blob: 0fe55f0f90b745115a9e3b5ca135f165ea6cf002 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
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* the License.
package org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.gms;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalLocator;
import org.apache.geode.internal.admin.remote.RemoteTransportConfig;
public class ServiceConfig {
/** stall time to wait for concurrent join/leave/remove requests to be received */
Long.getLong(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "member-request-collection-interval", 300);
/** in a small cluster we might want to involve all members in operations */
public static final int SMALL_CLUSTER_SIZE = 9;
/** various settings from Geode configuration */
private final long joinTimeout;
private final int[] membershipPortRange;
private final long memberTimeout;
private boolean isReconnecting;
private Integer lossThreshold;
private final Integer memberWeight;
private boolean networkPartitionDetectionEnabled;
private final int locatorWaitTime;
/** the configuration for the distributed system */
private final DistributionConfig dconfig;
/** the transport config from the distribution manager */
private final RemoteTransportConfig transport;
public boolean isReconnecting() {
return isReconnecting;
public int getLocatorWaitTime() {
return locatorWaitTime;
public long getJoinTimeout() {
return joinTimeout;
public int[] getMembershipPortRange() {
return membershipPortRange;
public long getMemberTimeout() {
return memberTimeout;
public int getLossThreshold() {
return lossThreshold;
public int getMemberWeight() {
return memberWeight;
public boolean isNetworkPartitionDetectionEnabled() {
return networkPartitionDetectionEnabled;
public boolean areLocatorsPreferredAsCoordinators() {
boolean locatorsAreCoordinators;
if (networkPartitionDetectionEnabled) {
locatorsAreCoordinators = true;
} else {
// check if security is enabled
String prop = dconfig.getSecurityPeerAuthInit();
locatorsAreCoordinators = (prop != null && prop.length() > 0);
if (!locatorsAreCoordinators) {
locatorsAreCoordinators =
return locatorsAreCoordinators;
public DistributionConfig getDistributionConfig() {
return this.dconfig;
public RemoteTransportConfig getTransport() {
return this.transport;
public ServiceConfig(RemoteTransportConfig transport, DistributionConfig theConfig) {
this.dconfig = theConfig;
this.transport = transport;
this.isReconnecting = (transport.getOldDSMembershipInfo() != null);
long defaultJoinTimeout = 24000;
if (isReconnecting || theConfig.getLocators().length() > 0 && !Locator.hasLocator()) {
defaultJoinTimeout = 60000;
// we need to have enough time to figure out that the coordinator has crashed &
// find a new one
long minimumJoinTimeout = dconfig.getMemberTimeout() * 2L + MEMBER_REQUEST_COLLECTION_INTERVAL;
if (defaultJoinTimeout < minimumJoinTimeout) {
defaultJoinTimeout = minimumJoinTimeout;
joinTimeout = Long.getLong("p2p.joinTimeout", defaultJoinTimeout).longValue();
// if network partition detection is enabled, we must connect to the locators
// more frequently in order to make sure we're not isolated from them
if (theConfig.getEnableNetworkPartitionDetection()) {
if (!SocketCreator.FORCE_DNS_USE) {
SocketCreator.resolve_dns = false;
membershipPortRange = theConfig.getMembershipPortRange();
memberTimeout = theConfig.getMemberTimeout();
lossThreshold =
Integer.getInteger(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "network-partition-threshold", 51);
if (lossThreshold < 51)
lossThreshold = 51;
if (lossThreshold > 100)
lossThreshold = 100;
memberWeight = Integer.getInteger(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "member-weight", 0);
locatorWaitTime = theConfig.getLocatorWaitTime();
networkPartitionDetectionEnabled = theConfig.getEnableNetworkPartitionDetection();
public void setIsReconnecting(boolean b) {
this.isReconnecting = false;