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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
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* the License.
* Created on Nov 15, 2005
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package org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.apache.geode.LogWriter;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Region;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.CacheUtils;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexType;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.index.IndexManager;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.parse.OQLLexerTokenTypes;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion;
import org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.OQLQueryTest;
public class CompiledJunctionInternalsJUnitTest {
Region region;
QueryService qs;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
region = CacheUtils.createRegion("portfolio", Portfolio.class);
region.put("0", new Portfolio(0));
region.put("1", new Portfolio(1));
region.put("2", new Portfolio(2));
region.put("3", new Portfolio(3));
qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
* AND JUNCTION TESTS. RangeJunction related tests when part of GroupJunction,
* CompositeGroupJunction or AllGroupJunction
// Case 1: When a Single GroupJunction contains multiple
// RangeJunctionEvaluators for AND
public void testMultipleRangeJunctionsInAGroupJunction() {
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
try {
qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
// case id > 7 and id < 10 and status > abc and status < xyz
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("abc")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral("xyz"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("The Organized operand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Operand did not happen to be an instance of GroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
assertNull("Iterate Operand not coming out to be null", oo.iterateOperand);
assertTrue("The Conditions in GroupJunction not equal to 2",
((GroupJunction) oo.filterOperand).getOperands().size() == 2);
GroupJunction gj = (GroupJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertTrue(gj.getOperands().get(0) instanceof RangeJunction);
assertTrue(gj.getOperands().get(1) instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction r1 = (RangeJunction) gj.getOperands().get(0);
RangeJunction r2 = (RangeJunction) gj.getOperands().get(1);
assertEquals(2, r1._operands.length);
assertEquals(2, r2._operands.length);
OrganizedOperands oo2 = r1.organizeOperands(context);
oo2 = r2.organizeOperands(context);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
// Case 2: When a Single GroupJunction contains multiple
// RangeJunctions and a sinlge indexable compiledcomparison for AND
public void testMultipleRangeJunctionsAndAnIndexableConditionInAGroupJunction() {
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
try {
qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("createTime", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "createTime", "/portfolio");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
// case id > 7 and id < 10 and status > abc and status < xyz and
// createTime >7
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("abc")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral("xyz"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "createTime"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("The Organized operand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Operand did not happen to be an instance of GroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
assertNull("Iterate Operand not coming out to be null", oo.iterateOperand);
assertTrue("The Conditions in GroupJunction not equal to 3",
((GroupJunction) oo.filterOperand).getOperands().size() == 3);
GroupJunction gj = (GroupJunction) oo.filterOperand;
CompiledValue ops[] = gj._operands;
int index = -1;
int one = -1;
int two = -1;
if (ops[0] == cv[4]) {
index = 0;
one = 1;
two = 2;
} else if (ops[1] == cv[4]) {
index = 1;
one = 0;
two = 2;
} else if (ops[2] == cv[4]) {
index = 2;
one = 0;
two = 1;
} else {
fail("Missing single condition");
assertTrue(ops[index] == cv[4]);
assertTrue(ops[one] instanceof RangeJunction);
assertTrue(ops[two] instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction r1 = (RangeJunction) gj._operands[one];
RangeJunction r2 = (RangeJunction) gj._operands[two];
assertEquals(2, r1._operands.length);
assertEquals(2, r2._operands.length);
OrganizedOperands oo2 = r1.organizeOperands(context);
oo2 = r2.organizeOperands(context);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
// Case 3: A Composite GroupJunction containing just a single RangeJunction
// FOR AND clause. In such case a CompisteGroupJunction should contain a
// GroupJunction and the GroupJunction should contain a CompiledJunction as
// iter operand
// and > 3 and <10 and p.status =active
// and p.type=abc
// and emp.age = 1
public void testSingleRangeJunctionInACompositeGroupJunction() {
try {
Region r3 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees", Employee.class);
Set add1 = new HashSet();
add1.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add1.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r3.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions,/employees e");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
// qs.createIndex("statusIndex",
// IndexType.FUNCTIONAL,"status","/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("empid", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "empId", "/employees");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[6];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "age"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "empId"),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(3)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[5] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OO is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter operand of OO not CompositeGroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof CompositeGroupJunction);
CompositeGroupJunction cgj = (CompositeGroupJunction) oo.filterOperand;
List filterableCC = cgj.getFilterableCCList();
assertTrue("No. of filterable CC not equal to 1", filterableCC.size() == 1);
assertNotNull("1 RangeJunction inside CompositeGroupJunction should have existed",
assertTrue(" Complete expansion flag should have been true", cgj.getExpansionFlag());
assertNotNull("Iter operands list in CGJ should be not null", cgj.getIterOperands());
List ietrOps = cgj.getIterOperands();
assertTrue(cgj.getGroupJunctionList().size() == 1);
assertTrue(cgj.getGroupJunctionList().get(0) instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rg = (RangeJunction) cgj.getGroupJunctionList().get(0);
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rg.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(((CompiledJunction) oo1.iterateOperand).getOperands().contains(cv[0]));
assertTrue(((CompiledJunction) oo1.iterateOperand).getOperands().contains(cv[1]));
.equals(new Integer(3)));
RangeJunction.getDoubleCondnEvaluatorLESSKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(10)));
* assertTrue( " The size of itr operands should be 3 but size happens to be = " +
* cgj.getIterOperands().size(), cgj.getIterOperands().size() == 3);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
* Tests that the organized operands work correctly whether it is multiple GroupJunctions as part
* of AllGroupJunction or a RangeJunction and GroupJunction. Since where previously it used to be
* only Group can now be Group or Range , the source code needs to ensure that it does not type
