blob: ae2108bd3a81593b94de45a2572574686a8da4fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.apache.geode.LogWriter;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Cache;
import org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.CloseCQOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.DestroyOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteCQOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetDurableCQsOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InvalidateOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeySetOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutAllOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionClearOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionCreateOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionDestroyOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegisterInterestOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RemoveAllOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.StopCQOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.UnregisterInterestOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.operations.internal.GetOperationContextImpl;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember;
import org.apache.geode.internal.ClassLoadUtils;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.operations.ContainsKeyOperationContext;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.ClientProxyMembershipID;
* This class implements authorization calls for various operations. It provides methods to invoke
* authorization callback ({@link AccessControl#authorizeOperation}) before the actual operation to
* check for authorization (pre-processing) that may modify the arguments to the operations. The
* data being passed for the operation is encapsulated in a {@link OperationContext} object that can
* be modified by the pre-processing authorization callbacks.
* @since GemFire 5.5
public class AuthorizeRequest {
private final AccessControl authzCallback;
private final Principal principal;
private final boolean isPrincipalSerializable;
private ClientProxyMembershipID id;
private final LogWriter logger;
public AuthorizeRequest(String authzFactoryName, DistributedMember dm, Principal principal,
Cache cache) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
InvocationTargetException, NotAuthorizedException {
this.principal = principal;
isPrincipalSerializable = this.principal instanceof Serializable;
logger = cache.getSecurityLogger();
Method authzMethod = ClassLoadUtils.methodFromName(authzFactoryName);
authzCallback = (AccessControl) authzMethod.invoke(null, (Object[]) null);
authzCallback.init(principal, dm, cache);
id = null;
public AuthorizeRequest(String authzFactoryName, ClientProxyMembershipID id, Principal principal,
Cache cache) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
InvocationTargetException, NotAuthorizedException {
this(authzFactoryName, id.getDistributedMember(), principal, cache); = id;
if (logger.infoEnabled()) {
String.format("AuthorizeRequest: Client[%s] is setting authorization callback to %s.",
id, authzFactoryName));
public GetOperationContext getAuthorize(String regionName, Object key, Object callbackArg)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
GetOperationContext getContext = new GetOperationContextImpl(key, false);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, getContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform GET operation on region [%s]",
if (logger.fineEnabled()) {
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
this + ": Authorized to perform GET operation on region [" + regionName + ']');
return getContext;
public PutOperationContext putAuthorize(String regionName, Object key, Object value,
boolean isObject, Object callbackArg) throws NotAuthorizedException {
return putAuthorize(regionName, key, value, isObject, callbackArg, PutOperationContext.UNKNOWN);
public PutOperationContext putAuthorize(String regionName, Object key, Object value,
boolean isObject, Object callbackArg, byte opType) throws NotAuthorizedException {
PutOperationContext putContext = new PutOperationContext(key, value, isObject, opType, false);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, putContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform PUT operation on region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
this + ": Authorized to perform PUT operation on region [" + regionName + ']');
return putContext;
public PutAllOperationContext putAllAuthorize(String regionName, Map map, Object callbackArg)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
PutAllOperationContext putAllContext = new PutAllOperationContext(map);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, putAllContext)) {
final String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform PUTALL operation on region [%s]",
if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
this + ": Authorized to perform PUTALL operation on region [" + regionName + ']');
// now since we've authorized to run PUTALL, we also need to verify all the
// <key,value> are authorized to run PUT
* According to Jags and Suds, we will not auth PUT for PUTALL for now We will only do auth
* once for each operation, i.e. PUTALL only Collection entries = map.entrySet(); Iterator
* iterator = entries.iterator(); Map.Entry mapEntry = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) {
* mapEntry = (Map.Entry); String currkey = (String)mapEntry.getKey(); Object
* value = mapEntry.getValue(); boolean isObject = true; if (value instanceof byte[]) {
* isObject = false; } byte[] serializedValue =
* ((CachedDeserializable)value).getSerializedValue();
* PutOperationContext putContext = new PutOperationContext(currkey, serializedValue,
* isObject, PutOperationContext.UNKNOWN, false); putContext.setCallbackArg(null); if
