blob: 62820bb91f395cf803b2ccf048e47573d8cdfc61 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal.cache;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.geode.DataSerializable;
import org.apache.geode.DataSerializer;
import org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.Immutable;
import org.apache.geode.annotations.internal.MutableForTesting;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Cache;
import org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionAttributes;
import org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes;
import org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionResolver;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Region;
import org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListener;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem;
import org.apache.geode.internal.InternalDataSerializer;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.OffHeapStorage;
import org.apache.geode.logging.internal.log4j.api.LogService;
* Internal implementation of PartitionAttributes. New attributes existing only in this class and
* not in {@link PartitionAttributes} are for internal use only.
* @since GemFire 5.5
public class PartitionAttributesImpl implements PartitionAttributes, Cloneable, DataSerializable {
private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7120239286748961954L;
private static final int OFF_HEAP_LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_PLACEHOLDER = 1;
/** Partition resolver. */
private transient PartitionResolver partitionResolver;
private transient boolean hasPartitionResolver;
* the number of redundant copies to keep of each datum
private int redundancy = 0;
private transient boolean hasRedundancy;
* maximum global size of the partitioned region, in megabytes
private long totalMaxMemory = PartitionAttributesFactory.GLOBAL_MAX_MEMORY_DEFAULT;
private transient boolean hasTotalMaxMemory;
* local settings GLOBAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY - deprecated, use setTotalMaxMemory
* GLOBAL_MAX_BUCKETS_PROPERTY - deprecated, use setTotalNumBuckets
private Properties localProperties = new Properties();
* non-local settings LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY - deprecated, use setLocalMaxMemory
private Properties globalProperties = new Properties();
* This is used to artificially set the amount of available off-heap memory when no distributed
* system is available. This value works the same way as specifying off-heap as a GemFire
* property, so "100m" = 100 megabytes, "100g" = 100 gigabytes, etc.
private static String testAvailableOffHeapMemory = null;
/** the amount of local memory to use, in megabytes */
private int localMaxMemory = PartitionAttributesFactory.LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_DEFAULT;
private transient boolean hasLocalMaxMemory;
private transient boolean localMaxMemoryExists;
* Used to determine how to calculate the default local max memory. This was made transient since
* we do not support p2p backwards compat changes to values stored in a region and our PR
* implementation stores this object in the internal PRRoot internal region.
private transient boolean offHeap = false;
private transient boolean hasOffHeap;
/** placeholder for javadoc for this variable */
private int totalNumBuckets = PartitionAttributesFactory.GLOBAL_MAX_BUCKETS_DEFAULT;
private transient boolean hasTotalNumBuckets;
* Specifies the partition region name with which this newly created partitione region is
* colocated
private String colocatedRegionName;
private transient boolean hasColocatedRegionName;
* Specifies how long existing members will wait before recoverying redundancy
private long recoveryDelay = PartitionAttributesFactory.RECOVERY_DELAY_DEFAULT;
private transient boolean hasRecoveryDelay;
* Specifies how new members will wait before recoverying redundancy
private long startupRecoveryDelay = PartitionAttributesFactory.STARTUP_RECOVERY_DELAY_DEFAULT;
private transient boolean hasStartupRecoveryDelay;
private ArrayList<PartitionListener> partitionListeners;
private transient boolean hasPartitionListeners;
* the set of the static partitions defined for the region
private List<FixedPartitionAttributesImpl> fixedPAttrs;
private transient boolean hasFixedPAttrs;
public void setTotalNumBuckets(int maxNumberOfBuckets) {
totalNumBuckets = maxNumberOfBuckets;
hasTotalNumBuckets = true;
public void setTotalMaxMemory(long maximumMB) {
totalMaxMemory = maximumMB;
hasTotalMaxMemory = true;
public void setLocalMaxMemory(int maximumMB) {
localMaxMemory = maximumMB;
hasLocalMaxMemory = true;
localMaxMemoryExists = true;
public void setOffHeap(final boolean offHeap) {
this.offHeap = offHeap;
hasOffHeap = true;
if (this.offHeap && !hasLocalMaxMemory) {
localMaxMemory = computeOffHeapLocalMaxMemory();
public void setColocatedWith(String colocatedRegionFullPath) {
colocatedRegionName = colocatedRegionFullPath;
hasColocatedRegionName = true;
public void setRecoveryDelay(long recoveryDelay) {
this.recoveryDelay = recoveryDelay;
hasRecoveryDelay = true;
public void setStartupRecoveryDelay(long startupRecoveryDelay) {
this.startupRecoveryDelay = startupRecoveryDelay;
hasStartupRecoveryDelay = true;
* Constructs an instance of {@code PartitionAttributes} with default settings.
