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title: compact
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<a id="topic_2522766FD5DD45D991A523F84BD54920"></a>
Compact online and offline disk-stores.
- **[compact disk-store](../../../tools_modules/gfsh/command-pages/compact.html#topic_F113C95C076F424E9AA8AC4F1F6324CC)**
Compact a disk store on all members with that disk store.
- **[compact offline-disk-store](../../../tools_modules/gfsh/command-pages/compact.html#topic_9CCFCB2FA2154E16BD775439C8ABC8FB)**
Compact an offline disk store.
## <a id="topic_F113C95C076F424E9AA8AC4F1F6324CC" class="no-quick-link"></a>compact disk-store
Compact a disk store on all members with that disk store.
This command uses the compaction threshold that each member has configured for its disk stores. The disk store must have the `allow-force-compaction` property set to `true`.
See [Running Compaction on Disk Store Log Files](../../../managing/disk_storage/compacting_disk_stores.html) for more information.
**Availability:** Online. You must be connected in `gfsh` to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
``` pre
compact disk-store --name=value [--groups=value(,value)*]
**Parameters, compact disk-store**
| Name | Description |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;name</span> | *Required.* Name of the disk store to be compacted. |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;groups</span> | Group(s) of members that perform disk compaction. If no group is specified, then the disk store is compacted by all members. |
**Example Commands:**
``` pre
compact disk-store --name=Disk1
compact disk-store --name=Disk1 --group=MemberGroup1,MemberGroup2
**Error Messages:**
``` pre
"Disk store \"{0}\" does not exist.";
" for group(s) \"{0}\"";
"No members found in the specified group(s) \"{0}\".";
"Compaction was attempted but nothing to compact.";
"Error occurred while doing compaction. Reason: \"{0}\"";
## <a id="topic_9CCFCB2FA2154E16BD775439C8ABC8FB" class="no-quick-link"></a>compact offline-disk-store
Compact an offline disk store.
If the disk store is large, you may need to allocate additional memory to the process by using the `--J=-XmxNNNm` parameter.
See [Running Compaction on Disk Store Log Files](../../../managing/disk_storage/compacting_disk_stores.html) for more information.
Do not perform offline compaction on the baseline directory of an incremental backup.
**Availability:** Online or offline.
``` pre
compact offline-disk-store --name=value --disk-dirs=value(,value)*
[--max-oplog-size=value] [--J=value(,value)*]
**Parameters, compact offline-disk-store**
| Name | Description | Default Value |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;name</span> | *Required.* Name of the offline disk store to be compacted. |   |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;disk-dirs</span> | *Required.* One or more directories where data for the disk store was previously written. Separate directories with commas. |   |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;max-oplog-size</span> | Maximum size (in megabytes) of the oplogs created by compaction. | -1 |
| <span class="keyword parmname">&#8209;&#8209;J</span> | Arguments passed to the Java Virtual Machine performing the compact operation on the disk store. For example: `--J=-Xmx1024m`. |   |
**Example Commands:**
``` pre
compact offline-disk-store --name=Disk2 --disk-dirs=/Disks/Disk2
compact offline-disk-store --name=Disk2 --disk-dirs=/Disks/Disk2 --max-oplog-size=512 --J=-Xmx1024m