blob: 7344bf883e2955a16e78f8618fbdd27e391c30cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
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* the License.
package org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.locks;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.PoolStatHelper;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.QueueStatHelper;
* Defines the interface used to access and modify distributed lock statistics.
public interface DistributedLockStats {
// time for call to lock() to complete
* Returns the number of threads currently waiting for a distributed lock
int getLockWaitsInProgress();
* Returns the total number of waits for a distributed lock
int getLockWaitsCompleted();
int getLockWaitsFailed();
* Returns the total number of nanoseconds spent waiting for a distributed lock.
long getLockWaitTime();
long getLockWaitFailedTime();
* @return the timestamp that marks the start of the operation
long startLockWait();
* @param start the timestamp taken when the operation started
void endLockWait(long start, boolean success);
// incSerialQueueSize everytime getWaitingQueueHelper add/remove called
int getWaitingQueueSize();
void incWaitingQueueSize(int messages);
// incSerialQueueSize everytime getSerialQueueHelper add/remove called
int getSerialQueueSize();
void incSerialQueueSize(int messages);
// incNumSerialThreads everytime we execute with dlock getSerialExecutor()
int getNumSerialThreads();
void incNumSerialThreads(int threads);
// incWaitingThreads for every invoke of getWaitingPoolHelper startJob/endJob
int getWaitingThreads();
void incWaitingThreads(int threads);
// current number of lock services used by this system member
int getServices();
void incServices(int val);
// current number of lock grantors hosted by this system member
int getGrantors();
void incGrantors(int val);
// time spent granting of lock requests to completion
int getGrantWaitsInProgress();
int getGrantWaitsCompleted();
int getGrantWaitsFailed();
long getGrantWaitTime();
long getGrantWaitFailedTime();
long startGrantWait();
void endGrantWait(long start);
void endGrantWaitNotGrantor(long start);
void endGrantWaitTimeout(long start);
void endGrantWaitNotHolder(long start);
void endGrantWaitFailed(long start);
void endGrantWaitDestroyed(long start);
void endGrantWaitSuspended(long start);
// time spent creating initial grantor for lock service
int getCreateGrantorsInProgress();
int getCreateGrantorsCompleted();
long getCreateGrantorTime();
long startCreateGrantor();
void endCreateGrantor(long start);
// time spent creating each lock service
int getServiceCreatesInProgress();
int getServiceCreatesCompleted();
long startServiceCreate();
void serviceCreateLatchReleased(long start);
void serviceInitLatchReleased(long start);
long getServiceCreateLatchTime();
long getServiceInitLatchTime();
// time spent waiting for grantor latches to open
int getGrantorWaitsInProgress();
int getGrantorWaitsCompleted();
int getGrantorWaitsFailed();
long getGrantorWaitTime();
long getGrantorWaitFailedTime();
long startGrantorWait();
void endGrantorWait(long start, boolean success);
// helpers for executor usage
QueueStatHelper getSerialQueueHelper();
PoolStatHelper getWaitingPoolHelper();
QueueStatHelper getWaitingQueueHelper();
// time spent by grantor threads
int getGrantorThreadsInProgress();
int getGrantorThreadsCompleted();
long getGrantorThreadTime();
long getGrantorThreadExpireAndGrantLocksTime();
long getGrantorThreadHandleRequestTimeoutsTime();
long getGrantorThreadRemoveUnusedTokensTime();
long startGrantorThread();
long endGrantorThreadExpireAndGrantLocks(long start);
long endGrantorThreadHandleRequestTimeouts(long timing);
void endGrantorThreadRemoveUnusedTokens(long timing);
void endGrantorThread(long start);
// current number of lock grantors hosted by this system member
int getPendingRequests();
void incPendingRequests(int val);
// acquisition of destroyReadLock in DLockService
int getDestroyReadWaitsInProgress();
int getDestroyReadWaitsCompleted();
int getDestroyReadWaitsFailed();
long getDestroyReadWaitTime();
long getDestroyReadWaitFailedTime();
long startDestroyReadWait();
void endDestroyReadWait(long start, boolean success);
// acquisition of destroyWriteLock in DLockService
int getDestroyWriteWaitsInProgress();
int getDestroyWriteWaitsCompleted();
int getDestroyWriteWaitsFailed();
long getDestroyWriteWaitTime();
long getDestroyWriteWaitFailedTime();
long startDestroyWriteWait();
void endDestroyWriteWait(long start, boolean success);
// current number of DLockService destroy read locks held by this process
int getDestroyReads();
void incDestroyReads(int val);
// current number of DLockService destroy write locks held by this process
int getDestroyWrites();
void incDestroyWrites(int val);
// time for call to unlock() to complete
int getLockReleasesInProgress();
int getLockReleasesCompleted();
long getLockReleaseTime();
long startLockRelease();
void endLockRelease(long start);
// total number of times this member has requested to become grantor
int getBecomeGrantorRequests();
void incBecomeGrantorRequests();
// current number of lock tokens used by this system member
int getTokens();
void incTokens(int val);
// current number of grant tokens used by local grantors
int getGrantTokens();
void incGrantTokens(int val);
// current number of lock request queues used by this system member
int getRequestQueues();
void incRequestQueues(int val);
int getFreeResourcesCompleted();
void incFreeResourcesCompleted();
int getFreeResourcesFailed();
void incFreeResourcesFailed();