blob: a31678ac6e3f399374045090ee71386e7f8e1929 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal.cache.execute;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor;
import org.apache.geode.Statistics;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticsType;
import org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.Immutable;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionStats;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem;
import org.apache.geode.internal.statistics.DummyStatisticsImpl;
import org.apache.geode.internal.statistics.StatisticsTypeFactoryImpl;
public class FunctionStats {
public static final String statName = "FunctionStatistics";
/** The <code>StatisticsType</code> of the statistics */
private static final StatisticsType _type;
private FunctionServiceStats aggregateStats;
* Total number of completed function.execute() calls (aka invocations of a individual
* function)Name of the function executions cimpleted statistic
private static final String FUNCTION_EXECUTIONS_COMPLETED = "functionExecutionsCompleted";
* Total time consumed for all completed invocations of a individual function. Name of the
* function executions completed processing time statistic
* A guage indicating the number of currently running invocations Name of the function executions
* running statistic
private static final String FUNCTION_EXECUTIONS_RUNNING = "functionExecutionsRunning";
* Total number of results sent to the ResultCollector Name of the results returned statistic
private static final String RESULTS_SENT_TO_RESULTCOLLECTOR = "resultsSentToResultCollector";
* Total number of FunctionService...execute() calls Name of the total function executions call
* statistic
private static final String FUNCTION_EXECUTION_CALLS = "functionExecutionCalls";
* Total time consumed for all completed execute() calls where hasResult() returns true. Name of
* the function executions calls having hasResult=true time statistic
* A gauge indicating the number of currently active execute() calls for functions where
* hasResult() returns true. Name of the function execution time statistic
* Total number of results sent to the ResultCollector Name of the results returned statistic
private static final String RESULTS_RECEIVED = "resultsReceived";
* Total number of Exceptions Occurred while executing function Name of the functionExecution
* exceptions statistic
private static final String FUNCTION_EXECUTION_EXCEPTIONS = "functionExecutionsExceptions";
/** Id of the FUNCTION_EXECUTIONS_COMPLETED statistic */
private static final int _functionExecutionsCompletedId;
private static final int _functionExecutionsCompletedProcessingTimeId;
/** Id of the FUNCTION_EXECUTIONS_RUNNING statistic */
private static final int _functionExecutionsRunningId;
/** Id of the RESULTS_SENT_TO_RESULTCOLLECTOR statistic */
private static final int _resultsSentToResultCollectorId;
/** Id of the FUNCTION_EXECUTIONS_CALL statistic */
private static final int _functionExecutionCallsId;
private static final int _functionExecutionsHasResultCompletedProcessingTimeId;
private static final int _functionExecutionsHasResultRunningId;
/** Id of the RESULTS_RECEIVED statistic */
private static final int _resultsReceived;
private static final int _functionExecutionExceptions;
* Static initializer to create and initialize the <code>StatisticsType</code>
static {
String statDescription = "This is the stats for the individual Function's Execution";
StatisticsTypeFactory f = StatisticsTypeFactoryImpl.singleton();
_type = f.createType(statName, statDescription,
new StatisticDescriptor[] {f.createIntCounter(FUNCTION_EXECUTIONS_COMPLETED,
"Total number of completed function.execute() calls for given function", "operations"),
"Total time consumed for all completed invocations of the given function",
"number of currently running invocations of the given function", "operations"),
"Total number of results sent to the ResultCollector", "operations"),
"Total number of results received and passed to the ResultCollector", "operations"),
"Total number of FunctionService.execute() calls for given function", "operations"),
"Total time consumed for all completed given function.execute() calls where hasResult() returns true.",
"A gauge indicating the number of currently active execute() calls for functions where hasResult() returns true.",
"Total number of Exceptions Occurred while executing function", "operations"),
// Initialize id fields
_functionExecutionsCompletedId = _type.nameToId(FUNCTION_EXECUTIONS_COMPLETED);
_functionExecutionsCompletedProcessingTimeId =
_functionExecutionsRunningId = _type.nameToId(FUNCTION_EXECUTIONS_RUNNING);
_resultsSentToResultCollectorId = _type.nameToId(RESULTS_SENT_TO_RESULTCOLLECTOR);
_functionExecutionCallsId = _type.nameToId(FUNCTION_EXECUTION_CALLS);
_functionExecutionsHasResultCompletedProcessingTimeId =
_functionExecutionsHasResultRunningId = _type.nameToId(FUNCTION_EXECUTIONS_HASRESULT_RUNNING);
_functionExecutionExceptions = _type.nameToId(FUNCTION_EXECUTION_EXCEPTIONS);
_resultsReceived = _type.nameToId(RESULTS_RECEIVED);
// //////////////////// Instance Fields //////////////////////
/** The <code>Statistics</code> instance to which most behavior is delegated */
private final Statistics _stats;
/** This is an instance of the FunctionStats when the statsDisabled = true; */
public static final FunctionStats dummy = createDummy();
// ///////////////////// Constructors ///////////////////////
private FunctionStats() {
this._stats = new DummyStatisticsImpl(_type, null, 0);
this.aggregateStats = FunctionServiceStats.createDummy();
static FunctionStats createDummy() {
return new FunctionStats();
* Constructor.
* @param factory The <code>StatisticsFactory</code> which creates the <code>Statistics</code>
* instance
* @param name The name of the <code>Statistics</code>
public FunctionStats(StatisticsFactory factory, String name) {
this._stats = factory.createAtomicStatistics(_type, name);
aggregateStats = ((InternalDistributedSystem) factory).getFunctionServiceStats();
* Closes the <code>FunctionServiceStats</code>.
public void close() {
* Returns the current value of the "Total number of completed function.execute() calls" stat.