* (!this.authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, putContext)) { String errStr =
* "Not authorized to perform PUT operation on region [" + regionName + ']' +
* " for key "+currkey +". PUTALL is not authorized either."; if
* (this.logger.warningEnabled()) { this.logger.warning(toString() + ": " + errStr); } if
* (this.isPrincipalSerializable) { throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, this.principal);
* } else { throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr); } } else { if
* (this.logger.finestEnabled()) { this.logger.finest(toString() +
* ": PUT is authorized in PUTALL for "+currkey+" isObject("+isObject+") on region [" +
* regionName + ']'); } } } // while iterating map
return putAllContext;
public RemoveAllOperationContext removeAllAuthorize(String regionName, Collection<?> keys,
Object callbackArg) throws NotAuthorizedException {
RemoveAllOperationContext removeAllContext = new RemoveAllOperationContext(keys);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, removeAllContext)) {
final String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform removeAll operation on region [%s]",
if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform removeAll operation on region ["
+ regionName + ']');
return removeAllContext;
public DestroyOperationContext destroyAuthorize(String regionName, Object key, Object callbackArg)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
DestroyOperationContext destroyEntryContext = new DestroyOperationContext(key);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, destroyEntryContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform DESTROY operation on region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform DESTROY operation on region ["
+ regionName + ']');
return destroyEntryContext;
public QueryOperationContext queryAuthorize(String queryString, Set regionNames)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
return queryAuthorize(queryString, regionNames, null);
public QueryOperationContext queryAuthorize(String queryString, Set regionNames,
Object[] queryParams) throws NotAuthorizedException {
if (regionNames == null) {
regionNames = new HashSet();
QueryOperationContext queryContext =
new QueryOperationContext(queryString, regionNames, false, queryParams);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(null, queryContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perfom QUERY operation [%s] on the cache",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
this + ": Authorized to perform QUERY operation [" + queryString + "] on cache");
return queryContext;
public ExecuteCQOperationContext executeCQAuthorize(String cqName, String queryString,
Set regionNames) throws NotAuthorizedException {
if (regionNames == null) {
regionNames = new HashSet();
ExecuteCQOperationContext executeCQContext =
new ExecuteCQOperationContext(cqName, queryString, regionNames, false);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(null, executeCQContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perfom EXECUTE_CQ operation [%s] on the cache",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform EXECUTE_CQ operation ["
+ queryString + "] on cache");
return executeCQContext;
public void stopCQAuthorize(String cqName, String queryString, Set regionNames)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
StopCQOperationContext stopCQContext =
new StopCQOperationContext(cqName, queryString, regionNames);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(null, stopCQContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perfom STOP_CQ operation [%s] on the cache",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform STOP_CQ operation [" + cqName + ','
+ queryString + "] on cache");
public void closeCQAuthorize(String cqName, String queryString, Set regionNames)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
CloseCQOperationContext closeCQContext =
new CloseCQOperationContext(cqName, queryString, regionNames);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(null, closeCQContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perfom CLOSE_CQ operation [%s] on the cache",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform CLOSE_CQ operation [" + cqName
+ ',' + queryString + "] on cache");
public void getDurableCQsAuthorize() throws NotAuthorizedException {
GetDurableCQsOperationContext getDurableCQsContext = new GetDurableCQsOperationContext();
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(null, getDurableCQsContext)) {
String errStr =
"Not authorized to perform GET_DURABLE_CQS operation on cache";
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform GET_DURABLE_CQS operation on cache");
public RegionClearOperationContext clearAuthorize(String regionName, Object callbackArg)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
RegionClearOperationContext regionClearContext = new RegionClearOperationContext(false);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, regionClearContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform REGION_CLEAR operation on region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform REGION_CLEAR operation on region ["
+ regionName + ']');
return regionClearContext;
public RegisterInterestOperationContext registerInterestAuthorize(String regionName, Object key,
final @NotNull org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.InterestType interestType,
InterestResultPolicy policy) throws NotAuthorizedException {
RegisterInterestOperationContext registerInterestContext = new RegisterInterestOperationContext(
key, InterestType.fromOrdinal((byte) interestType.ordinal()), policy);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, registerInterestContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform REGISTER_INTEREST operation for region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform REGISTER_INTEREST operation for region ["
