLive() {
return new ExpirationAttributes(regionTimeToLive, regionTimeToLiveExpirationAction);
public ExpirationAttributes getRegionIdleTimeout() {
return new ExpirationAttributes(regionIdleTimeout,
public ExpirationAttributes getEntryTimeToLive() {
return new ExpirationAttributes(entryTimeToLive, entryTimeToLiveExpirationAction);
public CustomExpiry<K, V> getCustomEntryTimeToLive() {
return customEntryTimeToLive;
public ExpirationAttributes getEntryIdleTimeout() {
return new ExpirationAttributes(entryIdleTimeout, entryIdleTimeoutExpirationAction);
public CustomExpiry<K, V> getCustomEntryIdleTimeout() {
return customEntryIdleTimeout;
public MirrorType getMirrorType() {
if (dataPolicy.isNormal() || dataPolicy.isPreloaded() || dataPolicy.isEmpty()
|| dataPolicy.withPartitioning()) {
return MirrorType.NONE;
} else if (dataPolicy.withReplication()) {
return MirrorType.KEYS_VALUES;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("No mirror type corresponds to data policy %s.",
public DataPolicy getDataPolicy() {
return dataPolicy;
public void setDataPolicy(DataPolicy dp) {
dataPolicy = dp;
public Scope getScope() {
return scope;
public void setScope(Scope s) {
scope = s;
private static final CacheListener<?, ?>[] EMPTY_LISTENERS = new CacheListener[0];
public CacheListener<K, V>[] getCacheListeners() {
synchronized (this) {
if (cacheListeners == null || cacheListeners.isEmpty()) {
return (CacheListener<K, V>[]) EMPTY_LISTENERS;
} else {
CacheListener<K, V>[] result = new CacheListener[cacheListeners.size()];
return result;
public CacheListener<K, V> getCacheListener() {
synchronized (this) {
if (cacheListeners == null) {
return null;
if (cacheListeners.size() == 0) {
return null;
if (cacheListeners.size() == 1) {
return cacheListeners.get(0);
throw new IllegalStateException(
"More than one cache listener exists.");
protected void addCacheListener(CacheListener<K, V> aListener) {
synchronized (this) {
if (cacheListeners == null) {
cacheListeners = new ArrayList<>(1);
} else {
public void addGatewaySenderId(String gatewaySenderId) {
synchronized (this) {
if (gatewaySenderIds == null) {
gatewaySenderIds = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
} else {
if (gatewaySenderIds.contains(gatewaySenderId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("gateway-sender-id %s is already added",
public void addAsyncEventQueueId(String asyncEventQueueId) {
synchronized (this) {
if (asyncEventQueueIds == null) {
asyncEventQueueIds = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
} else {
if (asyncEventQueueIds.contains(asyncEventQueueId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("async-event-queue-id %s is already added",
public int getInitialCapacity() {
return initialCapacity;
public float getLoadFactor() {
return loadFactor;
public boolean getStatisticsEnabled() {
return statisticsEnabled;
public boolean getIgnoreJTA() {
return ignoreJTA;
public boolean isLockGrantor() {
return isLockGrantor;
public int getConcurrencyLevel() {
return concurrencyLevel;
public boolean getConcurrencyChecksEnabled() {
return concurrencyChecksEnabled;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public Object clone() {
try {
RegionAttributesImpl<K, V> copy = (RegionAttributesImpl<K, V>) super.clone();
if (copy.getIndexes() != null) {
copy.setIndexes(new ArrayList(copy.getIndexes()));
if (copy.partitionAttributes != null) {
copy.partitionAttributes = ((PartitionAttributesImpl) copy.partitionAttributes).copy();
if (copy.cacheListeners != null) {
copy.cacheListeners = new ArrayList<>(copy.cacheListeners);
if (copy.gatewaySenderIds != null) {
copy.gatewaySenderIds = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(copy.gatewaySenderIds);
if (copy.asyncEventQueueIds != null) {
copy.asyncEventQueueIds = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(copy.asyncEventQueueIds);
return copy;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new InternalError(
"CloneNotSupportedException thrown in class that implements cloneable.");
public boolean getPersistBackup() {
return getDataPolicy().withPersistence();
public boolean getEarlyAck() {
return earlyAck;
* @deprecated as of 6.5
public boolean getPublisher() {
return publisher;
public boolean getEnableConflation() { // deprecated in 5.0
return getEnableSubscriptionConflation();
public boolean getEnableAsyncConflation() {
return enableAsyncConflation;
public boolean getEnableBridgeConflation() { // deprecated in 5.7
return getEnableSubscriptionConflation();
public boolean getEnableSubscriptionConflation() {
return enableSubscriptionConflation;
* @deprecated as of 6.5
public DiskWriteAttributes getDiskWriteAttributes() {
if (diskStoreName != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Deprecated API %s cannot be used with DiskStore %s",
"getDiskWriteAttributes", diskStoreName));
return diskWriteAttributes;
* @deprecated as of 6.5
public File[] getDiskDirs() {
if (diskStoreName != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Deprecated API %s cannot be used with DiskStore %s",
"getDiskDirs", diskStoreName));
return diskDirs;
public boolean getIndexMaintenanceSynchronous() {
return indexMaintenanceSynchronous;
public PartitionAttributes getPartitionAttributes() {
return partitionAttributes;
public EvictionAttributes getEvictionAttributes() {
return evictionAttributes;
* @deprecated this API is scheduled to be removed
public MembershipAttributes getMembershipAttributes() {
return membershipAttributes;
public SubscriptionAttributes getSubscriptionAttributes() {
return subscriptionAttributes;
* @deprecated as of 6.5
public int[] getDiskDirSizes() {
if (diskStoreName != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Deprecated API %s cannot be used with DiskStore %s",
"getDiskDirSizes", diskStoreName));
return diskSizes;
public String getDiskStoreName() {
return diskStoreName;
public boolean getMulticastEnabled() {
return multicastEnabled;
public String getPoolName() {
return poolName;
public boolean getCloningEnabled() {
return isCloningEnabled;
public boolean isDiskSynchronous() {
return diskSynchronous;
public Set<String> getGatewaySenderIds() {
if (!hasGatewaySenderId()) {
gatewaySenderIds = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
return gatewaySenderIds;
public Set<String> getAsyncEventQueueIds() {
if (!hasAsyncEventListeners()) {
asyncEventQueueIds = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
return asyncEventQueueIds;
public Compressor getCompressor() {
return compressor;
public boolean getOffHeap() {
return offHeap;