blob: 1893f793468e551c2ecfe7bbd56efcae2217a56a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Region;
* Bridge to collect data from all the proxies from a named region. MBeanAggregator will create this
* bridge and inject it into a DistributedRegionMBean
public class DistributedRegionBridge {
* Map of RegionMXBean proxies
private Map<ObjectName, RegionMXBean> mapOfProxy;
* set size of this proxy set
private volatile int setSize;
* Eviction attributes
private EvictionAttributesData evictionAttributesData;
* Membership attributes
private MembershipAttributesData membershipAttributesData;
* Partition Attributes
private PartitionAttributesData partitionAttributesData;
* Region Attributes
private RegionAttributesData regionAttributesData;
* Array of fixed partition attributes
private FixedPartitionAttributesData[] fixedPartitionAttributesTable;
private RegionClusterStatsMonitor monitor;
private boolean isPartitionedRegion = false;
* Public constructor.
* @param objectName Name of the MBean
* @param proxy reference to the actual proxy
public DistributedRegionBridge(ObjectName objectName, RegionMXBean proxy,
FederationComponent newState) {
this.mapOfProxy = new ConcurrentHashMap<ObjectName, RegionMXBean>();
this.monitor = new RegionClusterStatsMonitor();
addProxyToMap(objectName, proxy, newState);
* Adds a proxy to the Proxy set
* @param objectName name of the MBean
* @param proxy reference to the actual proxy
public void addProxyToMap(ObjectName objectName, RegionMXBean proxy,
FederationComponent newState) {
mapOfProxy.put(objectName, proxy);
setSize = mapOfProxy.keySet().size();
updateRegion(newState, null);
* Removes proxy from the proxy set
* @param objectName name of the MBean
* @param proxy reference to the actual proxy
* @return true if this DistributedRegion's proxy set is empty
public boolean removeProxyFromMap(ObjectName objectName, RegionMXBean proxy,
FederationComponent oldState) {
setSize = mapOfProxy.keySet().size();
if (setSize == 0) {
return true;
updateRegion(null, oldState);
return false;
public void updateRegion(FederationComponent newState, FederationComponent oldState) {
monitor.aggregate(newState, oldState);
* @return Eviction Attributes of the Region
public EvictionAttributesData getEvictionAttributes() {
if (this.evictionAttributesData == null) {
Iterator<RegionMXBean> it = mapOfProxy.values().iterator();
if (it != null) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
try {
this.evictionAttributesData =;
} catch (Exception e) {
this.evictionAttributesData = null;
if (evictionAttributesData != null) {
return evictionAttributesData;
* @return fixed partition attributes of a partition region if its fixed partitioned
public FixedPartitionAttributesData[] getFixedPartitionAttributesData() {
if (this.fixedPartitionAttributesTable == null) {
Iterator<RegionMXBean> it = mapOfProxy.values().iterator();
if (it != null) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
try {
this.fixedPartitionAttributesTable =;
} catch (Exception e) {
this.fixedPartitionAttributesTable = null;
if (fixedPartitionAttributesTable != null) {
return fixedPartitionAttributesTable;
* @return number of members where this region is present
public int getMemberCount() {
return setSize;
* @return set of member ids on which this region is present.
public String[] getMembers() {
Iterator<ObjectName> it = mapOfProxy.keySet().iterator();
if (it != null) {
List<String> memberList = new ArrayList<String>();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ObjectName tempObjName =;
String formatedMemberId = (String) tempObjName.getKeyProperty("member");
String[] members = new String[memberList.size()];
return memberList.toArray(members);
return ManagementConstants.NO_DATA_STRING;
* @return membership attributes
public MembershipAttributesData getMembershipAttributes() {
if (this.membershipAttributesData == null) {
Iterator<RegionMXBean> it = mapOfProxy.values().iterator();
if (it != null) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
try {
this.membershipAttributesData =;
} catch (Exception e) {
this.membershipAttributesData = null;
if (membershipAttributesData != null) {
return membershipAttributesData;
* @return name of the Region
public String getName() {
return monitor.getName();
* @return parent region name
public String getParentRegion() {
return monitor.getParentRegion();
* Lists the sub regions of the GemFire {@link Region} represented by this
* {@link DistributedRegionMXBean}. If <code>recursive</code> is <code>true</code>, will return
* sub-regions by traversing recursively.
* @param recursive if <code>true</code>, recursively traverses to find sub regions.
* @return String array of sub region paths
public String[] listSubRegionPaths(boolean recursive) {
String[] subRegionPathsArr = new String[0];
Collection<RegionMXBean> proxies = mapOfProxy.values();
// Need to go through all proxies as different proxies could have different sub-regions
if (proxies != null && !proxies.isEmpty()) {
SortedSet<String> subRegionPaths = new TreeSet<String>();
for (RegionMXBean regionMXBean : proxies) {
String[] listSubRegionPaths = regionMXBean.listSubregionPaths(recursive);
subRegionPaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(listSubRegionPaths)); // Little cosly, but how can it be
// avoided?
