blob: 73a78fffd2c1b323611c7039d617062b4c9d6091 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.internal.MakeNotStatic;
import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.LogService;
public class JarDeployer implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
public static final String JAR_PREFIX_FOR_REGEX = "";
private static final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
private final Map<String, DeployedJar> deployedJars = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// Split a versioned filename into its name and version
public static final Pattern versionedPattern =
Pattern.compile(JAR_PREFIX_FOR_REGEX + "(.*)\\.v(\\d++).jar$");
private final File deployDirectory;
public JarDeployer() {
this(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")));
public JarDeployer(final File deployDirectory) {
this.deployDirectory = deployDirectory;
public File getDeployDirectory() {
return this.deployDirectory;
* Writes the jarBytes for the given jarName to the next version of that jar file (if the bytes do
* not match the latest deployed version)
* @return the DeployedJar that was written from jarBytes, or null if those bytes matched the
* latest deployed version
public DeployedJar deployWithoutRegistering(final String jarName, final File stagedJar)
throws IOException {
try {
boolean shouldDeployNewVersion = shouldDeployNewVersion(jarName, stagedJar);
if (!shouldDeployNewVersion) {
logger.debug("No need to deploy a new version of {}", jarName);
return null;
File newVersionedJarFile = getNextVersionedJarFile(jarName);
Files.copy(stagedJar.toPath(), newVersionedJarFile.toPath());
return new DeployedJar(newVersionedJarFile, jarName);
} finally {
* Get a list of all currently deployed jars.
* @return The list of DeployedJars
public List<DeployedJar> findDeployedJars() {
return getDeployedJars().values().stream().collect(toList());
* Suspend all deploy and undeploy operations. This is done by acquiring and holding the lock
* needed in order to perform a deploy or undeploy and so it will cause all threads attempting to
* do one of these to block. This makes it somewhat of a time sensitive call as forcing these
* other threads to block for an extended period of time may cause other unforeseen problems. It
* must be followed by a call to {@link #resumeAll()}.
public void suspendAll() {
* Release the lock that controls entry into the deploy/undeploy methods which will allow those
* activities to continue.
public void resumeAll() {
protected File getNextVersionedJarFile(String unversionedJarName) {
File[] oldVersions = findSortedOldVersionsOfJar(unversionedJarName);
String nextVersionedJarName;
if (oldVersions == null || oldVersions.length == 0) {
nextVersionedJarName = removeJarExtension(unversionedJarName) + ".v1.jar";
} else {
String latestVersionedJarName = oldVersions[0].getName();
int nextVersion = extractVersionFromFilename(latestVersionedJarName) + 1;
nextVersionedJarName = removeJarExtension(unversionedJarName) + ".v" + nextVersion + ".jar";
logger.debug("Next versioned jar name for {} is {}", unversionedJarName, nextVersionedJarName);
return new File(deployDirectory, nextVersionedJarName);
* Find the version number that's embedded in the name of this file
* @param filename Filename to get the version number from
* @return The version number embedded in the filename
public static int extractVersionFromFilename(final String filename) {
final Matcher matcher = versionedPattern.matcher(filename);
if (matcher.find()) {
return Integer.parseInt(;
} else {
return 0;
protected Set<String> findDistinctDeployedJarsOnDisk() {
// Find all deployed JAR files
final File[] oldFiles =
this.deployDirectory.listFiles((file, name) -> versionedPattern.matcher(name).matches());
// Now add just the original JAR name to the set
final Set<String> jarNames = new HashSet<>();
for (File oldFile : oldFiles) {
Matcher matcher = versionedPattern.matcher(oldFile.getName());
jarNames.add( + ".jar");
return jarNames;
* Find all versions of the JAR file that are currently on disk and return them sorted from newest
* (highest version) to oldest
* @param unversionedJarName Name of the JAR file that we want old versions of
* @return Sorted array of files that are older versions of the given JAR
protected File[] findSortedOldVersionsOfJar(final String unversionedJarName) {
logger.debug("Finding sorted old versions of {}", unversionedJarName);
// Find all matching files
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(
JAR_PREFIX_FOR_REGEX + removeJarExtension(unversionedJarName) + "\\.v\\d++\\.jar$");
final File[] oldJarFiles =
this.deployDirectory.listFiles((file, name) -> (pattern.matcher(name).matches()));
// Sort them in order from newest (highest version) to oldest
Arrays.sort(oldJarFiles, (file1, file2) -> {
int file1Version = extractVersionFromFilename(file1.getName());
int file2Version = extractVersionFromFilename(file2.getName());
return file2Version - file1Version;
logger.debug("Found [{}]",",")));
return oldJarFiles;
protected String removeJarExtension(String jarName) {
if (jarName != null && jarName.endsWith(".jar")) {
return jarName.replaceAll("\\.jar$", "");
} else {
return jarName;
* Make sure that the deploy directory is writable.
