blob: 4b76785283116be2a1b2bf3e21629d497a2d6eae [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal.cache;
import static org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.annotations.OffHeapIdentifier.ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE;
import static org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.annotations.OffHeapIdentifier.ENTRY_EVENT_OLD_VALUE;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.geode.CopyHelper;
import org.apache.geode.DataSerializer;
import org.apache.geode.DeltaSerializationException;
import org.apache.geode.GemFireIOException;
import org.apache.geode.InvalidDeltaException;
import org.apache.geode.SerializationException;
import org.apache.geode.SystemFailure;
import org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.EntryOperation;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Operation;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Region;
import org.apache.geode.cache.SerializedCacheValue;
import org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionId;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexMaintenanceException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.index.IndexManager;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.index.IndexProtocol;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.index.IndexUtils;
import org.apache.geode.cache.util.TimestampedEntryEvent;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionMessage;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember;
import org.apache.geode.internal.Assert;
import org.apache.geode.internal.DSFIDFactory;
import org.apache.geode.internal.HeapDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.geode.internal.InternalDataSerializer;
import org.apache.geode.internal.Sendable;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.FilterRoutingInfo.FilterInfo;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.entries.OffHeapRegionEntry;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.partitioned.PartitionMessage;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.partitioned.PutMessage;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.CacheServerHelper;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.ClientProxyMembershipID;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tx.DistTxKeyInfo;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tx.RemoteOperationMessage;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tx.RemotePutMessage;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.versions.VersionTag;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.wan.GatewaySenderEventCallbackArgument;
import org.apache.geode.internal.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.LogService;
import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.log4j.LogMarker;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.OffHeapHelper;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.OffHeapRegionEntryHelper;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.ReferenceCountHelper;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.Releasable;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.StoredObject;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.annotations.Released;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.annotations.Retained;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.annotations.Unretained;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.ByteArrayDataInput;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.DataSerializableFixedID;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.DeserializationContext;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.SerializationContext;
import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.Version;
import org.apache.geode.internal.size.Sizeable;
import org.apache.geode.internal.util.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.geode.internal.util.BlobHelper;
import org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.PeerTypeRegistration;
* Implementation of an entry event
* must be public for DataSerializableFixedID
public class EntryEventImpl implements InternalEntryEvent, InternalCacheEvent,
DataSerializableFixedID, EntryOperation, Releasable {
private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
private transient InternalRegion region;
private transient RegionEntry re;
protected KeyInfo keyInfo;
/** the event's id. Scoped by distributedMember. */
protected EventID eventID;
private Object newValue = null;
* If we ever serialize the new value then it should be stored in this field in case we need the
* serialized form again later. This was added to fix bug 43781. Note that we also have the
* "newValueBytes" field. But it is only non-null if setSerializedNewValue was called.
private byte[] cachedSerializedNewValue = null;
private Object oldValue = null;
protected short eventFlags = 0x0000;
protected TXId txId = null;
protected Operation op;
/* To store the operation/modification type */
private transient EnumListenerEvent eventType;
* This field will be null unless this event is used for a putAll operation.
* @since GemFire 5.0
protected transient DistributedPutAllOperation putAllOp;
* This field will be null unless this event is used for a removeAll operation.
* @since GemFire 8.1
protected transient DistributedRemoveAllOperation removeAllOp;
* The member that originated this event
* @since GemFire 5.0
protected DistributedMember distributedMember;
* transient storage for the message that caused the event
transient DistributionMessage causedByMessage;
* The originating membershipId of this event.
* @since GemFire 5.1
protected ClientProxyMembershipID context = null;
* this holds the bytes representing the change in value effected by this event. It is used when
* the value implements the Delta interface.
private byte[] deltaBytes = null;
/** routing information for cache clients for this event */
private FilterInfo filterInfo;
/** new value stored in serialized form */
protected byte[] newValueBytes;
/** old value stored in serialized form */
private byte[] oldValueBytes;
/** version tag for concurrency checks */
protected VersionTag versionTag;
/** boolean to indicate that the RegionEntry for this event has been evicted */
private transient boolean isEvicted = false;
private transient boolean isPendingSecondaryExpireDestroy = false;
private transient boolean hasRetried = false;
public static final Object SUSPECT_TOKEN = new Object();
public EntryEventImpl() {
this.offHeapLock = null;
* Reads the contents of this message from the given input.
public void fromData(DataInput in,
DeserializationContext context) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
this.eventID = (EventID) context.getDeserializer().readObject(in);
Object key = context.getDeserializer().readObject(in);
Object value = context.getDeserializer().readObject(in);
this.keyInfo = new KeyInfo(key, value, null);
this.op = Operation.fromOrdinal(in.readByte());
this.eventFlags = in.readShort();
this.txId = (TXId) context.getDeserializer().readObject(in);
if (in.readBoolean()) { // isDelta
assert false : "isDelta should never be true";
} else {
// OFFHEAP Currently values are never deserialized to off heap memory. If that changes then
// this code needs to change.
if (in.readBoolean()) { // newValueSerialized
this.newValueBytes = DataSerializer.readByteArray(in);
this.cachedSerializedNewValue = this.newValueBytes;
this.newValue = null; // set later in generateNewValueFromBytesIfNeeded
} else {
this.newValueBytes = null;
this.cachedSerializedNewValue = null;
this.newValue = context.getDeserializer().readObject(in);
// OFFHEAP Currently values are never deserialized to off heap memory. If that changes then this
// code needs to change.
if (in.readBoolean()) { // oldValueSerialized
this.oldValueBytes = DataSerializer.readByteArray(in);
this.oldValue = null; // set later in basicGetOldValue
} else {
this.oldValueBytes = null;
this.oldValue = context.getDeserializer().readObject(in);
this.distributedMember = DSFIDFactory.readInternalDistributedMember(in);
this.context = ClientProxyMembershipID.readCanonicalized(in);
this.tailKey = DataSerializer.readLong(in);
protected EntryEventImpl(InternalRegion region, Operation op, Object key, boolean originRemote,
DistributedMember distributedMember, boolean generateCallbacks, boolean fromRILocalDestroy) {
this.region = region;
InternalDistributedSystem ds =
(InternalDistributedSystem) region.getCache().getDistributedSystem();
if (ds.getOffHeapStore() != null) {
this.offHeapLock = new Object();
} else {
this.offHeapLock = null;
this.op = op;
this.keyInfo = region.getKeyInfo(key);
this.distributedMember = distributedMember;
* Doesn't specify oldValue as this will be filled in later as part of an operation on the region,
* or lets it default to null.
protected EntryEventImpl(final InternalRegion region, Operation op, Object key,
@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object newVal, Object callbackArgument, boolean originRemote,
DistributedMember distributedMember, boolean generateCallbacks, boolean initializeId) {
this.region = region;
InternalDistributedSystem ds =
(InternalDistributedSystem) region.getCache().getDistributedSystem();
if (ds.getOffHeapStore() != null) {
this.offHeapLock = new Object();
} else {
this.offHeapLock = null;
this.op = op;
this.keyInfo = region.getKeyInfo(key, newVal, callbackArgument);
if (!Token.isInvalid(newVal)) {
basicSetNewValue(newVal, false);
this.txId = region.getTXId();
* this might set txId for events done from a thread that has a tx even though the op is non-tx.
* For example region ops.
if (newVal == Token.LOCAL_INVALID) {
this.distributedMember = distributedMember;
* Called by BridgeEntryEventImpl to use existing EventID
protected EntryEventImpl(InternalRegion region, Operation op, Object key,
@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object newValue, Object callbackArgument,
boolean originRemote, DistributedMember distributedMember, boolean generateCallbacks,
EventID eventID) {
this(region, op, key, newValue, callbackArgument, originRemote, distributedMember,
generateCallbacks, true /* initializeId */);
Assert.assertTrue(eventID != null || !(region instanceof PartitionedRegion));
* create an entry event from another entry event
public EntryEventImpl(
@Retained({ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE, ENTRY_EVENT_OLD_VALUE}) EntryEventImpl other) {
this(other, true);
public EntryEventImpl(
boolean setOldValue) {
if (other.offHeapLock != null) {
this.offHeapLock = new Object();
} else {
this.offHeapLock = null;
this.eventID = other.eventID;
basicSetNewValue(other.basicGetNewValue(), false);
this.newValueBytes = other.newValueBytes;
this.cachedSerializedNewValue = other.cachedSerializedNewValue; =;
if (setOldValue) {
this.oldValueBytes = other.oldValueBytes;
this.eventFlags = other.eventFlags;
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_CALLBACKS_INVOKED, false);
txId = other.txId;
op = other.op;
distributedMember = other.distributedMember;
this.filterInfo = other.filterInfo;
this.keyInfo = other.keyInfo.isDistKeyInfo() ? new DistTxKeyInfo((DistTxKeyInfo) other.keyInfo)
: new KeyInfo(other.keyInfo);
if (other.getRawCallbackArgument() instanceof GatewaySenderEventCallbackArgument) {
this.keyInfo.setCallbackArg((new GatewaySenderEventCallbackArgument(
(GatewaySenderEventCallbackArgument) other.getRawCallbackArgument())));
this.context = other.context;
this.deltaBytes = other.deltaBytes;
this.tailKey = other.tailKey;
this.versionTag = other.versionTag;
// set possible duplicate
public EntryEventImpl(Object key2, boolean isOffHeap) {
this.keyInfo = new KeyInfo(key2, null, null);
if (isOffHeap) {
this.offHeapLock = new Object();
} else {
this.offHeapLock = null;
* Creates and returns an EntryEventImpl. Generates and assigns a bucket id to the EntryEventImpl
* if the region parameter is a PartitionedRegion.
public static EntryEventImpl create(InternalRegion region, Operation op, Object key,
@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object newValue, Object callbackArgument,
boolean originRemote, DistributedMember distributedMember) {
return create(region, op, key, newValue, callbackArgument, originRemote, distributedMember,
true, true);
* Creates and returns an EntryEventImpl. Generates and assigns a bucket id to the EntryEventImpl
* if the region parameter is a PartitionedRegion.
public static EntryEventImpl create(InternalRegion region, Operation op, Object key,
@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object newValue, Object callbackArgument,
boolean originRemote, DistributedMember distributedMember, boolean generateCallbacks) {
return create(region, op, key, newValue, callbackArgument, originRemote, distributedMember,
generateCallbacks, true);
* Creates and returns an EntryEventImpl. Generates and assigns a bucket id to the EntryEventImpl
* if the region parameter is a PartitionedRegion.