* @see PartitionAttributesFactory
public PartitionAttributesImpl() {
// do nothing
public PartitionResolver getPartitionResolver() {
return partitionResolver;
public void addPartitionListener(PartitionListener listener) {
ArrayList<PartitionListener> listeners = partitionListeners;
if (listeners == null) {
ArrayList<PartitionListener> al = new ArrayList<>(1);
} else {
synchronized (listeners) {
private void addPartitionListeners(ArrayList<PartitionListener> listeners) {
partitionListeners = listeners;
hasPartitionListeners = true;
public int getRedundantCopies() {
return redundancy;
public int getTotalNumBuckets() {
return totalNumBuckets;
public long getTotalSize() {
return getTotalMaxMemory();
public long getTotalMaxMemory() {
return totalMaxMemory;
public boolean getOffHeap() {
return offHeap;
* Returns localMaxMemory that must not be a temporary placeholder for offHeapLocalMaxMemory if
* off-heap. This must return the true final value of localMaxMemory which requires the
* DistributedSystem to be created if off-heap. See bug #52003.
* @throws IllegalStateException if off-heap and the actual value is not yet known (because the
* DistributedSystem has not yet been created)
* @see #getLocalMaxMemoryForValidation()
public int getLocalMaxMemory() {
if (offHeap && !localMaxMemoryExists) {
int value = computeOffHeapLocalMaxMemory();
if (localMaxMemoryExists) {
// real value now exists so set it and return
localMaxMemory = value;
return localMaxMemory;
* @throws IllegalStateException if off-heap and the actual value is not yet known (because the
* DistributedSystem has not yet been created)
private void checkLocalMaxMemoryExists() {
if (offHeap && !localMaxMemoryExists) {
// real value does NOT yet exist so throw IllegalStateException
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Attempting to use localMaxMemory for off-heap but value is not yet known (default value is equal to off-heap-memory-size)");
* Returns localMaxMemory for validation of attributes before Region is created (possibly before
* DistributedSystem is created). Returned value may be the temporary placeholder representing
* offHeapLocalMaxMemory which cannot be calculated until the DistributedSystem is created. See
* bug #52003.
* @see #getLocalMaxMemory()
public int getLocalMaxMemoryForValidation() {
if (offHeap && !hasLocalMaxMemory && !localMaxMemoryExists) {
int value = computeOffHeapLocalMaxMemory();
if (localMaxMemoryExists) { // real value now exists so set it and return
localMaxMemory = value;
return localMaxMemory;
public String getColocatedWith() {
return colocatedRegionName;
public Properties getLocalProperties() {
return localProperties;
public Properties getGlobalProperties() {
return globalProperties;
public long getStartupRecoveryDelay() {
return startupRecoveryDelay;
public long getRecoveryDelay() {
return recoveryDelay;
public List<FixedPartitionAttributesImpl> getFixedPartitionAttributes() {
return fixedPAttrs;
private static final PartitionListener[] EMPTY_PARTITION_LISTENERS = new PartitionListener[0];
public PartitionListener[] getPartitionListeners() {
ArrayList<PartitionListener> listeners = partitionListeners;
if (listeners == null) {
} else {
synchronized (listeners) {
if (listeners.size() == 0) {
} else {
PartitionListener[] result = new PartitionListener[listeners.size()];
return result;
public Object clone() {
try {
PartitionAttributesImpl copy = (PartitionAttributesImpl) super.clone();
if (copy.fixedPAttrs != null) {
copy.fixedPAttrs = new ArrayList<>(copy.fixedPAttrs);
if (copy.partitionListeners != null) {
copy.partitionListeners = new ArrayList<>(copy.partitionListeners);
return copy;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException ignore) {
throw new InternalGemFireError(
"CloneNotSupportedException thrown in class that implements cloneable");
public PartitionAttributesImpl copy() {
return (PartitionAttributesImpl) clone();
public String toString() {
return "PartitionAttributes@" + System.identityHashCode(this)
+ "[redundantCopies=" + getRedundantCopies() + ";localMaxMemory="
+ getLocalMaxMemory() + ";totalMaxMemory=" + totalMaxMemory
+ ";totalNumBuckets=" + totalNumBuckets + ";partitionResolver="