* @throws IOException If the directory isn't writable
public void verifyWritableDeployDirectory() throws IOException {
try {
if (this.deployDirectory.canWrite()) {
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
throw new IOException("Unable to write to deploy directory", ex);
throw new IOException(
"Unable to write to deploy directory: " + this.deployDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
final Pattern oldNamingPattern = Pattern.compile("^vf\\.gf#(.*)\\.jar#(\\d+)$");
* In Geode 1.1.0, the deployed version of 'myjar.jar' would be named ''. Now it
* is be named 'myjar.v1.jar'. We need to rename all existing deployed jars to the new convention
* if this is the first time starting up with the new naming format.
protected void renameJarsWithOldNamingConvention() throws IOException {
Set<File> jarsWithOldNamingConvention = findJarsWithOldNamingConvention();
if (jarsWithOldNamingConvention.isEmpty()) {
for (File jar : jarsWithOldNamingConvention) {
protected Set<File> findJarsWithOldNamingConvention() {
return Stream.of(this.deployDirectory.listFiles())
.filter((File file) -> isOldNamingConvention(file.getName())).collect(toSet());
protected boolean isOldNamingConvention(String fileName) {
return oldNamingPattern.matcher(fileName).matches();
private void renameJarWithOldNamingConvention(File oldJar) throws IOException {
Matcher matcher = oldNamingPattern.matcher(oldJar.getName());
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given jar " + oldJar.getCanonicalPath()
+ " does not match the old naming convention");
String unversionedJarNameWithoutExtension =;
String jarVersion =;
String newJarName = unversionedJarNameWithoutExtension + ".v" + jarVersion + ".jar";
File newJar = new File(this.deployDirectory, newJarName);
logger.debug("Renaming deployed jar from {} to {}", oldJar.getCanonicalPath(),
FileUtils.moveFile(oldJar, newJar);
* Re-deploy all previously deployed JAR files on disk.