* Called by BridgeEntryEventImpl to use existing EventID
public static EntryEventImpl create(InternalRegion region, Operation op, Object key,
@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object newValue, Object callbackArgument,
boolean originRemote, DistributedMember distributedMember, boolean generateCallbacks,
EventID eventID) {
return new EntryEventImpl(region, op, key, newValue, callbackArgument, originRemote,
distributedMember, generateCallbacks, eventID);
* Creates and returns an EntryEventImpl. Generates and assigns a bucket id to the EntryEventImpl
* if the region parameter is a PartitionedRegion.
public static EntryEventImpl create(InternalRegion region, Operation op, Object key,
boolean originRemote, DistributedMember distributedMember, boolean generateCallbacks,
boolean fromRILocalDestroy) {
return new EntryEventImpl(region, op, key, originRemote, distributedMember, generateCallbacks,
* Creates and returns an EntryEventImpl. Generates and assigns a bucket id to the EntryEventImpl
* if the region parameter is a PartitionedRegion.
* This creator does not specify the oldValue as this will be filled in later as part of an
* operation on the region, or lets it default to null.
public static EntryEventImpl create(final InternalRegion region, Operation op, Object key,
@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object newVal, Object callbackArgument, boolean originRemote,
DistributedMember distributedMember, boolean generateCallbacks, boolean initializeId) {
return new EntryEventImpl(region, op, key, newVal, callbackArgument, originRemote,
distributedMember, generateCallbacks, initializeId);
* Creates a PutAllEvent given the distributed operation, the region, and the entry data.
* @since GemFire 5.0
static EntryEventImpl createPutAllEvent(DistributedPutAllOperation putAllOp,
InternalRegion region, Operation entryOp, Object entryKey,
@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object entryNewValue) {
EntryEventImpl e;
if (putAllOp != null) {
EntryEventImpl event = putAllOp.getBaseEvent();
if (event.isBridgeEvent()) {
e = EntryEventImpl.create(region, entryOp, entryKey, entryNewValue,
event.getRawCallbackArgument(), false, event.distributedMember,
} else {
e = EntryEventImpl.create(region, entryOp, entryKey, entryNewValue,
event.getCallbackArgument(), false, region.getMyId(), event.isGenerateCallbacks());
} else {
e = EntryEventImpl.create(region, entryOp, entryKey, entryNewValue, null, false,
region.getMyId(), true);
e.putAllOp = putAllOp;
return e;
protected static EntryEventImpl createRemoveAllEvent(DistributedRemoveAllOperation op,
InternalRegion region, Object entryKey) {
EntryEventImpl e;
final Operation entryOp = Operation.REMOVEALL_DESTROY;
if (op != null) {
EntryEventImpl event = op.getBaseEvent();
if (event.isBridgeEvent()) {
e = EntryEventImpl.create(region, entryOp, entryKey, null, event.getRawCallbackArgument(),
false, event.distributedMember, event.isGenerateCallbacks());
} else {
e = EntryEventImpl.create(region, entryOp, entryKey, null, event.getCallbackArgument(),
false, region.getMyId(), event.isGenerateCallbacks());
} else {
e = EntryEventImpl.create(region, entryOp, entryKey, null, null, false, region.getMyId(),
e.removeAllOp = op;
return e;
public boolean isBulkOpInProgress() {
return getPutAllOperation() != null || getRemoveAllOperation() != null;
/** return the putAll operation for this event, if any */
public DistributedPutAllOperation getPutAllOperation() {
return this.putAllOp;
public DistributedPutAllOperation setPutAllOperation(DistributedPutAllOperation nv) {
DistributedPutAllOperation result = this.putAllOp;
if (nv != null && nv.getBaseEvent() != null) {
this.putAllOp = nv;
return result;
public DistributedRemoveAllOperation getRemoveAllOperation() {
return this.removeAllOp;
public DistributedRemoveAllOperation setRemoveAllOperation(DistributedRemoveAllOperation nv) {
DistributedRemoveAllOperation result = this.removeAllOp;
if (nv != null && nv.getBaseEvent() != null) {
this.removeAllOp = nv;
return result;
private boolean testEventFlag(short mask) {
return EventFlags.isSet(this.eventFlags, mask);
private void setEventFlag(short mask, boolean on) {
this.eventFlags = EventFlags.set(this.eventFlags, mask, on);
public DistributedMember getDistributedMember() {
return this.distributedMember;
/////////////////////// INTERNAL BOOLEAN SETTERS
public void setOriginRemote(boolean b) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_ORIGIN_REMOTE, b);
public void setLocalInvalid(boolean b) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_LOCAL_INVALID, b);
public void setGenerateCallbacks(boolean b) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_GENERATE_CALLBACKS, b);
/** set the the flag telling whether callbacks should be invoked for a partitioned region */
public void setInvokePRCallbacks(boolean b) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_INVOKE_PR_CALLBACKS, b);
/** get the flag telling whether callbacks should be invoked for a partitioned region */
public boolean getInvokePRCallbacks() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_INVOKE_PR_CALLBACKS);
public boolean getInhibitDistribution() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_INHIBIT_DISTRIBUTION);
public void setInhibitDistribution(boolean b) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_INHIBIT_DISTRIBUTION, b);
/** was the entry destroyed or missing and allowed to be destroyed again? */
public boolean getIsRedestroyedEntry() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_REDESTROYED_TOMBSTONE);
public void setIsRedestroyedEntry(boolean b) {
public void isConcurrencyConflict(boolean b) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_CONCURRENCY_CONFLICT, b);
public boolean isConcurrencyConflict() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_CONCURRENCY_CONFLICT);
/** set the DistributionMessage that caused this event */
public void setCausedByMessage(DistributionMessage msg) {
this.causedByMessage = msg;
* get the PartitionMessage that caused this event, or null if the event was not caused by a
* PartitionMessage
public PartitionMessage getPartitionMessage() {
if (this.causedByMessage != null && this.causedByMessage instanceof PartitionMessage) {
return (PartitionMessage) this.causedByMessage;
return null;
* get the RemoteOperationMessage that caused this event, or null if the event was not caused by a
* RemoteOperationMessage
public RemoteOperationMessage getRemoteOperationMessage() {
if (this.causedByMessage != null && this.causedByMessage instanceof RemoteOperationMessage) {
return (RemoteOperationMessage) this.causedByMessage;
return null;
/////////////// BOOLEAN GETTERS
public boolean isLocalLoad() {
return this.op.isLocalLoad();
public boolean isNetSearch() {
return this.op.isNetSearch();
public boolean isNetLoad() {
return this.op.isNetLoad();
public boolean isDistributed() {
return this.op.isDistributed();
public boolean isExpiration() {
return this.op.isExpiration();
public boolean isEviction() {
return this.op.isEviction();
public void setEvicted() {
this.isEvicted = true;
public boolean isEvicted() {
return this.isEvicted;
public boolean hasRetried() {
return hasRetried;
public void setRetried(boolean retried) {
hasRetried = retried;
public boolean isPendingSecondaryExpireDestroy() {
return this.isPendingSecondaryExpireDestroy;
public void setPendingSecondaryExpireDestroy(boolean value) {
this.isPendingSecondaryExpireDestroy = value;
// Note that isOriginRemote is sometimes set to false even though the event
// was received from a peer. This is done to force distribution of the
// message to peers and to cause concurrency version stamping to be performed.