+ partitionResolver + ";colocatedWith=" + colocatedRegionName
+ ";recoveryDelay=" + recoveryDelay + ";startupRecoveryDelay="
+ startupRecoveryDelay + ";FixedPartitionAttributes="
+ fixedPAttrs + ";partitionListeners=" + partitionListeners
+ "]";
* @throws IllegalStateException if off-heap and the actual value is not yet known (because the
* DistributedSystem has not yet been created)
public void toData(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
out.writeInt(getLocalMaxMemory()); // call the gettor to force it to be computed in the offheap
// case
DataSerializer.writeString(colocatedRegionName, out);
DataSerializer.writeObject(localProperties, out);
DataSerializer.writeObject(globalProperties, out);
DataSerializer.writeObject(fixedPAttrs, out);
public void fromData(DataInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
redundancy = in.readInt();
totalMaxMemory = in.readLong();
localMaxMemory = in.readInt();
totalNumBuckets = in.readInt();
colocatedRegionName = DataSerializer.readString(in);
localProperties = DataSerializer.readObject(in);
globalProperties = DataSerializer.readObject(in);
recoveryDelay = in.readLong();
startupRecoveryDelay = in.readLong();
fixedPAttrs = DataSerializer.readObject(in);
public static PartitionAttributesImpl createFromData(DataInput in)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
PartitionAttributesImpl result = new PartitionAttributesImpl();
InternalDataSerializer.invokeFromData(result, in);
return result;
public void setPartitionResolver(PartitionResolver partitionResolver) {
this.partitionResolver = partitionResolver;
hasPartitionResolver = true;
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof PartitionAttributesImpl)) {
return false;
PartitionAttributesImpl other = (PartitionAttributesImpl) obj;
if (redundancy != other.getRedundantCopies()
|| getLocalMaxMemory() != other.getLocalMaxMemory() || offHeap != other.getOffHeap()
|| totalNumBuckets != other.getTotalNumBuckets()
|| totalMaxMemory != other.getTotalMaxMemory()
|| startupRecoveryDelay != other.getStartupRecoveryDelay()
|| recoveryDelay != other.getRecoveryDelay()
|| ((partitionResolver == null) != (other.getPartitionResolver() == null))
|| (partitionResolver != null
&& !partitionResolver.equals(other.getPartitionResolver()))
|| ((colocatedRegionName == null) != (other.getColocatedWith() == null))
|| (colocatedRegionName != null
&& !colocatedRegionName.equals(other.getColocatedWith()))
|| ((fixedPAttrs == null) != (other.getFixedPartitionAttributes() == null))
|| (fixedPAttrs != null
&& !fixedPAttrs.equals(other.getFixedPartitionAttributes()))) {
return false;
PartitionListener[] otherPListeners = other.getPartitionListeners();
PartitionListener[] thisPListeners = getPartitionListeners();
if (otherPListeners.length != thisPListeners.length) {
return false;
Set<String> otherListenerClassName = new HashSet<>();
for (PartitionListener listener : otherPListeners) {
Set<String> thisListenerClassName = new HashSet<>();
for (PartitionListener listener : thisPListeners) {
return thisListenerClassName.equals(otherListenerClassName);
public int hashCode() {
return getRedundantCopies();
public int getRedundancy() {
return redundancy;
public void setRedundantCopies(int redundancy) {
this.redundancy = redundancy;
hasRedundancy = true;
* Set local properties
* @deprecated use {@link #setLocalMaxMemory(int)} in GemFire 5.1 and later releases
* @param localProps those properties for the local VM
public void setLocalProperties(Properties localProps) {
localProperties = localProps;
if (localProps.get(PartitionAttributesFactory.LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY) != null) {
.parseInt((String) localProps.get(PartitionAttributesFactory.LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY)));
* Set global properties
* @deprecated use {@link #setTotalMaxMemory(long)} and {@link #setTotalNumBuckets(int)} in
* GemFire 5.1 and later releases
* @param globalProps those properties for the entire Partitioned Region
public void setGlobalProperties(Properties globalProps) {
globalProperties = globalProps;
String propVal = globalProps.getProperty(PartitionAttributesFactory.GLOBAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY);