* cast wrongly a RangeJunction into a GroupJunction. Instead the source code should only type
* cast it to AbstractGroupOrRangeJunction Case p.status = active and p.type = type1 and
* >10 and > 10 and > 15
public void testMultipleIndependentRegionsWithOnlyOneRegionHavingFilterEvaluatableCondition() {
// Here there will be a single RangeJunction with the iter evaluatable
// conditions of the other
// independent iterator becoming the part of this single RangeJunction
try {
Region r3 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees", Employee.class);
Set add1 = new HashSet();
add1.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add1.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r3.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions,/employees e");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio p");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "empId"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(15)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OO is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter operand of OO not a RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(((CompiledJunction) oo1.iterateOperand).getOperands().contains(cv[0]));
assertTrue(((CompiledJunction) oo1.iterateOperand).getOperands().contains(cv[1]));
assertTrue(((CompiledJunction) oo1.iterateOperand).getOperands().contains(cv[2]));
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[4]);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
* Tests that the organized operands work correctly whether it is multiple GroupJunctions as part
* of AllGroupJunction or a RangeJunction and GroupJunction. Since where previously it used to be
* only Group can now be Group or Range , the source code needs to ensure that it does not type
* cast wrongly a RangeJunction into a GroupJunction. Instead the source code should only type
* cast it to AbstractGroupOrRangeJunction Case p.status = active and p.type = type1 and
* >10 and > 10 and > 15
public void testMultipleIndependentRegionsWithRangeJunction() {
try {
Region r3 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees", Employee.class);
Set add1 = new HashSet();
add1.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add1.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r3.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions,/employees e");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
// qs.createIndex("statusIndex",
// IndexType.FUNCTIONAL,"status","/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio p");
qs.createIndex("empid", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "empId", "/employees e");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "empId"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(15)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OO is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter operand of OO not AllGroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof AllGroupJunction);
AllGroupJunction agj = (AllGroupJunction) oo.filterOperand;
List filterableCC = agj.getGroupOperands();
assertTrue(agj.getGroupOperands().size() == 2);
assertTrue(agj.getGroupOperands().get(0) instanceof GroupJunction
|| agj.getGroupOperands().get(1) instanceof GroupJunction);
assertTrue(agj.getGroupOperands().get(0) instanceof RangeJunction
|| agj.getGroupOperands().get(1) instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = null;
if (agj.getGroupOperands().get(0) instanceof RangeJunction) {
rj = (RangeJunction) agj.getGroupOperands().get(0);
} else {
rj = (RangeJunction) agj.getGroupOperands().get(1);
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[4]);
assertTrue(((CompiledJunction) oo1.iterateOperand).getOperands().contains(cv[0]));
assertTrue(((CompiledJunction) oo1.iterateOperand).getOperands().contains(cv[1]));
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
/** ********************************************************************** */
// Asif: Since this is a single region & part fropm Group Junction
// no other filter is there , we shoudl get a SingleGroupJucntion as
// filter operand of CompiledJunction & not iter operand in Compiled
// Juncion
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleGroupJunctionSingleFilter() {
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
try {
qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("The Organized operand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Operand did not happen to be an instance of GroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
assertNull("Iterate Operand not coming out to be null", oo.iterateOperand);
assertTrue("The Conditions in GroupJunction not equal to 3",
((GroupJunction) oo.filterOperand).getOperands().size() == 3);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
// Asif: Since this is a single region & apart from GroupJunction
// there exists another filter , We shoudl get two Filter operands
// One as GroupJunction & the other one the other Filter operand.
// The un indexed condition should become part of iter operand
// of CompiledJunction
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleGroupJunctionMultipleFilter() {
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
try {
qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(Boolean.TRUE),
new CompiledLiteral(Boolean.TRUE), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type CompiledJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof CompiledJunction);
CompiledJunction temp = (CompiledJunction) oo.filterOperand;
List operands = temp.getOperands();
assertTrue("The number of Filter operands not coming to be 2", operands.size() == 2);
"The independent operand shoudl be the first operand of the set of Filter Operands",
operands.get(0) == cv[3]);
assertTrue(operands.get(1) instanceof GroupJunction);
List temp1 = ((GroupJunction) operands.get(1)).getOperands();
assertTrue("The number & nature of CompiledComparison of Group Junction not as expected",
temp1.get(0) == cv[0]);
assertTrue("The number & nature of CompiledComparison of Group Junction not as expected",
temp1.get(1) == cv[1]);
assertNotNull("The iter operand of OO is null", oo.iterateOperand);
assertTrue("IterOperand of OO not as expectd", oo.iterateOperand == cv[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
// Asif: There are two regions in query but since the conditions in where
// clause
// pertain to single region , we still will have a GroupJunction as a filter
// operand.
// Since there is only One Filter condition , we should have iter operand
// as null;
public void testOrganizedOperandsGroupJunctionSingleFilterDoubleRegion() {
try {
Region r3 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees", Employee.class);
Set add1 = new HashSet();
add1.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add1.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r3.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions,/employees e");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OO turning out to be null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter operand of OO not a GroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
GroupJunction temp = (GroupJunction) oo.filterOperand;
List operands = temp.getOperands();
assertTrue("No. of conditions in Group Junction not as expected of size 3",
operands.size() == 3);
assertNull("The iter operand of OO should have bee null", oo.iterateOperand);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed due to Exception = " + e);
// Asif: There are two regions in query with a equi join condition. The other
// conditions do not have index
// on them. In such case we should have single CompositeGroupJunction . The
// filterable cc list
// size should be 1.