// This is done by all one-hop operations, like RemoteInvalidateMessage.
public boolean isOriginRemote() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_ORIGIN_REMOTE);
/* return whether this event originated from a WAN gateway and carries a WAN version tag */
public boolean isFromWANAndVersioned() {
return (this.versionTag != null && this.versionTag.isGatewayTag());
/* return whether this event originated in a client and carries a version tag */
public boolean isFromBridgeAndVersioned() {
return (this.context != null) && (this.versionTag != null);
public boolean isGenerateCallbacks() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_GENERATE_CALLBACKS);
public void setNewEventId(DistributedSystem sys) {
Assert.assertTrue(this.eventID == null, "Double setting event id");
EventID newID = new EventID(sys);
if (this.eventID != null) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.BRIDGE_SERVER_VERBOSE)) {
logger.trace(LogMarker.BRIDGE_SERVER_VERBOSE, "Replacing event ID with {} in event {}",
newID, this);
this.eventID = newID;
public void reserveNewEventId(DistributedSystem sys, int count) {
Assert.assertTrue(this.eventID == null, "Double setting event id");
this.eventID = new EventID(sys);
if (count > 1) {
this.eventID.reserveSequenceId(count - 1);
public void setEventId(EventID id) {
this.eventID = id;
* Return the event id, if any
* @return null if no event id has been set
public EventID getEventId() {
return this.eventID;
public boolean isBridgeEvent() {
return hasClientOrigin();
public boolean hasClientOrigin() {
return getContext() != null;
* sets the ID of the client that initiated this event
public void setContext(ClientProxyMembershipID contx) {
Assert.assertTrue(contx != null);
this.context = contx;
* gets the ID of the client that initiated this event. Null if a server-initiated event
public ClientProxyMembershipID getContext() {
return this.context;
public boolean isLocalInvalid() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_LOCAL_INVALID);
* Returns the key.
* @return the key.
public Object getKey() {
return keyInfo.getKey();
* Returns the value in the cache prior to this event. When passed to an event handler after an
* event occurs, this value reflects the value that was in the cache in this VM, not necessarily
* the value that was in the cache VM that initiated the operation.
* @return the value in the cache prior to this event.
public Object getOldValue() {
try {
if (isOriginRemote() && getRegion().isProxy()) {
return null;
Object ov = handleNotAvailableOldValue();
if (ov != null) {
boolean doCopyOnRead = getRegion().isCopyOnRead();
if (ov instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
return callWithOffHeapLock((CachedDeserializable) ov, oldValueCD -> {
if (doCopyOnRead) {
return oldValueCD.getDeserializedWritableCopy(getRegion(),;
} else {
return oldValueCD.getDeserializedValue(getRegion(),;
} else {
if (doCopyOnRead) {
return CopyHelper.copy(ov);
} else {
return ov;
return null;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException i) {
IllegalArgumentException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s",
"Error while deserializing value for key=" + getKey()));
throw iae;
* returns the old value after handling one this is NOT_AVAILABLE. If the old value is
* NOT_AVAILABLE then it may try to read it from disk. If it can't read an unavailable old value
* from disk then it will return null instead of NOT_AVAILABLE.
private Object handleNotAvailableOldValue() {
Object result = basicGetOldValue();
if (result != Token.NOT_AVAILABLE) {
return result;
if (getReadOldValueFromDisk()) {
try {
result = getRegion().getValueInVMOrDiskWithoutFaultIn(getKey());
} catch (EntryNotFoundException ex) {
result = null;
result = AbstractRegion.handleNotAvailable(result);
return result;
* If true then when getOldValue is called if the NOT_AVAILABLE is found then an attempt will be
* made to read the old value from disk without faulting it in. Should only be set to true when
* product is calling a method on a CacheWriter.
private boolean readOldValueFromDisk;
public boolean getReadOldValueFromDisk() {
return this.readOldValueFromDisk;
public void setReadOldValueFromDisk(boolean v) {
this.readOldValueFromDisk = v;
* Like getRawNewValue except that if the result is an off-heap reference then copy it to the
* heap. Note: to prevent the heap copy use getRawNewValue instead
public Object getRawNewValueAsHeapObject() {
Object result = basicGetNewValue();
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
result = OffHeapHelper.copyIfNeeded(result, getRegion().getCache());
return result;
* If new value is off-heap return the StoredObject form (unretained OFF_HEAP_REFERENCE). Its
* refcount is not inced by this call and the returned object can only be safely used for the
* lifetime of the EntryEventImpl instance that returned the value. Else return the raw form.
public Object getRawNewValue() {
return basicGetNewValue();
public Object getValue() {
return basicGetNewValue();
protected void basicSetNewValue(@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object v,
boolean clearCachedSerializedAndBytes) {
if (v == this.newValue)
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
if (this.offHeapOk) {
OffHeapHelper.releaseAndTrackOwner(this.newValue, this);
if (StoredObject.isOffHeapReference(v)) {
if (!((StoredObject) v).retain()) {
this.newValue = null;
this.newValue = v;
if (clearCachedSerializedAndBytes) {
this.newValueBytes = null;
this.cachedSerializedNewValue = null;
private void generateNewValueFromBytesIfNeeded() {
if (this.newValue != null) {
// no need to generate a new value
byte[] bytes = this.newValueBytes;
if (bytes != null) {
this.newValue = CachedDeserializableFactory.create(bytes, getRegion().getCache());
public Object basicGetNewValue() {
Object result = this.newValue;
if (!this.offHeapOk && isOffHeapReference(result)) {
// this.region.getCache().getLogger().info("DEBUG new value already freed " +
// System.identityHashCode(result));
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Attempt to access off heap value after the EntryEvent was released.");
return result;
private boolean isOffHeapReference(Object ref) {
return mayHaveOffHeapReferences() && StoredObject.isOffHeapReference(ref);
private class OldValueOwner {
private EntryEventImpl getEvent() {
return EntryEventImpl.this;
public int hashCode() {
return getEvent().hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof OldValueOwner) {
return getEvent().equals(((OldValueOwner) obj).getEvent());
} else {
return false;
public String toString() {
return "OldValueOwner " + getEvent().toString();
* Note if v might be an off-heap reference that you did not retain for this EntryEventImpl then
* call retainsAndSetOldValue instead of this method.
* @param v the caller should have already retained this off-heap reference.
void basicSetOldValue(@Unretained(ENTRY_EVENT_OLD_VALUE) Object v) {
final Object curOldValue = this.oldValue;
if (v == curOldValue) {
if (this.offHeapOk && mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
if (ReferenceCountHelper.trackReferenceCounts()) {
OffHeapHelper.releaseAndTrackOwner(curOldValue, new OldValueOwner());
} else {
this.oldValue = v;
this.oldValueBytes = null;
private void retainAndSetOldValue(@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_OLD_VALUE) Object v) {
if (v == this.oldValue) {
if (isOffHeapReference(v)) {
StoredObject so = (StoredObject) v;
if (ReferenceCountHelper.trackReferenceCounts()) {
ReferenceCountHelper.setReferenceCountOwner(new OldValueOwner());
boolean couldNotRetain = (!so.retain());
if (couldNotRetain) {
this.oldValue = null;
this.oldValueBytes = null;
} else {
if (!so.retain()) {
this.oldValue = null;
this.oldValueBytes = null;
Object basicGetOldValue() {
Object result = this.oldValue;
if (result == null) {
byte[] bytes = this.oldValueBytes;
if (bytes != null) {
result = CachedDeserializableFactory.create(bytes, getRegion().getCache());
this.oldValue = result;
if (!this.offHeapOk && isOffHeapReference(result)) {
// this.region.getCache().getLogger().info("DEBUG old value already freed " +
// System.identityHashCode(result));
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Attempt to access off heap value after the EntryEvent was released.");
return result;
* Like getRawOldValue except that if the result is an off-heap reference then copy it to the
* heap. To avoid the heap copy use getRawOldValue instead.
public Object getRawOldValueAsHeapObject() {
Object result = basicGetOldValue();
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
result = OffHeapHelper.copyIfNeeded(result, getRegion().getCache());
return result;
* If the old value is off-heap return the StoredObject form (unretained OFF_HEAP_REFERENCE). Its
* refcount is not inced by this call and the returned object can only be safely used for the
* lifetime of the EntryEventImpl instance that returned the value. Else return the raw form.
public Object getRawOldValue() {
return basicGetOldValue();
* Just like getRawOldValue except if the raw old value is off-heap deserialize it.
public Object getOldValueAsOffHeapDeserializedOrRaw() {
Object result = basicGetOldValue();
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences() && result instanceof StoredObject) {
result = ((CachedDeserializable) result).getDeserializedForReading();
return AbstractRegion.handleNotAvailable(result); // fixes 49499
* Added this function to expose isCopyOnRead function to the child classes of EntryEventImpl
protected boolean isRegionCopyOnRead() {
return getRegion().isCopyOnRead();
* Returns the value in the cache after this event.
* @return the value in the cache after this event.
public Object getNewValue() {
boolean doCopyOnRead = getRegion().isCopyOnRead();
Object nv = basicGetNewValue();
if (nv != null) {
if (nv == Token.NOT_AVAILABLE) {
// I'm not sure this can even happen
return AbstractRegion.handleNotAvailable(nv);
if (nv instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
return callWithOffHeapLock((CachedDeserializable) nv, newValueCD -> {
Object v = null;
if (doCopyOnRead) {
v = newValueCD.getDeserializedWritableCopy(getRegion(),;
} else {
v = newValueCD.getDeserializedValue(getRegion(),;
assert !(v instanceof CachedDeserializable) : "for key " + this.getKey()
+ " found nested CachedDeserializable";
return v;
} else {
if (doCopyOnRead) {
return CopyHelper.copy(nv);
} else {
return nv;
return null;
* Invoke the given function with a lock if the given value is offheap.