if (propVal != null) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ignore) {
totalMaxMemory = PartitionAttributesFactory.GLOBAL_MAX_MEMORY_DEFAULT;
propVal = globalProps.getProperty(PartitionAttributesFactory.GLOBAL_MAX_BUCKETS_PROPERTY);
if (propVal != null) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ignore) {
totalNumBuckets = PartitionAttributesFactory.GLOBAL_MAX_BUCKETS_DEFAULT;
public void addFixedPartitionAttributes(FixedPartitionAttributes fpa) {
if (fixedPAttrs == null) {
fixedPAttrs = new ArrayList<>(1);
fixedPAttrs.add((FixedPartitionAttributesImpl) fpa);
hasFixedPAttrs = true;
} else {
fixedPAttrs.add((FixedPartitionAttributesImpl) fpa);
private void addFixedPartitionAttributes(List<FixedPartitionAttributesImpl> fpas) {
fixedPAttrs = fpas;
hasFixedPAttrs = true;
* Validates that the attributes are consistent with each other. The following rules are checked
* and enforced:
* <ul>
* <li>Redundancy should be between 1 and 4</li>
* <li>Scope should be either DIST_ACK or DIST_NO_ACK</li>
* </ul>
* NOTE: validation that depends on more than one attribute can not be done in this method. That
* validation needs to be done in validateWhenAllAttributesAreSet
* @throws IllegalStateException if the attributes are not consistent with each other.
public void validateAttributes() {
if ((totalNumBuckets <= 0)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"TotalNumBuckets %s is an illegal value, please choose a value greater than 0",
if ((redundancy < 0) || (redundancy >= 4)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"RedundantCopies %s is an illegal value, please choose a value between 0 and 3",
for (final Object value : getLocalProperties().keySet()) {
String propName = (String) value;
if (!PartitionAttributesFactory.LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY.equals(propName)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Unknown local property: '%s'",
for (final Object o : getGlobalProperties().keySet()) {
String propName = (String) o;
if (!PartitionAttributesFactory.GLOBAL_MAX_BUCKETS_PROPERTY.equals(propName)
&& !PartitionAttributesFactory.GLOBAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY.equals(propName)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Unknown global property: '%s'",
if (recoveryDelay < -1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("RecoveryDelay " + recoveryDelay
+ " is an illegal value, please choose a value that is greater than or equal to -1");
if (startupRecoveryDelay < -1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("StartupRecoveryDelay " + startupRecoveryDelay
+ " is an illegal value, please choose a value that is greater than or equal to -1");
if (fixedPAttrs != null) {
List<FixedPartitionAttributesImpl> duplicateFPAattrsList =
new ArrayList<>();
Set<FixedPartitionAttributes> fpAttrsSet = new HashSet<>();
for (FixedPartitionAttributesImpl fpa : fixedPAttrs) {
if (fpa == null || fpa.getPartitionName() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Fixed partition name cannot be null");
if (fpAttrsSet.contains(fpa)) {
} else {
if (duplicateFPAattrsList.size() != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Partition name %s can be added only once in FixedPartitionAttributes",
* This validation should only be done once the region attributes that owns this pa is ready to be
* created. Need to do it this late because of bug 45749.
public void validateWhenAllAttributesAreSet(boolean isDeclarative) {
if (colocatedRegionName != null) {
if (fixedPAttrs != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"FixedPartitionAttributes %s can not be specified in PartitionAttributesFactory if colocated-with is specified. ",
if (fixedPAttrs != null) {
if (localMaxMemory == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("FixedPartitionAttributes %s can not be defined for accessor",
* Validates colocation of PartitionRegion <br>
* This method used to be called when the RegionAttributes were created. But this was too early
* since the region we are colocated with might not exist (yet). So it is now called when the PR
* using these attributes is created. See bug 47197.