+ regionName + ']');
return registerInterestContext;
public RegisterInterestOperationContext registerInterestListAuthorize(String regionName,
List keys, InterestResultPolicy policy) throws NotAuthorizedException {
RegisterInterestOperationContext registerInterestListContext;
registerInterestListContext =
new RegisterInterestOperationContext(keys, InterestType.LIST, policy);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, registerInterestListContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform REGISTER_INTEREST_LIST operation for region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
this + ": Authorized to perform REGISTER_INTEREST_LIST operation for region ["
+ regionName + ']');
return registerInterestListContext;
public UnregisterInterestOperationContext unregisterInterestAuthorize(String regionName,
Object key, final @NotNull org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.InterestType interestType)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
UnregisterInterestOperationContext unregisterInterestContext;
unregisterInterestContext =
new UnregisterInterestOperationContext(key,
InterestType.fromOrdinal((byte) interestType.ordinal()));
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, unregisterInterestContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform UNREGISTER_INTEREST operation for region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform DESTROY operation on region ["
+ regionName + ']');
return unregisterInterestContext;
public UnregisterInterestOperationContext unregisterInterestListAuthorize(String regionName,
List keys) throws NotAuthorizedException {
UnregisterInterestOperationContext unregisterInterestListContext;
unregisterInterestListContext = new UnregisterInterestOperationContext(keys, InterestType.LIST);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, unregisterInterestListContext)) {
String errStr =
"Not authorized to perform UNREGISTER_INTEREST_LIST operation for region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
this + ": Authorized to perform UNREGISTER_INTEREST_LIST operation for region ["
+ regionName + ']');
return unregisterInterestListContext;
public KeySetOperationContext keySetAuthorize(String regionName) throws NotAuthorizedException {
KeySetOperationContext keySetContext = new KeySetOperationContext(false);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, keySetContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform KEY_SET operation on region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform KEY_SET operation on region ["
+ regionName + ']');
return keySetContext;
public void containsKeyAuthorize(String regionName, Object key) throws NotAuthorizedException {
ContainsKeyOperationContext containsKeyContext = new ContainsKeyOperationContext(key);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, containsKeyContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform CONTAINS_KEY operation on region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform CONTAINS_KEY operation on region ["
+ regionName + ']');
public void createRegionAuthorize(String regionName) throws NotAuthorizedException {
RegionCreateOperationContext regionCreateContext = new RegionCreateOperationContext(false);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, regionCreateContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform CREATE_REGION operation for the region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
+ ": Authorized to perform REGION_CREATE operation of region [" + regionName + ']');
public RegionDestroyOperationContext destroyRegionAuthorize(String regionName, Object callbackArg)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
RegionDestroyOperationContext regionDestroyContext = new RegionDestroyOperationContext(false);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, regionDestroyContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform REGION_DESTROY operation for the region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
+ ": Authorized to perform REGION_DESTROY operation for region [" + regionName + ']');
return regionDestroyContext;
public ExecuteFunctionOperationContext executeFunctionAuthorize(String functionName,
String region, Set keySet, Object arguments, boolean optimizeForWrite)
throws NotAuthorizedException {
ExecuteFunctionOperationContext executeContext = new ExecuteFunctionOperationContext(
functionName, region, keySet, arguments, optimizeForWrite, false);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(region, executeContext)) {
final String errStr =
"Not authorized to perform EXECUTE_REGION_FUNCTION operation";
if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform EXECUTE_REGION_FUNCTION operation ");
return executeContext;
public InvalidateOperationContext invalidateAuthorize(String regionName, Object key,
Object callbackArg) throws NotAuthorizedException {
InvalidateOperationContext invalidateEntryContext = new InvalidateOperationContext(key);
if (!authzCallback.authorizeOperation(regionName, invalidateEntryContext)) {
String errStr =
String.format("Not authorized to perform INVALIDATE operation on region %s",
logger.warning(String.format("%s : %s", this, errStr));
if (isPrincipalSerializable) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr, principal);
} else {
throw new NotAuthorizedException(errStr);
} else {
if (logger.finestEnabled()) {
logger.finest(this + ": Authorized to perform INVALIDATE operation on region ["
+ regionName + ']');
return invalidateEntryContext;
public void close() {
public String toString() {
return (id == null ? "ClientProxyMembershipID not available" : id.toString())
+ ",Principal:" + (principal == null ? "" : principal.getName());