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title: show
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<a id="topic_7171CA38456645D5B08C16FD73AD0B2A"></a>
Display deadlocks, logs, metrics and missing disk-stores.
- **[show dead-locks](#topic_1125347FAD6541DF995C9999650165B1)**
Display any deadlocks in the cluster.
- **[show log](#topic_45AAEDAC3AFF46EC9BB68B24FC9A32B3)**
Display the log for a member.
- **[show metrics](#topic_6EB786C63AEB46179EEE8FA18624295A)**
Display or export metrics for the entire cluster, a member, or a region.
- **[show missing-disk-stores](#topic_7B3D624D5B4F41D1A0F8A9C3C8B2E780)**
Display a summary of the disk stores that are currently missing from the cluster.
- **[show subscription-queue-size](#topic_395C96B500AD430CBF3D3C8886A4CD2E)**
Shows the number of events in the subscription queue.
## <a id="topic_1125347FAD6541DF995C9999650165B1" class="no-quick-link"></a>show dead-locks
Display any deadlocks in the cluster.
**Availability:** Online. You must be connected in `gfsh` to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
``` pre
show dead-locks --file=value
<a id="topic_1125347FAD6541DF995C9999650165B1__table_hhr_njf_2w"></a>
| Name | Description |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;file</span> | *Required.* Name of the file to which dependencies between members will be written. |
<span class="tablecap">Table 1. Show Dead-Locks Parameters</span>
**Example Commands:**
``` pre
show dead-locks --file=deadlocks.txt
**Sample Output:**
``` pre
gfsh>show dead-locks --file=deadlocks.txt
No dead lock detected.
Please view the dependencies between the members in file : deadlocks.txt
## <a id="topic_45AAEDAC3AFF46EC9BB68B24FC9A32B3" class="no-quick-link"></a>show log
Display the log for a member.
**Availability:** Online. You must be connected in `gfsh` to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
``` pre
show log --member=value [--lines=value]
<a id="topic_45AAEDAC3AFF46EC9BB68B24FC9A32B3__table_mwp_qjf_2w"></a>
| Name | Description | Default Value |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;member</span> | *Required.* Name/ID of the member whose log file will be displayed. | |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;lines </span> | Number of lines from the log file to display. The maximum is 100. | 0 |
**Example Commands:**
``` pre
show log --member=locator1 --lines=5
**Sample Output:**
``` pre
gfsh>show log --member=locator1 --lines=5
[info 2012/09/25 14:04:51.340 PDT locator1 <RMI TCP Connection(14)-> tid=0x57] (tid=12 msgId=4) Parent region for "region1/subregion1" doesnt exi
[info 2012/09/25 14:04:51.372 PDT locator1 <RMI TCP Connection(14)-> tid=0x57] (tid=12 msgId=5) Error occurred while executing "create region --n
ame=region1/subregion1 --type=LOCAL".
[info 2012/09/25 15:14:34.314 PDT locator1 <RMI TCP Connection(159)-> tid=0x68] (tid=13 msgId=6) Error occurred while executing "show log --membe
r=server1 --lines=5".
## <a id="topic_6EB786C63AEB46179EEE8FA18624295A" class="no-quick-link"></a>show metrics
Display or export metrics for the entire cluster, a member, or a region.
When no command line arguments are given,
metrics under the categories of cluster, cache, diskstore, and query
are displayed.