* @return the value returned from invoking the function
private <T, R> R callWithOffHeapLock(T value, Function<T, R> function) {
if (isOffHeapReference(value)) {
synchronized (this.offHeapLock) {
if (!this.offHeapOk) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Attempt to access off heap value after the EntryEvent was released.");
return function.apply(value);
} else {
return function.apply(value);
private final Object offHeapLock;
public String getNewValueStringForm() {
return StringUtils.forceToString(basicGetNewValue());
public String getOldValueStringForm() {
return StringUtils.forceToString(basicGetOldValue());
/** Set a deserialized value */
public void setNewValue(@Retained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object obj) {
basicSetNewValue(obj, true);
public TransactionId getTransactionId() {
return this.txId;
public void setTransactionId(TransactionId txId) {
this.txId = (TXId) txId;
* Answer true if this event resulted from a loader.
* @return true if isLocalLoad or isNetLoad
public boolean isLoad() {
return this.op.isLoad();
public void setRegion(InternalRegion r) {
this.region = r;
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.CacheEvent#getRegion()
public InternalRegion getRegion() {
return region;
public Operation getOperation() {
return this.op;
public void setOperation(Operation op) {
this.op = op;
PartitionMessage prm = getPartitionMessage();
if (prm != null) {
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.CacheEvent#getCallbackArgument()
public Object getCallbackArgument() {
Object result = this.keyInfo.getCallbackArg();
while (result instanceof WrappedCallbackArgument) {
WrappedCallbackArgument wca = (WrappedCallbackArgument) result;
result = wca.getOriginalCallbackArg();
if (result == Token.NOT_AVAILABLE) {
result = AbstractRegion.handleNotAvailable(result);
return result;
public boolean isCallbackArgumentAvailable() {
return this.getRawCallbackArgument() != Token.NOT_AVAILABLE;
* Returns the value of the EntryEventImpl field. This is for internal use only. Customers should
* always call {@link #getCallbackArgument}
* @since GemFire 5.5
public Object getRawCallbackArgument() {
return this.keyInfo.getCallbackArg();
* Sets the value of raw callback argument field.
public void setRawCallbackArgument(Object newCallbackArgument) {
public void setCallbackArgument(Object newCallbackArgument) {
if (this.keyInfo.getCallbackArg() instanceof WrappedCallbackArgument) {
((WrappedCallbackArgument) this.keyInfo.getCallbackArg())
} else {
* @return null if new value is not serialized; otherwise returns a SerializedCacheValueImpl
* containing the new value.
public SerializedCacheValue<?> getSerializedNewValue() {
// In the case where there is a delta that has not been applied yet,
// do not apply it here since it would not produce a serialized new
// value (return null instead to indicate the new value is not
// in serialized form).
final Object tmp = basicGetNewValue();
if (tmp instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
CachedDeserializable cd = (CachedDeserializable) tmp;
if (!cd.isSerialized()) {
return null;
byte[] bytes = this.newValueBytes;
if (bytes == null) {
bytes = this.cachedSerializedNewValue;
return new SerializedCacheValueImpl(this, getRegion(),, cd, bytes);
} else {
// Note we return null even if cachedSerializedNewValue is not null.
// This is because some callers of this method use it to indicate
// that a CacheDeserializable should be created during deserialization.
return null;
* Implement this interface if you want to call {@link #exportNewValue}.
public interface NewValueImporter {
* @return true if the importer prefers the value to be in serialized form.
boolean prefersNewSerialized();
* Only return true if the importer can use the value before the event that exported it is
* released. If false is returned then off-heap values will be copied to the heap for the
* importer.
* @return true if the importer can deal with the value being an unretained OFF_HEAP_REFERENCE.
boolean isUnretainedNewReferenceOk();
* Import a new value that is currently in object form.
* @param nv the new value to import; unretained if isUnretainedNewReferenceOk returns true
* @param isSerialized true if the imported new value represents data that needs to be
* serialized; false if the imported new value is a simple sequence of bytes.
void importNewObject(@Unretained(ENTRY_EVENT_NEW_VALUE) Object nv, boolean isSerialized);
* Import a new value that is currently in byte array form.
* @param nv the new value to import
* @param isSerialized true if the imported new value represents data that needs to be
* serialized; false if the imported new value is a simple sequence of bytes.
void importNewBytes(byte[] nv, boolean isSerialized);
* Export the event's new value to the given importer.
public void exportNewValue(NewValueImporter importer) {
final boolean prefersSerialized = importer.prefersNewSerialized();
if (prefersSerialized) {
byte[] serializedNewValue = getCachedSerializedNewValue();
if (serializedNewValue == null) {
serializedNewValue = this.newValueBytes;
if (serializedNewValue != null) {
importer.importNewBytes(serializedNewValue, true);
final Object nv = getRawNewValue();
if (nv instanceof StoredObject) {
final StoredObject so = (StoredObject) nv;
final boolean isSerialized = so.isSerialized();
if (importer.isUnretainedNewReferenceOk()) {
importer.importNewObject(nv, isSerialized);
} else if (!isSerialized || prefersSerialized) {
byte[] bytes = so.getValueAsHeapByteArray();
importer.importNewBytes(bytes, isSerialized);
if (isSerialized) {
} else {
importer.importNewObject(so.getValueAsDeserializedHeapObject(), true);
} else if (nv instanceof byte[]) {
importer.importNewBytes((byte[]) nv, false);
} else if (nv instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
CachedDeserializable cd = (CachedDeserializable) nv;
Object cdV = cd.getValue();
if (cdV instanceof byte[]) {
importer.importNewBytes((byte[]) cdV, true);
setCachedSerializedNewValue((byte[]) cdV);
} else {
importer.importNewObject(cdV, true);
} else {
importer.importNewObject(nv, true);
* Implement this interface if you want to call {@link #exportOldValue}.
public interface OldValueImporter {
* @return true if the importer prefers the value to be in serialized form.
boolean prefersOldSerialized();
* Only return true if the importer can use the value before the event that exported it is
* released.
* @return true if the importer can deal with the value being an unretained OFF_HEAP_REFERENCE.
boolean isUnretainedOldReferenceOk();
* @return return true if you want the old value to possibly be an instanceof
* CachedDeserializable; false if you want the value contained in a
* CachedDeserializable.
boolean isCachedDeserializableValueOk();
* Import an old value that is currently in object form.
* @param ov the old value to import; unretained if isUnretainedOldReferenceOk returns true
* @param isSerialized true if the imported old value represents data that needs to be
* serialized; false if the imported old value is a simple sequence of bytes.
void importOldObject(@Unretained(ENTRY_EVENT_OLD_VALUE) Object ov, boolean isSerialized);
* Import an old value that is currently in byte array form.
* @param ov the old value to import
* @param isSerialized true if the imported old value represents data that needs to be
* serialized; false if the imported old value is a simple sequence of bytes.
void importOldBytes(byte[] ov, boolean isSerialized);
* Export the event's old value to the given importer.
public void exportOldValue(OldValueImporter importer) {
final boolean prefersSerialized = importer.prefersOldSerialized();
if (prefersSerialized) {
if (this.oldValueBytes != null) {
importer.importOldBytes(this.oldValueBytes, true);
final Object ov = getRawOldValue();
if (ov instanceof StoredObject) {
final StoredObject so = (StoredObject) ov;
final boolean isSerialized = so.isSerialized();
if (importer.isUnretainedOldReferenceOk()) {
importer.importOldObject(ov, isSerialized);
} else if (!isSerialized || prefersSerialized) {
importer.importOldBytes(so.getValueAsHeapByteArray(), isSerialized);
} else {
importer.importOldObject(so.getValueAsDeserializedHeapObject(), true);
} else if (ov instanceof byte[]) {
importer.importOldBytes((byte[]) ov, false);
} else if (!importer.isCachedDeserializableValueOk() && ov instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
CachedDeserializable cd = (CachedDeserializable) ov;
Object cdV = cd.getValue();
if (cdV instanceof byte[]) {
importer.importOldBytes((byte[]) cdV, true);
} else {
importer.importOldObject(cdV, true);
} else {
importer.importOldObject(AbstractRegion.handleNotAvailable(ov), true);
* Just like getRawNewValue(true) except if the raw new value is off-heap deserialize it.
public Object getNewValueAsOffHeapDeserializedOrRaw() {
Object result = getRawNewValue();
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences() && result instanceof StoredObject) {
result = ((CachedDeserializable) result).getDeserializedForReading();
return AbstractRegion.handleNotAvailable(result); // fixes 49499
* If the new value is stored off-heap return a retained OFF_HEAP_REFERENCE (caller must release).
* @return a retained OFF_HEAP_REFERENCE if the new value is off-heap; otherwise returns null
public StoredObject getOffHeapNewValue() {
return convertToStoredObject(basicGetNewValue());
* If the old value is stored off-heap return a retained OFF_HEAP_REFERENCE (caller must release).
