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title: General Information on HTTP Session Management
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This section provides information on sticky load balancers, session expiration, additional <%=vars.product_name%> property changes, serialization and more.
## <a id="tc_additional_info__section_78F53B3F4301466EA0E5DF277CF33A71" class="no-quick-link"></a>Sticky Load Balancers
Typically, session replication will be used in conjunction with a load balancer enabled for sticky sessions.
Sessions should be unique across application servers. With Tomcat, this can be accomplished by setting a JVM route (`JVMRoute=value`). Refer to [SpringSource ERS](
as a possible [load balancing]( solution.
## <a id="tc_additional_info__section_C7C4365EA2D84636AE1586F187007EC4" class="no-quick-link"></a>Session Expiration
To set the session expiration value, you must change the `session-timeout` value specified in your application server's `WEB-INF/web.xml` file.
This value will override the <%=vars.product_name%> inactive interval, which is specified in Tomcat, for example, by `maxInactiveInterval` within `context.xml`.
When a session expires, it gets removed from the application server and from all <%=vars.product_name%> servers when running in client-server mode.
## <a id="tc_additional_info__section_5CE5FF6F55DB462E8B2A336A0AF7515E" class="no-quick-link"></a>Making Additional <%=vars.product_name%> Property Changes
If you want to change additional <%=vars.product_name%> property values, refer to instructions on manually changing property values as specified in the <%=vars.product_name%> module documentation for Tomcat ([Changing the Default <%=vars.product_name%> Configuration in the Tomcat Module](tomcat_changing_gf_default_cfg.html#tomcat_changing_gf_default_cfg)) and Application Servers ([Changing the Default <%=vars.product_name%> Configuration in the AppServers Module](weblogic_changing_gf_default_cfg.html#weblogic_changing_gf_default_cfg)).
## <a id="tc_additional_info__section_0013BDC875A44344B7B062F46AFA073C" class="no-quick-link"></a>Module Version Information
To acquire <%=vars.product_name%> module version information, look in the web server's log file for a message similar to:
``` pre
INFO: Initializing <%=vars.product_name%> Modules
Java version: 1.0.0 user1 041216 2016-11-12 11:18:37 -0700
javac 1.8.0_<%=vars.min_java_update%>
Native version: native code unavailable
Source revision: 857bb75916640a066eb832b43b3c805f0dd7ed0b
Source repository: develop
Running on: /, 8 cpu(s), x86_64 Mac OS X 10.11.4
## Object Serialization
Objects managed by the HTTP Session Management Module must be serializable since the session's objects are serialized before being stored in the region.