public void loadPreviouslyDeployedJarsFromDisk() {"Loading previously deployed jars");
try {
final Set<String> jarNames = findDistinctDeployedJarsOnDisk();
if (jarNames.isEmpty()) {
List<DeployedJar> latestVersionOfEachJar = new ArrayList<>();
for (String jarName : jarNames) {
DeployedJar deployedJar = findLatestValidDeployedJarFromDisk(jarName);
if (deployedJar != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
* Deletes all versions of this jar on disk other than the given version
public void deleteOtherVersionsOfJar(DeployedJar deployedJar) {"Deleting all versions of " + deployedJar.getJarName() + " other than "
+ deployedJar.getFileName());
final File[] jarFiles = findSortedOldVersionsOfJar(deployedJar.getJarName());
Stream.of(jarFiles).filter(jarFile -> !jarFile.equals(deployedJar.getFile()))
.forEach(jarFile -> {"Deleting old version of jar: " + jarFile.getAbsolutePath());
public DeployedJar findLatestValidDeployedJarFromDisk(String unversionedJarName)
throws IOException {
final File[] jarFiles = findSortedOldVersionsOfJar(unversionedJarName);
Optional<File> latestValidDeployedJarOptional =
.filter(jarFile -> DeployedJar.hasValidJarContent(jarFile)).findFirst();
if (!latestValidDeployedJarOptional.isPresent()) {
// No valid version of this jar
return null;
File latestValidDeployedJar = latestValidDeployedJarOptional.get();
return new DeployedJar(latestValidDeployedJar, unversionedJarName);
public URL[] getDeployedJarURLs() {
return this.deployedJars.values().stream().map(DeployedJar::getFileURL).toArray(URL[]::new);
public List<DeployedJar> registerNewVersions(List<DeployedJar> deployedJars)
throws ClassNotFoundException {
try {
Map<DeployedJar, DeployedJar> newVersionToOldVersion = new HashMap<>();
for (DeployedJar deployedJar : deployedJars) {
if (deployedJar != null) {"Registering new version of jar: {}", deployedJar);
DeployedJar oldJar = this.deployedJars.put(deployedJar.getJarName(), deployedJar);
newVersionToOldVersion.put(deployedJar, oldJar);
// Finally, unregister functions that were removed
for (Map.Entry<DeployedJar, DeployedJar> entry : newVersionToOldVersion.entrySet()) {
DeployedJar newjar = entry.getKey();
DeployedJar oldJar = entry.getValue();
if (oldJar != null) {
} finally {
return deployedJars;
* Deploy the given JAR files.
* @param stagedJarFiles A map of Files which have been staged in another location and are ready
* to be deployed as a unit.
* @return An array of newly created JAR class loaders. Entries will be null for an JARs that were
* already deployed.
* @throws IOException When there's an error saving the JAR file to disk
public List<DeployedJar> deploy(final Map<String, File> stagedJarFiles)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
List<DeployedJar> deployedJars = new ArrayList<>(stagedJarFiles.size());
for (File jar : stagedJarFiles.values()) {
if (!DeployedJar.hasValidJarContent(jar)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"File does not contain valid JAR content: " + jar.getName());
try {
for (String fileName : stagedJarFiles.keySet()) {
deployedJars.add(deployWithoutRegistering(fileName, stagedJarFiles.get(fileName)));
return registerNewVersions(deployedJars);
} finally {
private boolean shouldDeployNewVersion(String jarName, File stagedJar) throws IOException {
DeployedJar oldDeployedJar = this.deployedJars.get(jarName);
if (oldDeployedJar == null) {
return true;
if (oldDeployedJar.hasSameContentAs(stagedJar)) {
logger.warn("Jar is identical to the latest deployed version: {}",
return false;
return true;
* Returns the latest registered {@link DeployedJar} for the given JarName
* @param jarName - the unversioned jar name, e.g. myJar.jar
public DeployedJar getDeployedJar(String jarName) {
return this.deployedJars.get(jarName);
public DeployedJar deploy(final String jarName, final File stagedJarFile)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Map<String, File> jarFiles = new HashMap<>();
jarFiles.put(jarName, stagedJarFile);
try {
List<DeployedJar> deployedJars = deploy(jarFiles);
if (deployedJars == null || deployedJars.size() == 0) {
return null;
return deployedJars.get(0);
} finally {
public Map<String, DeployedJar> getDeployedJars() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.deployedJars);
* Undeploy the given JAR file.
* @param jarName The name of the JAR file to undeploy
* @return The path to the location on disk where the JAR file had been deployed
* @throws IOException If there's a problem deleting the file
public String undeploy(final String jarName) throws IOException {
try {
DeployedJar deployedJar = deployedJars.remove(jarName);
if (deployedJar == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JAR not deployed");
return deployedJar.getFileCanonicalPath();
} finally {
public void deleteAllVersionsOfJar(String unversionedJarName) {
try {
File[] jarFiles = findSortedOldVersionsOfJar(unversionedJarName);
for (File jarFile : jarFiles) {"Deleting: {}", jarFile.getAbsolutePath());
} finally {