blob: 48e64fe5a7352b78b344de73e543bc28c0485c35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
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package org.apache.geode.internal.cache;
* Used to produce instances of RegionMap
* @since GemFire 3.5.1
class RegionMapFactory {
* Creates a RegionMap that is stored in the VM.
* @param owner the region that will be the owner of the map
* @param attrs attributes used to create the map and its entries
public static RegionMap createVM(LocalRegion owner, RegionMap.Attributes attrs,
InternalRegionArguments internalRegionArgs) {
// final boolean isNotPartitionedRegion = !(owner.getPartitionAttributes() != null || owner
// .getDataPolicy().withPartitioning());
if (owner.isProxy() /* || owner instanceof PartitionedRegion */) { // TODO enabling this causes
// eviction tests to fail
return new ProxyRegionMap(owner, attrs, internalRegionArgs);
} else if (owner.isEntryEvictionPossible()) {
return new VMLRURegionMap(owner, attrs, internalRegionArgs);
} else {
return new VMRegionMap(owner, attrs, internalRegionArgs);
* Creates a RegionMap that is stored in the VM. Called during DiskStore recovery before the
* region actually exists.
* @param owner the place holder disk region that will be the owner of the map until the actual
* region is created.
public static RegionMap createVM(PlaceHolderDiskRegion owner, DiskStoreImpl ds,
InternalRegionArguments internalRegionArgs) {
RegionMap.Attributes ma = new RegionMap.Attributes();
ma.statisticsEnabled = owner.getStatisticsEnabled();
ma.loadFactor = owner.getLoadFactor();
ma.initialCapacity = owner.getInitialCapacity();
ma.concurrencyLevel = owner.getConcurrencyLevel();
if (owner.getLruAlgorithm() != 0) {
return new VMLRURegionMap(owner, ma, internalRegionArgs);
} else {
return new VMRegionMap(owner, ma, internalRegionArgs);