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleCompositeGroupJunctionSingleFilterDoubleRegionWithNoGroupJunction() {
try {
Region r3 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees", Employee.class);
Set add1 = new HashSet();
add1.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add1.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r3.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions,/employees e");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
// qs.createIndex("statusIndex",
// IndexType.FUNCTIONAL,"status","/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("empid", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "empId", "/employees");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "age"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "empId"),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OO is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter operand of OO not CompositeGroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof CompositeGroupJunction);
CompositeGroupJunction cgj = (CompositeGroupJunction) oo.filterOperand;
List filterableCC = cgj.getFilterableCCList();
assertTrue("No. of filterable CC not equal to 1", filterableCC.size() == 1);
assertNull("No GroupJunction inside CompositeGroupJunction should have existed",
assertTrue(" Complete expansion flag should have been true", cgj.getExpansionFlag());
assertNotNull("Iter operands list in CGJ should not be null", cgj.getIterOperands());
assertTrue(" The size of itr operands should be 3 but size happens to be = "
+ cgj.getIterOperands().size(), cgj.getIterOperands().size() == 3);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
// Asif: There are two regions in query with the conditions in where clause
// for both the regions ,but as only conditions belonging to only
// one group is filter evaluatable , we will have a GroupJunction as a filter
// operand.
// Since there are two filter operands, the iter operands belonging to the
// other Group ( which
// is not filter evaluatable , should get added to the iter operands of
// CompiledJunction
// So the iter operand of CompiledJunction should
// have one value ( which originally would have gone to GroupJunction)
public void testOrganizedOperandsGroupJunctionDoubleFilterDoubleRegion() {
try {
Region r3 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees", Employee.class);
Set add1 = new HashSet();
add1.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add1.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r3.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions,/employees e");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "age"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(Boolean.TRUE),
new CompiledLiteral(Boolean.TRUE), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OO is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Operand of OO is not CompiledJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof CompiledJunction);
CompiledJunction cj1 = ((CompiledJunction) oo.filterOperand);
assertTrue("Filter opreands of OO not of size 2", cj1.getOperands().size() == 2);
assertTrue("Indpenednet operand is not the first operand of OO filter",
cj1.getOperands().get(0) == cv[4]);
assertTrue("Second Operand of OO Filter not a GroupJunction ",
cj1.getOperands().get(1) instanceof GroupJunction);
GroupJunction gj = ((GroupJunction) cj1.getOperands().get(1));
List opsGJ = gj.getOperands();
// List its = agj.getIterOperands();
assertTrue("Operands in GroupJunction not of size 3", opsGJ.size() == 3);
assertTrue("Complete expansion flag of GroupJunction should be true", gj.getExpansionFlag());
assertNotNull("Iter operand of OO is null", oo.iterateOperand);
assertTrue("IterOperand of OO not the condition which was expected",
oo.iterateOperand == cv[3]);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
// Asif: There are two regions in query with the conditions in where clause
// for both the regions such that both the GroupJunctions are filter
// evaluatable
// So we should get an AllGroupJunction as a result of organizeOperands of
// CompiledJunction
public void testOrganizedOperandsAllGroupJunctionWithTwoGroupJunctions() {
try {
Region r3 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees", Employee.class);
Set add1 = new HashSet();
add1.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add1.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r3.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions,/employees e");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("empidIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "empId", "/employees");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "age"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "empId"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OO is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Operand of OO is not AllGroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof AllGroupJunction);
AllGroupJunction agj = ((AllGroupJunction) oo.filterOperand);
assertTrue("No of GroupJunctions should be2", agj.getGroupOperands().size() == 2);
assertNull("Iter operand of OO is not null", oo.iterateOperand);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
// Asif: There are 3 regions in the query. Two regionsare tied by a join which
// will create
// a CompositeGroupJunction . One region has an independent condition & so it
// will
// form a GroupJunction . Sinc ethis GroupJunction is outside
// CompositeGroupJunction
// we will have an AllGroupJunction. Within the CompositeGroupJunction , we
// will have one
// GroupJunction. One Filterable CC & no iter operand. Howver th eiet operand
// of
// allGroupJunction will be null & will contain one operand
public void testOrganizedOperandsAllGroupJunctionWithOneGroupJunctionAndOneCompositeGroupJunction() {
try {
Region r3 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees", Employee.class);
Set add1 = new HashSet();
add1.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add1.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r3.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
Region r4 = CacheUtils.createRegion("portfolio1", Portfolio.class);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r4.put(i + "", new Portfolio(i));
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list =
compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions,/employees e, /portfolio1 p1");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex1", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio1");
qs.createIndex("empidIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "empId", "/employees");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"),
new CompiledLiteral(new String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "age"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "empId"),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p1"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OO is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Operand of OO is not AllGroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof AllGroupJunction);
AllGroupJunction agj = ((AllGroupJunction) oo.filterOperand);
assertTrue("No of GroupJunctions should be 2", agj.getGroupOperands().size() == 2);
assertNotNull("The Iter operand should be not null", agj.getIterOperands());
assertTrue("The Iter operand should be of size = 1", agj.getIterOperands().size() == 1);
assertTrue("The Iter operand not matching the correct compiled comaprison",
agj.getIterOperands().get(0) == cv[2]);
// The List below should have two elements . One a GroupJunction & another
// a CompositeGroupJunction
List groupOps = agj.getGroupOperands();
Iterator itr = groupOps.iterator();
CompositeGroupJunction cgj = null;
GroupJunction gj = null;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Object temp =;
if (temp instanceof CompositeGroupJunction) {
cgj = (CompositeGroupJunction) temp;
} else if (temp instanceof GroupJunction) {
gj = (GroupJunction) temp;
} else {
fail(" The junction list in AllGroupJunction is not correct");
assertTrue(" The CGJ formed is incorrect",
cgj.getGroupJunctionList() != null && cgj.getGroupJunctionList().size() == 1
&& cgj.getIterOperands() == null && cgj.getFilterableCCList().get(0) == cv[3]
&& !cgj.getExpansionFlag());
assertTrue(" The GJ inside CGJ is incorrect",
((GroupJunction) cgj.getGroupJunctionList().get(0)).getOperands().size() == 2
&& !((GroupJunction) cgj.getGroupJunctionList().get(0)).getExpansionFlag());
assertTrue(" The GJ of AllGroupJunction is incorrect", !gj.getExpansionFlag()
&& gj.getOperands().size() == 1 && gj.getOperands().get(0) == cv[4]);
assertNull("Iter operand of OO is not null", oo.iterateOperand);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
// Asif: There are two regions in query with a equi join condition. The other
// conditions do not have index
// on them. In such case we should have single CompositeGroupJunction . The
// filterable cc list
// size should be 1.
