blob: 08c34235d4fac4e3ad1fbbe61fb19e7af89fd949 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import static org.apache.geode.cache.Region.SEPARATOR;
import static org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut.PARTITION;
import static org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut.REPLICATE;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut;
import org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.OQLQueryTest;
import org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.SecurityTest;
import org.apache.geode.test.junit.runners.CategoryWithParameterizedRunnerFactory;
@Category({SecurityTest.class, OQLQueryTest.class})
public class QuerySecurityAllowedQueriesDistributedTest
extends AbstractQuerySecurityDistributedTest {
@Parameterized.Parameters(name = "User:{0}, RegionType:{1}")
public static Object[] usersAndRegionTypes() {
return new Object[][] {
{"super-user", REPLICATE}, {"super-user", PARTITION},
{"dataReader", REPLICATE}, {"dataReader", PARTITION},
{"dataReaderRegion", REPLICATE}, {"dataReaderRegion", PARTITION},
{"clusterManagerDataReader", REPLICATE}, {"clusterManagerDataReader", PARTITION},
{"clusterManagerDataReaderRegion", REPLICATE}, {"clusterManagerDataReaderRegion", PARTITION}
public String user;
public RegionShortcut regionShortcut;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
super.setUp(user, regionShortcut);
keys = new Object[] {"key-0", "key-1"};
values = new Object[] {
new QueryTestObject(1, "John"),
new QueryTestObject(3, "Beth")
putIntoRegion(superUserClient, keys, values, regionName);
public void queryWithSelectStarShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String query = "SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName;
List<Object> expectedResults = Arrays.asList(values);
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, query, expectedResults);
/* ----- Public Field Tests ----- */
public void queryWithPublicFieldOnWhereClauseShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String query = "SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r WHERE = 1";
List<Object> expectedResults = Collections.singletonList(values[0]);
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, query, expectedResults);
public void queryingByPublicFieldOnSelectClauseShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String query = "SELECT FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
List<Object> expectedResults = Arrays.asList(1, 3);
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, query, expectedResults);
public void queriesWithPublicFieldUsedWithinAggregateFunctionsShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String queryCount = "SELECT COUNT( FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryCount,
String queryMax = "SELECT MAX( FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryMax,
String queryMin = "SELECT MIN( FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryMin,
String queryAvg = "SELECT AVG( FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryAvg,
String querySum = "SELECT SUM( FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, querySum,
public void queryWithPublicFieldUsedWithinDistinctClauseShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String query = "<TRACE> SELECT DISTINCT * from " + SEPARATOR + regionName
+ " WHERE id IN SET(1, 3) ORDER BY id asc LIMIT 2";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, query, Arrays.asList(values));
public void queryWithByPublicFieldOnInnerQueriesShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String query = "SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName
+ regionName + " r2)";
List<Object> expectedResults = Arrays.asList(values);
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, query, expectedResults);
/* ----- Default Allowed Methods Tests ----- */
public void queriesWithAllowedRegionMethodInvocationsShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String queryValues = "SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".values";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryValues, Arrays.asList(values));
String queryKeySet = "SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".keySet";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryKeySet, Arrays.asList(keys));
String queryContainsKey =
"SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".containsKey('" + keys[0] + "')";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryContainsKey,
String queryEntrySet = "SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".get('" + keys[0] + "')";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryEntrySet,
public void queriesWithAllowedRegionEntryMethodInvocationsShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
List<Object> expectedKeys = Arrays.asList(keys);
String queryKeyEntrySet = "SELECT e.key FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".entrySet e";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryKeyEntrySet, expectedKeys);
String queryGetKeyEntrySet = "SELECT e.getKey FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".entrySet e";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryGetKeyEntrySet, expectedKeys);
String queryKeyEntries = "SELECT e.key FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".entries e";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryKeyEntries, expectedKeys);
String queryGetKeyEntries = "SELECT e.getKey FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".entries e";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryGetKeyEntries, expectedKeys);
List<Object> expectedValues = Arrays.asList(values);
String queryValueEntrySet = "SELECT e.value FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".entrySet e";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryValueEntrySet, expectedValues);
String queryGetValueEntrySet =
"SELECT e.getValue FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".entrySet e";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryGetValueEntrySet, expectedValues);
String queryValueEntries = "SELECT e.value FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".entries e";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryValueEntries, expectedValues);
String queryGetValueEntries = "SELECT e.getValue FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + ".entries e";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, queryGetValueEntries, expectedValues);
public void queriesWithAllowedStringMethodInvocationsShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String toStringWhere =
"SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r WHERE r.toString = 'Test_Object'";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, toStringWhere, Arrays.asList(values));
String toStringSelect = "SELECT r.toString() FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, toStringSelect,
Arrays.asList("Test_Object", "Test_Object"));
String toUpperCaseWhere =
"SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName
+ " r WHERE r.toString().toUpperCase = 'TEST_OBJECT'";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, toUpperCaseWhere,
String toLowerCaseWhere =
"SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName
+ " r WHERE r.toString().toLowerCase = 'test_object'";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, toLowerCaseWhere,
public void queriesWithAllowedNumberMethodInvocationsShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String intValue = "SELECT FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, intValue, Arrays.asList(1, 3));
String longValue = "SELECT FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, longValue, Arrays.asList(1L, 3L));
String doubleValue = "SELECT FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, doubleValue, Arrays.asList(1d, 3d));
String shortValue = "SELECT FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName + " r";
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, shortValue,
Arrays.asList((short) 1, (short) 3));
public void queriesWithAllowedDateMethodInvocationsShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
String query =
"SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + regionName
+ " WHERE dateField = to_date('08/08/2018', 'MM/dd/yyyy')";
QueryTestObject obj1 = new QueryTestObject(0, "John");
QueryTestObject obj2 = new QueryTestObject(3, "Beth");
Object[] values = {obj1, obj2};
putIntoRegion(superUserClient, keys, values, regionName);
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, query, Arrays.asList(values));
public void queriesWithAllowedMapMethodInvocationsShouldNotThrowSecurityException() {
QueryTestObject valueObject1 = new QueryTestObject(1, "John");
Map<Object, Object> map1 = new HashMap<>();
map1.put("intData", 1);
map1.put(1, 98);
map1.put("strData1", "ABC");
map1.put("strData2", "ZZZ");
valueObject1.mapField = map1;
QueryTestObject valueObject2 = new QueryTestObject(3, "Beth");
Map<Object, Object> map2 = new HashMap<>();
map2.put("intData", 99);
map2.put(1, 99);
map2.put("strData1", "XYZ");
map2.put("strData2", "ZZZ");
valueObject2.mapField = map2;
values = new Object[] {valueObject1, valueObject2};
putIntoRegion(superUserClient, keys, values, regionName);
String query1 = String.format(
+ "%s WHERE mapField.get('intData') = 1 AND mapField.get(1) = 98 AND mapField.get('strData1') = 'ABC' AND mapField.get('strData2') = 'ZZZ'",
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, query1,
Arrays.asList(new Object[] {valueObject1}));
String query2 =
String.format("SELECT * FROM " + SEPARATOR + "%s WHERE mapField.get('strData2') = 'ZZZ'",
executeQueryAndAssertExpectedResults(specificUserClient, query2, Arrays.asList(values));