subRegionPathsArr = subRegionPaths.toArray(subRegionPathsArr);
return subRegionPathsArr;
* @return partitioned attributes
public PartitionAttributesData getPartitionAttributes() {
if (this.partitionAttributesData == null) {
Iterator<RegionMXBean> it = mapOfProxy.values().iterator();
if (it != null) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
try {
this.partitionAttributesData =;
} catch (Exception e) {
this.partitionAttributesData = null;
if (partitionAttributesData != null) {
return partitionAttributesData;
* Region attributes
* @return region attributes
public RegionAttributesData getRegionAttributes() {
if (this.regionAttributesData == null) {
Iterator<RegionMXBean> it = mapOfProxy.values().iterator();
if (it != null) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
try {
this.regionAttributesData =;
} catch (Exception e) {
this.regionAttributesData = null;
if (regionAttributesData != null) {
return regionAttributesData;
* @return data policy of the region
public String getRegionType() {
return monitor.getRegionType();
* @return full path of the region
public String getFullPath() {
return monitor.getFullPath();
* @return Avg Latency of cache listener call
public long getCacheListenerCallsAvgLatency() {
return MetricsCalculator.getAverage(monitor.getCacheListenerCallsAvgLatency(), setSize);
* @return Avg Latency of cache writer call
public long getCacheWriterCallsAvgLatency() {
return MetricsCalculator.getAverage(monitor.getCacheWriterCallsAvgLatency(), setSize);
* @return creates per second for the Regions
public float getCreatesRate() {
return monitor.getCreatesRate();
* @return destroy per second for the Regions
public float getDestroyRate() {
return monitor.getDestroyRate();
* @return disk reads rate across disks belonging to Region
public float getDiskReadsRate() {
return monitor.getDiskReadsRate();
* @return disk writes rate across region
public float getDiskWritesRate() {
return monitor.getDiskWritesRate();
* @return gets per second for the Regions
public float getGetsRate() {
return monitor.getGetsRate();
* @return total hit count
public long getHitCount() {
if (isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_LONG;
return monitor.getHitCount();
* @return hit to miss ratio
public float getHitRatio() {
if (isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_FLOAT;
return monitor.getHitRatio();
* @return returns the last time the region was accessed
public long getLastAccessedTime() {
if (isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_LONG;
return monitor.getLastAccessedTime();
* @return last update time of the region
public long getLastModifiedTime() {
if (isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_LONG;
return monitor.getLastModifiedTime();
* @return entries destroyed rate in the region through both destroy cache operations and
* eviction.
public float getLruDestroyRate() {
return monitor.getLruDestroyRate();
* @return entry evictions rate triggered by LRU.
public float getLruEvictionRate() {
return monitor.getLruEvictionRate();
* @return number of times cache missed on the local region
public long getMissCount() {
if (isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_LONG;
return monitor.getMissCount();
* @return putAll per second for the Regions
public float getPutAllRate() {
return monitor.getPutAllRate();
* @return Partition Region local put rate
public float getPutLocalRate() {
return monitor.getPutLocalRate();
* @return Average Latency for remote put
public long getPutRemoteAvgLatency() {
return MetricsCalculator.getAverage(monitor.getPutRemoteAvgLatency(), setSize);
* @return Latency for last remote put
public long getPutRemoteLatency() {
return MetricsCalculator.getAverage(monitor.getPutRemoteLatency(), setSize);
* @return Partition Region remote put rate
public float getPutRemoteRate() {
return monitor.getPutRemoteRate();
* @return puts per second for the Regions
public float getPutsRate() {
return monitor.getPutsRate();
* @return number of entries
public long getSystemRegionEntryCount() {
if (isPartionedRegion()) {
return monitor.getSystemRegionEntryCount();
return monitor.getEntryCount();
* @return The current number of backups in progress on this disk store
public long getTotalDiskWritesProgress() {
return monitor.getTotalDiskWritesProgress();
* @return consolidated count of bytes on each disk of the region
public long getTotalBytesOnDisk() {
return monitor.getTotalBytesOnDisk();
* @return The current number of entries whose value resides in the VM. The value may also have
* been written to disk.
public long getTotalDiskEntriesInVM() {
return monitor.getTotalDiskEntriesInVM();
* @return The current number of entries whose value is on disk and is not in memory. This is true
* of overflowed entries. It is also true of recovered entries that have not yet been
* faulted in.
public long getTotalEntriesOnlyOnDisk() {
return monitor.getTotalEntriesOnlyOnDisk();
public int getAvgBucketSize() {
if (!isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_INT;
return MetricsCalculator.getAverage(monitor.getAvgBucketSize(), setSize);
public int getBucketCount() {
if (!isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_INT;
return monitor.getBucketCount();
public int getNumBucketsWithoutRedundancy() {
if (!isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_INT;
return monitor.getNumBucketsWithoutRedundancy();
public int getPrimaryBucketCount() {
if (!isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_INT;
return monitor.getPrimaryBucketCount();
public int getTotalBucketSize() {
if (!isPartionedRegion()) {
return ManagementConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_INT;
return monitor.getTotalBucketSize();
public long getDiskTaskWaiting() {
return monitor.getDiskTaskWaiting();
public long getDiskUsage() {
return monitor.getDiskUsage();
public float getAverageReads() {
return monitor.getAverageReads();
public float getAverageWrites() {
return monitor.getAverageWrites();
public boolean isGatewayEnabled() {
return monitor.isGatewayEnabled();
public boolean isPersistentEnabled() {
return monitor.isPersistentEnabled();
public int getEmptyNodes() {
Iterator<RegionMXBean> it = mapOfProxy.values().iterator();
int emptyNodes = 0;
if (it != null) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
RegionMXBean bean =;
if (bean.getRegionType().equals(DataPolicy.EMPTY.toString())) {
if (bean.getLocalMaxMemory() == 0) {
return emptyNodes;
public long getEntrySize() {
return monitor.getEntrySize();
private boolean isPartionedRegion() {
if (getPartitionAttributes() != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;