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleCompositeGroupJunctionSingleFilterFourRegionsWithNoGroupJunction() {
try {
Region r3 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees", Employee.class);
Set add1 = new HashSet();
add1.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add1.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r3.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
Region r2 = CacheUtils.createRegion("employees1", Employee.class);
Set add2 = new HashSet();
add2.add(new Address("411045", "Baner"));
add2.add(new Address("411001", "DholePatilRd"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r2.put(i + "", new Employee("empName", (20 + i), i, "Mr.", (5000 + i), add1));
Region r4 = CacheUtils.createRegion("portfolio1", Portfolio.class);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r4.put(i + "", new Portfolio(i));
// compileFromClause returns a List<CompiledIteratorDef>
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause(
"/portfolio p, p.positions,/employees e, /employees1 e1, /portfolio p1");
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
// qs.createIndex("statusIndex",
// IndexType.FUNCTIONAL,"status","/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
qs.createIndex("empid", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "empId", "/employees");
qs.createIndex("empid1", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "empId", "/employees1");
qs.createIndex("idIndex1", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio1");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
CompiledComparison cv[] = new CompiledComparison[3];
* cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "status"), new
* CompiledLiteral(new String("active")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ); cv[1] = new
* CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "type"), new CompiledLiteral(new
* String("type1")), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ); cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new
* CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "age"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)),
* OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e"), "empId"),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e1"), "empId"),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p1"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("e1"), "empId"),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(cv, OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
OrganizedOperands oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
assertNotNull("OO is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter operand of OO not CompositeGroupJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof CompositeGroupJunction);
CompositeGroupJunction cgj = (CompositeGroupJunction) oo.filterOperand;
List filterableCC = cgj.getFilterableCCList();
assertTrue("No. of filterable CC not equal to 3", filterableCC.size() == 3);
assertNull("No GroupJunction inside CompositeGroupJunction should have existed",
assertTrue(" Complete expansion flag should have been true", cgj.getExpansionFlag());
* assertNotNull("Iter operands list in CGJ should not be null", cgj .getIterOperands());
* assertTrue( " The size of itr operands should be 3 but size happens to be = " +
* cgj.getIterOperands().size(), cgj.getIterOperands().size() == 3);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed sue to Exception = " + e);
// Tests for plain creation of RangeJunction ( single or within a Group or CompositeGroup or
// AllGroup )
// which is agnostic of whether the RangeJunction is of type AND or OR
* Tests the creation of a single RangeJunction if the CompiledJunction only contains same index
* condition without iter operand for AND
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreationWithNoIterOperandForAND() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getLogger();
try {
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
cv = new CompiledComparison[12];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[5] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[6] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[7] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[8] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[9] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[10] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[11] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the creation of a single RangeJunction if the CompiledJunction only contains same index
* condition and an iter operand for AND
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreationWithIterOperandForAND() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
cv = new CompiledComparison[13];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[5] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[6] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[7] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[8] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[9] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[10] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[11] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[12] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "createTime"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Long(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the creation of a single RangeJunction if the CompiledJunction only contains same index
* condition without iter operand for OR
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreationWithNoIterOperandForOR() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
cv = new CompiledComparison[12];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[5] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[6] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[7] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[8] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[9] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[10] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[11] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_or, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type CompiledJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
} catch (Exception e) {
/// ***************************BEGIN*********************************************//
// Tests the RangeJunction's organizeOperands for the correct creation of Evaluator.