* @return a retained OFF_HEAP_REFERENCE if the old value is off-heap; otherwise returns null
public StoredObject getOffHeapOldValue() {
return convertToStoredObject(basicGetOldValue());
private StoredObject convertToStoredObject(final Object tmp) {
if (!mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
return null;
if (!(tmp instanceof StoredObject)) {
return null;
StoredObject result = (StoredObject) tmp;
if (!result.retain()) {
return null;
return result;
public Object getDeserializedValue() {
final Object val = basicGetNewValue();
if (val instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
return ((CachedDeserializable) val).getDeserializedForReading();
} else {
return val;
public byte[] getSerializedValue() {
if (this.newValueBytes == null) {
final Object val;
val = basicGetNewValue();
if (val instanceof byte[]) {
return (byte[]) val;
} else if (val instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
return ((CachedDeserializable) val).getSerializedValue();
try {
return CacheServerHelper.serialize(val);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new GemFireIOException("unexpected exception", ioe);
} else {
return this.newValueBytes;
* Forces this entry's new value to be in serialized form.
* @since GemFire 5.0.2
public void makeSerializedNewValue() {
* @param isSynced true if RegionEntry currently under synchronization
private void makeSerializedNewValue(boolean isSynced) {
Object obj = basicGetNewValue();
// ezoerner:20080611 In the case where there is an unapplied
// delta, do not apply the delta or serialize yet unless entry is
// under synchronization (isSynced is true)
if (isSynced) {
basicSetNewValue(getCachedDeserializable(obj, this), false);
public static Object getCachedDeserializable(Object obj, EntryEventImpl ev) {
if (obj instanceof byte[] || obj == null || obj instanceof CachedDeserializable
|| obj == Token.NOT_AVAILABLE || Token.isInvalidOrRemoved(obj)
// don't serialize delta object already serialized
|| obj instanceof org.apache.geode.Delta) { // internal delta
return obj;
final CachedDeserializable cd;
// avoid unneeded serialization of byte[][] that
// will end up being deserialized in any case (serialization is cheap
// for byte[][] anyways)
if (obj instanceof byte[][]) {
int objSize = Sizeable.PER_OBJECT_OVERHEAD + 4;
for (byte[] bytes : (byte[][]) obj) {
if (bytes != null) {
objSize += CachedDeserializableFactory.getByteSize(bytes);
} else {
objSize += Sizeable.PER_OBJECT_OVERHEAD;
cd = CachedDeserializableFactory.create(obj, objSize, ev.getRegion().getCache());
} else {
final byte[] b = serialize(obj);
cd = CachedDeserializableFactory.create(b, ev.getRegion().getCache());
if (ev != null) {
ev.newValueBytes = b;
ev.cachedSerializedNewValue = b;
return cd;
public void setCachedSerializedNewValue(byte[] v) {
this.cachedSerializedNewValue = v;
public byte[] getCachedSerializedNewValue() {
return this.cachedSerializedNewValue;
public void setSerializedNewValue(byte[] serializedValue) {
Object newVal = null;
if (serializedValue != null) {
newVal = CachedDeserializableFactory.create(serializedValue, getRegion().getCache());
basicSetNewValue(newVal, false);
this.newValueBytes = serializedValue;
this.cachedSerializedNewValue = serializedValue;
public void setSerializedOldValue(byte[] serializedOldValue) {
final Object ov;
if (serializedOldValue != null) {
ov = CachedDeserializableFactory.create(serializedOldValue, getRegion().getCache());
} else {
ov = null;
this.oldValueBytes = serializedOldValue;
* If true (the default) then preserve old values in events. If false then mark non-null values as
private static final boolean EVENT_OLD_VALUE =
!Boolean.getBoolean(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "disable-event-old-value");
protected boolean areOldValuesEnabled() {
void putExistingEntry(final InternalRegion owner, RegionEntry entry)
throws RegionClearedException {
putExistingEntry(owner, entry, false, null);
* Put a newValue into the given, write synced, existing, region entry. Sets oldValue in event if
* hasn't been set yet.
* @param oldValueForDelta Used by Delta Propagation feature
public void putExistingEntry(final InternalRegion owner, final RegionEntry reentry,
boolean requireOldValue, Object oldValueForDelta) throws RegionClearedException {
// only set oldValue if it hasn't already been set to something
if (this.oldValue == null && this.oldValueBytes == null) {
if (!reentry.isInvalidOrRemoved()) {
if (requireOldValue || areOldValuesEnabled() || getRegion() instanceof HARegion) {
Object ov;
if (ReferenceCountHelper.trackReferenceCounts()) {
ReferenceCountHelper.setReferenceCountOwner(new OldValueOwner());
ov = reentry.getValueRetain(owner, true);
} else {
ov = reentry.getValueRetain(owner, true);
if (ov == null) {
// ov has already been retained so call basicSetOldValue instead of retainAndSetOldValue
} else {
if (this.oldValue == Token.NOT_AVAILABLE) {
FilterProfile fp = getRegion().getFilterProfile();
if (this.op.guaranteesOldValue()
|| (fp != null /* #41532 */ && fp.entryRequiresOldValue(this.getKey()))) {
// setNewValueInRegion(null);
setNewValueInRegion(owner, reentry, oldValueForDelta);
* If we are currently a create op then turn us into an update
* @since GemFire 5.0
public void makeUpdate() {
* If we are currently an update op then turn us into a create
* @since GemFire 5.0
public void makeCreate() {
* Put a newValue into the given, write synced, new, region entry.
public void putNewEntry(final InternalRegion owner, final RegionEntry reentry)
throws RegionClearedException {
if (!this.op.guaranteesOldValue()) { // preserves oldValue for CM ops in clients
setNewValueInRegion(owner, reentry, null);
public void setRegionEntry(RegionEntry re) { = re;
RegionEntry getRegionEntry() {
private void setNewValueInRegion(final InternalRegion owner, final RegionEntry reentry,
Object oldValueForDelta) throws RegionClearedException {
boolean wasTombstone = reentry.isTombstone();
// put in newValue
// If event contains new value, then it may mean that the delta bytes should
// not be applied. This is possible if the event originated locally.
if (this.deltaBytes != null && this.newValue == null && this.newValueBytes == null) {
if (owner != null) {
owner.generateAndSetVersionTag(this, reentry);
} else {
getRegion().generateAndSetVersionTag(this, reentry);
Object v = this.newValue;
if (v == null) {
v = isLocalInvalid() ? Token.LOCAL_INVALID : Token.INVALID;
} else {
// dsmith:20090524
// This is a horrible hack, but we need to get the size of the object
// When we store an entry. This code is only used when we do a put
// in the primary.
if (v instanceof org.apache.geode.Delta && getRegion().isUsedForPartitionedRegionBucket()) {
int vSize;
Object ov = basicGetOldValue();
if (ov instanceof CachedDeserializable && !GemFireCacheImpl.DELTAS_RECALCULATE_SIZE) {
vSize = ((CachedDeserializable) ov).getValueSizeInBytes();
} else {
vSize = CachedDeserializableFactory.calcMemSize(v, getRegion().getObjectSizer(), false);
v = CachedDeserializableFactory.create(v, vSize, getRegion().getCache());
basicSetNewValue(v, true);
Object preparedV = reentry.prepareValueForCache(getRegion(), v, this, false);
if (preparedV != v) {
v = preparedV;
if (v instanceof StoredObject) {
if (!((StoredObject) v).isCompressed()) { // fix bug 52109
// If we put it off heap and it is not compressed then remember that value.
// Otherwise we want to remember the decompressed value in the event.
basicSetNewValue(v, false);
boolean isTombstone = (v == Token.TOMBSTONE);
boolean success = false;
boolean calledSetValue = false;
try {
setNewValueBucketSize(owner, v);
// ezoerner:20081030
// last possible moment to do index maintenance with old value in
// RegionEntry before new value is set.
// As part of an update, this is a remove operation as prelude to an add that
// will come after the new value is set.
// If this is an "update" from INVALID state, treat this as a create instead
// for the purpose of index maintenance since invalid entries are not
// indexed.
if ((this.op.isUpdate() && !reentry.isInvalid()) || this.op.isInvalidate()) {
IndexManager idxManager =
IndexUtils.getIndexManager(getRegion().getCache(), getRegion(), false);
if (idxManager != null) {
try {
idxManager.updateIndexes(reentry, IndexManager.REMOVE_ENTRY,
this.op.isUpdate() ? IndexProtocol.BEFORE_UPDATE_OP : IndexProtocol.OTHER_OP);
} catch (QueryException e) {
throw new IndexMaintenanceException(e);
calledSetValue = true;
reentry.setValueWithTombstoneCheck(v, this); // already called prepareValueForCache
success = true;
} finally {
if (!success && reentry instanceof OffHeapRegionEntry && v instanceof StoredObject) {
if (!calledSetValue) {
} else {
OffHeapRegionEntryHelper.releaseEntry((OffHeapRegionEntry) reentry, (StoredObject) v);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
if (v instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
logger.trace("EntryEventImpl.setNewValueInRegion: put CachedDeserializable({},{})",
this.getKey(), ((CachedDeserializable) v).getStringForm());
} else {
logger.trace("EntryEventImpl.setNewValueInRegion: put({},{})", this.getKey(),
if (!isTombstone && wasTombstone) {
* The size the new value contributes to a pr bucket. Note if this event is not on a pr then this
* value will be 0.
private transient int newValueBucketSize;
public int getNewValueBucketSize() {
return this.newValueBucketSize;
private void setNewValueBucketSize(InternalRegion lr, Object v) {
if (lr == null) {
lr = getRegion();
this.newValueBucketSize = lr.calculateValueSize(v);
private void processDeltaBytes(Object oldValueInVM) {
if (!getRegion().hasSeenEvent(this)) {
if (oldValueInVM == null || Token.isInvalidOrRemoved(oldValueInVM)) {
throw new InvalidDeltaException("Old value not found for key " + this.keyInfo.getKey());
FilterProfile fp = getRegion().getFilterProfile();
// If compression is enabled then we've already gotten a new copy due to the
// serializaion and deserialization that occurs.