**Availability:** Online. You must be connected in `gfsh` to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
``` pre
show metrics [--member=value] [--region=value] [--file=value]
[--port=value] [--categories=value(,value)*]
<a id="topic_6EB786C63AEB46179EEE8FA18624295A__table_l4n_tjf_2w"></a>
<caption><span class="tablecap">Table 3. Show Metrics Parameters</span></caption>
<col width="50%" />
<col width="50%" />
<tr class="header">
<td><span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;member</span></td>
<td>Name/ID of the member whose metrics will be displayed/exported.</td>
<td><span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;region</span></td>
<td>Name/Path of the region whose metrics will be displayed/exported.</td>
<td><span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;file</span></td>
<td>Name of the file to which metrics will be written.</td>
<td><span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;port</span></td>
<td>Port number of the Cache Server whose metrics are to be displayed/exported. This can only be used along with the <code class="ph codeph">--member</code> parameter.</td>
<td><span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;categories</span></td>
<td>Categories available based upon the parameters specified (listed above) are:
<li><strong>region specified</strong>: cluster, region, partition, diskstore, callback, eviction</li>
<li><strong>member specified</strong>: member, jvm, region, serialization, communication, function, transaction, diskstore, lock, eviction, distribution, offheap</li>
<li><strong>member and region specified</strong>: region, partition, diskstore, callback, eviction</li>
<span class="tablecap">Table 3. Show Metrics Parameters</span>
**Example Commands:**
``` pre
// Metrics for the entire system
show metrics
// Metrics for a region:
show metrics --region=region1
// Metrics for a given member
show metrics --member=server1
// Metrics for a region on a member
show metrics --region=region1 --member=server1
// Metrics for a member and the cacheserver it hosts
// NOTE: port option only work when used with --member option
show metrics --member=server1 --port=10334
// Export metrics for the entire system
show metrics --file=data/stats/system-stats.csv
**Sample Output:**
``` pre
gfsh>show metrics
Cluster-wide Metrics
Type | Metric | Value
--------- | --------------------- | -----
cluster | totalHeapSize | 123
cache | totalRegionEntryCount | 0
| totalRegionCount | 0
| totalMissCount | 0
| totalHitCount | 0
diskstore | totalBytesOnDisk | 0
| diskReadsRate | 0
| diskWritesRate | 0
| flushTimeAvgLatency | 0
| totalBackupInProgress | 0
query | queryRequestRate | 0
## <a id="topic_7B3D624D5B4F41D1A0F8A9C3C8B2E780" class="no-quick-link"></a>show missing-disk-stores
Display a summary of the disk stores that are currently missing from the cluster.
**Availability:** Online. You must be connected in `gfsh` to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
``` pre
show missing-disk-stores
**Example Commands:**
``` pre
show missing-disk-stores
**Sample Output:**
``` pre
gfsh> show missing-disk-stores
Disk Store ID | Host | Directory
------------------------------------ | --------- | -------------------------------------
60399215-532b-406f-b81f-9b5bd8d1b55a | excalibur | /usr/local/gemfire/deploy/disk_store1
## <a id="topic_395C96B500AD430CBF3D3C8886A4CD2E" class="no-quick-link"></a>show subscription-queue-size
Shows the number of events in the subscription queue.
If a CQ name is provided, it counts the number of events in the subscription queue for the specified CQ.
**Availability:** Online. You must be connected in `gfsh` to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
``` pre
show subscription-queue-size --durable-client-Id=value
[--members=value(,value)*] [--groups=value(,value)*]
<a id="topic_395C96B500AD430CBF3D3C8886A4CD2E__table_rcq_zjf_2w"></a>
| Name | Description |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;durable-client-id </span> | *Required.* The ID used to identify the durable client. |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;durable-cq-name </span> | The name that identifies the CQ. |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;members </span> | Name/Id of the member(s) for which subscription queue events are to be counted. |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;groups</span> | Group(s) of members for which subscription queue events are to be counted. |
<span class="tablecap">Table 4. Show Subscription-Queue-Size Parameters</span>
**Example Commands:**
``` pre
show subscription-queue-size --durable-client-id=client1
**Sample Output:**
``` pre
gfsh>show subscription-queue-size --durable-client-Id=client1
member | subcription-queue-size for durable-client : "client1".
------- | ------------------------------------------------------
server3 | 1
server4 | 0
**Error Messages:**
``` pre
gfsh>show subscription-queue-size --durable-client-Id=client1
No client found with client-id : client1
Occurred on members