// These tests are dependent on whether the RangeJunction is of type AND or OR
// All the tests below are for AND
* Tests the functionality of organizedOperands function of a RangeJunction which is an AND with
* no IterOperand. If the RangeJunction boils down to a single condition which can be evalauted as
* a CompiledComparison then the filter operand will be a CompiledComparison
public void testOrganizedOperandsOfSingleRangeJunctionWithNoIterOperandForAND_1() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertEquals(oo1.filterOperand, cv[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the functionality of organizedOperands function of a RangeJunction which is an AND with
* no IterOperand but where the operator needs reflection. as the condition is Key > Path ( which
* means Path less than Key) If the RangeJunction boils down toa single condition which can be
* evalauted as a CompiledComparison then the filter operand will be a CompiledComparison
public void testOrganizedOperandsOfSingleRangeJunctionWithNoIterOperandForAND_2() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertEquals(oo1.filterOperand, cv[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the functionality of organizedOperands function of a RangeJunction which is an AND with a
* IterOperand but where the operator needs reflection. as the condition is Key > Path ( which
* means Path less than Key) The RangeJunction boils down to a single condition which can be
* evalauted as a CompiledComparison so the filter operand will be a CompiledComparison. Thus the
* organizdeOperand's filter operand will be a CompiledComparison while its Iteroperand will be a
* CompiledComparison
public void testOrganizedOperandsOfSingleRangeJunctionWithIterOperandForAND_1() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "createTime"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertEquals(cv[3], oo1.iterateOperand);
assertEquals(oo1.filterOperand, cv[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the functionality of organizedOperands function of a RangeJunction which is an AND with
* two IterOperands but where the operator needs reflection. as the condition is Key > Path (
* which means Path less than Key) The RangeJunction boils down to a single condition which can be
* evalauted as a CompiledComparison so the filter operand will be a CompiledComparison. Thus the
* organizdeOperand's filter operand will be a CompiledComparison while its Iteroperand will be a
* CompiledJunction
public void testOrganizedOperandsOfSingleRangeJunctionWithTwoIterOperandsForAND_2() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
cv = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "createTime"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new String("xyz")),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "getPk"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand instanceof CompiledJunction);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand.getChildren().size() == 2);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand.getChildren().get(0) == cv[3]);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand.getChildren().get(1) == cv[4]);
assertEquals(oo1.filterOperand, cv[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the functionality of organizedOperands function of a RangeJunction which is an AND with
* two IterOperands but where the operator needs reflection. as the condition is Key > Path (
* which means Path less than Key) The RangeJunction boils down to a condition and a NOT EQUAL
* which will be evalauted as a SingleCondnEvaluator so the filter operand will be a
* SingleCondnEvaluator. Its Iter operand will be a CompiledJunction
public void testOrganizedOperandsOfSingleRangeJunctionWithTwoIterOperandsForAND_3() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
// case1: a <7 and a<=5 and 2>a and 2> createTime and "xyz" > pid
// and 100 != a and 200 !=a and 1 != a
cv = new CompiledComparison[8];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "createTime"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new String("xyz")),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "getPk"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[5] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(100)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[6] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(200)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[7] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand instanceof CompiledJunction);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand.getChildren().size() == 2);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand.getChildren().get(0) == cv[3]);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand.getChildren().get(1) == cv[4]);
Set keysToRemove = RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(oo1.filterOperand);
assertEquals(1, keysToRemove.size());
assertTrue(keysToRemove.contains(new Integer(1)));
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the functionality of organizedOperands function of a RangeJunction which is an AND with
* two IterOperands but where the operator needs reflection. as the condition is Key <= Path (
* which means Path less than Key) The RangeJunction boils down to a condition and a NOT EQUAL
* which will be evalauted as a SingleCondnEvaluator so the filter operand will be a
* SingleCondnEvaluator. Its Iter operand will be a CompiledJunction. This checks for the
* SingleCondnEvaluator with > operator
public void testOrganizedOperandsOfSingleRangeJunctionWithTwoIterOperandsForAND_4() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
cv = new CompiledComparison[7];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "createTime"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new String("xyz")),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "getPk"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[5] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(100)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[6] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(200)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand instanceof CompiledJunction);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand.getChildren().size() == 2);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand.getChildren().get(0) == cv[3]);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand.getChildren().get(1) == cv[4]);
Set keysToRemove = RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(oo1.filterOperand);
assertEquals(2, keysToRemove.size());
assertTrue(keysToRemove.contains(new Integer(100)));
assertTrue(keysToRemove.contains(new Integer(200)));
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the functionality of organizedOperands function of a RangeJunction for various
* combinations of GREATER THAN and Not equal conditions etc which results in a
* SingleCondnEvaluator or CompiledComparison for a AND junction. It checks the correctness of the
* operator & the evaluated key
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleCondnEvalMultipleGreaterThanInEqualities_AND() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
/** **********For ALL greater or greater than combinations********* */
// Case 1 : a >7 and a >=4 and a > 5 and a > 7
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0] || oo1.filterOperand == cv[3]);
// Case2: a>=8 and a >4 and a>=6 and a>=8
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0] || oo1.filterOperand == cv[3]);
cv = new CompiledComparison[5];
// Case 3 : 7 < a and a >=4 and a > 5 and a >= 7 and a != 15
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(15)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(7)));
assertTrue(RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(oo1.filterOperand).size() == 1 && RangeJunction
.getKeysToBeRemoved(oo1.filterOperand).iterator().next().equals(new Integer(15)));
// Case 4 : 7 < a and a >=7
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0]);
// Case 5 : a > 7 and a >=7
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0]);
// Case 6 : a >= 7 and a >7
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1]);
// Case 7 : a >= 8 and a >7
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0]);
// Case 8 : a >=8 and a > =7
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0]);
// Case 9 : a >=7 and a > =8
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1]);
// Case 10 : 7 < a and a >=7 and a != 13
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(13)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(7)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
// Case 11 : a > 7 and a >=7 and a != 13
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(13)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(7)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