boolean copy = getRegion().getCompressor() == null && (getRegion().isCopyOnRead()
|| getRegion().getCloningEnabled() || (fp != null && fp.getCqCount() > 0));
Object value = oldValueInVM;
boolean wasCD = false;
if (value instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
wasCD = true;
if (copy) {
value = ((CachedDeserializable) value).getDeserializedWritableCopy(getRegion(), re);
} else {
value = ((CachedDeserializable) value).getDeserializedValue(getRegion(), re);
} else {
if (copy) {
value = CopyHelper.copy(value);
boolean deltaBytesApplied = false;
try {
long start = getRegion().getCachePerfStats().getTime();
((org.apache.geode.Delta) value)
.fromDelta(new ByteArrayDataInput(getDeltaBytes()));
deltaBytesApplied = true;
} catch (RuntimeException rte) {
throw rte;
} catch (VirtualMachineError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new DeltaSerializationException("Exception while deserializing delta bytes.", t);
} finally {
if (!deltaBytesApplied) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Delta has been applied for key {}", getKey());
// assert event.getNewValue() == null;
if (wasCD) {
CachedDeserializable old = (CachedDeserializable) oldValueInVM;
int valueSize;
valueSize =
CachedDeserializableFactory.calcMemSize(value, getRegion().getObjectSizer(), false);
} else {
valueSize = old.getValueSizeInBytes();
value = CachedDeserializableFactory.create(value, valueSize, getRegion().getCache());
if (this.causedByMessage != null && this.causedByMessage instanceof PutMessage) {
((PutMessage) this.causedByMessage).setDeltaValObj(value);
} else {
throw new InvalidDeltaException(
"Cache encountered replay of event containing delta bytes for key "
+ this.keyInfo.getKey());
void setTXEntryOldValue(Object oldVal, boolean mustBeAvailable) {
if (Token.isInvalidOrRemoved(oldVal)) {
oldVal = null;
} else {
if (mustBeAvailable || oldVal == null || areOldValuesEnabled()) {
// set oldValue to oldVal
} else {
oldVal = Token.NOT_AVAILABLE;
void putValueTXEntry(final TXEntryState tx) {
Object v = basicGetNewValue();
if (v == null) {
if (deltaBytes != null) {
// since newValue is null, and we have deltaBytes
// there must be a nearSidePendingValue
v = basicGetNewValue();
} else {
v = isLocalInvalid() ? Token.LOCAL_INVALID : Token.INVALID;
if (this.op != Operation.LOCAL_INVALIDATE && this.op != Operation.LOCAL_DESTROY) {
// fix for bug 34387
Object pv = v;
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
pv = OffHeapHelper.copyIfNeeded(v, getRegion().getCache());
public void setOldValueFromRegion() {
try {
RegionEntry re = getRegion().getRegionEntry(getKey());
if (re == null) {
Object v = re.getValueRetain(getRegion(), true);
if (v == null) {
try {
} finally {
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
} catch (EntryNotFoundException ignore) {
/** Return true if old value is the DESTROYED token */
boolean oldValueIsDestroyedToken() {
return this.oldValue == Token.DESTROYED || this.oldValue == Token.TOMBSTONE;
public void setOldValueDestroyedToken() {
public void setOldValue(Object v) {
setOldValue(v, false);
* @param force true if the old value should be forcibly set, methods like putIfAbsent, etc.,
* where the old value must be available.
public void setOldValue(Object v, boolean force) {
if (v != null) {
if (Token.isInvalidOrRemoved(v)) {
v = null;
} else if (shouldOldValueBeUnavailable(v, force)) {
private boolean shouldOldValueBeUnavailable(Object v, boolean force) {
if (force) {
return false;
if (areOldValuesEnabled()) {
return false;
if (getRegion() instanceof HARegion) {
return false;
return true;
* sets the old value for concurrent map operation results received from a server.
public void setConcurrentMapOldValue(Object v) {
if (Token.isRemoved(v)) {
} else {
if (Token.isInvalid(v)) {
v = null;
/** Return true if new value available */
public boolean hasNewValue() {
if (this.newValueBytes != null) {
return true;
Object tmp = this.newValue;
return tmp != null && tmp != Token.NOT_AVAILABLE;
public boolean hasOldValue() {
if (this.oldValueBytes != null) {
return true;
return this.oldValue != null && this.oldValue != Token.NOT_AVAILABLE;
public boolean isOldValueAToken() {
return this.oldValue instanceof Token;
public boolean isOldValueAvailable() {
if (isOriginRemote() && getRegion().isProxy()) {
return false;
} else {
return basicGetOldValue() != Token.NOT_AVAILABLE;
public void oldValueNotAvailable() {
public static Object deserialize(byte[] bytes) {
return deserialize(bytes, null, null);
public static Object deserialize(byte[] bytes, Version version, ByteArrayDataInput in) {
if (bytes == null)
return null;
try {
return BlobHelper.deserializeBlob(bytes, version, in);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException(
"An IOException was thrown while deserializing",
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// fix for bug 43602
throw new SerializationException(
"A ClassNotFoundException was thrown while trying to deserialize cached value.",
* If a PdxInstance is returned then it will have an unretained reference to the StoredObject's
* off-heap address.
public static @Unretained Object deserializeOffHeap(StoredObject bytes) {
if (bytes == null)
return null;
try {
return BlobHelper.deserializeOffHeapBlob(bytes);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException(
"An IOException was thrown while deserializing",
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// fix for bug 43602
throw new SerializationException(
"A ClassNotFoundException was thrown while trying to deserialize cached value.",
* Serialize an object into a <code>byte[]</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If <code>obj</code> should not be serialized
public static byte[] serialize(Object obj) {
return serialize(obj, null);
* Serialize an object into a <code>byte[]</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If <code>obj</code> should not be serialized
public static byte[] serialize(Object obj, Version version) {
if (obj == null || obj == Token.NOT_AVAILABLE || Token.isInvalidOrRemoved(obj))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Must not serialize %s in this context.",
try {
return BlobHelper.serializeToBlob(obj, version);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException(
"An IOException was thrown while serializing.",
* Serialize an object into a <code>byte[]</code> . If the byte array provided by the wrapper is
* sufficient to hold the data, it is used otherwise a new byte array gets created & its reference
* is stored in the wrapper. The User Bit is also appropriately set as Serialized
* @param wrapper Object of type BytesAndBitsForCompactor which is used to fetch the serialized
* data. The byte array of the wrapper is used if possible else a the new byte array
* containing the data is set in the wrapper.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If <code>obj</code> should not be serialized
public static void fillSerializedValue(BytesAndBitsForCompactor wrapper, Object obj,
byte userBits) {
if (obj == null || obj == Token.NOT_AVAILABLE || Token.isInvalidOrRemoved(obj))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Must not serialize %s in this context.", obj));
try {
HeapDataOutputStream hdos = null;
if (wrapper.getBytes().length < 32) {
hdos = new HeapDataOutputStream(Version.CURRENT);
} else {
hdos = new HeapDataOutputStream(wrapper.getBytes());
DataSerializer.writeObject(obj, hdos);
// return hdos.toByteArray();
hdos.sendTo(wrapper, userBits);
} catch (IOException e) {
RuntimeException e2 = new IllegalArgumentException(
"An IOException was thrown while serializing.");
throw e2;
protected String getShortClassName() {
String cname = getClass().getName();
return cname.substring(getClass().getPackage().getName().length() + 1);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if (Boolean.getBoolean("gemfire.insecure-logvalues")) {
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
synchronized (this.offHeapLock) {
try {
ArrayUtils.objectStringNonRecursive(basicGetOldValue(), buf);
} catch (IllegalStateException ignore) {
} else {
ArrayUtils.objectStringNonRecursive(basicGetOldValue(), buf);
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
synchronized (this.offHeapLock) {
try {
ArrayUtils.objectStringNonRecursive(basicGetNewValue(), buf);
} catch (IllegalStateException ignore) {
} else {
ArrayUtils.objectStringNonRecursive(basicGetNewValue(), buf);
if (this.isPossibleDuplicate()) {
if (callbacksInvoked()) {
if (inhibitCacheListenerNotification()) {
if (this.versionTag != null) {
if (getContext() != null) {
if (this.eventID != null) {
if (this.deltaBytes != null) {
buf.append(";[").append(this.deltaBytes.length).append(" deltaBytes]");
if (this.filterInfo != null) {
if (this.isFromServer()) {
if (this.isConcurrencyConflict()) {
if (this.getInhibitDistribution()) {
if (this.tailKey != -1) {
buf.append(";tailKey=" + tailKey);
return buf.toString();
public int getDSFID() {
public void toData(DataOutput out,
SerializationContext context) throws IOException {
context.getSerializer().writeObject(this.eventID, out);
context.getSerializer().writeObject(this.getKey(), out);
context.getSerializer().writeObject(this.keyInfo.getValue(), out);
out.writeShort(this.eventFlags & EventFlags.FLAG_TRANSIENT_MASK);
context.getSerializer().writeObject(this.getRawCallbackArgument(), out);
context.getSerializer().writeObject(this.txId, out);
Object nv = basicGetNewValue();
boolean newValueSerialized = nv instanceof CachedDeserializable;
if (newValueSerialized) {
newValueSerialized = ((CachedDeserializable) nv).isSerialized();
if (newValueSerialized) {
if (this.newValueBytes != null) {
DataSerializer.writeByteArray(this.newValueBytes, out);
} else if (this.cachedSerializedNewValue != null) {
DataSerializer.writeByteArray(this.cachedSerializedNewValue, out);
} else {
CachedDeserializable cd = (CachedDeserializable) nv;
DataSerializer.writeObjectAsByteArray(cd.getValue(), out);
} else {
context.getSerializer().writeObject(nv, out);
Object ov = basicGetOldValue();
boolean oldValueSerialized = ov instanceof CachedDeserializable;
if (oldValueSerialized) {
oldValueSerialized = ((CachedDeserializable) ov).isSerialized();
if (oldValueSerialized) {
if (this.oldValueBytes != null) {
DataSerializer.writeByteArray(this.oldValueBytes, out);
} else {
CachedDeserializable cd = (CachedDeserializable) ov;
DataSerializer.writeObjectAsByteArray(cd.getValue(), out);
} else {
ov = AbstractRegion.handleNotAvailable(ov);
context.getSerializer().writeObject(ov, out);
InternalDataSerializer.invokeToData((InternalDistributedMember) this.distributedMember, out);
context.getSerializer().writeObject(getContext(), out);
DataSerializer.writeLong(tailKey, out);
private abstract static class EventFlags {
private static final short FLAG_ORIGIN_REMOTE = 0x01;
// localInvalid: true if a null new value should be treated as a local
// invalid.