* 1. region passed in setColocatedWith should exist.<br>
* 2. region passed should be of a PartitionedRegion <br>
* 3. Custom partitioned should be enabled for colocated regions <br>
* 4. totalNumBuckets should be same for colocated regions<br>
* 5. redundancy of colocated regions should be same<br>
* @since GemFire 5.8Beta
void validateColocation(Cache cache) {
if (colocatedRegionName == null) {
if (cache != null) {
Region<?, ?> region = cache.getRegion(colocatedRegionName);
if (region == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Region specified in 'colocated-with' is not present. It should be created before setting 'colocated-with' to this region.");
if (!(region instanceof PartitionedRegion)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Setting the attribute 'colocated-with' is supported only for PartitionedRegions");
PartitionedRegion colocatedRegion = (PartitionedRegion) region;
if (getTotalNumBuckets() != colocatedRegion.getPartitionAttributes()
.getTotalNumBuckets()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Current PartitionedRegion's TotalNumBuckets should be same as TotalNumBuckets of colocated PartitionedRegion");
if (getRedundancy() != colocatedRegion.getPartitionAttributes().getRedundantCopies()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Current PartitionedRegion's redundancy should be same as the redundancy of colocated PartitionedRegion");
* Added for bug 45749. The attributes in pa are merged into this. Only attributes explicitly set
* in pa will be merged into this. Any attribute set in pa will take precedence over an attribute
* in this.
* @param pa the attributes to merge into this.
* @since GemFire 7.0
public void merge(PartitionAttributesImpl pa) {
if (pa.hasRedundancy) {
if (pa.hasLocalMaxMemory) {
if (pa.hasOffHeap) {
if (pa.hasTotalMaxMemory) {
if (pa.hasTotalNumBuckets) {
if (pa.hasPartitionResolver) {
if (pa.hasColocatedRegionName) {
if (pa.hasRecoveryDelay) {
if (pa.hasStartupRecoveryDelay) {
if (pa.hasFixedPAttrs) {
if (pa.hasPartitionListeners) {
public void setAll(PartitionAttributes pa) {
setOffHeap(((PartitionAttributesImpl) pa).getOffHeap());
* Only used for testing. Sets the amount of available off-heap memory when no distributed system
* is available. This method must be called before any instances of PartitionAttributesImpl are
* created. Specify the value the same way the off-heap memory property is specified. So, "100m" =
* 100 megabytes, etc.
* @param newTestAvailableOffHeapMemory The new test value for available off-heap memory.
public static void setTestAvailableOffHeapMemory(final String newTestAvailableOffHeapMemory) {
testAvailableOffHeapMemory = newTestAvailableOffHeapMemory;
* By default the partition can use up to 100% of the allocated off-heap memory.
private int computeOffHeapLocalMaxMemory() {
long availableOffHeapMemoryInMB = 0;
if (testAvailableOffHeapMemory != null) {
availableOffHeapMemoryInMB =
OffHeapStorage.parseOffHeapMemorySize(testAvailableOffHeapMemory) / (1024 * 1024);
} else if (InternalDistributedSystem.getAnyInstance() == null) {
localMaxMemoryExists = false;
// fix 52033: return non-negative, non-zero temporary placeholder for offHeapLocalMaxMemory
} else {
String offHeapSizeConfigValue =
availableOffHeapMemoryInMB =
OffHeapStorage.parseOffHeapMemorySize(offHeapSizeConfigValue) / (1024 * 1024);
if (availableOffHeapMemoryInMB > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
"Reduced local max memory for partition attribute when setting from available off-heap memory size");
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
localMaxMemoryExists = true;
return (int) availableOffHeapMemoryInMB;
public int getLocalMaxMemoryDefault() {
if (!offHeap) {
return PartitionAttributesFactory.LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_DEFAULT;
return computeOffHeapLocalMaxMemory();