// Case 12 : a >= 7 and a >7 and a != 13
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(13)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(7)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
// Case 13 : a >= 8 and a >7 and a != 13
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(13)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(8)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
// Case 14 : a >=8 and a > =7 and a !=13
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(13)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(8)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
// Case 15 : a >=7 and a > =8 and a != 13
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(13)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(8)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
// Case 15 : a >=7 and a > =8 and a != 8
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(8)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
.equals(new Integer(8)));
// Case 16 : a >=7 and a > =8 and a != 7
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1]);
// Case 17 : a >=7 and a > =8 and a != 7 and a!=4 and a != 3
cv = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(3)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1]);
// Case 18 : a >=7 and a > =8 and a != 7 and a!=4 and a != 3 and a != 20
// and a != 8
cv = new CompiledComparison[7];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(3)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[5] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(20)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[6] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(8)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
Iterator itr = RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved((oo1.filterOperand)).iterator();
Object temp;
assertTrue((temp = Integer(8)) || temp.equals(new Integer(20)));
assertTrue((temp = Integer(8)) || temp.equals(new Integer(20)));
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the functionality of organizedOperands function of a RangeJunction for various
* combinations of LESS THAN and Not equal conditions etc which results in a SingleCondnEvaluator
* or CompiledComparison for a AND junction. It checks the correctness of the operator & the
* evaluated key
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleCondnEvalMultipleLessThanInEqualities_AND() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
* ******************For all LESS THAN OR LESS THAN EQUAL To ********************
// Case 1 : a < 7 and a <=4 and a < 5 and a <=4
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1] || oo1.filterOperand == cv[3]);
// Case2: a<=8 and a < 12 and a <=10 and a<=8
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(12)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0] || oo1.filterOperand == cv[3]);
cv = new CompiledComparison[5];
// Case 3 : 3 >= a and a <=4 and a < 5 and a <= 3 and a != 1
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(3)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(3)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(3)));
assertTrue(RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(oo1.filterOperand).size() == 1 && RangeJunction
.getKeysToBeRemoved(oo1.filterOperand).iterator().next().equals(new Integer(1)));
// Case 4 : 3 > a and a <=2
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(3)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1]);
// Case 5 : a < 7 and a <=7
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0]);
// Case 6 : a <= 7 and a <7
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1]);
// Case 7 : a <= 8 and a <9
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(9)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0]);
// Case 8 : a <=8 and a <=10
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[0]);
// Case 9 : a <=6 and a <= 5
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1]);
// Case 10 : 7 > a and a <=7 and a != 2
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)),
new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(7)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
.equals(new Integer(2)));
// Case 11 : a < 7 and a <=7 and a != 1
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(7)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
.equals(new Integer(1)));
// Case 12 : a <= 7 and a <7 and a != 1
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(7)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
.equals(new Integer(1)));
// Case 13 : a <= 8 and a <9 and a !=1
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(9)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(8)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
.equals(new Integer(1)));
// Case 14 : a <=8 and a <=9 and a !=1
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(9)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(8)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
.equals(new Integer(1)));
// Case 15 : a <=7 and a <=6 and a != 1
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(6)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
.equals(new Integer(1)));
// Case 15 : a <=7 and a <= 6and a != 6
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(6)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
.equals(new Integer(6)));
// Case 16 : a <=7 and a <=6 and a != 7
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1]);
// Case 17 : a <=7 and a <=6 and a != 7 and a!=10 and a != 8
cv = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[1]);
// Case 18 : a <=7 and a <=6 and a != 7 and a!=8 and a !=9 and a != 2 and
// a != 6
cv = new CompiledComparison[7];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(9)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[5] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[6] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(oo1.filterOperand).equals(new Integer(6)));
.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(oo1.filterOperand) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
Iterator itr = RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved((oo1.filterOperand)).iterator();
Object temp;
assertTrue((temp = Integer(2)) || temp.equals(new Integer(6)));
assertTrue((temp = Integer(2)) || temp.equals(new Integer(6)));
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the correct creation of NotEqualConditionEvaluator For AND junction
public void testNotEqualConditionEvaluator_AND() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
* ******************For all LESS THAN OR LESS THAN EQUAL To ********************
// Case 1 : a != 7 and a !=4 and a != 5 and a != 5
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
Set keysRemove = RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(oo1.filterOperand);
assertTrue(keysRemove.size() == 3);
assertTrue(keysRemove.contains(new Integer(5)));
assertTrue(keysRemove.contains(new Integer(7)));
assertTrue(keysRemove.contains(new Integer(4)));
// Case 2 : a != 7 and a != null and a != undefined
CompiledValue[] cv1 = new CompiledValue[3];
cv1[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv1[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv1[2] = new CompiledUndefined(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), false);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv1,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
CompiledValue[] ops = ((GroupJunction) oo1.filterOperand)._operands;
// assertTrue(cv1[0] == ops[0] || cv1[0] == ops[1] || cv1[0] == ops[2]);
if (RangeJunction.isInstanceOfNotEqualConditionEvaluator(ops[0])) {
RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(ops[0]).iterator().next().equals(new Integer(7)));
} else if (RangeJunction.isInstanceOfNotEqualConditionEvaluator(ops[1])) {
RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(ops[1]).iterator().next().equals(new Integer(7)));
} else if (RangeJunction.isInstanceOfNotEqualConditionEvaluator(ops[2])) {
RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(ops[2]).iterator().next().equals(new Integer(7)));
} else {
fail("NotEqualConditionEvaluator not found");
assertTrue(cv1[1] == ops[0] || cv1[1] == ops[1] || cv1[1] == ops[2]);
assertTrue(cv1[2] == ops[0] || cv1[2] == ops[1] || cv1[2] == ops[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
* If possible , in case where RangeJunction contains something like a != 7 and a != undefined & a
* != null, since undefined & null are not groupable , the a != 7 is also evaluated individually.
* In such case, it makes sense not to create an Object of
* rangeJunction.NotEqualConditionEvaluator for evaluating a !=7 , which however is the case now.