private static final short FLAG_LOCAL_INVALID = 0x02;
private static final short FLAG_GENERATE_CALLBACKS = 0x04;
private static final short FLAG_POSSIBLE_DUPLICATE = 0x08;
private static final short FLAG_INVOKE_PR_CALLBACKS = 0x10;
private static final short FLAG_CONCURRENCY_CONFLICT = 0x20;
private static final short FLAG_INHIBIT_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION = 0x40;
private static final short FLAG_CALLBACKS_INVOKED = 0x80;
private static final short FLAG_ISCREATE = 0x100;
private static final short FLAG_SERIALIZATION_DEFERRED = 0x200;
private static final short FLAG_FROM_SERVER = 0x400;
private static final short FLAG_FROM_RI_LOCAL_DESTROY = 0x800;
private static final short FLAG_INHIBIT_DISTRIBUTION = 0x1000;
private static final short FLAG_REDESTROYED_TOMBSTONE = 0x2000;
private static final short FLAG_INHIBIT_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS = 0x4000;
/** mask for clearing transient flags when serializing */
protected static boolean isSet(short flags, short mask) {
return (flags & mask) != 0;
/** WARNING: Does not set the bit in place, returns new short with bit set */
protected static short set(short flags, short mask, boolean on) {
return (short) (on ? (flags | mask) : (flags & ~mask));
* @return null if old value is not serialized; otherwise returns a SerializedCacheValueImpl
* containing the old value.
public SerializedCacheValue<?> getSerializedOldValue() {
final Object tmp = basicGetOldValue();
if (tmp instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
CachedDeserializable cd = (CachedDeserializable) tmp;
if (!cd.isSerialized()) {
return null;
return new SerializedCacheValueImpl(this, getRegion(),, cd, this.oldValueBytes);
} else {
return null;
* Compute an estimate of the size of the new value for a PR. Since PR's always store values in a
* cached deserializable we need to compute its size as a blob.
* @return the size of serialized bytes for the new value
public int getNewValSizeForPR() {
int newSize = 0;
Object v = basicGetNewValue();
if (v != null) {
try {
newSize = CachedDeserializableFactory.calcSerializedSize(v)
+ CachedDeserializableFactory.overhead();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
logger.warn("DataStore failed to calculate size of new value",
newSize = 0;
return newSize;
* Compute an estimate of the size of the old value
* @return the size of serialized bytes for the old value
public int getOldValSize() {
int oldSize = 0;
if (hasOldValue()) {
try {
oldSize = CachedDeserializableFactory.calcMemSize(basicGetOldValue());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
logger.warn("DataStore failed to calculate size of old value",
oldSize = 0;
return oldSize;
public EnumListenerEvent getEventType() {
return this.eventType;
* Sets the operation type.
public void setEventType(EnumListenerEvent eventType) {
this.eventType = eventType;
* set this to true after dispatching the event to a cache listener
public void callbacksInvoked(boolean dispatched) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_CALLBACKS_INVOKED, dispatched);
* has this event been dispatched to a cache listener?
public boolean callbacksInvoked() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_CALLBACKS_INVOKED);
* set this to true to inhibit application cache listener notification during event dispatching
public void inhibitCacheListenerNotification(boolean inhibit) {
* are events being inhibited from dispatch to application cache listeners for this event?
public boolean inhibitCacheListenerNotification() {
* dispatch listener events for this event
* @param notifyGateways pass the event on to WAN queues
public void invokeCallbacks(InternalRegion rgn, boolean skipListeners, boolean notifyGateways) {
if (!callbacksInvoked()) {
if (this.op.isUpdate()) {
rgn.invokePutCallbacks(EnumListenerEvent.AFTER_UPDATE, this, !skipListeners,
notifyGateways); // gateways are notified in part2 processing
} else if (this.op.isCreate()) {
rgn.invokePutCallbacks(EnumListenerEvent.AFTER_CREATE, this, !skipListeners,
} else if (this.op.isDestroy()) {
rgn.invokeDestroyCallbacks(EnumListenerEvent.AFTER_DESTROY, this, !skipListeners,
} else if (this.op.isInvalidate()) {
rgn.invokeInvalidateCallbacks(EnumListenerEvent.AFTER_INVALIDATE, this, !skipListeners);
private void setFromRILocalDestroy(boolean on) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_FROM_RI_LOCAL_DESTROY, on);
public boolean isFromRILocalDestroy() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_FROM_RI_LOCAL_DESTROY);
protected Long tailKey = -1L;
* Used to store next region version generated for a change on this entry by phase-1 commit on the
* primary.
* Not to be used in fromData and toData
protected transient long nextRegionVersion = -1L;
public void setNextRegionVersion(long regionVersion) {
this.nextRegionVersion = regionVersion;
public long getNextRegionVersion() {
return this.nextRegionVersion;
* Return true if this event came from a server by the client doing a get.
* @since GemFire 5.7
public boolean isFromServer() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_FROM_SERVER);
* Sets the fromServer flag to v. This must be set to true if an event comes from a server while
* the affected region entry is not locked. Among other things it causes version conflict checks
* to be performed to protect against overwriting a newer version of the entry.
* @since GemFire 5.7
public void setFromServer(boolean v) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_FROM_SERVER, v);
* If true, the region associated with this event had already applied the operation it
* encapsulates when an attempt was made to apply the event.
* @return the possibleDuplicate
public boolean isPossibleDuplicate() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_POSSIBLE_DUPLICATE);
* If the operation encapsulated by this event has already been seen by the region to which it
* pertains, this flag should be set to true.
* @param possibleDuplicate the possibleDuplicate to set
public void setPossibleDuplicate(boolean possibleDuplicate) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_POSSIBLE_DUPLICATE, possibleDuplicate);
* are events being inhibited from dispatch to to gateway/async queues, client queues, cache
* listener and cache write. If set, sending notifications for the data that is read from a
* persistent store (HDFS) and is being reinserted in the cache is skipped.
public boolean inhibitAllNotifications() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_INHIBIT_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS);
* set this to true to inhibit notifications that are sent to gateway/async queues, client queues,
* cache listener and cache write. This is used to skip sending notifications for the data that is
* read from a persistent store (HDFS) and is being reinserted in the cache
public void setInhibitAllNotifications(boolean inhibit) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_INHIBIT_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS, inhibit);
* sets the routing information for cache clients
public void setLocalFilterInfo(FilterInfo info) {
this.filterInfo = info;
* retrieves the routing information for cache clients in this VM
public FilterInfo getLocalFilterInfo() {
return this.filterInfo;
* This method returns the delta bytes used in Delta Propagation feature. <B>For internal delta,
* see getRawNewValue().</B>
* @return delta bytes
public byte[] getDeltaBytes() {
return deltaBytes;
* This method sets the delta bytes used in Delta Propagation feature. <B>For internal delta, see
* setNewValue().</B>
public void setDeltaBytes(byte[] deltaBytes) {
this.deltaBytes = deltaBytes;
// TODO (ashetkar) Can this.op.isCreate() be used instead?
public boolean isCreate() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_ISCREATE);
* this is used to distinguish an event that merely has Operation.CREATE from one that originated
* from Region.create() for delta processing purposes.
public EntryEventImpl setCreate(boolean isCreate) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_ISCREATE, isCreate);
return this;
* @return the keyInfo
public KeyInfo getKeyInfo() {
return keyInfo;
public void setKeyInfo(KeyInfo keyInfo) {
this.keyInfo = keyInfo;
* establish the old value in this event as the current cache value, whether in memory or on disk
public void setOldValueForQueryProcessing() {
RegionEntry reentry = getRegion().getRegionMap().getEntry(this.getKey());
if (reentry != null) {
Object v = reentry.getValueOffHeapOrDiskWithoutFaultIn(getRegion());
if (!(v instanceof Token)) {
// v has already been retained.