* @return the current value of the "function Executions completed" stat
public int getFunctionExecutionsCompleted() {
return this._stats.getInt(_functionExecutionsCompletedId);
* Increments the "FunctionExecutionsCompleted" stat.
public void incFunctionExecutionsCompleted() {
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsCompletedId, 1);
* Returns the current value of the "Total time consumed for all completed invocations" stat.
* @return the current value of the "functionExecutionCompleteProcessingTime" stat
public long getFunctionExecutionCompleteProcessingTime() {
return this._stats.getLong(_functionExecutionsCompletedProcessingTimeId);
* Returns the current value of the "number of currently running invocations" stat.
* @return the current value of the "functionExecutionsRunning" stat
public int getFunctionExecutionsRunning() {
return this._stats.getInt(_functionExecutionsRunningId);
* Increments the "FunctionExecutionsRunning" stat.
public void incFunctionExecutionsRunning() {
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsRunningId, 1);
* Returns the current value of the "Total number of results sent to the ResultCollector" stat.
* @return the current value of the "resultsReturned" stat
public int getResultsSentToResultCollector() {
return this._stats.getInt(_resultsSentToResultCollectorId);
* Increments the "ResultsReturnedToResultCollector" stat.
public void incResultsReturned() {
this._stats.incInt(_resultsSentToResultCollectorId, 1);
* Returns the current value of the "Total number of results received and passed to
* ResultCollector" stat.
* @return the current value of the "resultsReturned" stat
public int getResultsReceived() {
return this._stats.getInt(_resultsReceived);
* Increments the "ResultsReturnedToResultCollector" stat.
public void incResultsReceived() {
this._stats.incInt(_resultsReceived, 1);
* Returns the current value of the "Total number of FunctionService...execute() calls" stat.
* @return the current value of the "functionExecutionsCall" stat
public int getFunctionExecutionCalls() {
return this._stats.getInt(_functionExecutionCallsId);
* Increments the "FunctionExecutionsCall" stat.
public void incFunctionExecutionCalls() {
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionCallsId, 1);
* Returns the current value of the "Total time consumed for all completed execute() calls where
* hasResult() returns true" stat.
* @return the current value of the "functionExecutionHasResultCompleteProcessingTime" stat
public int getFunctionExecutionHasResultCompleteProcessingTime() {
return this._stats.getInt(_functionExecutionsHasResultCompletedProcessingTimeId);
* Returns the current value of the "A gauge indicating the number of currently active execute()
* calls for functions where hasResult() returns true" stat.
* @return the current value of the "functionExecutionHasResultRunning" stat
public int getFunctionExecutionHasResultRunning() {
return this._stats.getInt(_functionExecutionsHasResultRunningId);
* Increments the "FunctionExecutionsCall" stat.
public void incFunctionExecutionHasResultRunning() {
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsHasResultRunningId, 1);
* Returns the current value of the "Total number of Exceptions Occurred while executing function"
* stat.
* @return the current value of the "functionExecutionHasResultRunning" stat
public int getFunctionExecutionExceptions() {
return this._stats.getInt(_functionExecutionExceptions);
* Increments the "FunctionExecutionsCall" stat.
public void incFunctionExecutionExceptions() {
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionExceptions, 1);
* Returns the current time (ns).
* @return the current time (ns)
public long startTime() {
return DistributionStats.getStatTime();
* Increments the "_functionExecutionCallsId" and "_functionExecutionsRunningId" stats and
* "_functionExecutionHasResultRunningId" in case of function.hasResult = true..
public void startFunctionExecution(boolean haveResult) {
// Increment number of function execution calls
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionCallsId, 1);
// Increment number of functions running
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsRunningId, 1);
if (haveResult) {
// Increment number of function excution with haveResult = true call
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsHasResultRunningId, 1);
* Increments the "functionExecutionsCompleted" and "functionExecutionCompleteProcessingTime"
* stats.
* @param start The start of the functionExecution (which is decremented from the current time to
* determine the function Execution processing time).
* @param haveResult haveResult=true then update the _functionExecutionHasResultRunningId and
* _functionExecutionHasResultCompleteProcessingTimeId
public void endFunctionExecution(long start, boolean haveResult) {
long ts = DistributionStats.getStatTime();
// Increment number of function executions completed
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsCompletedId, 1);
// Decrement function Executions running.
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsRunningId, -1);
// Increment function execution complete processing time
long elapsed = ts - start;
this._stats.incLong(_functionExecutionsCompletedProcessingTimeId, elapsed);
if (haveResult) {
// Decrement function Executions with haveResult = true running.
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsHasResultRunningId, -1);
// Increment function execution with haveResult = true complete processing time
this._stats.incLong(_functionExecutionsHasResultCompletedProcessingTimeId, elapsed);
aggregateStats.endFunctionExecution(start, haveResult);
* Increments the "_functionExecutionException" and decrements "_functionExecutionsRunningId" and
* decrement "_functionExecutionHasResultRunningId"
public void endFunctionExecutionWithException(boolean haveResult) {
// Decrement function Executions running.
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsRunningId, -1);
// Increment number of function excution exceptions
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionExceptions, 1);
if (haveResult) {
// Decrement function Executions with haveResult = true running.
this._stats.incInt(_functionExecutionsHasResultRunningId, -1);
* Returns the Function Stats for the given function
* @param functionID represents the function for which we are returning the function Stats
* @param ds represents the Distributed System
* @return object of the FunctionStats
public static FunctionStats getFunctionStats(String functionID, InternalDistributedSystem ds) {
return ds.getFunctionStats(functionID);
public static FunctionStats getFunctionStats(String functionID) {
InternalDistributedSystem ds = InternalDistributedSystem.getAnyInstance();
if (ds == null) {
return dummy;
return ds.getFunctionStats(functionID);