* May be at some point, we should either try to club null & undefined as a part of
* RangeJunctionEvaluator or we should not create an object of NotEqualConditionEvaluator.
public void testNotEqualCoupledWithUndefinedAndNotNull() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getLogger();
try {
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
// Case 2 : a != 7 and a != null and a != undefined
CompiledValue[] cv1 = new CompiledValue[3];
cv1[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv1[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv1[2] = new CompiledUndefined(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), false);
OrganizedOperands oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(
OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv1, context);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
CompiledValue[] ops = ((GroupJunction) oo1.filterOperand)._operands;
assertTrue(cv1[0] == ops[0] || cv1[0] == ops[1] || cv1[0] == ops[2]);
assertTrue(cv1[1] == ops[0] || cv1[1] == ops[1] || cv1[1] == ops[2]);
assertTrue(cv1[2] == ops[0] || cv1[2] == ops[1] || cv1[2] == ops[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
* Test presence of equal condition in a AND RangeJunction An equal condition if accompanied by
* any other condition in a RangeJunction ( except not null) should always return the equal
* condition or a boolean false indicating empty resultset
public void testEqualConditionInRangeJunction_AND() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
* ******************For all LESS THAN OR LESS THAN EQUAL To ********************
// Case 1 : a = 7 and a !=4 and a != 5 and a != 8
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertEquals(oo1.filterOperand, cv[0]);
// Case 2 : a > 7 and a !=4 and a != 5 and a = 8
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertEquals(oo1.filterOperand, cv[3]);
// Case3 : a < 7 and a !=4 and a =8 and a != 5
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof CompiledLiteral);
((Boolean) ((CompiledLiteral) oo1.filterOperand).evaluate(context)).booleanValue());
// Case4 : a > 7 and a !=4 and a !=8 and a = 14
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[3]);
// Case5 : a <= 14 and a !=4 and a !=8 and a = 14
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[3]);
// Case6 : a >= 14 and a !=4 and a !=8 and a = 14
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[3]);
// Case7 : a >= 14 and a !=4 and a =9 and a = 14
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(9)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof CompiledLiteral);
((Boolean) ((CompiledLiteral) oo1.filterOperand).evaluate(context)).booleanValue());
// Case8 : a > 7 and a !=4 and a !=8 and a = 14 and a <18
cv = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(18)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand == cv[3]);
// case9:a > 7 and a !=4 and a !=8 and a = 14 and a <14
cv = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(4)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(9)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(14)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof CompiledLiteral);
((Boolean) ((CompiledLiteral) oo1.filterOperand).evaluate(context)).booleanValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
public void testOrganizeOpsOfRangeJunctionForNonRangeEvaluatableOperand() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getLogger();
try {
CompiledValue cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
// Case 1 : a != null and a != null and a != undefined
cv = new CompiledValue[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledUndefined(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), false);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
CompiledValue[] ops = ((GroupJunction) oo1.filterOperand)._operands;
assertTrue(ops[0] == cv[0] || ops[0] == cv[1] || ops[0] == cv[2]);
assertTrue(ops[1] == cv[0] || ops[1] == cv[1] || ops[1] == cv[2]);
assertTrue(ops[2] == cv[0] || ops[2] == cv[1] || ops[2] == cv[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests the genuine range condition evaluator ( having a upper and lower bound) formed from a
* RangeJunction of type AND
public void testDoubleCondnRangeJunctionEvaluator_AND() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
// Case 1 : a >= 7 and a <=10
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
.equals(new Integer(7)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
.equals(new Integer(10)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
assertTrue(RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved((oo1.filterOperand)) == null);
// Case2 : a >= 7 and a <=10 a >=5 and a <=11 and a != 7
cv = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(10)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(11)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
.equals(new Integer(7)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
.equals(new Integer(10)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
Set keysToRemove = RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved((oo1.filterOperand));
assertTrue(keysToRemove.size() == 1);
assertTrue(keysToRemove.iterator().next().equals(new Integer(7)));
// Case3 : a >= 7 and a <=6 and a >=8 and a <=5 and a != 7
cv = new CompiledComparison[5];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof CompiledLiteral);
((Boolean) ((CompiledLiteral) oo1.filterOperand).evaluate(context)).booleanValue());
// Case4 : a >= 7 and a <=6 and a >=8 and a <=5
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof CompiledLiteral);
((Boolean) ((CompiledLiteral) oo1.filterOperand).evaluate(context)).booleanValue());
// Case5 : a >= 1 and a <=6 and a !=8
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
.equals(new Integer(1)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
RangeJunction.getDoubleCondnEvaluatorLESSKey((oo1.filterOperand)).equals(new Integer(6)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
keysToRemove = RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved((oo1.filterOperand));
assertTrue(keysToRemove == null);
// Case6 : a >= 1 and a <=6 and a !=8 and a!=2
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
.equals(new Integer(1)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
RangeJunction.getDoubleCondnEvaluatorLESSKey((oo1.filterOperand)).equals(new Integer(6)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
keysToRemove = RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved((oo1.filterOperand));
assertTrue(keysToRemove.size() == 1);
assertTrue(keysToRemove.iterator().next().equals(new Integer(2)));
// Case7 : a >= 1 and a <=6 and a !=6 and a!=0
cv = new CompiledComparison[4];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(1)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(0)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
.equals(new Integer(1)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