// this event now owns the retention of v.
public Version[] getSerializationVersions() {
return null;
* @param versionTag the versionTag to set
public void setVersionTag(VersionTag versionTag) {
this.versionTag = versionTag;
* @return the concurrency versioning tag for this event, if any
public VersionTag getVersionTag() {
return this.versionTag;
* @return if there's no valid version tag for this event
public boolean hasValidVersionTag() {
return this.versionTag != null && this.versionTag.hasValidVersion();
* this method joins together version tag timestamps and the "lastModified" timestamps generated
* and stored in entries. If a change does not already carry a lastModified timestamp
* @return the timestamp to store in the entry
public long getEventTime(long suggestedTime) {
long result = suggestedTime;
if (this.versionTag != null && getRegion().getConcurrencyChecksEnabled()) {
if (suggestedTime != 0) {
} else {
result = this.versionTag.getVersionTimeStamp();
if (result <= 0) {
InternalRegion region = this.getRegion();
if (region != null) {
result = region.cacheTimeMillis();
} else {
result = System.currentTimeMillis();
return result;
public static class SerializedCacheValueImpl
implements SerializedCacheValue, CachedDeserializable, Sendable {
private final EntryEventImpl event;
private final CachedDeserializable cd;
private final Region r;
private final RegionEntry re;
private final byte[] serializedValue;
SerializedCacheValueImpl(EntryEventImpl event, Region r, RegionEntry re,
@Unretained CachedDeserializable cd, byte[] serializedBytes) {
if (event.isOffHeapReference(cd)) {
this.event = event;
} else {
this.event = null;
this.r = r; = re; = cd;
this.serializedValue = serializedBytes;
public byte[] getSerializedValue() {
if (this.serializedValue != null) {
return this.serializedValue;
return callWithOffHeapLock(cd -> {
return cd.getSerializedValue();
private CachedDeserializable getCd() {
if (this.event != null && !this.event.offHeapOk) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Attempt to access off heap value after the EntryEvent was released.");
* The only methods that need to use this method are those on the external SerializedCacheValue
* interface and any other method that a customer could call that may access the off-heap
* values. For example if toString was implemented on this class to access the value then it
* would need to use this method.
private <R> R callWithOffHeapLock(Function<CachedDeserializable, R> function) {
if (this.event != null) {
// this call does not use getCd() to access
// because the check for offHeapOk is done by event.callWithOffHeapLock
return this.event.callWithOffHeapLock(, function);
} else {
return function.apply(getCd());
public Object getDeserializedValue() {
return getDeserializedValue(this.r,;
public Object getDeserializedForReading() {
return getCd().getDeserializedForReading();
public Object getDeserializedWritableCopy(Region rgn, RegionEntry entry) {
return getCd().getDeserializedWritableCopy(rgn, entry);
public Object getDeserializedValue(Region rgn, RegionEntry reentry) {
return callWithOffHeapLock(cd -> {
return cd.getDeserializedValue(rgn, reentry);
public Object getValue() {
if (this.serializedValue != null) {
return this.serializedValue;
return getCd().getValue();
public void writeValueAsByteArray(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
if (this.serializedValue != null) {
DataSerializer.writeByteArray(this.serializedValue, out);
} else {
public void fillSerializedValue(BytesAndBitsForCompactor wrapper, byte userBits) {
if (this.serializedValue != null) {
wrapper.setData(this.serializedValue, userBits, this.serializedValue.length,
false /* Not Reusable as it refers to underlying value */);
} else {
getCd().fillSerializedValue(wrapper, userBits);
public int getValueSizeInBytes() {
return getCd().getValueSizeInBytes();
public int getSizeInBytes() {
return getCd().getSizeInBytes();
public String getStringForm() {
return getCd().getStringForm();
public void sendTo(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
DataSerializer.writeObject(getCd(), out);
public boolean isSerialized() {
return getCd().isSerialized();
public boolean usesHeapForStorage() {
return getCd().usesHeapForStorage();
public void setTailKey(Long tailKey) {
this.tailKey = tailKey;
public Long getTailKey() {
return this.tailKey;
private Thread invokeCallbacksThread;
* Mark this event as having its callbacks invoked by the current thread. Note this is done just
* before the actual invocation of the callbacks.
public void setCallbacksInvokedByCurrentThread() {
this.invokeCallbacksThread = Thread.currentThread();
* Return true if this event was marked as having its callbacks invoked by the current thread.
public boolean getCallbacksInvokedByCurrentThread() {
if (this.invokeCallbacksThread == null)
return false;
return Thread.currentThread().equals(this.invokeCallbacksThread);
* Returns whether this event is on the PDX type region.
* @return whether this event is on the PDX type region
public boolean isOnPdxTypeRegion() {
return PeerTypeRegistration.REGION_FULL_PATH.equals(getRegion().getFullPath());
* returns true if it is okay to process this event even though it has a null version
public boolean noVersionReceivedFromServer() {
return versionTag == null && getRegion().getConcurrencyChecksEnabled()
&& getRegion().getServerProxy() != null && !op.isLocal() && !isOriginRemote();
/** returns a copy of this event with the additional fields for WAN conflict resolution */
public TimestampedEntryEvent getTimestampedEvent(final int newDSID, final int oldDSID,
final long newTimestamp, final long oldTimestamp) {
return new TimestampedEntryEventImpl(this, newDSID, oldDSID, newTimestamp, oldTimestamp);
private void setSerializationDeferred(boolean serializationDeferred) {
setEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_SERIALIZATION_DEFERRED, serializationDeferred);
private boolean isSerializationDeferred() {
return testEventFlag(EventFlags.FLAG_SERIALIZATION_DEFERRED);
public boolean isSingleHop() {
return (this.causedByMessage != null && this.causedByMessage instanceof RemoteOperationMessage);
public boolean isSingleHopPutOp() {
return (this.causedByMessage != null && this.causedByMessage instanceof RemotePutMessage);
* True if it is ok to use old/new values that are stored off heap. False if an exception should
* be thrown if an attempt is made to access old/new offheap values.
transient boolean offHeapOk = true;
public void release() {
// noop if already freed or values can not be off-heap
if (!this.offHeapOk)
if (!mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
synchronized (this.offHeapLock) {
// Note that this method does not set the old/new values to null but
// leaves them set to the off-heap value so that future calls to getOld/NewValue
// will fail with an exception.
Object ov = basicGetOldValue();
Object nv = basicGetNewValue();
this.offHeapOk = false;
if (ov instanceof StoredObject) {
// this.region.getCache().getLogger().info("DEBUG freeing ref to old value on " +
// System.identityHashCode(ov));
if (ReferenceCountHelper.trackReferenceCounts()) {
ReferenceCountHelper.setReferenceCountOwner(new OldValueOwner());
((Releasable) ov).release();
} else {
((Releasable) ov).release();
OffHeapHelper.releaseAndTrackOwner(nv, this);
* Return true if this EntryEvent may have off-heap references.
private boolean mayHaveOffHeapReferences() {
if (this.offHeapLock == null) {
return false;
InternalRegion lr = getRegion();
if (lr != null) {
return lr.getOffHeap();
// if region field is null it is possible that we have off-heap values
return true;
void testHookReleaseInProgress() {
// unit test can mock or override this method
* Make sure that this event will never own an off-heap value. Once this is called on an event it
* does not need to have release called.
public void disallowOffHeapValues() {
if (isOffHeapReference(this.newValue) || isOffHeapReference(this.oldValue)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This event already has off-heap values");
if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
synchronized (this.offHeapLock) {
this.offHeapOk = false;
} else {
this.offHeapOk = false;
* This copies the off-heap new and/or old value to the heap. As a result the current off-heap
* new/old will be released.
public void copyOffHeapToHeap() {
if (!mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
this.offHeapOk = false;
synchronized (this.offHeapLock) {
Object ov = basicGetOldValue();
if (StoredObject.isOffHeapReference(ov)) {
if (ReferenceCountHelper.trackReferenceCounts()) {
ReferenceCountHelper.setReferenceCountOwner(new OldValueOwner());
this.oldValue = OffHeapHelper.copyAndReleaseIfNeeded(ov, getRegion().getCache());
} else {
this.oldValue = OffHeapHelper.copyAndReleaseIfNeeded(ov, getRegion().getCache());
Object nv = basicGetNewValue();
if (StoredObject.isOffHeapReference(nv)) {
this.newValue = OffHeapHelper.copyAndReleaseIfNeeded(nv, getRegion().getCache());
if (StoredObject.isOffHeapReference(this.newValue)
|| StoredObject.isOffHeapReference(this.oldValue)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"event's old/new value still off-heap after calling copyOffHeapToHeap");
this.offHeapOk = false;
public boolean isOldValueOffHeap() {
return isOffHeapReference(this.oldValue);
* If region is currently a bucket
* then change it to be the partitioned region that owns that bucket.
* Otherwise do nothing.
public void changeRegionToBucketsOwner() {
if (getRegion().isUsedForPartitionedRegionBucket()) {