RangeJunction.getDoubleCondnEvaluatorLESSKey((oo1.filterOperand)).equals(new Integer(6)));
(oo1.filterOperand)) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
keysToRemove = RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved((oo1.filterOperand));
assertTrue(keysToRemove.size() == 1);
assertTrue(keysToRemove.iterator().next().equals(new Integer(6)));
} catch (Exception e) {
* Tests if the presence of UNDEFINED operand is treated as a separate eval operand & not made a
* part of SingleCondn or DoubleCondn evaluator
public void testNullorNotNullorUndefinedBehaviour() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison cv[] = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
// Case 1 : a >= 7 and a != null
cv = new CompiledComparison[2];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
OrganizedOperands oo = this
.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
CompiledValue[] operands = ((GroupJunction) oo1.filterOperand)._operands;
assertEquals(2, operands.length);
assertTrue(operands[0] == cv[0] || operands[0] == cv[1]);
assertTrue(operands[1] == cv[0] || operands[1] == cv[1]);
// Case 2 : a >= 7 and a != null and a!=5
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
operands = ((GroupJunction) oo1.filterOperand)._operands;
assertEquals(2, operands.length);
assertTrue(cv[1] == operands[0] || cv[1] == operands[1]);
assertTrue(cv[0] == operands[0] || cv[0] == operands[1]);
// Case 3 : a >= 7 and a != null and a!=7
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
operands = ((GroupJunction) oo1.filterOperand)._operands;
assertEquals(2, operands.length);
assertTrue(cv[1] == operands[0] || cv[1] == operands[1]);
|| RangeJunction.isInstanceOfSingleCondnEvaluator(operands[1]));
int x = -1;
if (RangeJunction.isInstanceOfSingleCondnEvaluator(operands[0])) {
x = 0;
} else if (RangeJunction.isInstanceOfSingleCondnEvaluator(operands[1])) {
x = 1;
Object key = RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(operands[x]);
assertTrue(key.equals(new Integer(7)));
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(operands[x]) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
assertTrue(RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(operands[x]).size() == 1);
RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(operands[x]).iterator().next().equals(new Integer(7)));
// Case 4 : a >= 7 and a == null and a!=7 and a = undefined
CompiledValue[] cv1 = new CompiledValue[4];
cv1[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv1[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv1[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv1[3] = new CompiledUndefined(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), false);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv1,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
assertEquals(((GroupJunction) oo1.filterOperand)._operands.length, 3);
CompiledValue[] ops = ((GroupJunction) oo1.filterOperand)._operands;
assertTrue(ops[0] == cv1[1] || ops[1] == cv1[1] || ops[2] == cv1[1]);
assertTrue(ops[0] == cv1[3] || ops[1] == cv1[3] || ops[2] == cv1[3]);
|| RangeJunction.isInstanceOfSingleCondnEvaluator(ops[1])
|| RangeJunction.isInstanceOfSingleCondnEvaluator(ops[2]));
x = -1;
if (RangeJunction.isInstanceOfSingleCondnEvaluator(ops[0])) {
x = 0;
} else if (RangeJunction.isInstanceOfSingleCondnEvaluator(ops[1])) {
x = 1;
} else if (RangeJunction.isInstanceOfSingleCondnEvaluator(ops[2])) {
x = 2;
key = RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorKey(ops[x]);
assertTrue(key.equals(new Integer(7)));
RangeJunction.getSingleCondnEvaluatorOperator(ops[x]) == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
assertTrue(RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(ops[x]).size() == 1);
assertTrue(RangeJunction.getKeysToBeRemoved(ops[x]).iterator().next().equals(new Integer(7)));
// Case 5 : a >= 7 and a == null and a == 6 and a = undefined and
// createTime = 6
cv1 = new CompiledValue[5];
cv1[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv1[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv1[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv1[3] = new CompiledUndefined(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), false);
cv1[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "createTime"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Long(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv1,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof CompiledLiteral);
((Boolean) ((CompiledLiteral) oo1.filterOperand).evaluate(context)).booleanValue());
// Case 6 : a >= 7 and a == null and a == 8 and a = undefined and
// createTime = 6
cv1 = new CompiledValue[5];
cv1[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv1[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(null), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv1[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(8)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv1[3] = new CompiledUndefined(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), false);
cv1[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "createTime"),
new CompiledLiteral(new Long(6)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv1,
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction",
oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertTrue(oo1.filterOperand instanceof GroupJunction);
operands = ((GroupJunction) oo1.filterOperand)._operands;
assertEquals(operands.length, 3);
assertTrue(cv1[1] == operands[0] || cv1[1] == operands[1] || cv1[1] == operands[2]);
assertTrue(cv1[2] == operands[0] || cv1[2] == operands[1] || cv1[2] == operands[2]);
assertTrue(cv1[3] == operands[0] || cv1[3] == operands[1] || cv1[3] == operands[2]);
assertTrue(oo1.iterateOperand == cv1[4]);
} catch (Exception e) {
private void bindIteratorsAndCreateIndex(ExecutionContext context) throws Exception {
QCompiler compiler = new QCompiler();
List list = compiler.compileFromClause("/portfolio p, p.positions");
qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/portfolio");
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), iterDef.computeDependencies(context));
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
* Tests the creation of a single RangeJunction if the CompiledJunction only contains same index
* condition with or without iter operand
private OrganizedOperands oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(int junctionType,
CompiledValue[] operandsForCJ, ExecutionContext context) {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
OrganizedOperands oo = null;
try {
CompiledJunction cj = new CompiledJunction(operandsForCJ, junctionType);
context.addDependencies(new CompiledID("dummy"), cj.computeDependencies(context));
oo = cj.testOrganizedOperands(context);
return oo;
} catch (Exception e) {
return oo;
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
IndexManager indexManager = ((LocalRegion) region).getIndexManager();
if (indexManager != null)